In the club

JJ’s in love


While entering  Somi was holding JiJi's  hand and  Teacyeon and Wooyoung saw that all the eyes where at the girl's all the way .Once there Somi and JiJi haven't noticed that but the JJ Project band was on the stage singing  JiJi ' s favorite song "Bounce." 

JB. and Jr. while singing on the stage , they saw Somi and JiJi and they thought why not to take them to dance on the stage .

JiJi took Somi  hand and began to dance on the dance floor. The song was finished and JB. and Jr. began the song "Before this Song Ends". ( P.S. if u lisen this song it will help u to know what are they singing XD i hope it will help u ) 

Jr. started coming to Somi  bringing with him a microphone and giving her . Somi at that moment  didn't know what to do so she take the microphone in her hand. Everyone was staring at them two . She stood motionless a few seconds and then she showed them her real voice . Somi didn't singed to anyone before, just to JiJi so it was a special moment to her too . 

Then she took the microphone closer to and began to sing and  dance with Jr. with no fear or guts, like she did it her whole life .

While Somi and Jr were on stage side by side, they were feeling very good together like partners for a very long time . It was a very special moment to both of them , like a connection or a new chapter of they're life 

On the other hand JB. and JiJi .......

JB. did the same thing with JiJi but  JiJi didn't sing for anyone ever, even to Bianca. She was charmed by his smile and she make the courage and startied to sing and dans with JB. .


On the dance floor was them four and all  around in the audience, who were admired by they're singing and dancing. The audience enjoy every moment of they're movement or action.

When the song ended , Somi and JiJi still didn't believed  what did  happend to them and that they are actually very good.


- Girls we have to leave, come!! Joo screaming

- Yes we come now! Somi said sad

- Sorry gotta go. Thank you very much for this opportunity and then Somi kiss Jr cheek and then take out her tongue .

- Yeah thanks a lot for this evening. See ya. Jiji said  making them by hand

- Wait  we don't know your names! cried both of the guys 

- Damn we dosen't  know  their names. said Jr.



"I hope I will  meet her again and find her name. She's so cute. "End POV


POV Jr.:

"She danced and sing so well ,she could become a great artist sometime, she has so  much potential. And wait she  kissed me on the cheek. O god I hope i will meet her again  "End POV




Everyone left the club, amazed, delighted and very surprised what happened.


- OMG, OMG .. it seems to me that you were on the dance floor and have played with JJ Project?!  asked surprised Joo

- Yes you were super cool  on the dance floor! Yuko said

- Okay can we change the subject, I can not belive too  what happened! Somi said

- Me neither! I can not believe I sing ! said JiJi

- You know how to sing? asked Teacyeon

-  You were on the dance floor!?? Wooyoung realized now what happend ~_~ 

- Yeah, yeah I know we were singing . Now can we forget what happened and go ?! asked Somi nervous


The discussion ended and JiJi and Somi arrived in their rooms.

- Can you believe that we singed with them! asked JiJi

- And what  it's not  a big deal! Somi said

- How can you say that? You did not hear what Yuko said ? They are STARS! JiJi yelled 

- Yeah, yeah, it's not a big deal  Somi said nervous

- Yeahh .. when you will finish with this attitude of yours! yelled JiJi

Somi left the room angry and  get  out to take some fresh  air.


Somi POV:

"Honestly I can not forget either this day, but JiJi is  right I'm a girl who does not see this beautiful things, I see only the  bad things . When I will done with this fuking attitude. But if Joo said they are stars that why they choose us?! I wonder if something it will write about them on the internet about what happend tonight . ''



JiJi POV :

"I wonder  what's  with  me? I started a fight with Somi about this . I hope she isn't upset at me. She is right they are just stars, I do not think I'll ever see them again. But still why us? ''



- Hey, Somi, I'm sorry for everything what happened. I do not know what came over me.  said JiJi 

- Aw... that's okay i should actually apologize, i didn't have to take you like that . Said Somi

Both of them apologize and  hug each other  and went to sleep. "

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Chapter 3: i will try XD but tomorrow i will start school so i don't know if i can ? :(
Seofifi #2
Chapter 3: Update soon bb ah~ okay ? ;) <3
gomowo unnie ^^ i hope u will love it :3
Seofifi #4
Chapter 1: so interesting ^^ fighting bb ah~~ ;)
Hi well i hope u like it it's my first story ^^ pls comment ;)