Chapter 5 [Part 2]

Rhythms of my heart ...

Hellooo there !! =D [Part 2]  is finally out ! 

Hope you enjoy reading this chapter, aaand listening to the music XD

Comment ! Comment ! Comment ! =D



The next morning.
Bip Bip Bip it was 09:30 a.m 
The radio alarm clock was on. A sweet song was playing, I think that was Jay Park's voice. I couldn't help but hum  with the music. 
Dispite yesterday's event, I found myself smiling and singing the chorus that I somehow picked up while listening to the song for the first time.
I took a shower, put on some jeans and a white T-shirt, grabbed my bag and went out. This sweet morning and sunny weather was too good for me to spoil it by standing in the kitchen and make breakfast ... Why make breakfast when you can eat at your favorite spot ! =D
Hebergeur d'image
It's been a while since I've been here ! I should have come here earlier ... I felt at home the moment I steped inside.
- "Well Well, isn't that the long lost Kim Sa-Ra !"
I had beside me a tall, fit,  black haired, brown skined guy who was the owner of the shop and who also happens to be my best friend. My best friend whom I didn't talk to in months !
- "Jad ! It's been a while !! How have you been ?" I said while giving him a slight hug 
- "Good Good. I thought you left the country ! I didn't hear from you in ages !"
- "Yeah, I know. It's been a bit hectic lately." 
- "What's going on ? "
- "Nothing really ... Just life's drama"
- "Okay", Jad said and I knew he wouldn't just let go. "Let's talk it over some coffee. You didn't have breakfast have you ?" he said with a smile
- "Oh you know me so well Jad haha"
Jad and I must have some tangled destiny !  I knew him from back home, but we never were very close, and then one day when I was in Paris for my 2 months vacation in Europe, I met him and we started getting along with each other. And then we lost contact, until the day I discovered this shop and found out he was the owner ! 
We spent the whole morning talking and catching up the few weeks we didn't talk. I forgot how nice it was to talk to him. He was such a good listner.  
It was lunch time already and Jad had me talk about the "nothing really" I was trying to avoid. We decided to take it somewhere else, and he suggested we'd have lunch at some restaurant that just opened where you could enjoy the food and talk at ease.
It's 2:30 p.m, we finished eating, talking and catching up. He was right, the food and the atmosphere where good, I definitely should come back here. 
I now need to go to work, we said we'd meet at 03 p.m. Luckily the restaurant was in the same area, and Jad offered to drive me there ... well he didn't offer ... he made me get in the car. God he is so stubborn ! 
Jad now knows the whole story, but doesn't now the details ... as in who's the ex-boyfriend and where I always happen to bump into him. 
- "Woah ! You were at THE YGE !" Jad said with suprised eyes, we were now  infront of the YG building.
- "Yup" I said with a jockinly proud look.
- "Did you make any friends ? Girl friends, hein?
- "hahaha I'm NOT hooking you up with a dancer if that's what you're implying !"
- "Come ooon ! for the sake of our Great (italic) friendship ! Besides, if it weren't for me you'd still be stuck in traffic and you'll have to be late for work"
- "No No No you're not playing that card ! YOU made me get in your car !"
- "And you're still in it, so if by chance my foot steps on the pedal the car would move and god nows I can drive for hours and hours ..."
- "Fiiine ! I'll see what I can do" 
- "That's my girl ! Now get out of here before you get scholded !"
- "Argh, it was VERY nice seeing you Jad !" 
- "Oh the pleasure is all mine" He said with a mocking smile before disapearing in a Vroom 
Ahh, it's always nice talking to that fool ! I can't believe we didn't talk since the last time we've met ... I feel good now, after spending some time with him. I didn't even thank him, all I did was , I'll text him now.
"Thank you Jad, I had a good time. It's always nice talking to you"
Oh, he is quick to answer : 
" The pleasure is all mine. Don't you forget the favor you owe me  ..."
Hahah he is crazy 
- "Who are you texting and smiling ? Is it your boyfriend ?" 
I lift my head and my eyes met a curious Young Mi with a teasing smile on the face.
