Lee Sungmin is my Wife (Sequel of Lee Sungmin is my Maid) Chapter 21

LEE SUNGMIN IS MY WIFE (Sequel of Lee Sungmin is my Maid)


Chapter 21



“Appa, what are we going to do now? The police are all over us. They were looking for us again. What if they already find us this time? I thought they already grow tired of finding us. Honestly, it’s been a long time since we’re hiding here in the house. I can’t even enjoy my lifestyle now because of hiding. When will they stop chasing us?”


Hara asks her father nervously. Mr. Lee stares at his daughter


“That’s why we’re hiding here in your mother’s house because nobody know about this place except you and me”


“But Appa, we can’t go easy on them. They may not find us today, but I’m sure that they are already doing everything just to find and they won’t stop unless we’re already dead. You know them. They are damn rich”


Mr. Lee clenches his fist


“That Lee Donghae and Cho Kyuhyun are really a son of women. I’m not going to allow them to send us in jail. I’m going to kill them before they can do that”


“But what are we going to do Appa? Our plan doesn’t even go exactly as we wanted it to be. They already ruin everything. Once the police catch us then we’re over. We will surely live in prison until the day we die. I don’t want that to happen”


Mr. Lee shook his head and smile at his daughter


“Not yet baby girl. The game is not yet over. I still have one last plan and I’m going to make sure that this time, everything will work just the way I wanted it to be”


“How are we going to execute it if the police are all looking for us? We are wanted in every place. We can’t even go out from this house”


“All we need to do is play the game well. Minnie and Key are the preys while Lee Donghae and Cho Kyuhyun are the savior. I’m sure that they will follow everything that I want because if they don’t, the precious girl and the adorable kid will die”


“Appa, Unnie is pregnant. Aish! I’ve tried killing the baby before, but it didn’t die. I should have stabbed her to death on that day rather than pushing her. It’s ok to go in prison. At least I killed the and the baby inside her womb. I’m so stupid”


Hara sighs in disappointment before biting her lips because of anger, knowing that Sungmin is still carrying the baby and now on her seventh month. Mr. Lee shook his head


“So? The hell do I care about the baby inside her womb? It’s much better if they all die together. That will be a happy ending. They will all go to heaven together. That’s sweet. I don’t care about the baby and I don’t mind killing the baby inside her womb. That baby doesn’t deserve to live as well as his mother”


“What are you thinking Appa? I just want to kill them now. Aish! I didn’t even get what I want because of that ”     


Mr. Lee holds his daughter’s face


“Relax my baby girl. We need to stay calm. Just leave this to me.”


“I just can’t wait to kill that with my own hands”


Hara told her father while frowning. Mr. Lee nods at her


“We need to wait baby girl. No need to be hurry or else the police will surely catch us. We have a lot of time and we need to use it wisely.  We just need to play and pretend that we already vanished from this world forever, if you know what I mean. We just need to make them believe that we are already dead. You’re the one who told me that they will stop haunting us if they found out that we’re dead.”


“How are we going to do that Appa?”


Mr. Lee smirks


“It’s easy to play dead. Just trust me on this”




“Don’t worry baby girl. I’m going to make sure that your sister will suffer for everything that she did to you. Let’s just wait for the right time because it’s not yet over. The action is yet to begin”


Mr. Lee told his daughter while flashing an evil smile





Donghae kissed his wife’s lips while she fixes his tie


“Honey, you know? There are times wherein I really can’t understand the law”


Hyuk Jae stares at her husband blankly


“I can’t understand the court sometimes. It’s been a long month and the court is still holding the divorce of Minnie to Kyu. I can’t believe it”


Donghae shook his head in disappointment. Hyuk Jae sighs


“Honey, why are you meddling on your sister’s married life? Come on. It’s been a long time since Minnie caught Kyu almost making love with that . I mean, Minnie is already on her seventh month and you’re still mad at your best friend? You still hate him? Christmas is coming ok”


“So? I don’t care about him and please stop defending that bastard jerk brat evil young master”


Hyuk Jae shook her head


“Honey, you’re not the court ok. So don’t decide what is bad and good for your sister and Kyu’s married life. If the court wants to hold the divorce then let it be. They are the one who will decide whether they will grant the divorce or not”


“That’s because Kyu is doing everything that he can just to hold the divorce!”


Donghae told his wife angrily


“Here we go again. Why can’t you understand that Kyu wants to save the marriage?”


“But Minnie already wants to end it”


Hyuk Jae shook her head


“Pabo! Do you really think honey dear wants to end the marriage? She’s just putting her pride on top. Just don’t meddle on this thing honey. Leave it to the court and stop talking to your sister about the divorce. Don’t persuade her all the time. Let her decide on her own”


“If I let that happen then Minnie will end up cancelling the divorce”


Hyuk Jae sighs and holds her husband’s face between her hands


“Honey, if Minnie will cancel the divorce that’s her decision and not yours. Let her decide because this is her life. Honey dear is no longer a kid. I know that you’re worried and you love her so much, but let her decide on this. They are already having a legal separation, what else do you want? They’ve been living away from each other for a long time. They need to follow the court. If the legal separation won’t work for both of them, then that’s the time that they will grant the divorce”


Donghae sighs


“I just can’t understand why they need to prolong it. Kyu is really using his money and power to hold the divorce. Aish!”


