Sleepy Head

Rhythms of my heart ...


The two days at school were cool, I got to forget about HIM while hanging out with Seo-Hi. We always have some crazy shizl going on ! Like for exemple, on wednsday some freshman took over our "hideout" so we had to set a plan to get them out of there. We spent the whole day trying to figure out a plan and in the end we ended up be-friendling the "enemy" ! They turned out to be cool, so we just let it slide that time, and they kinda got the message ...


Anyway, it's tuesday today, and I'm headed to my last class before I get to go to WORK !


It's 5pm and I'm right in front of YG building taking a deep breath before facing my sad reality ... I just keep praying that I won't have to see him again ...


One minute I'm standing in an empty road  the other I'm right in the middle of what I call "Souk" !   (*souk : a crowded place) 

20 something teenage girls were surrounding the place screaming all there power.

- "He is out!"


-"Ji Yong Oppa!!"


Hmm I get it ... The almighty Ji Yong must be headed out.

I need to get going, at least now I know that I won't have to see him for the evening ! Assa !!


Wait, what's going on? Why are they all gone again?? And what is this noise!

Oh my god! A huge white something with strong lights was coming my way and I was right in the middle of the road!

And with a Vroom and an air "Whoosh" it was all gone, leaving me blinded by the lights and dizzy with all the vibration caused by that thing 

I think that was Ji and his car!

And I was standing there like a crazy girl waiting to get hit by a car! Instead, my pride got hit by my stupidity!

And I thought I wasn't gonna see him today, aka I wasn't gonna embarrass myself in front of him again !

Another embarrassing moment to add to my Oh-so-short list !

He didn't see me right? He couldn't have saw me ... Naah, he was vrooming around how could he notice anything or anyone around ... Yeah ... he didn’t see me


While I was still trying to "convince" myself that it was nothing, I heard someone calling me


- "Oh hey there !"


I turned around and saw Young Min. She was holding 2 shop bags and a box of coffee cups. How could she hold that much stuff and still call my name "brightly" ! Now she is Perfect Barbie Dancer ! But I gotta help ...


- "Hey, you look like you need some help ! Let me get that for you."

- "Oh thank you Sa-Ra you're so kind ! You just finished school ?"

- "Yeah, and since I couldn’t make it the last 2 days I thought I'd come and finish some of the work that has been piling"

- "Haha, you got that right ! We have tons of work to do, with all groups and solo artists making comebacks! I brought these - she was pointing at the bags- for the team ! It's looks like we're gonna pull an all nighter !"

- "Yeah, I thought so ! "

- "Come on let's get some work done =) "





It was 2 a.m and we didn't even get to the middle of it ! We had schedules to organize, outfits to fit, concepts to finalize and the list is long.

We decided we'd call it a night ... or an early morning when it was 03:30 am and the whole team was practicaly standing asleep.

Tomorrow we'll be here at 11am and finish the work.



After the goodnights and see you tomorrow, the whole team left, and left me as a "hoobae" to clean all the mess.


I was walking on my way out, dragging my feet, eyes half closed till I walked outside and got hit by strickening lights.

*sigh* I wanted my eyes to keep being tired ! Now they're all wide open from the lights ... I'm not gonna sleep tonight as well ...


- "Ya ! "


Who is screaming in the middle of the night ! I need my numbness people, stop waking me up !


- "Ya ! Kim Sa-Ra !"


Hein ? someone is calling my name.

Now I hear footsteps, someone is running ! Oh my, am I being/getting kidnapped ! That's what happens when you walk like a sleepy crazy drunk at 04am !

I'm not gonna turn around, I'll just keep walking like nothing happened.


- "Ya ! Ya ! Sa-Ra ! Where are you going ?"


I turned around ready to face my erted-kidnaper to yell some at him when I saw a well-dressed ... wait, that's not a , that's Ji !

- "Turn around, act like you didn't see him" I talked to myself when I felt a hand pulling my shoulder

- "Didn't you hear me call you !"

- "..." I couldn't talk, again.

- "Since when you don't talk that much ? hein?"

- "What do you want"

- "See, that's more like it ! What are you doing here at this time ?"

- "What do you think I was doing, my job of course"

- "I mean alone"

- "They all left. Let go of me, I gotta go, it's late"

- "Yeah, you got that right ! I'm taking you home, like you said, it's late."

- "Why do you care, just keep going or whatever you were doing, I can handle myself"

- " If I knew you would, I woudn't have bothered talking to you ..."

-  "hein ?"

- " I know you well enough to know that you attract problems"


What?  "I wouldn't bother talking to you" ? what am I some sort of disease ?!


- "Come on, my car is that way "

- "No, I'm taking a cab"

- "No you're not ! I'm taking you home"

- "Gosh, I forgot how stuborn you were !"

- "..."


Why was he silent again ?

I got in his car, he started the engine, drove for two minutes and as if he couldn't stand the awkward silence he the radio.

If he wasn't talking I wasn't gonna talk either, so I leaned on the door and closed my eyes for a while.


- "Hey, we're here"

-"hmm ?"

- "Wake up, Sa-ra, you know I can't take you home ..."

- "hm, what ? " we were in front of my building "Oh ! I must have slept, sorry"

- "No need to. Here is you bag."

- "Thanks, bye"

- "Bye"


What is this feeling ? It felt like we were back together, back when we were during our post breaking phase. Where we would still hang but keep talking coldly to each other. 'cause that small-polite talk we had was pure coldness. He was talking normaly just moments ago, when he was trying to make me take his car,  and then Bang he shifted, like the look on his face the other day !