- "Oh, how come we always meet here ! "  I said trying to avoid her stucking her nose in my business.
- " It must be some kind of destiny" she said while smiling and walk-dancing to the building
We have a lot of work to do this afterernoon, we need to finalize all the work and give it to the direction by midnight so that they can start using it by  Monday.
It was 08 p.m when Mae-I texted me saying that there was something urgent she needed to talk to me about. I waited untill I finished the task I had on my hand and asked for a break. I went outside the office, walked down the hall, and sat in the table near the cafeteria. I dialed Mae-I 's number and waited for her to answer. Nothing. I started to freak out and texted her to pick up her phone, I waited for 15 min before she called me back.
- "Oh, Mae-I what's going on ? Is everything alright ?"
- "No, it's not" said Mae-I while freaking out
- "Tell me, what's going on?"
- "it's Kyun-I ..."
Oh my god, what's going on, all kind of scenarios were flowing in my heard. 
- "Mae-I for god sake tell me what's going on" I snaped at her
- "He wants me to meet his parents"
- "What ?" I said in disbelief
- "Last night when we left - btw you need to tell me what happened - Oppa suggested we'd go on a late night drive and we went to incheon, the weather 
was so cool and the atmosphere at the beach was so nice and the we talked and talked untill dawn and when he was driving me back home he said that tomorrow he's gonna pick me up to meet his parents !"
- "..."
- " I don't understand why I didn't say anything at the moment. I got home, slept and it was untill I woke up and took a shower that it hit me ! ... Sa-Ra oeteokae ! What am I supposed to do ?"
- "..."
- " I mean I like him, and yesterday was nice but I'm not sure I wanna meet his parents ! "
- "..."
- " What should I do"
- "Well ... I don't know ... Did you talk to him ?"
- "No I didn't, I freaked out and called you I don't know what to do or say"
- " Why don't you just tell him what you told me now, a polished version of course. Kyun-I seems like a cool guy I'm sure he'll understand ... You never know, maybe he just said that at the moment, maybe he doesn't even remember ! 
- "He seemed serious about it"
- "Just try. Try and talk to him about it, and see what's gonna happen"
- "Okay"
- "Okay ? Feeling better now ?"
- "Haha yeah sorry I freaked out like that"
- "haha it's ok. I gotta go now Mae-I I still didn't finish work. Talk to you when I'm done."
- "okay. Thank you. Bye"
- "Babye"
- "Well, Well You asked for a break not a maternity leave ! Sa-Ra you know we have lots to work on !" That must be Young-Mi again 
- "Yeah I know, thx for reminding me" I said with my so-not-sarcastic tone. 
- "What's going on ?" a curt spellbinding voice rung a bell in my ears. 
I turned around to see if it was really him or just my messed up mind. 
My mind was right; He was standing at the entry.
- "Oppa you're here ! Aigo, I need to do something about this ... she keeps dozing ! she seems like she has a new boyfriend or something !" said Young-mi while litterally jumping on him.
I wanted to leave, but not an inch of my body felt like responding to my brain. His gaze was so intense I could barely breath. I was standing righ in front of him, Young mi being next to him mystified. I gathered all the stenght and courage I had and walked out passed him. I heard Young Mi say something but I couldn't really decipher what she said. I can't even understand what just happened ! What was going on ? and whats with that look ! Normally he just ignores me ... and what's with that barbie doll ! I know she's stressed about work, but she's not the only one with work to do ! 
I don't even remember what I was working on, I just did what I had to do and kept thinking about the intensity of that moment. It was like anger mixed with hurt and then back to anger and killing desire. I don't get why he was mad, or whatever he was ! I didn't even say a word ! 
We finished at 11:30 p.m, surprinsinly earlier than expected, and then everyone left and I was stuck with the chores.
Just when I was about to finish, I heard my phone vibrate, I check it and recognized JiYong's number; he sent me a text.