Hyuk Jae holds her husband’s face between her hands


“Honey, you’re also a husband like Kyuhyun. You supposed to understand Kyu. Of course he loves his kids and his wife that’s why he’s doing everything to save his marriage to honey dear”


“But still…Aish! If he loves them, why on earth did he do it? I can’t understand him sometimes. He really can’t hold back his lust. He’s a ing . Now, I feel so sad for Key. I never see him smiling, just like before. He’s no longer cheerful and he doesn’t talk much and to his mother”


Hyuk Jae nods sadly


“It’s really hard to see him like that. He’s so innocent and still young for this. I think he still hates honey dear.  Key is not yet talking to Minnie ever since he find out about the divorce. Well, we can’t blame a child. He’s really having a hard time about the situation. I just hope everything will be back to normal again”


Donghae sighs


 “I’m going now. I’ll be back before dinner”


Hyuk Jae nods. Donghae sits on the bed and kissed his son’s forehead


“I’m going now sweetheart. I’ll be back later. Just play with Key later so he won’t be sad. Be a good boy. I love you”


Donghae kissed his son. He wears his back pack and kissed Hyuk Jae’s lips before going out of the room quietly





Sungmin and Kibum are still staying at Donghae’s house because that’s what Hyuk Jae and Donghae want. No matter how hard she insists that they should go back at Lee Hotel and Resort, the couple won’t allow them. Of course, their mother is also against her plan to stay at their hotel until the day she gives birth. It’s not that she doesn’t want to stay at her brother’s house. It’s just that she doesn’t want to give them burden. Sungmin went inside her son’s room. Kibum was sitting on his bed while reading some children’s book. Sungmin carefully walks towards him while holding her big tummy. She sits beside her son


“What are you reading?”


Sungmin asks her son while smiling at him


“Some children’s story mommy”


“Can mommy ask for a little bit of your time? I just want to talk to you”


Kibum closed the book that he’s reading and stares at his mother


“Honey, how long do you plan to hate me?”


“I just can’t understand why…”


Tears start forming in Kibum’s eyes


“I just don’t want to talk about it anymore mommy. It just breaks my heart knowing that you and daddy are no longer living together. It also breaks my heart because the court might grant your divorce. I don’t understand everything. I don’t understand why we need to live away from daddy. I just want to go home now”


Kibum start crying. Sungmin moves closer to give her son a warm hug


“I’m sorry honey. I know that I’m becoming selfish, but I hope you understand that I just can’t live with your daddy. Not now. I’m sorry that we’re giving you such a hard time, but we love you. That’s why daddy and mommy are doing this because we love you”


“You don’t love me mommy. I’m not important to you and daddy. I already talk to you and daddy about this, but you still pursue it. You and daddy never listen to me. I hate you mommy! I hate you and daddy! You don’t love me!”


Kibum get off the bed


“Honey, where are you going?”


Kibum didn’t answer. He just ignores his mother as he run outside


“Oh my goodness, what will I do to him?”


Sungmin carefully stand up and went out of the room to follow her son


“Honey! Will you please stop walking and listen to me?”


Kibum ignores his mother as he goes down the stairs




Sungmin caught her son’s arm


“Can we just talk properly and not like this?”


“I don’t want to listen”


Kibum manage to escape from his mother’s grip. He turns his back away and starts walking




Hyuk Jae and Mrs. Lee immediately went out from the dining room upon hearing Sungmin shouting. They were busy staring at Sungmin and Kibum that they didn’t notice Kyuhyun arrives




Kyuhyun was shock seeing his wife and son fighting. Sungmin’s tears start forming in her eyes. Kibum didn’t turn his back to look at his mother




Sungmin holds her forehead and sits on the sofa. Her tears start falling from her eyes


“Do you really think I want this to happen? Honey, all I’m asking is for you to understand. Why do you hate me like this? Is it really hard for you to understand why I choose to live away from your daddy? It’s also hard for me. I’m already having a hard time, so please don’t add up. I don’t know what to do anymore. Why are you doing this to me?”


“I want to go home”


“We can’t go home”


“We can’t go home because you don’t want. I want to go home to daddy”


Kibum starts crying


“Why can’t you understand me mommy? You’re the one who’s making our situation hard. Daddy already says sorry, but you still don’t want to accept it. He already kneels down, but you still don’t want to accept him. What else do you want?”


