Guardian 04: Lyn

Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Darkness {Story Start!}


Lyn huffed and crossed her arms, walking away from her friends, obviously annoyed. Chanyeol laughed and called out to her, trying to get her to come back.

"Lyn! I was just kidding!" 

She ignored him and continued to walk away, making Chanyeol pout and Doojoon laugh.

Lyn and the others had been hanging out at a small open field they had found one day, filled with colorful flowers and trees of every variety. Usually she wouldn't get mad at Chanyeol, but she was in a really bad mood today (she had no idea why) and he had just managed to piss her off.

Doojoon patted Chanyeol's arm and shook his head. 

"Shouldn't have said that." 

He gave his friend a look and pouted even more, looking like a lost puppy.

"But I didn't mean it! I was just playing around!" 

Sooyoung rolled her eyes and slapped the back of Chanyeol's head. 

"It doesn't matter, you know she's in a bad mood so don't mess with her."

The 3 watched her as she walked away, playing with the flower crowns she just made.

"She'll be back soon, don't worry."


Lyn sighed and sat down in the grass, annoyed at her best friend. It didn't make a difference to her if he was just joking with her, she had a bad feeling all day, and it put her in a bad mood.

She had no idea as to why, but she could just tell something was coming up. She stared at her hands and pouted. Chanyeol was just joking around, but he had brought back a memory of her past, something she had wished to forget. 

Something she wanted to forget but also something she wanted to remember. 

Why? She had forgotten almost every last detail of her childhood, only managing to remember the bad and forgetting the good. 

Lyn had lost her parents when she was young, and the only thing she could remember about that incident was how she lost them.  And how that happened didn't even make much sense to her either. 

She didn't remember much, all she remembered was that there was a dark shadow, lots of blood, flashes of darkness, and searing pain. She flinched and closed her eyes, trying to wipe the memory. 

She wished she could forget the fact that she lost them, but she also wished she could remember why they were taken away from her. She had a feeling that it wasn't an accident, but she could never find out why. No one ever brought up her parents, it seemed as if their existence, their memories...were completely erased from everyone. 

She pursed her lips and continued to stare at the ground. She had vowed that she would find out why she lost them at no matter what the cost, but so far had gotten nowhere. 

From her left, footsteps could be heard crunching the grass lightly, not sounding like anyone she knew. But she kept her eyes on the grass regardless, thinking everything over.   

Why did she lose them? 

What was that shadow she had seen?

Why did she survive and they didn't? 

It didn't make sense.

"You know, you really shouldn't let people sneak up on you like that." A new voice chimed. 

Lyn propped her head against her arm and remained staring off into the distance.

"But you couldn't have possibly snuck up on me if I heard you." 

The voice chuckled and she heard his footsteps walk closer, before promptly stopping besides her and sitting down. 

"Touché. Aren't you going to ask who I am? Or even look at me?" 

He sounded curious. 

Lyn shook her head a bit, her mind still a million miles away.


She wasn't usually like this, but her mind was filled with so many thoughts, she couldn't help it. She shook her head once more though, trying to rid of the thoughts all together. 

"I'm sorry," she chirped, "I just have a lot on my mind!" 

She laughed and smiled slightly, trying to reassure the voice.

"Ah I see...well can you look at me?"

It sounded like he was smiling. Lyn chuckled and turned her head to the left, finally looking at the strange boy. Her breath caught when she saw him, he was just so cute. His eyes twinkled as he held his hand out, smiling brightly. 

"My name is Luhan. Nice to meet you!" 

She nodded and smiled back. 

"Just call me Lyn, it's nice to meet you too!" 

Luhan chuckled and let go of her hand, leaning onto the grass.

"Aren't you going to ask what I'm doing here?"

Lyn shrugged and turned to face him once more, he had captured her attention. 

"Well if you want to be here, then you can be here! I'm not going to force you to go." She shrugged. "But since you insist, what are you doing here?" 

He smiled and laughed lightly, his eyes gleaming. 

"Well I'm...looking for you." 

She raised her brow, curious. 

"Really? Why is that?"  

He played with his fingers and shrugged, not really paying attention.

"I just wanted to."

In reality that wasn't the case, not at all, but if she knew who he really was, she would want to kill him. Why she would hate him he had no idea, but his hyungs that told him that if anyone knew about him, they would judge and not like him. He didn't want people to not like him, so he listened to his hyungs words and kept his mouth shut whenever asked.

His eyes glazed over as he remembered the first time he met his hyungs.

He smiled and continued the conversation, still lost in his memories.

"I saw you walking away from your friends and I wanted to see if you were okay." 

