Guardian 02: Hikari

Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Darkness {Story Start!}


The Sketchbook Girl impatiently tapped her foot as the two boys searched the area for what felt like the millionth time.

"We've checked this area about 20 times. Can we please check somewhere else?"

The silver haired boy turned back around with a pointed look on his face, rettorting with, 

"She could be somewhere here. We have to check every nook and cranny on this island." 

The girl sighed and gazed out into the distance.

When she agreed to help, she thought they told her they would tell her what was going on. Not surprisingly, they haven't spoken a word about it. She had no idea who they were looking for, let alone why they were.  

She heard footsteps come up besides the boy, and heard the older one say,

"Hope." He put his hand on his shoulder. 

"Let's look somewhere else."

He turned to the girl and asked politely,

"Can you please show us another spot?"

She sighed and turned back to the boys.

*Time to get some answers.*

"No. Not until you tell me what's going on." 

'Hope' began to argue, "I don't think you understand the import-" 

She cut him off. "Look. I need to know something here, I don't feel like putting blind faith in strangers right now. At least tell me WHY you're looking for her." 

Hope turned to the other. "Jiyong." he pleaded.

Jiyong sighed with resignation. "She does have a point." 

He turned to the girl once more. 

"Alright. So you know me, and you know Hope. We're looking for a girl who may have gotten washed up here on the shore. We were running away from..." he trailed off, trying to find a way to explain.

"Uh...we were running away from kidnappers. She's very important to this...thing, and it's essential that she's here. With us. Safe. We're her protectors right now."

The girl blinked. 

"Well that wasn't vague at all." She rolled her eyes, she was getting annoyed quickly. Why couldn't they just tell her?

Jiyong ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

"I'm sorry, but this is a need to know only situation." 

She glared. "If we find her, will you explain more?" 

Hope nodded immidiately, the top on their priortity list was finding her.

With another sigh, the girl walked away, leading them further down the island.


UGGHHHHH." Hope sat on the ground in frustration.

"We've been looking for hours!! Where the hell is she?" 

Jiyong sighed and sat besides him.

"I wish I could say..." 

Their companion stared at them from a distance, growing frustrated with the search as well. How hard was this chick to find??

She stalked off in another direction, deciding to take a break and go to her hidden spot.


The young girl ran her fingers across the cave's wall. It had been ages since she had last been here. It hasn't been since she found out she was a Guardian. She looked at the paintings that had been there since the beginning of time. 

She tried to remember who it was exactly who drew them, she couldn't help but run her fingers over the picture of the starfruit. 

She could feel the clouded memory in her mind.

She sighed and turned back around, sitting in the sand.

"Ji and Hope are probably looking for me." She murmured. 

She would go look for them too, but she was so exhausted from running away, she couldn't help but feel like sleeping. 

She began to shut her eyes and fall off into a peaceful slumber when she heard footsteps heading her way. 

Her eyes snapped open and she was immidiately on the defensive. 

She held her stance and her right arm behind her, ready to wield her weapon if needed. 

What surprised her was that it was a girl not much older than her appear out of the shadows, staring straight at her. 

The newcomer and the girl stared straight at each other for what seemed like hours. 

The younger of the two dropped her jaw.

"It's you!" 

She ran up to the older one and hugged her tight.

"Yoomi, it's really you!!" 

The Sketchbook Girl blinked in confusion.

"Hikari? What the hell are you doing here??"


Hikari lightly traced her fingers in the sand, trying her best to ignore the two glares and shocked stare coming from the others. She looked up and grinned sheepishly.


That's all it took for Jiyong to blow. 

"Surprise?! Is that all you can say???" He ran his fingers through his hair, a nervous habit of his. 

"WE THOUGHT YOU GOT CAPTURED. Do you know how worried we were??" 

He turned to point at Hope.

"THIS GUY ESPECIALLY. You have no idea what worry you put us through! Do you know what would happen if we lost you??" 

This time Hope was the calm one. 