Sungmin was about to walk towards her son, but Hyuk Jae and Mrs. Lee stop her


“Just go to your doctor now sweetheart”


“But Umma”


Mrs. Lee wipes her daughter’s tears


“Hyukkie and I will take care of your son”


Hyuk Jae nods at Sungmin while carrying Kibum on her arms


“Just give him some time”


Hyuk Jae told Sungmin before looking at Kyuhyun who is standing behind his wife


“Please take care of her”


Kyuhyun just nods at Hyuk Jae. Sungmin looks at her son


“Honey, mommy is just going to the doctor. Please, let’s talk when I arrive later”


Kibum didn’t answer. He didn’t even turn around to look at Sungmin. Sungmin gets her hand bag and went out of the house. Kyuhyun stares at Hyuk Jae, but she shook her head, telling him that it’s not the right time to talk to Kibum. Kyuhyun just sighs and bows at his mother in law before following his wife outside who is already inside his car, crying




Kyuhyun holds Sungmin’s hand, but Sungmin pulls her hand from his grip


“Don’t touch me you ing ! This is all your fault. Our son hates me that much”


“Why don’t you tell him that it’s my fault that’s why you want to divorce me?”




Sungmin stares at her husband seriously


“What do you want me to tell our son? That I caught you almost making love with that inside your office? Is that what you want me to say to him?”


“At least he will not hate you this much”


“You know what? You can easily tell me that because you’re not in my situation. How will I explain to our son that his father is such a ? Do you think if I tell Key about you having another woman, that boy will understand? You’re just making the situation much harder”


Sungmin suddenly holds her tummy because of a sudden contraction


“Baby, are you ok?”


Kyuhyun asks Sungmin worriedly. Sungmin just nods at him


“Just drive and don’t talk to me”


“Are you sure? You’re not going to give birth right? You’re just in your seventh month. You can’t give birth yet”


“YAH! I told you to drive the car now. Aish! You’re the one who’s going to send me in an early labor. Just start…”


Sungmin stops talking because of pain. Kyuhyun starts to panic


“OMO! Minnie, don’t give birth here inside the car….you can’t…”


“What do you mean I can’t?”


“You just can’t…what to do?”


Kyuhyun holds his wife’s face between his hands. He stares at her and can tell that Sungmin is on pain


“Baby, just…I shall call Umma and Hyukkie for help…just wait for me here”


Sungmin holds Kyuhyun’s hand just before he can go out of the car


“What the ing hell are you talking about?”




Kyuhyun shouts as he continue to panic


“Pabo! Who told you that I’m going to give birth now?”


Kyuhyun looks at his wife blankly


“The baby is just moving inside, so don’t panic. It’s just a normal contraction though it’s a bit painful”


Sungmin holds her husband’s hand and places it on her tummy


“Can you feel the baby moving?”


Kyuhyun nods happily


“Baby Mihee moves a lot, especially at night. There are times wherein I can’t sleep because our baby Mihee is being naughty inside”


“Just like Key. They love moving a lot inside your tummy. I bet we’re going to have another naughty baby”


Kyuhyun smiles, but Sungmin notice the tears that are forming in his eyes. Kyuhyun suddenly feel sad because he already missed a lot of things. He didn’t even have the chance to monitor his wife’s pregnancy month by month just like before when she’s pregnant with Kibum. He also missed the first kick of their baby Mihee. Kyuhyun rubs Sungmin’s tummy. That’s the first time he feels the baby moving inside his wife’s tummy. He feels sad because he misses a lot. He misses all the wonders of his wife’s second pregnancy and he misses the sleepless night wherein he just don’t want to sleep because he’s too happy to feel the baby’s kick and just to watch over Sungmin, making sure that everything will be fine. He missed those things because of his stupidity




Kyuhyun looks at Sungmin


“Is there something wrong? Why are you spacing out?”


Kyuhyun shook his head and holds the steering wheel


“I think we should go now. Your doctor is waiting and I’m excited to know the baby’s gender”


“It’s a girl”


“Not unless we confirm it”


Sungmin pouts at him and wears her seatbelt. Kyuhyun starts driving his car quietly





Sungmin was lying on the bed while Kyuhyun is sitting beside her


“I’ve been waiting for you since last month, but this is the only time you show up. You always cancel you appointment with me”


Sungmin’s doctor frowns at her


“We supposed to check your baby’s gender last month, but since you keep on telling me that you’re busy…”


Sungmin’s doctor put some gel on her tummy


“Wait a second is there something wrong with you?”


Sungmin shook her head


“Kyu and I are just busy”


“Busy? Don’t tell me that you go back to your work”


The doctor asks her nervously. Sungmin shook her head


“Of course not and I don’t have any plan on going back to work”


“Then why do you need to cancel your appointment every time that I’m telling you to go here and visit me so we can check your baby’s development?”




Sungmin sighs


“It’s a long story. Let’s just start the ultrasound now, ok?”




Sungmin’s doctor sighs and starts the ultrasound process. She smiles while staring at the monitor


“The baby is happy. He keeps on moving just like Key”


Sungmin and Kyuhyun watch their baby’s movement at the monitor. The baby stretches, moves its arms and legs frequently. Sungmin holds her husband’s hand


“Baby, watch how Mihee opens and closes her hands. Can you see it?”


