Guardian 03: Scarlett

Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Darkness {Story Start!}


Yoomi sat uncomfortably in her seat, shifting around every few minutes or so.

She looked around the large room, the base of operations for the Gummi Ship, or that's what Jiyong had called it at least. This is where Hikari, Hope and him had been using to track down these...'kidnappers' or whatever they wanted to call it.

According to Hikari, the entire ship was designed by Hope himself, and it seemed as if he were some sort of super genius or something, and he was good at handling all sorts of different technology. Hikari hummed to herself quietly when she noticed her older friend sitting uncomfortably in the corner. She smiled and skipped over, wanting to cheer her up.


She plopped over besides Yoomi and tilted her head curiously, trying to figure out what she was thinking about. Yoomi glared at her friend, causing Hikari to sigh.

"Alright I know I owe some explanations. It's sort of hard to explain though...." She played with her fingers and mumbled. Yoomi poked her forehead and rose her brow, "I'm waiting." 

Miyoung sulked and nodded, "Alright..." 

"It all started 4 years ago when I left. I'm sorry for that by the way." She gave the older one an apologetic glance before continuing. 

"Like you know....Jiyong found me and told me about Mr. Yen Sid. He told me about how he was starting to prepare for the Keyblade War by arranging a group of 7 weilders of light, and turn them into 'Keyblade Masters'.  And how he needed Guardians for these Masters, for he feared for their safety..."


"Poop poop poop poop pooppp!"

Scarlett cursed under her breath as she tried to stumble her way through the darkness. She hadn't meant to stay out so late, but like always, Hayner had managed to convince her to stay out just a little bit longer. She rolled her eyes at the thought of her friends, they could be such bad influences! She smiled and f elt around in the dark, the wall of a large building hard against her palms. 

She was used to walking home this late during summer, and she found a nice comfort in the darkness. She felt safe whenever she was surrounded by it. It felt as if nothing could hurt her.

She hummed a small tune and let her mind wander.

*Maybe next summer we can go to the beach more often. Ollette and I can go out shopping, and Hayner and I could-*

She was cut off mid thought, she let out a small noise as she fell to the ground, her hands out bracing for impact. She felt a sharp pain cut through her palm, causing her to wince. She stumbled to stand forward before standing up shakily.

*Poop poop poop..*

She took a deep breath, the red staining her vision, she hated the sight of blood. She let out a loud gulp and leaned under the street light, feeling slightly woozy. She tried not to stare at the thick gash in her hand for too long, but couldn't help but looking at it in disgust.

She muttered quietly, "Gotta get home, gotta get ho-"

She stumbled forward once more and tripped over her legs, why was she always so clumsy? She braced herself for the fall and oddly felt nothing.

She blinked and looked up, she was now resting in a strange mans arms, dark eyes looking down on her, curiousity sparkling through.

Then everything turned dark.


Scarlett blinked as she tried to get back into touch with reality, trying to shake off the heavy feeling inside her. She looked around to get a feel of her surroundings when she realized she was at Sunset Station, sitting ontop of the big hill. 

"What the-"

She swivled to her left and found the strange man there yet again, seeming to blend in with the shadows. He was handsome and didn't look that much older than her. He offered his hand and a small polite smile, seeming friendly enough. She took it hesitantly, pulling herself up.

She noted the bandage over her left palm and finally began to speak.

"Um about earlier-"

The strange man cut her off.

"No no its okay. I fixed your cut as you can see." He smiled and walked closer to the edge of the hill, his dark shadow following right behind. She stared after him and nodded slightly. 

After awhile she replied, "Yeah, thank you for that!" 

He nodded once more without turning to look back at her. He seemed to be thinking things over for awhile. What should he do now?

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" He chuckled. "I'm sorry I just want to know who I managed to save!" He turned and gave her a friendly smile. 

She walked up besides him and laughed as well. "No no it's okay." She didn't know why but she felt as if she could trust this strange man. After all, he HAD saved her. He seemed like a good enough person. 


The man nodded and faced the other way, looking off into the distance. He had a smirk on his face, an evil glint in his eye.


He turned back to her, his face transforming once more. 

"Nice to meet you! My name is Donghae. Lee Donghae." He shook her hand and let out a small sigh. 

