A Peek

JJ’s in love


It's 5 o'clock and Somi is preparing to go to the library together with Wooyoung. JiJI  meanwhile in bed.

- Hey, JiJi see it go, see you not only stupid while you're here. Somi said

- Yeah, yeah, whatever. Have fun said JijI

- Ok, bye. Somi said



Somi POV

"Finally got a ten and take mathematics, with Wooyoung's" End Pov


Wooyoung POV

I hope to take a ten math, otherwise I do not know what I would do more and put Taecyeon .....? "End



-Hey, thanks a lot for helping me said Somi

- For nothing, I hope to help you. Wooyoung said

- Okay, I made ​​notes and books said Somi


Somi and Wooyoung began to learn the lesson that Somi knew nothing. When the phone rings once she's Somi.


- Hello.Somi

- Hello, hey Somi / Jiji 

- Aww.. JiJi,  something happend ? / Somi

-  I  only wanted to tell you that you'll go out. / JiJi

- At this hour? / Somi

- Yes I'm going to walk. / JiJi

- A Okay, take care. Bye / Somi

- Thanks. Bye /JiJi



- What happened ? Wooyoung said

- JiJi said she's going to walk. / Somi

- Um ... so where were we? Wooyoung


The two talked, joked, learned when Somi dropped something, trying to take something from the bag., She dropped a shot.

Wooyoung leaned after that picture and Somi when he accidentally touched the hand bent on Wooyoung ... For a moment the two men looked into each other's eyes blushing cheeks.



After he returned Wooyoung asked:

- Who is in the picture?

- Me and Taecyeon at age 5 years old.

Wooyoung was still reddened the face of jealousy.


- Are you okay? / Somi

- No, I have nothing. / Wooyoung

- Are you sure? , Are Red, I think you have a fever! Somi


Somi puts his hand gently on the forehead and sees that burn.

- You burn !! / Somi


  Wooyoung takes nervous hand on the forehead and says:

- I have nothing! Wooyoung


Wooyoung goes back to wanting to show a lesson Somi approached her until, accidentally kissed her on the cheek.

Somi is surprised. Wooyoung blushing remove it to the front, as well as Somi.

- Sorry, I didn't ... / Wooyoung

- Um .. It's okay. said Somi confused


Two looking at each other wondering what happened. Lesson over, and Wooyoung offer to drive Somi home.

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Chapter 3: i will try XD but tomorrow i will start school so i don't know if i can ? :(
Seofifi #2
Chapter 3: Update soon bb ah~ okay ? ;) <3
gomowo unnie ^^ i hope u will love it :3
Seofifi #4
Chapter 1: so interesting ^^ fighting bb ah~~ ;)
Hi well i hope u like it it's my first story ^^ pls comment ;)