“Yes. She’s also moving her fingers and toes. I think Mihee will be naughty like Key. That’s the way Key moves inside your womb”


Kyuhyun smiles happily at Sungmin. He looks at the doctor


“Doctor, the baby is girl right?”


The doctor smiles at them and nod


“See? I told you that it’s a girl. I really have the feeling that it will be a girl”


Sungmin told Kyuhyun happily


“The weight of the baby is normal as well as the heart beat. Baby Mihee’s growth and development is normal and healthy. But of course, you still need to be very careful Minnie. You still need to avoid stress because stress can lead to a premature labor”


Sungmin nods while staring at Kyuhyun who avoids her eyes


“Just stay at home and take a rest all the time. Two more months and your baby girl will already arrive. You can already cuddle her in your arms soon”


“I just have a contraction awhile ago”


“It’s just normal. Just don’t stress yourself too much, Arasso?”


Sungmin nods


“You can always call me if there is a problem”




The doctor look at Kyuhyun who is looking at the monitor, still watching his baby daughter




Kyuhyun looks at the doctor who smiles at him


“Always look after your wife ok. Watch over her just the way you watch over her during her pregnancy to Key. I know that you’re busy, but you can take care of Minnie, right?”


Kyuhyun looks at Sungmin and manages to flash a smile to her doctor


“Of course”


“That’s good then”


The doctor smiles at the couple and continue the procedure. Sungmin stares at the monitor to avoid her husband. Kyuhyun stares at her with teary eyes before focusing his attention back to the monitor as he watches his daughter moves





Kyuhyun and Sungmin we’re having a quiet lunch at Elbon the table. Kyuhyun watches his wife enjoying her lunch. He opens his mouth to talk, but closes it immediately because he doesn’t know how to start a conversation with Sungmin. He knows that his wife is still mad at him and he believes that Sungmin will never forgive him because what he did is unforgivable this time. Sungmin wipes her lips with a table napkin and looks at Kyuhyun who immediately turn his gaze away


“You want to talk to me?”


Sungmin asks him. Kyuhyun drinks his wine before nodding his head


“Go ahead”


Kyuhyun clears his throat and focus his eyes back to his beautiful wife


“It’s about the divorce…do we really need to do it?”


“You know Cho Kyuhyun? We will never face this kind of problem if you know how to control yourself. I told you before that I’ll divorce you if ever you go near that again”


“But Minnie…it was a mistake”




Sungmin raises her eyebrow


“I saw everything that you did. You almost have with that and you call that a mistake? Tell me, how can that be a mistake?”


“Minnie, I love you”


Sungmin laughs softly upon hearing those words


“I don’t believe you anymore. How can you love me if you’re ing other woman?”


“I didn’t have with her”


“That’s because I caught you. What if I didn’t arrive on that scene? I bet you both end up on top of your desk”


Kyuhyun fell silent


“You know Kyu? I still don’t get it. I still can’t understand why you did that to me. I thought we’re ok, but why? I’m asking you what is your problem with me, but you don’t even talk. I’m asking you so we can avoid this kind of problem, but what did you do? Instead of telling me what you want and what your problem is, you choose to flirt with that . Are you really happy whenever you’re hurting me like this?”


Sungmin stares at the window because she doesn’t want Kyuhyun to see the tears that were about to fall from her eyes


“I can’t understand why you always want to make it hard for me? Was it because you know that I love you so much and that I always accept you again no matter how much you hurt me? That’s why it’s easy for you to hurt me like this. I don’t know where I went wrong. There are times wherein I ask myself if you really love me”


“Of course I love you”


“It’s easy to say, but it’s hard to show”




Sungmin looks at him. Kyuhyun can see those tears that were about to fall any minute


“You hurt me so badly. I trust you and I love you with all my heart. Do you know how hard it is? Do you know how painful it is for me? But did you even care? Did you even care that you’re already hurting me?”




Kyuhyun wipes the tears that fall down from his wife’s eyes                                                                                      


“Please don’t cry. I’m sorry”


“Why do you need to hurt me like this?”


“Minnie I love you. Please stop crying. I’m sorry. I know I was wrong. I know that I’m stupid and because of that I hurt you. I hurt you because I’m selfish and stupid. I hurt you and Key and Mihee. I’m sorry. I know it’s hard for you to accept me again, but please…can we start over again? I need you Minnie”


Kyuhyun holds his wife’s hand


“I need you in my life baby and I love you”


“Why is it so hard? Even though how many times I say that I hate you, shout at you and curse you out. I’ll always have love for you because I’m just a girl. I'm the girl who loves you and gives you my everything, but you just take me for granted. It hurts me a lot, but you don’t even care”


Sungmin starts crying like a kid. Kyuhyun stands up and hugs her


“Please stop crying. It hurts to see you like this. I’m sorry. I know that no matter how many times I ask for forgiveness, you will never forgive. But it’s ok. I deserve this kind of treatment for hurting you not just once, twice, thrice, but million times. I’m sorry Minnie”


Kyuhyun kneel down and holds her hands


“Baby, please…”


