First Time. First Love. First Date.

Happiness in Fiction


'Arghhh!!!' Why is this class so boring?! I hope it ends fast!', I thought to myself. As you all can see, I'm ing frustrated. WTH?! This class is so boring! Teachers should be banned from running such a boring class. I swear, if there was an award for the most boring class in Korea, this class would definitely win. Curse you, Mr. Park! (A/N: Remember Mr. Park? The one Lee Joon was talking about in chap 2.) Can't you at least be like Ms. Choi? I'm dying out of boredom here.


I took a glance at the clock for the what? 9th time that hour? Tick tock! Tick tock! Tick tock! I watched the clock as its hands moved slowly. Great. Just great. I hope you can get any slower than that, clock! But on the bright side, this living hell would be over in just 10 minutes time.


"Psst!!", I heard someone whisper on my left. I turned to see who it was and saw my beloved dongsaeng *sarcastic tone*, Dongwoon, calling me. "What?", I whispered back softly but loud enough for him to hear. "Here." He passed me a neatly folded piece of paper. I unfolded the paper carefully as to not accidentally rip it. On it read, 'You owe me patbingsu, right hyung? Can we go after this lesson ends? You're free after this, right?' I took my pencil and wrote, 'Hmm... I've no plans for today. Not that I ​have any on any other days. So yeah, we'll go after this.'


When I knew Mr. Park wasn't looking, I took the chance to throw the paper back to Dongwoon. I received the paper back a few seconds later. 'Great. I've been craving for it since last night.' 'Craving? What are you? A pregnant woman? OMG. My one and only dongsaeng took a transgender surgery!' ' Haha... Very funny, hyung. Let's just pretend you never did that. Can Kiki hyung come along?' That question made me glance at Gikwang, who was having the time of his life by sleeping. He was holding his textbook with his right hand in front of his head as to cover himself sleeping. Smart. His left arm was folded on his desk with his head nestling comfortably on it. I think Mr. Park's just too much of an idiot to notice such obvious 'sleeping-in-class' tactics. Well, at least someone's happy.


I turned my attention back to the paper in my hands. 'As long as you're the one paying, I couldn't care less.' 'Oh... come on, hyung. Quit being stingy. It's not everyday you treat us. Please...' 'You've got a point there. I'll think about it.' 'Jinjja? Thanks, hyung. You're the greatest.' I chuckled and decided to joke a bit. 'I'm the greatest because of my money, right?' I heard a slightly loud gasp coming out of Dongwoon's mouth when he read my reply. His reaction amused me, even more than I expected. 'Huh?! How could you say that, hyung?! You know that I like you for you! Not for a bunch of papers!' When I read his reply, I could feel the slight anger and irritation he was feeling. Plus, I could clearly see that he was glaring at me since he passed me the paper. Wow... He really cared for me that much, huh? Lucky me for having a good dongsaeng like him. Just as I lifted my pencil to reply, someone rudely *emphasise the rudely part*  interrupted me.


"Ehem! Passing notes, I see!" Me and Dongwoon both froze. At the same moment, the very same statement ran through our heads. '! We're dead!' "Give it to me, boys." Mr. Park quickly snatched the piece of paper from my hands. He then read the content of it while I gave a nervous glance towards Dongwoon. The same state of nervousness surrounded him. You could tell just by looking at his face. The whole class had their attention on us by now and from the corner of my eyes, I saw Lee Joon smirk while giving us a thumbs up. Gee, what a supportive cousin I have. 43.6 seconds passed until Mr. Park had finished reading the paper.


"Patbingsu, eh? I don't mind you guys making plans to go eat patbingsu or whatever you want, but don't do it during class. Especially during my class. I don't think you two just heard a thing I taught just now. I have no choice but to give you detention. Next week, same day, same place. 4pm - 6pm. Got that?" "Yes, Mr. Park", me and Dongwoon answered together. "Good." Mr. Park gave me the paper back and continued on teaching. The attention on us died down as they went back to listening to Mr. Park's boring something-I-don't-know-and-don't-really-care theory.


I crumpled up the paper and threw it into the bag of the person sitting in front of me. I made sure to place the paper deep inside it, keeping it hidden by books so that my poor classmate didn't notice only until to late later. Huh... No choice but to learn now. I wouldn't want to get into anymore trouble. Mr. Park isn't the type of guy to mess with if he gets angry. We were just lucky he was in a good mood earlier. More time passed until Mr. Park said something that really brought up my mood. "Okay, class dismissed. You can go home now." The whole class stood up to thank him. "Thank you, teacher." Mr. Park gathered his books and left.


