Chapter 1

Rhythms of my heart ...


- I don't think this is getting anywhere ...

- ...

- All we do is fight, plus you've got HER now don't you ...

- Yeah you're right, I have her, and we're not going well right now.

- Well I guess it's a goodbye then

-  Yeah ... 


And this is how I broke up with him, after 8 rich of emotions months ! 

I went home with a whole in my chest bigger than the ozone whole. I was the one who broke up ! I wanted this, why am I feeling like this ?

Hence, he started it, but what did you expecte me to do ? wait of the almighty Ji Yong to break up with me and rub his new flawless little girlfriend all over my face !! I have pride you know?

Why am I going to do with this whole the size of all 5 continents combined together ?? and I thought I finally found happiness ! 

How could he do that to me ? He knows how much I hate being lied to ! 



Bip Bip Bip

hmmm It's 07a.m already ! I only had 2 hours of sleep ...

I need to get ready there is no way I'm gonna walk outside with the "broken-heart-face" 

I have the perfect schedule of the upcoming 2 weeks: club meetings, exams, coursework to hand in, looking for a part time job ... PERFECT I won't have a single second to think back about my decision.




- Yeah, 'morning

- What's going on ! You look so down and tired.

- Yeah I had a fight with mum this morning, stupid stuff, I know... -_-

- hmm I see, well don't worry they're our parents for a reason =b we need to fight and get scolded haha am I right ?


I was trying to cheer my best friend when the teacher come in and the class started.




-Waa finally !! that was the longest class ever !! and he doesn't even let us chat a bit =b 

- Yeahh right -_- I hate that professor ! can't wait for his course to finish

-Yeah mee too ! let's go get come coffee we'll need it ... it's gonna be a loooong day

-Tell me about it ...



(**Dae Ryong is Seo Hi 's Boyfriend)

- Finally we get to go home, sighed Lee Soe Hi

- Yeah, well lucky you get to go home, I still have a meeting with the photography club ... I said with a so not sad voice; I NEEDED this, I needed to be busy ...

- I knoow :s why would you sign up for so many subjects !! That's why you woudn't even have time to date ! 

Yes, Seo Hi, my bestfriend, didn't know I was dating - more like WAS dating- someone, yet again JiYong !! He didn't want people to know about it, he wasn't ready for another scandal, and I supported his decision as I also didn't want to be bashed by jealous fans ... Not that I don't understand how they feel !

- Yeah ... speaking of which ! How was your date yesterday ? you didn't say anything about it ?

- Aah don't mention it ! we rescheduled for today ...

- Why ?!! what happened ?

- His brother got his car broken and took hese !! so when he was about to go out, he went looking for the keys and didn't find them ! and then his brother send him a message saying that he took his car ...

- hahaha OMG isn't this the second time he does that !!

- YEAH !! next time I swear I'm gonna kill him !

- hahah take it easy, it's okay :D now you get a better date, I'm sure Dae Ryong will try to make it up for you by preparing something goood 

- haha he better =b 

- Anyway, gotta go, my meeting starts in 10 mins !! Enjoy the rest of the day 

- I will =D Good luck




"Meeting canceled, we will have the meeting in two days : Wednsday 28th at 5pm"

This was written on a paper and hang on the club's office door.

What am I going to do now ? I was counting on this meeting to make me forget !

! What have I done ?? everything was going just fine, until he started being distant. 

What went wrong ? Why didn't I just ask him what was going on ? was I that afraid of his answer ? 

Aarghhh ... we would be together hanging out at our favorite spot if it wasn't for that flawless doll ! or if it wasn't for me ? I don't know ...

I'll just listen to some music on my way home... GREAT !! thank you "shuffle" for your perfect timing ! Why would this song pop at this time ! 

Yup, 4MEN "그 남자 그 여자" (that man, that woman) was playing ... 












Chapter 2 will be out when I get enough "good" feedback about this one =) 

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Foreverhis #1
Chapter 10: OMG OMG OMG OMG ! I love it! Thanks for the update!!!! <3
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 9: I am glad they are getting along again, I hope nothing messes that up
Foreverhis #3
Chapter 9: I LOVE ITTTTT! Update soon! Longer story pleasee?! :DD
update juseyo
pipsqueak110 #5
Chapter 5: what does hein mean?
ericakx #6
Chapter 6: Pls do update. I like your story ^_^ Can't wait for the next chapter ;)
Foreverhis #7
Chapter 6: Updattteeee soon! (:
Niobee #8
Chapter 6: When's the next chapter coming out? XD
Niobee #9
Chapter 5: Pleaaaase update soon!! LOVE IT!!!
Niobee #10
Chapter 2: already done reading! when is chapter3 coming? XD