"I need to talk to you, meet me at the parking lot - KJY"
I cleaned up the rest, took my bag and went outside to the parking lot. He was leaning on his car.
I stood 5 meters away from him and waited for him to start talking. He kept silent looking at the ground for a few seconds then he said:  
- "I want you to leave the company. What are you even doing here, why did you choose to come here ?"
- "You know It's been my forever dream to be part of this company, plus why does it bother you, and it's not like I came here to see you or anything, I don't even see why we keep bumping into each other" 
- "Exactly ! and I don't want to risk at any moment to see you in front of me"
- "..."
- "You can write your resignation letter and give it to HR by monday, if you're that desperate for a job I can find you one myself."
- "Whoa !!  the ALMIGHTY Kwon Ji Yong is willing to help me get the hell out of his sight ! How generous of you"
- "Stop it already !"
- "No you stop it !  don't you think you've hurt me enough ! I'm not here  to see you, don't you think it bothers me more than it does to you ! 
Don't worry I'm not here to know who your girlfriend is or how she looks or anything; I don't give a damn what you do with your personnal life ! shouldn't you be gratefull I broke up without creating any drama !" 
- "You must be on something to say something like that ! are you hallucinating ! Helloo you were the one cheating !" 
- "WHAT! hahaha now you're putting the blame on me, aren't you ! Fine I forgive you cheating or not, we were done months ago why bring it up again !
I'm leaving, it's late !"
I left him standing there and left. I couldn't take it anymore. Why is he torturing me with this ! It ENDED months ago, if I don't wanna talk about it why does he keep bringing it on ?
I was waiting at the bus stop when a white Bentley pulled in. I know that car. It's his car. I stood there like nothing for a few seconds before the window rolled down and he shouted a "Get in the car" before he rolled it back.
If he thinks I would get in just because he said so, he must be dreaming !
He then started honking, he is making a fuzz, soon people will recongnize his car ! 
- "Are you out of your mind ! Stop honking !"
- "Get it" he said in a cutting way.
- "I'm done fighting"
- "I don't wanna fight either, just get it already"
- "No"
He stepted out of the car, opened the front seat's door and too my arm ready to drag me.
-"What are you doing" I said whime trying to keep my voice down
-" You just don't listen, like NEVER ! 
- "Fine, just let go of me" I said while glaring at him
- "There" he said while loosing his grip on my arm "Now get in, okay?"
He closed my door, and got in the car. He waited for me to put on my seatblet before he steped on the pedal accelerating like he was some kind of Schumacher. 
He didn't say a word, the whole ride. Instead, he the CD player and a soothing sad music flowed.
I thought it was over
Because it was just as my friends told me
About the formula for a break up
So I turned off my phone
I thought, if I endured through a couple days
I would forget someone like you
(But the me inside)
Is whispering
That there won’t be a person
That I’ll love like I loved you
(That I’ll wander around here and there)
And go back to you
That this can’t be the end
* Like a lie
My heart froze cold
But it melts down in front of you
Just like the season changes
From cold winter to spring
I’m melting because of you
Drip, drip
Drip, drip
Why did you do that back then?
Was it because you were sick of me?
Or did I do something wrong?




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Foreverhis #1
Chapter 10: OMG OMG OMG OMG ! I love it! Thanks for the update!!!! <3
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 9: I am glad they are getting along again, I hope nothing messes that up
Foreverhis #3
Chapter 9: I LOVE ITTTTT! Update soon! Longer story pleasee?! :DD
update juseyo
pipsqueak110 #5
Chapter 5: what does hein mean?
ericakx #6
Chapter 6: Pls do update. I like your story ^_^ Can't wait for the next chapter ;)
Foreverhis #7
Chapter 6: Updattteeee soon! (:
Niobee #8
Chapter 6: When's the next chapter coming out? XD
Niobee #9
Chapter 5: Pleaaaase update soon!! LOVE IT!!!
Niobee #10
Chapter 2: already done reading! when is chapter3 coming? XD