The presents

JJ’s in love


- JiJi wake up ... today we have math exam! 

Somi POV 
"Yey ...i'm so happy ... Wooyoung prepare to die "
End POV 


The girls were ready for school and went to give the exam. 
In class: 

- Are you ready Somi ? / Taecyeon 

- Of course she is ... I have meditated her  / Wooyoung 

- Well ... / Somi

- Everyone sit down / Teacher 


Time passed quickly  and Somi felt relieved .

In the cafeteria: 

- I got rid of it .. yey party / Jiji

- What did you do on the exam Somi? / Taecyeon 

- Great ... sure I'll get a good grade .. ~_~ / Somi

- You wil get F ? / Taecyeon 

- Pray for not  a F or... Woyoung will find what is waiting for.. / Somi

- Ok, let's talk about it something else / Wooyoung 

- What we will dress for Christmas party ? / Jiji

- The party organized by school you mean? / Yuko

- I and Joo we already bought dresses / Sooyeon

- From CocoChannel? / Somi

- Yes... pabo / Yuko

- Well I know what I wear for Christmas / Somi 

- I will be Santa Claus / Taecyeon said excited 

- If you say so ... / Somi with a " WTF " face 

- Well i don't  know what to wear / Jojo 

- I know / Somi

The party was supposed to be the next day, so Somi and Taecyeon went shopping to prepare. 
Somi looked through the whole mall and bought gifts for friends and Taecyeon was the one who carries them =)) 
He was alone when came to the store Jiji  wanted that necklace. He asked the cashier to show him that necklace in the front window. 


- Here. You're lucky .. is the last that we have, your girlfriend will be very happy for sure! 

- Um .. is not my girlfriend .. yet .... / Taecyeon 

- Oooo .. well  be sure she will love it .

- Here you go, good luck 

- Thanks / Taecyeon

Taecyeon spotted coming out of shop Somi beside him. 

-Yaaa .. do not do this enymore ! / Taecyeon 

- Oooh .. what's  that?  it's kind of Jiji ...! /Somi

- Um .. it's nothing . / Taecyeon 

- Ok. So  what you bought for me ? / Somi

- You will  see .. / Taecyeon 

- ~ _ ~ Why? I will show you  what I bought for you / Somi

- No! / Taecyeon 

- You're bad! /Somi

- I know / Taecyeon 

- I'm mad at you / Somi 

- Ok if you want to do this ... / Taecyeon

Taecyeon put the bags down and begins to tickle ... what Somi annoyed . Being childhood friends Taecyeon knows what she likes and what not ... and what are the weaknesses .
While two are playing , two boys watched the two lovers . The two were Jr. and JB .


- Hey JB. that's the girl at that night . / Jr.

- Well.. she's cute , but she has a boyfriend man / JB .

- But I didn't said that I was interested. / Jr.

- Yes you do ... I see in your face... looks like you drooling after her =))/ JB .

- Nooo... well I do not think they are together./ Jr.

- Whatever . / JB .

Meanwhile two tinckled finish and go to the job to make it  done.

- Okay let's resume.. Can I see ^ _ ^ Pleaseee. /Somi

- No. It's a surprise / Taecyeon

- Ok . But I hope it's good ^ _ ^ / Somi

- Okayy.. / Taecyeon

- Off .. Christmas came too and the first semester is over . / Somi

- Yes . I 'll miss you on vacation / Taecyeon

- What are you talking about there . We are neighbors remember? / Somi said giving head flip

- Aww .. I forgot . / Taecyeon


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Chapter 3: i will try XD but tomorrow i will start school so i don't know if i can ? :(
Seofifi #2
Chapter 3: Update soon bb ah~ okay ? ;) <3
gomowo unnie ^^ i hope u will love it :3
Seofifi #4
Chapter 1: so interesting ^^ fighting bb ah~~ ;)
Hi well i hope u like it it's my first story ^^ pls comment ;)