Guardian 01: Yoomi

Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Darkness {Story Start!}



A hooded figure flew across the night sky, swift and silent. He landed on the top of a shady building hitting the roof with a large thud, bringing up dust all around him.The cloaked figure balanced himself and quickly surveyed their surroundings, making sure there was no one in hearing distance. He had hoped no one was around, he seemed to be the type to attract attention, as much as he hated it, and he wanted to get to headquarters without any interruptions.

He smirked and brushed the dust of his cloak. He opened the door leading into the darkness, taking a deep breath. 

*Totally not ready for this.*

He walked straight into darkness.


A 21 year old girl lay on the shore of Destiny Islands, watching the waves slowly rise and fall against the pale yellow sand. She sighed and looked at the sketchbook in her hand, an exact replica of the sunset sketched in pencil. She sighed and wrapped her arms behind her legs, it was another boring day, with nothing to do.

She sighed. There was no one to spar with, everyone was off doing their own thing, Sephiroth was training by himself, Lightning was taking care of Serah, and who knows where Zack wandered off to. She let her nose wrinkle, she didn't want to be alone right now, as relaxing as the sea was, she wanted company. 

The waves touched her toes and she relaxed, smelling the sea breeze. As if someone had heard her silent pleas, a boy around her age, if not a bit older, was wandering around in the sand, a somewhat panicked expression on his face. She observed him silently from where she sat, taking in his features. He had short blonde hair, and a small face, he was actually pretty short for a guy, not that she really cared.

He let out a frustrated sigh and turned towards the sea, ready to give up. It was then when he noticed the girl staring in his direction, and decided to walk over, not caring who he talked to at this point. 

"Excuse me," he quickly asked, "Have you seen a girl this tall," he made a sign with his hand, just a few inches shorter than him, "with like......" he tried finding the right words to describe her, "short brown hair?" 

The girl with the sketchbook raised her eyebrows at him, he was good at descriptions.

He sighed and raked his hands through his hair. "I know it's not a lot to go off of but it's really important." He pleaded. 

The Sketchbook Girl shook her head once and before he could walk away, added,

"Sorry but, I've been sitting here all day. I don't really know if I know her." 

He nodded and added desperately, "She's not from around here, and well, neither am I honestly. Are you sure?"

The girl turned her head to the side, now curious. "She's not from around here? Where else could she be from?" 

He opened his mouth to reply, when a new voice cut him off.


The two turned their heads to find a silver haired boy running in their direction, the sand flying up behind him. He was adorable, he was maybe 17, and he looked so innocent and pure.

"Where is she????" he yelled out to 'Jiyong.'

'Jiyong' ran up to the boy as well, out of breath.

"I don't know!! I've been looking everywhere for her!! I can't find her!! GAH WE'RE SO DEAD WHEN WE GET BACK." 

"Get back where?" 

The two boys turned to the girl.

"What?" The silver haired boy said. 

She gave them a curious look. 

"You guys aren't from around here. I'll help you look. But I need an explanation after." 

The two boys shared a nervous look. 

Could they trust her? 


A girl with dark brown-red hair looked at the dark sky. She sat beneath a palm tree, staring at the moon. She let a small yawn escape her lips, before feeling herself slowly drift off into darkness.

* I here...*


The first cloaked figure rolled his eyes at his companion.

"What? You don't think I can do it?" 

The first guy let a small bark, meaning for it to be some kind of laugh, before nodding and turning away.

"Of course I don't think you can." 

The second guy pouted, sounding hurt. 

"That's mean of you to say..." 

The first laughed bitterly once more, picking up an oddly shaped sword. He pointed it straight at his 'friend'.

"You and I both know you're just faking this. Nope. Doesn't work on me." He let out an evil grin, not caring about his Hyungs' foolish antics. 

The second one frowned, letting his pout turn into a bitter grimace. 

He let out a snarky smile. 

"You got me maknae." he sarcastically replied.

He held out his own blade against the others chest, a deadly look on his face.

"Be careful with what you say next time. My blade could just....." he placed it against the others heart.


The younger one of the two wore a bored expression on his face as he shoved the blade away.

"Yeah yeah whatever, just go get the job done." 

The other dropped his blade, disappointed he couldn't stir up a fight. 

"Eh. Fine. Don't wait up for me." 

His bright smile returned, and he opened up a portal through the darkness, stepping through it with a sad smile.

"I'll miss YA maknae!" 

He disappeared. 

The remaining of the two shook his head, unbelieving.

*What a stupid guy.*

He shrugged and walked into the shadows.


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Chapter 15: Omg this is awesome~ ♡♥♡♥
sweetlollie #2
Hello ! I'm really really sorry and I know that authors hate having to hear this.. but do you have any plans to update soon ? I understand that you guys are busy and have your own lives but I was just wondering.. hehe ^^" Sorry >~< I'm just an eager subscriber who really wants to know what happens next. hahaha
Good luck ! Hwaiting ~ :D
I really enjoy your writing ~ *u*
Chapter 14: omg; Luhan *^* I can't really imagine him being a shadow asdfghjkl; and Donghae and Kyu go well together xD even if they do fight :I but how interesting that Kyu knows yet he still sticks to his side. Luhan being clueless; ohoho don't worry, I'm sure a keyblade whielder will try to help him /cough/ anyways, this feels so deep xD
Chapter 14: Poor lulu bb TT^TT
sweetlollie #5
Chapter 13: I love this so much T_T
Thank you for the amazing chapter !
I really enjoyed reading it and how you portrayed my character ~
Looking forward to your future updates ~ ^-^
Chapter 12: Thank you for my character, Scarlett's teaser! I found it funny when she kept saying poop and i was eating as well when i was reading the chapter :D anyways, nice update! Nichkhun and Donghae are evil in this teaser even if they are handsome. Looking forward to your next updates!
Chapter 11: The teasers look really good cuz they look so detailed and interesting. I'm excited for the other teasers! XD
sweetlollie #9
Chapter 11: Ermergerddd !
Welcome back :D
I've been dying for updates T_T
Thank you so much ! I'll be patiently waiting ~