That boy is pure mistery. As much as I think, or thought I knew him, he always (intringue ing) me one way or another.



I couldn't sleep that night, too much Ji for one day ! and the way he spoke to me, the way he DIDN't speak to me, the way he acted aarghhh he drives me crazy !


When you can't find sleep, or sleep can't find you (...) you can always turn to music ! And what better songs to fit the mood ... Davishi "nagging" was playing



The alarm clock started ringing at 09am, the alarm song felt like it was the dream out of me. I woke up in terror, affraid to be late for work. Argh and my head was killing me. I didn't even drink !


I took a shower, got dressed up and went out to work, I can always have breakfast at work. I don't feel like preparing anything to eat !


I got there at 10:15, I had enough time to eat and be the first one to get to the office.

hmm not so sure about being the first one to get there ... Miss Barbie Perfect was ahead of me, sipping her coffee.

- "Good morning !! you're here early"

- "Hey, I could say the same"

- "Well we have a lot to work on, I had to come a liittle bit earlier"

- "Yeah, I see. I'm gonna grab something to eat"

- "Okay, I'll be right here"


How can she be so nice ! she doesn't leave me any room to hate her !


We had coffee together, talked a bit about work while waiting for the whole team to show at 11am. Then the hectic work day started.




- "Come ooooon, let's Go partèèè !!"


Mae-I was trying to persuad me into going with her to the club after work.


- "Really Mae, I'd love to but I'm super tired already and the day hasn't finished yet !

- "Pretty plèèz !! Were did the fun Sa-ra go ?? You used to be the one harassing me to go clubbing !! and now ... you're gonna let me go on my own ... you don't even know what kind of s I might meet !"

- "You can just sit home, and avoid it ! "

- "..." 

-"Fiiiine, text me the adress and I'll meet you there ! "

- "Yaay !! Okay, see yaa !"




OK Kim Sa Ra, let's do this !  Loose the sad attitude ! You can't beat yourself down for something you did on your own ! remember, YOU broke up with him, so stop pitying yourself.


I got the club adress; that crazy Mae was at NB ! She said she would be in the second floor ... why is she in the VIP floor ??


I went upstairs and looked around for a while before my eyes caught on something, someone ...


There was a table were things were a liiittle bit heating up.


And right in the middle there was my oh so dear friend Mae-I hooking up with, I gotta admit, from what I could see looked like a well-built hot guy.


Well, as much as I want Mae to continue what she's doing, I can't just stand here watching her close to having babies right in the middle of NB !


- "Hum Hum Mae-I" I said with a-not-that-embarassed voice

- "Hmm ?" she said while turning around with lazers shooting out of her eyes, "Oh, you made it ! "

- "Yeah, and apparently I wasn't needed ! "

- "haha what? no of course not, I wanted you to meet my "boyfriend" "

- "Oh really, I don't see him, is he on his way ?"

- "Ha-Ha very funny Sa-Ra"

- "Kyun-i Oppa meet Sa-Ra my BF, as you can see she can be VERY friendly" said Mae with a jockingly-sarcastic smile on her face

- Nice to meet you Kyun-i ssi

- "I heard a lot about you Sa-Ra ssi ! Here have a seat, my friends will be here in a few minutes"


I sat there with them, and talked about casual stuff before I got to know that kang Kyun-I was a sweet fun guy. Mae-I sure knows how to choose hers "boys". And to top that, he had his own coffee shop !! How cool is that. Mai-I worked there as a part timer, that's how they met.


An hour already passed when Kyun-I Oppa started waving at a group of people; by people I mean HOT people in fashionably HOT clothes !

I didn't know Kang Kyun-I had such "friends" O.O

As they came to say Hi, I recognized two of his friends, they were twins, they were YG dancers. I never had the chance to talk to them but we've met a few times at work.

We introduced ourselves, got to know each other, and talk nonsens while waiting for the rest of the party people to come.

Mae-I and kyun-I left to hit the floor, and I was there sitting with the twins and some new girl who showed up, judging from the "amount" of "skinship" she seemed like the old twin's girlfriend.

Just when I was about to find an excuse to leave Mae and Kyun I were back and made me stay. I was still trying to convince that I would only stay for one more hour when I heard Young Min’s voice screaming “Hellos” out loud.
I look up, to see if I it was really her, of just my imagination … I spent so much time with her this couple of days … and then, my mind, my breath and my heart stoped !

It was indeed Young Min. But she wasn’t alone; she was with two other boys. Ji Yong was one of them.









Heey ! Hope this chapter is better than the last one :)

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Foreverhis #1
Chapter 10: OMG OMG OMG OMG ! I love it! Thanks for the update!!!! <3
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 9: I am glad they are getting along again, I hope nothing messes that up
Foreverhis #3
Chapter 9: I LOVE ITTTTT! Update soon! Longer story pleasee?! :DD
update juseyo
pipsqueak110 #5
Chapter 5: what does hein mean?
ericakx #6
Chapter 6: Pls do update. I like your story ^_^ Can't wait for the next chapter ;)
Foreverhis #7
Chapter 6: Updattteeee soon! (:
Niobee #8
Chapter 6: When's the next chapter coming out? XD
Niobee #9
Chapter 5: Pleaaaase update soon!! LOVE IT!!!
Niobee #10
Chapter 2: already done reading! when is chapter3 coming? XD