Chapter 9: Peu à Peu

Rhythms of my heart ...

- "So what do you say we go for a drive?"

- "Like those we used to have?!" I said trying to hide my excitement.

- "yeah, remember? Haha"

- "yeah …"

- "so what do you say? Countryside or the beach?" He asked

- "uhm… beach? Yeah yeah the beach sounds good!"

- "Yes, I was hoping you’d say that. Meet you at your house then?"

- "No need to, if you’re at YG tonight; I’ll be there to finish some work with the team. I guess we’ll be done around 11pm."

- "Cool! I’ll text you when I’m done."

- "Okay"

It has been a month since Jiyong and I were … let’s say … friends? We hang out together most of his “free” time, mostly when he is in the studio. We did manage to get out of YG a couple of times but it was kind of difficult to hang out just the two of us outside so we’d always go out in groups; Jiyong with his crew and me with Mae-I, her boyfriend seemed to be busy with his business so he’d always ditch at last minute. But I could see Mae-I was not complaining … she was almost always with the Kwon Twin, I still cannot tell them apart! She can even tell who is who from their backs !

Today Jiyong called, as he always does when he wakes up, which is around 1pm. He’d be speaking and sipping his morning coffee. We would talk about everything and nothing, he would talk about this “dope” piece of furniture or clothing he wants to buy, I would tell him about the new spots I enjoy taking photos at or the latest movie I watched, etc. The crazy thing is, no matter how trivial the conversations are we never get bored talking! At least I wasn’t. It became some sort of habit for me these holidays. I wake up in the morning, work out, shower, eat, clean the apartment and then wait for his call. Sometimes the call lasts for hours, sometimes just a few minutes depending on his schedule or if I have any plans later on.

I think tonight would be the first time in a while that it would be just the two of us. At first I was excited knowing how fun it was to go for a drive and spend the night outside. It was fun but it was also the one activity we were able to do as a couple back when we were together. Soon the excitement gave room to anxiousness … we were no longer together, we are over, we are friends now! And it felt good to talk to him, but was I really over him?  He is and will always be Kwon Ji Yong, I would be lying if I said I had no feelings at all. However, I cannot forget how hard it was when things got confusing, how it felt to be hurt by him …

Argh! Why am I overthinking this! We are friends now; we should just keep it that way. Let’s just focus on what food to bring tonight.

It was 1:30 pm and I had lunch plans with Jad in Itaewon. “You will love it” is what he said when I refused to go if he didn’t tell me where we were going. He said he will be here around 2pm so I had exactly 30 min to pick some “decent” clothes to wear; since I have to go to work right after lunch. The team was being really nice, especially since it’s holidays, so they’re not making me be there the whole day since I don’t have school. Instead they let me come by the end of the afternoon and enjoy la grace matinée. But we do stay up late working. It was fine by me; I was enjoying the lazy slow pace of life.

I ended up in black skinny jeans, a checked shirt and boots. I looked at the mirror, I looked fine but something was missing … hmm maybe I’ll try putong on that trendy hat I got as a gift from Soe-hee. Yep ! I was good to go.

I was closing the door to my apartment at precisely 1:55 pm. I took the stairs and heard Jad on his way up. You can NOT miss him! He is always walking around humming.

- "Jad!" I called

- "Oh, you’re ready!" He yelled back from down the stairs

- "Of course I am!" I said offended

I heard him run up the stairs and he was before me in a matter of seconds.

- "It’s just that I’m used to you being 5 or 10 min late …" he said teasing me

I dind’t answer, instead I just stuck my tongue at him and walked away.

We were in his car driving the long relatively empty road.

-“You look nice by the way” he said at a red a light

-“Oh now you notice!” I said teasing

-“Forgive me my lady for your beauty dazed me, I lost my manners” he replied

-“Nice, nice! You are becoming more charming by the day … Good for you! You’ll finally be able to snatch one of those fantasy girls you have”

-“Oh I don’t need to work hard on that, I’m already there” he said faking an overly confident smile

-“Of course! Jad the mighty knight, all the ladies at the court are under his charm”

-“See!” he said giggling

We were almost there. A line of foreign restaurants started showing. We parked at a quite alley and walked a few meters before he said “Tadaa!” at a Lebanese restaurant.