"Jiyong come on. It's okay. She's here now."

Yoomi watched from a distance, her pencil in hand, looking as if she were zoning out, only to be paying complete attention to the arguing group. 

She sighed and Hikari turned to her, a pout ready on her face.

"Unnie did I worry you? I'm sorry!" 

Yoomi blinked and crossed her arms.

"Why are you even here Hikari. You showed up out of nowhere. I haven't seen you in ages, and you just pop up like nothing ever happened??"

The younger one frowned and played with the sand by her legs.

"I didn't know when I was leaving..." 

Yoomi's eyes hardened slightly.

"I don't even understand where you went. Where the hell did you go? Why the hell did you leave us behind??" 

"I can expla-" 

"I'm sure you could." 

Hikari sighed and turned back to the ocean. Jiyong and Hope watched the drama unfold, very interested in Hikari and Yoomi's relationship. 

"Guardian." Hikari firmly stated.

Yoomi tightened her fists. 

"This again?? Why is it always about this stupi-"

'I never told you what we did. I told you what I thought we did...but I was wrong. I was wrong. And I want you to know now what's going on."

Yoomi glared harder at her old friend.

"You left."

"I know but," Hikari paused and tried to find the right words. 

"Things have changed...." she rubbed her temples and tried to clear her head.

"We were attacked. I can explain by who later. But right now we have no time." She held out her hand.

"I know I have a lot of explaining to do. But for right now can you trust what I'm telling you? You're a guardian. I can explain later. But I need you to help me find the others first."

Yoomi raised her eyebrows in confusion. "Others?" 

Hikari nodded. 

"There are seven of us, but I can explain on the way!"

She grabbed the older ones hand and looked at Jiyong and Hope, gesturing to them slightly.

Jiyong continued glaring as Hope nudged him.

"Hey. We can talk about this on the way there! Let's go." Jiyong grumbled and pulled a key out of his pocket. "Arasso arasso I get it...let's go." He pressed a button down on the key and a large ship materialized out of nowhere. 

Yoomi looked at her friend and the older two boys. 

One thing was clear. 

She had a lot of explaining to do.

Whether she knew it or not, a new story was starting.

- - - --

omg ok I know it's vague but I explain more in the next Teaser XD ahaha I'm only updating this because Fishy convinced me to write, so thank her ^^ I didnt edit much lol I'm sorry 3

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Chapter 15: Omg this is awesome~ ♡♥♡♥
sweetlollie #2
Hello ! I'm really really sorry and I know that authors hate having to hear this.. but do you have any plans to update soon ? I understand that you guys are busy and have your own lives but I was just wondering.. hehe ^^" Sorry >~< I'm just an eager subscriber who really wants to know what happens next. hahaha
Good luck ! Hwaiting ~ :D
I really enjoy your writing ~ *u*
Chapter 14: omg; Luhan *^* I can't really imagine him being a shadow asdfghjkl; and Donghae and Kyu go well together xD even if they do fight :I but how interesting that Kyu knows yet he still sticks to his side. Luhan being clueless; ohoho don't worry, I'm sure a keyblade whielder will try to help him /cough/ anyways, this feels so deep xD
Chapter 14: Poor lulu bb TT^TT
sweetlollie #5
Chapter 13: I love this so much T_T
Thank you for the amazing chapter !
I really enjoyed reading it and how you portrayed my character ~
Looking forward to your future updates ~ ^-^
Chapter 12: Thank you for my character, Scarlett's teaser! I found it funny when she kept saying poop and i was eating as well when i was reading the chapter :D anyways, nice update! Nichkhun and Donghae are evil in this teaser even if they are handsome. Looking forward to your next updates!
Chapter 11: The teasers look really good cuz they look so detailed and interesting. I'm excited for the other teasers! XD
sweetlollie #9
Chapter 11: Ermergerddd !
Welcome back :D
I've been dying for updates T_T
Thank you so much ! I'll be patiently waiting ~