He wipes Sungmin’s tears again


“Stop crying. Don’t cry over me. A bastard like me don’t deserve those precious tears”


Kyuhyun rest his head on Sungmin’s lap while holding her hands tight


“I’m sorry…”


Kyuhyun whispers, but it’s loud enough for Sungmin to hear. Sungmin suddenly feel warm tears dropping on her lap


“I’m sorry…that’s the only thing that I can do. I know that what I did is unforgivable. I won’t promise anything because I end up breaking it. I just want you to forgive me. If not now, I can always wait. If you don’t want to comeback, I’ll respect it even though it hurts me so much. I don’t want to let go of you Minnie, but I can’t do anything if this is what you want. I will respect your decision”


Sungmin cups her husband’s face


“I can forgive you, but not now. Time alone can heal everything. Kyu, please I’m begging you. Don’t hold back the divorce anymore. Just give me my freedom. Don’t make it hard for me. Just let me go please. We can’t be together again. Things will be different from now and we can never bring back everything the way we wanted it to be. We can never save this relationship anymore”


“Minnie…how about Key and Mihee?”


“You’ll always be their father. I’m not taking that right away from you. You can always visit them whenever you want”




“Kyu, I can no longer be your wife. I’m not the right girl for you, so please…give me my freedom”


Sungmin told Kyuhyun without looking at him. Her heart aches when she told that to Kyuhyun. It is as if half of her has been torn into pieces. She can’t understand why she wants to put her pride on top. She’s asking for her freedom, but the truth is, she doesn’t want to let go of Kyuhyun. She wants to hug him and tell him that he’s already forgiven and they can work things out all over again. But her pride remains on top rather than her love for her husband. She knows that her husband love her so much, but he breaks her heart into pieces when the day she saw him almost making love with other woman. She actually wants to die on that moment and her world crashed into pieces. It hurts her so badly because the man she loves most, the man to whom she offers her whole self breaks her trust and that’s the thing that hurts her most


“Please excuse me for awhile”


Sungmin stands up and leaves her husband alone. She went inside the female restroom and hides herself in one of the cubicles. She leans her back on the wall and starts crying her heart out, releasing all the pain that she’s feeling on that moment






Kyuhyun drops Sungmin back to her brother’s house. He parks his car outside. They were sitting inside quietly. Sungmin notice Kyuhyun staring at someone


“I miss him so much”


Kyuhyun whispers while watching his son playing snow ball outside with Donghae


“Do you want to go in?”


Sungmin asks him, but Kyuhyun just stares at her


“It’s ok. Your son also misses you so much. I don’t want to be cruel to him”


Sungmin told her husband before going out of the car. Kyuhyun also went out of his car and follows Sungmin inside. Kibum stops making snowman when he saw his father. He immediately runs towards him




Kyuhyun carries his son on his arms and hugs him tight. He closed his eyes to control the tears that were about to fall from his eyes. He hugs his son closer to him. He misses Kibum a lot because he haven’t seen him for a long time since his wife won’t allow him to see their son


“Daddy, I miss you so much”


Kibum kissed his father’s lips


“Are we going home now? You’re here to fetch me and mommy, right?”


Kyuhyun shook his head sadly


“I’m sorry honey. Daddy really wants you and mommy to go back in our house, but you still need to stay here”


“When are we going home?”


“I still don’t know honey”


Kyuhyun stares at his son with teary eyes and his hair gently


“You need to go inside now because it’s getting cold out here. You might catch cold. You know that you can’t catch cold. You need to stay healthy for Mr. Kim’s wedding next week”


“Are you going to stay for dinner?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I’m sorry honey, but I need to go now”


Tears start forming in Kibum’s eyes


“But why?”


“Well…that’s because daddy still need to finish a lot of things”


Kyuhyun lied


“When are you going to visit me again?”


“I’m going to fetch you and mommy next week for Mr. Kim’s wedding”


“Are you going to stay for Christmas?”


Kyuhyun just stares at his son. He doesn’t know how to answer him. Of course he wants to spend his Christmas with them, but that is impossible to happen


“Key honey, you need to go inside now”


Kibum turns around to face his mother


“But mommy”




Kibum nods sadly. He looks at Kyuhyun and hugs him tight


“Daddy, mommy, baby Lock and I are going home soon, right?”