Ah... Was I relieved. I quickly packed up my things and put them into my bag. As I was patiently waiting for Dongwoon to finish packing, I suddenly remembered something. Or someone. I turned to look at Gikwang, just in time to see him stir from his sleep because Lee Joon got hold of Gikwang's pencil case somehow and threw it straight at him. It unceremoniously landed on his head. Hard. Ouch.


Gikwang woke up instantly. But he was in a semi dazed state to realised what happened. Lee Joon chuckled before leaving the class. I couldn't help but shake my head seeing them.


"Hyung? Let's go", I heard someone say. I turned to my left and saw Dongwoon all ready with a huge smile plastered on his handsome face. Huh... Cute. "Okay. But let's wait for your boyfriend first." I gestured at Gikwang who was busy rubbing his still hurting head. "Yah, hyung! Hurry up! Seobie hyung's gonna treat us!", Dongwoon yelled when he got kinda impatient. "Sshh... Woonie, no need to yell. I'm right here." "Yeah, he's right. Next time, don't yell next to my ear. You want me to go deaf?" I rubbed my stinging left ear. "Hehe... Sorry, hyung."


*15 minutes later*


"Ahjumma! Can you please give us three bowls of patbingsu? And three glasses of water, please.", I said to the woman who owns the place. 5 minutes later, the ahjumma came back with three bowls of the cold dessert on a tray. She served it to us and left. Just as we were about to indulge them, we heard; "SEOBIE! IS THAT YOU?" Slightly shocked, I managed to calm down a bit and the three of us turned our heads to the source of the voice and saw Doojoon with two other people with him, the same ones who he was talking to in front of the teachers' office a few months back. He approached us and said, "It is you. Good thing I didn't mistaken my own boyfriend and embarrass myself." He then sat grabbed a chair nearby and joined us.


Soon after, his two friends came and also joined us. "Yo, guys. This is my boyfriend i told you guys about. Yoseob. meet Hyunseung and his boyfriend, Junhyung." I looked at them and saw a pretty boy with a very beautiful pair of doe eyes. A smile was currently decorating his lips. "Hi, I'm Hyunseung. Jang Hyunseung. And this is Yong Junhyung." He gestured at himself and at the guy next to him. There, I saw a guy who looked very calm and cool but undeniably cute when he smiled. Hmm... Somehow, this guy looks really familiar.


'Yong Junhyung? Where have I heard that name before? Hmm...'


I just nodded and said, "I'm Yang Yoseob. Nice to meet you guys." "Yeah. We know you already, Yoseob.Only now me and Seungie finally get the chance to meet you." "Seriously? How did you know me? We've never really met face to face before." I was surprised here. Junhyung revealed a smirk on his heart shaped lips. "True. You see, your obsessed boyfriend there wouldn't stop talking about you. It was always 'Seobie, Seobie, Seobie'. We're tired just from hearing your name already. That's how often he talks about you." The smirk was instantly removed and a roll of his eyes replaced it.


"Ouch! Yah! What was that for?!", he yelled at Doojoon for smacking the back of his head. The hit was pretty hard actually. Must've really hurt. "That was for saying something you shouldn't have. I'm no obsessed boyfriend." Doojoon glared at him while he gritted his teeth and glared back. Poor Junhyung. His head must've still hurt a lot. He was rubbing the back of his head furiously


"Yah, stop it you guys! Don't make a fuss here!" Hyunseung who sensed an unusual dark aura coming out from them tied to stop them from fighting. "Ahjumma! Give us some tteokbokki and water, please!", he yelled to distract the two guys. "Hmph!" Both guys slumped back into their seats with unsatisfied looks on their faces, seeing it was pointless to fight over such a small thing. Kiwoon and me let out a chuckle.


'How could these guys be so childish?'


"Anyway...", Hyunseung emphasised, "Yoseob, I've been wondering for some time now. Doojoon often describes you as a bright and cheerful person. I can see that. And you're very friendly too. No offence to you, but why did you pick someone like Doojoon hyung here to be your boyfriend. Hyunseung had a completely innocent face on. I was slightly surprised by his question. He was the first person to ever ask that.


'Ukh! Ukh!', Doojoon choked on his food and quickly gulped down his water. "Yah! What kind of question is that?! What do you mean someone like me?!" Doojoon practically yelled at him. "Yah! Don't yell at him like that! He did nothing wrong.  What he said is completely true", Junhyung defended his boyfriend. We were lucky that there was no one else at the store. With all the commotion we were making, even the ahjumma who was busy chopping up vegetables stopped immediately and shifted her attention to us, worried we were gonna fight in her store. Eventually seeing it was nothing, she continued on with her work.