-“OMG how did you know I’ve been longing for shawarma!”

 -“My name is Jad remember!”

-“Thanks Jad for the surprise! There aren’t many Lebanese restaurants out here

-“I know right!” He said in excitement “let’s sit on the terrace; the weather is so nice to be traped inside.”

-“That table over there seems nice” I said

It has been a while since I ate so deliciously! I had two shawarmas, French fries and coke, my stomach was dancing with happiness!! Jad had two times my portions and now was feeling sleepy haha.

-“Let’s go for a walk sleepy head” I said trying not to burst into laughter “you need to sober up”

-“you bet I do, this was …” he didn’t finish his sentence; he was just so out of it

We walked around for a few minutes, before we decided to go back to the car. We passed by a supermarket and I asked him to stop. I still had nothing to eat for tonight. I bought some sandwiches, energy drinks and water.

Jad drove me back to work; he was fully awake now to tease me all the way to YG. I wouldn’t mind being teased by the sweetest guy on earth who also happens to buy me delicious food!

I left the snack bags with the lady working in the cafeteria and went to the office. Everyone was there already. Normally I would be there at least an hour or so before, I didn’t notice it was 6pm already!

-“Oh, someone is late!” said Choi young-mi 

-“I apologize, I’ll stay an hour more after we’re all done” I replied

-“That’s okay, you’re allowed to go on dates” she said with a huge smile on her face

-“I wasn’t on a date”

-“aaayy you don’t have to lie to your sunbaes! I saw you coming out of that guy’s car”

-“hm? Ah, he is a friend of mine”

-“yeah yeah … let’s get back to work already”

3 hours later we were still in the office going through all the details, we were almost done but the most difficult part was yet to come. We had a 10 min break since everyone was clearly exhausted. Young-mi wouldn’t stop asking me about Jad, she said she saw him somewhere but can’t remember. She wanted to know everything about him. The way I saw it, it seemed to me that she had her eyes on him, especially since she kept making sure he was a friend and not my boyfriend.

The rest of the team started leaving around 11pm, soon I was alone in the office and Jiyong haven’t texted me yet. I was feeling sleepy so I want outside the hall to get some coffee from the coffee machine. I opened the door and saw Jiyong standing beside the office.

-“What are you doing here?” I asked surprised

-“I was waiting for you to come out” he answered “Everyone went home what are you still doing there alone!”

-“I was waiting for your text and finishing my share of work”

-“Why are you staying when everyone is gone?”

-“I came a bit late and promised I would stay here to make up for the time I took” I explained “how long have you been staying here?”

-“Just a few minutes” he said

-“you should have texted me!”

-“I didn’t want to rush you”

-“that’s okay” I said confused “You want some coffee?”

-“Yes please”

I ordered another macchiato for him and waited for it to be ready.

-“you look nice today” he said

-“Really! Thank you”

I handed him the coffee and we just stood there not talking, but this time it felt awkward. He seemed weird, or maybe it was just because he was tired.

-“You look tired Jiyong” I said “You sure you want still want to go”

-“what ? no no I’m not that tired, besides I will feel much better if I get some fresh air”

-“yes you are right. When do you want to go?” I asked

-“Right now”

-“haha okay, right now it is. Let me just get my stuff”

-“Okay, I’ll be at the cafeteria” he said

I took my bag, closed the door and went from the back of the cafeteria to get the bags I left there. Jiyong was there too!

-“Oh!” I said

-“what are you doing here haha” he asked

-“getting these” I said pointing at the bags

-“Let’s see what you have there” he said sticking his face on the plastic bag “What? Is that all you’ve got for the night!”

-“hm? Let me see” I replied as I was checking what I bought “You’re right, oh my god, sorry I bought these when I was full, I didn’t realize it wasn’t enough.”

-“We’ll talk about this later” he said diving me a suspicious frown “Good thing I prepared these beforehand” he pulled out a box with juice, fruits, kimpap, snacks, and coffee.

-“Wow, when did you get all these!”

-“Does it matter? When I clearly spent more time thinking about this than you” he said in a sulky voice

-“alright alright, I’ll make it up for you, hm jiyong-ah?” I said taking his arm and walking him out of the building.

He put the box in the trunk along with my belittled groceries, before he yelled my name:

-“Ya Sa-ra !”