Kyuhyun didn’t answer. His throat is already aching because of controlling his tears. He wants to cry, but he can’t do it in front of his son. He doesn’t want Kibum to be sad. He doesn’t know what to say and how to explain to his son that they are no longer going home. That they need to live away from him forever because that’s what Sungmin wants. He doesn’t know how he’s going to explain to his son that he’s already letting go of Sungmin and that their family will never be the same and will remain broken forever. Kyuhyun just hugs his son tightly


“Be a good boy and always watch over baby Lock and mommy for me. Don’t hate mommy because it’s my fault. I hurt mommy so much and daddy deserve to suffer like this. Just keep in mind that we love you so much honey. You’re very important to us. We try to fix it. I try to fix it, but it’s already late because I hurt your mother so much and I can never bring back the time anymore”


Kyuhyun kissed his son’s lips


“Someday you’ll understand us. I love you so much honey. Go inside now”


Kyuhyun puts his son down. Kibum stares at him sadly


“I love you daddy”


“I love you too honey”


Kibum turns his back sadly and holds his Uncle Donghae’s hand as they went inside together. Kyuhyun moves closer to Sungmin who is still standing outside


“Thank you for letting me hug him even just for a little time”


Kyuhyun hugs Sungmin tight


“I love you Minnie. You’re the only girl that I love, but I guess this is really good bye. After Mr. Kim’s wedding next week, I won’t bother you anymore. I’m going to let you go now. I’ll call my lawyer to process our divorce immediately. I’m sorry for making it hard for you. I just want to save our marriage that’s why I keep on holding on, but I didn’t know that I will end up hurting you again”


Kyuhyun looks at his wife and notice her crying again. Kyuhyun wipes her tears


“This is the last time that you’re going to cry because of me. After this day, I promise that you will never cry again”


Kyuhyun take off his scarf and put it around Sungmin’s neck. He holds her hands to make it warm


“You need to go inside now. It’s getting cold. Don’t be sick and always take care of yourself”


Kyuhyun rubs his wife’s tummy. He can feel the baby moving and playing inside Sungmin’s womb


“I’m happy to see you awhile ago baby Lock. I’m also happy feeling you move and kick. You need to be a good girl and sweet like your mommy, Arasso? Don’t be like your Oppa who’s always naughty, hard headed and playful. Don’t give mommy a hard time. I love you Mihee”


Kyuhyun kissed his wife’s tummy before looking at her


“Take a rest my baby girl. I love you and good bye”


Sungmin bites her lips to control her tears. Kyuhyun kissed her lips. He turns his back and slowly walks away as tears start falling from his eyes. Sungmin watches him walks away. She wants to run and hugs him and tells him to stay, but her feet remains frozen. She can’t even move a muscle. She watches the man she loves walking away from her. Tears start falling from her eyes as she watches him walks away, knowing that he will never return again because she already pushes him away from her life





Sungmin was standing inside her room while staring at the window, thinking about Kyuhyun when someone knocks on the door. Kibum enters




Sungmin turns around and found her son standing at the doorway


“Yes honey?”


Kibum closes the door before walking towards Sungmin. He was holding his giant teddy bear


“I can’t sleep mommy. Can I sleep with you?”


“Of course honey”


Kibum immediately climbs up the bed. Sungmin sits beside him. Kibum moves closer and lay down




“When are we going home?”


Kibum asks his mother sadly


“Honey, can I ask something?”


Kibum nods


“Do you really want to go home?”




Kibum hugs his mother


“Mommy, I really don’t understand why you and daddy fought. But I really don’t want you and daddy to divorce”


Tears start forming in Kibum’s eyes


“Daddy loves you so much mommy and I know that you also loves him so much, then why do you need to do this? Baby Lock and I need you and daddy, please mommy. Don’t pursue the divorce. You and daddy can still fix it right?”


Sungmin brushes her fingers on her son’s face


“I’m sorry honey. Do you still hate me?”


Kibum shook his head


“Don’t say sorry mommy. I’m the one who supposed to say sorry because I hated you and that’s wrong. I’m not supposed to hate you mommy because you love me so much. I’m supposed to understand you and daddy. Mommy, please. I’m begging you. Don’t divorce daddy and let’s go home soon. I don’t want our happy family to be broken. Please give daddy another chance to prove his love for you. Please mommy. It’s hard for me seeing you and daddy like this”


“Arasso. Just give mommy some more time and we’re going home soon”


Sungmin kissed her son’s lips


“Honey, I just need to go out because I need to talk to someone. Just stay here. I’ll be back in a minute”


Kibum nods while yawning. Sungmin smiles at him. She brushes her nose from his. She gets her mobile phone under her pillow and went out to talk to her lawyer about the divorce






Sooyoung was staring at her boss who buries his head on his desk


“Mr. Cho”


Sooyoung speak in a soft voice. She stares at her watch


“It’s already twelve midnight. Can I go home now?”


Kyuhyun didn’t answer. Sooyoung stares at him sadly


“Honestly, he’s been so quiet since he arrives here. Aish! I was about to go home when he arrives, telling me to stay because he wants to talk to someone. But seriously, he’s not even talking a single word. He’s just drinking. Aigoo! What will I do?”


Sooyoung thought while staring at Kyuhyun sadly. Of course she can’t just pretend that she didn’t know what exactly happen between Sungmin and Kyuhyun. She actually feels sorry for both of them, especially to Kyuhyun. She’s worried about him because Kyuhyun always go home so late lately. He always locked his self inside his office and work busily


“Ah…Mr. Cho”


Sooyoung tries to catch his attention again, but Kyuhyun just ignores her.