"It's late out now, but do you think we can meet up tomorrow? I'm new to town, and I need some help adjusting." He grinned sheepishly, trying his hardest not to reveal his true intentions.

The girl was unnaware however, she was sidetracked by a million different thoughts racing through her head, like how beautiful the stars were tonight.

"Of course!" she replied.

Tomorrow it is then. She smiled and nodded, only beginning to thank Donghae when he laughed and suggested they head back into town. She agreed and the both of them headed back together. 

Donghae turned as they left the hill side, another smirk on his face, his head already a thousand years away, planning for tomorrows events.


The next day Scarlett awoke and got ready to meet Donghae. She put a simple outfit on, her regular white tee and maroon shorts. She slipped her brown boots and sleeveless cardigan on as she left the house, ready for the day ahead of her.

She waited patiently at the shop for Donghae, when she felt a blindfold slip over her eyes, and she was soon being whisked away into darkness. She kicked and struggled to get away from her kidnapper, when she was promptly set down. She winced and felt her hands were binded behind her back and she struggled even harder. 

A cold laugh ran through the room (or wherever she was) and she couldn't help but feel that it sounded familiar. 

"Where am I?" She uneasily asked. 

The familiar voice let out another laugh, though this time it sounded more like a bark, and answered, "Does it matter?" She heard a large smack and the familiar voice yelled out, "What was that for??" She heard a sigh and soon someone was moving to remove her blindfold. She blinked and tried to adjust to her surroundings, and when she did she was surprised.

Donghae was pouting and rubbing his head, while the other unknown man was rolling his eyes. 

"Donghae?" Scarlett was unsure if that was the familiar voice she heard from earlier. Donghae let out a grin, but it wasn't like the one from yesterday, this one seemed...colder.

The unknown man untied her and smiled friendly at her. "I'm sorry about Donghae...he can be sort of strange at times." Scarlett gave him a look and he quickly apologized. 

"I'm sorry we had to bind you! My name is Nichkhun." He nodded. "We just had to make sure you were safe from them..." 

"Safe...?" Scarlett was unsure as to who he was talking about. Donghae nodded and suddenly transformed once more, looking as innocent as ever. 

"The Guardians." 

"Guardians...?" Who was he talking about?  

Nickhun looked around carefully, as if he was scared someone would pop out of the shadows anytime soon. "Look," he began, "We don't have a lot of time before they come .But you need to know, that when they do show up," 

"Which they will," Donghae cut in. 

Nichkhun gave him a look and continued. "When they do show up, be careful. They're going to tell you that you're a guardian, and they're going to try to convince you to join them. They're going to convince you that we're the bad guys. But please hear us out. We're not."

Scarlett blinked, unsure. The information was all coming so fast. 

"You're not?" 

Donghae nodded. "We aren't, please believe us." 

"And why do they think you're the bad guys?"  

"Because..." He paused. "They don't understand what we're doing. It's really hard to explain, but we're just trying to keep the world from falling into chaos. We're trying to SAVE it. They don't agree with our methods, but please trust us." 

Scarlett was quiet, and frankly, scared. Here were two guys she hardly knew, one she met yesterday, and one she met just five minutes ago, telling her to trust them. She couldn't possibly trust them, that would be crazy.

Nichkhun could see that she was warry of them, and tried his best to convince her otherwise.

"Okay, I understand if you don't trust me now, but I want to ask you to think about it, please. We could use all the help we can get our hands on." A noise could be heard nearby, and Donghae and Nichkun panicked.

"Crap. We have to go. But just remember, we're trying to help you." 

Donghae nodded and began walking away, further from her and Nichkun. 

"We'll meet again soon! That's a promise." He grinned and faded away into darkness.  Nichkhun also began to walk away, and left with a carefree, "Be careful with who you trust!" 

And then she was alone.

She blinked.

*What. Just. Happened??*

She turned and looked around. More importantly, where was she?? She got up and brushed herself off, it seemed as if she was in some small part of town, in a warehouse more importantly. She walked out of the warehouse and began to think to herself, what was a Guardian anyway? And what did they mean, they were trying to save the world? 

Was the world in any danger? She looked up at the sky and realized that it had gotten dark pretty quickly. She shivered and tried to get back home as quick as possible. She bumped into somebody and looked up, already apologizing. 

"Sorry about th-" She saw that it was a girl just a bit younger than her, someone she had never seen before. The girl smiled and rubbed the back of her head sheepishly, apologizing as well. 