-“Don’t tell me you didn’t bring any warmer clothes!”

-“hm?”I said checking what I was wearing “Snap! Totally forgot!”

-“Exactly where was your mind the whole day!” he said pulling out a pink coat “here” he said while putting it on my shoulders.

-“Thanks, you’re a life saver” I said

He grinned and opened my door before he went to the driver’s seat and start the engine.

He started talking about his day; he confessed that he made that box on his own, and that he spent the rest of the day and night in the studio nonstop; he couldn’t even have a proper lunch. Which made me feel guilty I only got lame sandwiches when I had a banquet at lunch.

-“What about you? You said you came in late to work earlier.” He asked

-“Ah! I had lunch plans with Jad, and I kind of lost track of time … We went to a Lebanese restaurant! You have no idea how much I ate, and it was soo deli…”

-“You were with that coffeeshop guy?” he interrupted me

-“Yeah, I was surprised he taught about that restaurant! I have been craving shawarmas for a while now” I continued

-“It’s the second time this week…” he said calmly, way too calmly


-“Don’t you think you spend too much time with him?” he asked

-“Why would I think that?” I answered trying to avoid what seemed to be leading to a fight

I didn’t let him talk and jumped in:

-“I think I hang out with you more than I do with my other friends, and you don’t see them complaining …”

-“Friends…” he said

-“Yeah, but enough with this talk and back to the shawarmas” I said while rolling down the window “You should definitely try it some time! It was … exquisite”

-“alright then, but you’re buying! You let me starve and talk about delicious food tsk tsk! You’re being way too cruel!” he teased

-“haha I’m sorry, I didn’t realize, but no worries lunch on me whenever you want”

We drove for about 30 min before we were out of the city.

-“Do you want me to open the roof?” he asked

-“You know me too well”

The sky was clear, the weather nice, cold but not too much. It felt good sitting next to him, rolling in speed against the stinging air, bottled up in his warm coat. His smell was all over me. I always found it fascinating how he smelled like so many things at once, it was confusing yet addicting. He stepped on the wheel and changed the music playing. It was the CD compilation that I have made for him in what seemed to be ages ago. I recognized the song, I used to listen to it a lot; “Peu à peu” by Peppermoon.

We drove for about 2 hours before we reached a remote beach. We didn’t talk much the rest of the drive; we were enjoying the scenery and the music playing over the engine’s roaring.

-“Ahh finally! I’m starving I could eat you” he said jokingly while stopping the engine.

-“haha, on the trunk or down there on the sand” I asked

-“hm, I’ll eat here first, and wait a while before we go down”

-“alright. You have a blanket in the back right?”

-“Yeah, I’ll help you get it”

-“No no, I’m fine I’ll do it, you stretch your body a while you’re been driving for more than 2 hours”

-“Oh you’re back to being nice again” he smiled “you’re not tricking me are you?”

-“haha” I laughed before faking a threat “I’ll eat all the food and let you starve”

-“You wouldn’t do that” he said while lighting up a cigarette

-“Ya!” I yelled

-“What?” he asked with puppy eyes “I waited the whole ride for this smoke!”

-“argh fine” I said rolling my eyes

We sat on top of the trunk and ate while teasing one another. We waited until 4am to go down the beach. We set the blanket and he waited until I sat down to do the same, and he smoothly ended up laying his head on my lap

-“Ahh! Feels good” he said closing his eyes

-“You changed your haircolor again?” I asked as I noticed the blue shades on his hair

-“And you just saw that!” he said with his eyes wide open

-“Do you think that when I’m talking to you I’m looking at your hair”

-“And what do you look at?” he asked amused

-“Seriously Jiyong!” I said

-“Ah keurae! You said you loved my eyes” he said blinking his lashes

-“YA!!” I yelled while slightly hitting his shoulder

-“What?” he was now sitting facing me “It wasn’t my eyes? Was my lips then?”

-“Oh my, you’re so full of yourself it’s unbelievable”

-“No No No, I’m just stating the obvious”

I faked a shock stating how lame he sounded. He started laughing and poured coffee for both of us.

-“There is Venus” I pointed at the sky

- “Always so fond of the stars and planet”

- “Always” I replied back

Soon the sun was setting and I was feeling sleepy. But he felt more awake talking about his upcoming trip to Europe.