“Aish! Curse that Goo Hara. Because of her everything becomes so chaotic. Mrs. Cho and Mr. Cho are fighting because of her and Mrs. Cho hates her husband because of that . Aish! Really, I hope she dies soon”


Sooyoung thought. She sighs and just grabs a pen and paper inside her bag and starts doodling


“Tell me, am I the worst husband in the whole universe?”


Sooyoung stop whatever she’s doing and looks at Kyuhyun. She was shock to see him crying. Well, this is not the first time that she saw Kyuhyun crying. She saw it for hundred times. Kyuhyun cries every day ever since his wife step out of their house with their son and daughter. Sooyoung stares at her boss


“Am I a worst husband? I am right?”




Sooyoung gulps because she doesn’t know what to say


“I hurt…”


Kyuhyun’s voice starts trembling because of crying hard


“I hurt…her so much…she hates me so…m…uch and will hate me….for…for…ever”


“Don’t say that. Of course Mrs. Cho loves you. I know that she loves you because she also told me that before when you’re waiting outside the Lee Corporation, remember? I know her because she’s my boss. She can be so stubborn sometimes and hold her pride on top, but deep inside she still loves you and want you to stay. Girls can be like that sometimes”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“No…she really hates me this time”




Sooyoung shouts. Kyuhyun just stares at her. Sooyoung holds her lips while staring at her boss nervously


“Aigoo! I’m just….just telling you…Mr. Cho”


Sooyoung gulps nervously and waits for him to shout at her, but Kyuhyun buries his face on his desk and continue crying so hard


“You know Mr. Cho? Your wife might hate you now, but believe me. She’s still madly and crazy in love with you. I know my boss. Her heart is pure and I’m sure that it’s still beating for you…only for you”


“She already ask her freedom. What else will I do?”


Sooyoung sighs


“Let me see…”


Sooyoung gets her notebook and scans it


“Begging Mrs. Cho, check. Waiting outside your brother in law’s house in spite of the cold weather, check. Threatening the court so they will hold your divorce, check. Sending flowers to her, check…honestly, why did I write everything that you did?”


Sooyoung closes her notebook and put it back inside her bag


“But the best way to do is to apologize sincerely. No matter how much she pushes you away, don’t ever give up. Prove her that you’re worth to have a second chance. Just give her time to heal all the wounds. I’m sure one day, Mrs. Cho will accept you again in her life. You have kids, remember? They are the one who will bring you back together”


Sooyoung stands up


“Mr. Cho, just go home now. It’s already late at night. Actually…”


Sooyoung stops talking when Kyuhyun throws up




Sooyoung starts to panic when Kyuhyun falls on the floor unconsciously


“Aigoo! What to do?”


She check his pulse


“He’s still alive…but still…Aish! What am I supposed to do? I can’t believe he drink one and half bottle of whisky. Honestly, is he planning to kill his self? Aigoo!”


Sooyoung gets her mobile phone


“If I call Mrs. Cho, it’s a bit rude because she’s pregnant and it will be bad for her to go here. If I call Mr. Lee, he might ignore me because he hates Mr. Cho that much. I don’t even know the number of his driver. Yah! Choi Sooyoung, what to do?”


Sooyoung stares at Kyuhyun for the meantime


“Aish! Come what may”


Sooyoung takes a deep breath and calls Sungmin





Sungmin was sitting beside Kyuhyun. She was staring at her husband who is freezing because of the cold weather and because of fever


“Why are you doing this to yourself?”


Sungmin whispers while controlling her tears from falling


“Who told you to drink and work nonstop? See what happen to you?”


Sungmin sighs and stares at Kyuhyun. He was chilling because of high fever, but he doesn’t want to go at the hospital. He just wants to stay home with Sungmin


“I’m sor….sorry…for bothering…y…y..ou”


Kyuhyun whispers


“Just take a rest. I’m going home now. I’ll just tell Nanny Ahjumma to take care of you and watch over you”


Sungmin stands up, but Kyuhyun holds her hand to stop her. Sungmin can feel his cold trembling hand




Sungmin looks at him. His eyes are closed. She saw tears falling at the corner of his eyes


“It’s cold outside…you’re pregnant. Hae’s house is…far…just stay…here…it’s ok if you don’t…don’t sleep be…side me…just stay here…I won’t forgive myself if something bad…happen to you and to Mi…Mihee”


Sungmin stares at him as tears start falling from her eyes


“Don’t cry”


Kyuhyun told her


“I told you…not to cry…over me”


Kyuhyun slightly open his eyes and looks at her


“Baby…stop crying. I’m sorry”


Sungmin wipes her tears and sits beside her husband again. She wipes Kyuhyun’s tears


“Take a rest now. I’m here. I’ll watch over you”


Sungmin hugs Kyuhyun to make him feel warm and wraps the thick blanket over their bodies


“Minnie…thank you”