"Yeah, hyung. Why DID you pick someone like Doojoon hyung?" It was the maknae's turn to ask now. "He's such a stupid idiot who lets anger take control of him whenever he's mad", Gikwang added lazily with a roll of his eyes.


"Are you guys purposely plotting against me? "No. We're just curious. Right, Seungie hyung." With that, Hyunseung nodded at Dongwoon's question. "Because of you guys, now I'm suddenly curious too. Why me, Seobie?"Five pairs of eyes were focused on me. Suddenly I became so shy and nervous.


"Well... Because I love him?" Unsatisfied with my answer, they asked again, "Why?" I raked my brains for any decent answer. But I just couldn't think of one. Plus, I didn't wanna lie over such an important matter. Then I just decided to tell the truth and be blunt. "Okay. To be truthful, I have no reasons at all to love him." I had a serious expression on. I purposely paused there just to see their reactions. They were all shocked and everyone except Junhyung and Doojoon gasped loudly. Doojoon had a mixture of shock+disappointment on his face. Junhyung had eyes as big as saucers with his mouth hanging open.


God, it was all so priceless. Too bad I didn't have a camera with me.


Then I continued with a smile, inside, my heart was satisfied,"But do you really need a reason to love someone? I just love him for him and that's that." They regained their composure and sighed in relief, understanding looks on their faces. Then they smiled at me. Especially Doojoon. The others congratulated me for my new found love. "Oh... You found a good boyfriend, hyung. It's not easy to find someone who compliments you." Smirked Junhyung. In return, he received a glare from Doojoon then gathered his attention at me."You really mean that Seobie?" I just nodded while looking at my hands. Too embarrassed to face him. The others just went back to eating and chatting about random stuffs.


Suddenly I felt someone grab my hand and dragged me out of the store. He had his bag already slung on his right shoulder. Curiously, I asked; "Where are you taking me, hyung?" Doojoon smiled widely at me. "It's a surprise. Get your bag and come back out." "Why?" "I'll tell you later. Just do as I say." He gestured at me so that I would hurry up. "Huh? Okay then. If you say so." I went inside and took out some money to pay for all of us. I gave it to Dongwoon and he thanked me. "Doojoon hyung's taking me somewhere. I don't know where though. Bye!" I said to all of them. I grabbed my bag and remembered something. "Oh. Hyunseung hyung and Junhyung hyung, it's my treat. They all smiled and said, "Thanks, Seobie!" I smiled back before leaving.


As soon as I got out, Doojoon grabbed my hand once more and we started walking together. "Where are we going, hyung?" I asked again. Maybe if I was lucky, he would answer me this time. He turned to look at me with a huge smile on his face. I could see his eyes twinkling in happiness and excitement. His answer surprised me.


"We are going on our very first date."




So... Long time no write, huh? I've been really busy with school lately and luckily for me, the school holidays start in less than 2 weeks. For the mean time, I have a lot of free time in my hands but of course, even with the holidays coming so near, the teachers still give loads of homework. *sigh* Hopefully I get to update more during the holidays and get the chance to write more stories.

I'm not really 100% satisfied on this chapter though. But it took me hours to write and I hope with all my heart you will still enjoy it. Subscribers+silent readers and comments are appreciated and loved. Guess I'll come back when the holidays start. Until then, annyeong~!












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I'll come back during the holidays.


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fitezzi #1
Chapter 7: Unnie pleaasee update soon... i love u
Yuki_IS #2
Chapter 7: Can't wait for the next chap
sparks_ys #3
Chapter 7: been a long time ^^
Oh wow you're back :D :')
yanyang #5
Ohh...interesting :)
I'm not really a Dooseob shiper, but let's see..
Chapter 3: kya! doojoonie likes yoseobie too >3<
ah.. yoseob you have to believe lee joon and try to get more closer with doojoon ^^
Thank you for updated your fanfic author-ssi :D
me_1412 #7
wow! sik sangka banyak view ko . aku cuma tunggu chap yg aku blom baca . keep it up , author-nim! hehe
Chapter 2: love first sight~ update soon!
natinski #9
Chapter 1: not bad for a first chap! keep it up!
Chapter 1: keke.. can't wait to see everyone expression when Yoseob sing~ :D
Update meyh~! :)