-“why don’t you sleep for an hour of so” he said after I unintentionally yawned

-“no I’m okay”

-“no you’re not. Here …” he said offering me his arm to lean on.

He was laying on his side and looking at me with encouraging eyes.

-“It’s okay, I won’t eat you, I already had kimbap” he said grinning


When I woke up I was no longer laying my head on his arm instead I was lying on his chest. I slightly leaned on him to sit and reached for the coffee.

-“can I have some too” he said in his sleepy voice

-“did I wake you up?” I asked

-“the coffee smell did” he said his eyes still open

He reached out for the cup whit his right hand and frown.

-“what’s wrong?” I worried

-“I forgot how heavy your head was. I did free my hand after a while but it seems like the damage was done” he said teasing

-“you’re the one who made me sleep” I answered back with a sulky attitude

-“Being sulky first thing in the morning! That is totally you” he said joking “Alright I take it back” he said and he kissed my left cheek.

He then stood up and offered me his hand to help me do the same. I wasn’t over that peak that he was already touching my hair.

-“What are you doing” I asked stoned* (as in high :D)

-“you hair is a mess … but I like it” he winked

What? What’s going on, did I miss on something or what?

-“come on let’s go, traffic will start in no time” he said

It was 6:30 am on a Friday morning. I had nothing in particular today except for the pop up plans Mae-I always seem to arrange. But they usually start only late at night so I have the whole day to myself.

We were driving for a while before I noticed that we weren’t taking the same path as we did yesterday.

-“where are you going?” I asked

-“Breakfast” he said “You think I’ll pass on this opportunity to spend more time with you without having the whole crew on our backs?”

 -“But it’s fun hanging out with them”

He looked at me somehow hurt.

-“You mean you don’t enjoy being with me as much as you do with the others?”

-“No, I just meant that I didn’t mind hang out with them”

-“Well I do, that is why we’re taking advantage of this opportunity and going to have breakfast just the two of us… besides by the time we reach Seoul it will be too crowded we’ll be stuck in traffic, we better enjoy the calm here”

-“alright, but no seafood for me”

-“I know, you think I’d forget that” he said

We went to a café by the sea. He ordered kimchi chigae for the two of us, one vegan for me and seafood for him.

We played at the beach for a while before we decided to go back to Seoul. The sun was warm, and the sky was ornate with little fluffy clouds that were so amazing I didn’t even realize Jiyong was holding my hand the whole time.

We reached Seoul around 10pm. He insisted on driving me home. I didn’t mind since my neighborhood was kind of quiet by now; everyone leaves in the morning so his shiny car won’t attract any attention.

-“So what are you going to do when you get home” he asked

-“I’ll probably shower and sleep, you?”

-“Hmm I don’t feel sleepy just yet, I’ll write for a while and then sleep. I have a shooting for a magazine all night” he said in a pout

-“Why does it have to be at night! At least you have no schedule for the day”


-“Alrigh then, let me know how it goes” I said and reached for the door handle

-“Wait” he halted

-“hm?” I turned around and found him only a few inches away from my face. He then took my head in both his arms slowly and kissed my forehead before he said with a smile:

-“Good night”

It was so sudden I couldn’t answer, I just smiled slightly –that’s all I could manage to do-, quickly got off the car and started walking away when I heard him shout “I’ll call you when I wake up!”




That's it for this chapter =) Hope you like it ... please share your thought on the comments section *-~

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Foreverhis #1
Chapter 10: OMG OMG OMG OMG ! I love it! Thanks for the update!!!! <3
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 9: I am glad they are getting along again, I hope nothing messes that up
Foreverhis #3
Chapter 9: I LOVE ITTTTT! Update soon! Longer story pleasee?! :DD
update juseyo
pipsqueak110 #5
Chapter 5: what does hein mean?
ericakx #6
Chapter 6: Pls do update. I like your story ^_^ Can't wait for the next chapter ;)
Foreverhis #7
Chapter 6: Updattteeee soon! (:
Niobee #8
Chapter 6: When's the next chapter coming out? XD
Niobee #9
Chapter 5: Pleaaaase update soon!! LOVE IT!!!
Niobee #10
Chapter 2: already done reading! when is chapter3 coming? XD