"Sorry about that, my name is Hikari." 

"Hikariiii!!" Hikari and Scarlett turned to the new voice, and a girl a bit older than Scarlett ran up besides them. 

"Don't run away like that!" The girl scolded. Hikari laughed and nudged her, apologizing as well. "Sorry Unnie, I needed to catch up to her..."  The older one rolled her eyes and poked Hikari. 

"You could have waited for me." Hikari shrugged and turned back to Scarlett.

"This is Yoomi. She's my best friend~" She smiled. "I've been looking for you for awhile actually." 

Scarlett was taken aback, were these the Guardians Nichkhun and Donghae were talking about? She nodded nonetheless, they seemed pretty friendly. 

"You were looking for me?" Hikari nodded. 

"This is sort of hard to explain, but can you come with us?" 

"Why?" Scarlett was wary already. Yoomi shoved Hikari gently and scolded her once more. "That's not how you tell people these sorts of things!"


Yoomi shook her head and looked at Scarlett. "Here, I'll explain on behalf of my ditsy friend." 


Yoomi, Hikari and Scarlett were aboard the gummy ship, trying their best to explain everything to the newer one. 

"Okay," Yoomi began, "According to my little friend here, we are Guardians." She nodded and made sure Scarlett was following. "Guardians are people who supposedly protect the 7 Wielders of Light. Now you may be asking yourself, 'What the heck is that?' and the answer is simple-"

"The 7 Wielders of Light are Keyblade Wielders chosen by Master Yen Sid himself who are prophesied to save the world!" Hikari cut in. Yoomi nodded and continued for her friend. 

"Right now the world is being threatened by what we call the 13 Hearts of Darkness, an Organization who seeks to destroy all forms of light and have worlds ruled by complete utter darkness." Scarlett widened her eyes. So Donghae was telling the truth? Sorta. Hikari nodded. 

"They want to destroy the world and recreate it to were no light exists, and everything is ruled by Chaos." 

Scarlett was beyond scared at this point, "And there's no stopping them?" 

Yoomi shook her head, "No, we can stop them, but for that we require the 7 Wielders of Light. Only those 7 can save the worlds and destroy The 13 Hearts." 

Hikari grinned. "And us Guardians are here to protect them." 

Scarlett was still skeptical. "'re saying I am one?" The two girls nodded. 

"According to Master Yen Sid." 

"So that means what...?"

The younger girl came up to her and took her hands in hers. "You're destined to be apart of this battle to save the world. So will you help us?" 

Scarlett was quiet. 

Two different sides, said two different things. 

Who could she trust? 

She knew one thing for sure. 

This was going to be exciting. 


AN: I tried editing haha

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Chapter 15: Omg this is awesome~ ♡♥♡♥
sweetlollie #2
Hello ! I'm really really sorry and I know that authors hate having to hear this.. but do you have any plans to update soon ? I understand that you guys are busy and have your own lives but I was just wondering.. hehe ^^" Sorry >~< I'm just an eager subscriber who really wants to know what happens next. hahaha
Good luck ! Hwaiting ~ :D
I really enjoy your writing ~ *u*
Chapter 14: omg; Luhan *^* I can't really imagine him being a shadow asdfghjkl; and Donghae and Kyu go well together xD even if they do fight :I but how interesting that Kyu knows yet he still sticks to his side. Luhan being clueless; ohoho don't worry, I'm sure a keyblade whielder will try to help him /cough/ anyways, this feels so deep xD
Chapter 14: Poor lulu bb TT^TT
sweetlollie #5
Chapter 13: I love this so much T_T
Thank you for the amazing chapter !
I really enjoyed reading it and how you portrayed my character ~
Looking forward to your future updates ~ ^-^
Chapter 12: Thank you for my character, Scarlett's teaser! I found it funny when she kept saying poop and i was eating as well when i was reading the chapter :D anyways, nice update! Nichkhun and Donghae are evil in this teaser even if they are handsome. Looking forward to your next updates!
Chapter 11: The teasers look really good cuz they look so detailed and interesting. I'm excited for the other teasers! XD
sweetlollie #9
Chapter 11: Ermergerddd !
Welcome back :D
I've been dying for updates T_T
Thank you so much ! I'll be patiently waiting ~