*I needed to see how you were like first.* 

Lyn nodded and smiled happily.

"That's so kind! But I'm okay, no worries!" 

Luhan smiled, snapping out of his memories. 

"That's good, I'm so glad!" 

*Damnit I'm running out of time.* 

He turned to the left and noticed 3 girls walk up the hill he and Lyn were sitting on, and began panicking. He couldn't go through with it, he wasn't mean like Kyuhyun hyung. He wasn't manipulative like Nickhun or Donghae hyung. He was no good at all of this. He hastily stood up, his eyes wild and wide. Lyn stood up as well, worried.

"Is something wrong Luhan?"

He felt a pang of guilt strike through him when she said his name, he felt so bad for even thinking about doing what he was supposed to do. He nodded, his smile strained. 

"Of course! But uh...I have to go okay? Promise me that we'll talk soon okay?" 

He began to walk away from the hill, shielding his face as the girls got closer. 

*No no no no..*

Lyn called out to him, starting to run towards his direction. 

"But how do you know that? How do you know we'll even meet again?"

He turned and grinned widely, waving as he ran faster and faster.




Lyn watched as Luhan ran off into the distance, a sigh already escaping her lips. Well that was too bad. He seemed nice for someone she just met, she wished she could talk to him more. 

It was strange though, she had never met him before, so where was he from? She shrugged and turned around, almost crashing into another girl, 2 others behind her.

"Oh I'm sorry," she quickly apologized, "I didn't see you there!"

She sheepishly rubbed her head and laughed, embarrassed at her clumsy mistake. The girl her age smiled and stumbled back, laughing as well.

"Oh no don't worry it's fine!" She smiled. "I was actually hoping I would run into you!"

Lyn titled her head to the side, confused once more. How many people were looking for her today??

"You were?"

The taller girl behind her slapped her forehead and scowled. 

"Hikari, how many times have we gone over this. You don't start...with THAT news." 

"What news?" 

Lyn puffed out her cheeks and rocked on her heels. The older girl shook her head and gave an exasperated sigh, tired of doing this already. Lyn's eyes flashed to the girl on the right, she was quiet as the two others were arguing, it was somewhat odd. 

The older girl that was scolding Hikari covered with her hand. Hikari struggled to speak through her friends hand and whined. She rolled her eyes, shaking her head once more.

"My name is Yoomi." Her head turned to the left. "And that's Scarlett." 

Scarlett gave her a small smile and a wave, she still seemed lost in her thoughts. 

"My friend here, well, she's going to tell you something that might scare you." She paused. "At least I think it could. What do you think Scarlett, did it surprise you? It surprised me a bit."

Scarlett laughed and nodded, agreeing with Yoomi. 

"Yoomi is right. I'm not sure how you'll take this news and I'm still adjusting to this idea, but Hikari was sent to gather us." She paused. 

"First let's start with smaller news..."

"Did you know there are other worlds?"


Lyn played with her fingers as she absorbed the news they had just told her, (Yoomi and Scarlett that is, no one allowed Hikari to speak) trying to wrap her head around the thought. They sat on the shore of the beach, in front of the Gummi Ship.

"I wield a what? And I'm a what?" 

"Keyblade. And Guardian," Scarlett  helpfully chimed in. 

Lyn nodded her head, as if she understood. "Ohhhh....and I'm supposed to save the world? How am I supposed to believe that?" She wearily looked down, she felt unlike herself today.

Scarlett bit her lip. Lyn had a point, Scarlett barely believed it herself. But seeing the Gummi ship and coming to this world, watching Hikari wield a keyblade....that was proof enough.

For now. 

Yoomi nodded, her head turned in Hikari's direction, watching her friend sulk in the corner with Hope and Jiyong trying comfort her. 

"We know it's hard to believe. But you see the Gummi Ship, and you saw Hikari's keyblade. You don't have to believe us now if you want, but I would appreciate it if you came with us. We'll show you it's the truth."

She paused.

"Honestly I know it's true, because I lost Hikari to this stupid Keyblade business four years ago." She turned back to Lyn, a curious expression on the other girls' face. Yoomi nodded. "Someone had just popped up out of nowhere one day and showed Hikari how to summon a keyblade. They stayed on our island for a little while, but one day, he just disappeared." 

Her eyes shifted back over to her friend, who was now poking Jiyong's cheeks. 

"..with Hikari right beside him. We had no idea what happened to her. Not me, not Zack, not Lightning..." She sighed. "It's not a good memory for us."

"But...she came back, and she looks stronger than before. I've seen it for myself and I believe her."