Kyuhyun feels calm lying beside his wife while she hugs him tight. It’s been a long time since they last sleep together and he misses it so badly. He misses her warm hug and he misses watching her sleeping like an innocent child. He misses Sungmin so much and he keeps on telling his self if only he can bring back the time, he wouldn’t hurt her like that. But he knows that he can never bring it back and he will suffer for the rest of his life because Sungmin will never change her mind in divorcing him and she’s already asking for it and he needs to give it because he doesn’t want to hurt her again. He’s afraid that he’ll hurt his wife again if he continues to hold back their divorce. So, he will give it to her though it’s against his will. He doesn’t want to see Sungmin crying again because of him and she deserves to live happily without him in her life because Sungmin doesn’t need a stupid bastard husband like him who always hurt her badly. Tears start falling from Kyuhyun’s eyes again while thinking about those things. His heart is aching whenever he’s thinking about it and he just can’t live without his loving wife. He needs Sungmin in his life and he’s willing to give up everything just to bring her back again, but it was already late and he will lose Sungmin forever




Kyuhyun heard his wife’s sweet voice


“Baby…I’m sorry”


Kyuhyun whispers while tears keep on falling from his eyes


“I’m sorry. I just want you to forgive me. It’s ok if you won’t love me again. I’m just asking for your forgiveness. I…”


Sungmin holds his lips to shut him up


“Shhh, just go to sleep now and take a rest. I don’t want to talk about it anymore”


Sungmin wipes his tears away


“You’ll be fine. You need to get well soon so I won’t be worrying about you all the time. You need to get well soon or else Nanny Ahjumma will have a hard time taking care of you”


“I love you”


“I know. Go to sleep now”


Kyuhyun hugs Sungmin like a child. Sungmin starts his hair gently. Kyuhyun calm down when he heard Sungmin singing the nursery rhyme that she used to sing during their childhood years. Sungmin smiles when she saw Kyuhyun sleeping peacefully like an angel. She gently brushes her fingers on his gorgeous face


“I love you Kyu. I love you so much. Sleep tight my brat Prince and get well soon. I won’t be here to take care of you. I’m sorry, but I need to go. I just need more time to think. I hope you understand that I’m not yet ready to go back. I love you and that will never change. About the divorce…we’re going to deal with it after Holiday. I love you so much baby and that will be forever”


Sungmin kissed Kyuhyun’s lips. She watches him sleep for the meantime before leaving quietly


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Hi Writer

Can you write a kyumin story, based on their childhoods story

Minh-Phungly #2
Chapter 27: Omg, i really love all of ur KyuMin Storys
Thx u so much author nim ;)
sooeunhae_15 #3
Chapter 27: Another good story unnie :)
i love the first part and this sequel :)
you're really good :)
kyumin99 #4
Chapter 27: Amazing sequel .....love this sequel so much.Hope you'll write more fics
Chapter 13: Im so scared to procced reading this fic .. afriaed of what will happen to them ... but ib the same time still want to know what will happen
Whats the father plan and what will happen to the mother the kyumin couple .. is anything going to happen to key .. i just had the feeling while reading ... how about hae .... i really hope nothing big and bad will happen to the good guys .. i really hate sad endings ... fighting to me cx
Chapter 2: This was verrrrry HOT ... xb
I really loved it so much xD
ayawani #7
Chapter 20: Thank you so much Lee Donghae for beating Kyuhyun..as a reader i'm proud of you,such a great big brother you are..
ayawani #8
Chapter 19: Urrrgghhh..i just want to throwing colourfull cursing words so very much to Cho Fu*king Kyuhyun in this chapter..
Man still a man after all..aarrrghhh Kyuhyun..YOU!!..ARRGGGHHH..
ladyrapunzel08 #9
Chapter 27: Key, lock, chain.. OMG I don’t need kyu-brain-type of husband hahahaha it's so weird hahaha. I feel like watching a tele drama while reading thw whole story! I had my own casts too. Well except for those who are named. "If u kniw what I mean" hahahaha. I mean like Kyuhyun's mom, Sungmin's dad. Hahahah. I have been reading this for the first time in 3 days straight. And my eyes are all puffy with all the angst. (Hate u for that) hahaha joke. I love how kyu sticks to min til the end. I love how he tried hard to please her just to bring her back. Kyu and Min's character as husband and wife is soooooo realistic. (Yeah so that's why I kept on crying..) been there done that, hahaha. Anywaaay.. I so love ur story. I hope u don't mind giving me a soft copy? Well u know,,, hahaha I swear I will recommend this to my future son. I want him to be like hae. Like seriously... He's just an amazing brother. While reading the sequel my mind keeps on saying.. "ahhhh I need an older brother like hae..or a son like hae.." his character is just oh-so-perfect. Though I am not really used to him being on top. Hahaha. But this story is so daebaaak. I don’t know what to say anymore. Sure the plot is so predictable sometimes but it's all worth it. I don't mind reading it again.. boys especially husbands and older brothers should read this,. Or boooys, for future reference? Hahaha, I'm blabbing,
Thaaaanks for writing this. I enjoyed reading ur story., ^^ it's been on my reafing list for 4 mons and I just got a chance to read it now, I hope you'll write something like this again soon. ^^ you wonderfully wrote it til the end. ^^