Yoomi's gaze was so strong that Lyn just had to believe her. It was silent before Lyn decided to ask a question that had been on her mind for awhile. 

"So if I go with you, then what do we do?"

Yoomi laughed, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Good question!....Hikari won't say." 

Lyn pouted and thought to herself, trying to think things through. What they were saying sounded reasonable enough. If anything like this could sound reasonable. But then she would have to leave everything behind. Her friends...

"Hey..." she quietly asked. Something had just occurred to her. "Who exactly are we trying to save the world from again?"

Yoomi thought to herself and called Hikari over. She jumped up happily, skipping over to the other three.

"Hikari at your service!" She smiled and Yoomi facepalmed. "Hey Hikari, you said earlier that the 13 Hearts of Darkness were what exactly?"

Hikari bit her lip and turned to Hope and Jiyong. They looked serious. She turned back around and sighed, all the happiness zapped out of her.

"They're called shadows."

Lyn's eyes widened and she saw a brief memory flash through her eyes, a shadow like figure inching closer towards her. It was jet black with no face, but somehow managed to give off a creepy look. 

*It was a shadow.*

She immediately knew in that moment that it was a 'shadow' that attacked her parents. Something she just knew on instinct, she didn't need proof.

Her heart beat wildly in her chest, is this what she needed to find the answers she was looking for?

She gulped and tried to steady her racing heart.

"Alright...I'll go with you."

*But I'm not going to tell them about this. Never.*

Yoomi raised her eyebrows and Scarlett looked at her shocked. They didn't expect her to agree so easily. Hikari jumped up and down excited.

"Yay! Alright we'll give you time to say goodbye, meet back here in 3 hours! Go!"

Lyn stood up, a smile on her face, feeling a bit excited about this journey. If she went, then maybe she would be able to find out something about her past. And hey, saving the world wouldn't be too bad either. She slowly felt more like herself now.

"Alright! 3 hours it is then!" She grinned wider and ran off past the hill, excited for the journey ahead. "I'll be back soon okay?? Don't miss me too much!"

She laughed and the other girls blinked, sharing looks with one another. It seemed as if this girl had just done a complete 180 personality change. 

*This is what I've been waiting for.*


He turned back around and ran faster than before, it wasn't until he was out of her eyesight that he breathed a sigh of relief.    

*That was close...* he shut his eyes and snapped his fingers, darkness emerging from the shadows. 

*Hyungs lied. They said it would be easy....* He wearily thought. Luhan sighed, was he really too nice for his own good? He had no idea. He could feel that dark pit grow larger in the pit of his stomach.

Was he really destined to be completely evil? Was he just fooling himself into being nice? Kyuhyun had told him Donghae did it all the time. He shook his head. He couldn't afford to be thinking about this now, when he returned back to base, he would be in a load of trouble.

*But...* he paused. *I don't think she deserves to be kidnapped yet. Not after what she's been through.*

He shook his head. Why he let her go he had no idea. But he knew it was the right choice.

He was a shadow, but he had values. 


a/n: i..tried. ;____;

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Chapter 15: Omg this is awesome~ ♡♥♡♥
sweetlollie #2
Hello ! I'm really really sorry and I know that authors hate having to hear this.. but do you have any plans to update soon ? I understand that you guys are busy and have your own lives but I was just wondering.. hehe ^^" Sorry >~< I'm just an eager subscriber who really wants to know what happens next. hahaha
Good luck ! Hwaiting ~ :D
I really enjoy your writing ~ *u*
Chapter 14: omg; Luhan *^* I can't really imagine him being a shadow asdfghjkl; and Donghae and Kyu go well together xD even if they do fight :I but how interesting that Kyu knows yet he still sticks to his side. Luhan being clueless; ohoho don't worry, I'm sure a keyblade whielder will try to help him /cough/ anyways, this feels so deep xD
Chapter 14: Poor lulu bb TT^TT
sweetlollie #5
Chapter 13: I love this so much T_T
Thank you for the amazing chapter !
I really enjoyed reading it and how you portrayed my character ~
Looking forward to your future updates ~ ^-^
Chapter 12: Thank you for my character, Scarlett's teaser! I found it funny when she kept saying poop and i was eating as well when i was reading the chapter :D anyways, nice update! Nichkhun and Donghae are evil in this teaser even if they are handsome. Looking forward to your next updates!
Chapter 11: The teasers look really good cuz they look so detailed and interesting. I'm excited for the other teasers! XD
sweetlollie #9
Chapter 11: Ermergerddd !
Welcome back :D
I've been dying for updates T_T
Thank you so much ! I'll be patiently waiting ~