Variety Show Love....

Variety Show Love....

So first what I want to say is, at first I thought this story was going to be a one-shot, but I started writing, and it turned out to be really long. So its going to be a chaptered story....... Enjoy.. :)

Variety Show Love.....


"Unnie! Unnie!" You yelled as you jumped on their beds, trying to wake them up.

"Ummm, what is it." Jina, the leader mumbled with a hoarse voice.

"YAH!!! Shut up. Its only 6:45am!" Heesun rolled over to her side and pulled the blankets over her head.

You just rolled your eyes at her. "Unnie! Get up, we have a variety show recording today."

"So who cares, we don't start till 10 o'clock." Heesun mumbled back.

Being the maknae, they didn't listen to you much. You left their room to wake up the other members.

"Unnie get up." You slightly shook each of their shoulder.

"Mmmm, what time is it?" Junghee asked.

"6:50. We have a recording today and we have to go to the salon first." You told her. She nodded and sat up, rubbing her eyes.

"Did you already wake Jina and Heesun up?" 

You shook you head. " I tried and got yelled at." She chuckled.


-7:45am.In the car heading to the salon-

"Junho oppa" (your manager) " Is it true..... That we are going to be filming with In-infinite?" You were too excited you almost couldn't get their name out.

"Who told you that?" He asked turning your smile into a frown.

"We're not?"

" No, you are-"

"Ohh~ So thats the reason why she woke everyone up so early." Minji mumbled with her eyes closed. " She's head over heels with Infinite, to be specific, L. L oppa this, L oppa that. Thats all she ever talks about." 

Your manager laughed. "So hee-ah today must be your lucky day." 

They couldn't see you, but you were practically squealing at the thought of seeing Infinite over at your seat.


"Sohee-sshi your turn." The make-uplist called, telling you to get your make-up and hair done.

You nodded and put down you phone, heading over to the makeup area.

"How do you want to do your hair and makeup today?"

" Basic makeup and today I want to wave my hair." You told her and chuckled to yourself whispering to the lady. "L oppa's going to be at the recording.." She chuckled and nodded, knowing you were a big fan L's.


-Infinite's dorm-

8:30am. Its been almost an hour since their manager has been trying to wake them up. All the bedroom doors were wide open as he placed his hands on to his hips, sighing and standing in the middle of their living room. frustrated he couldn't get them up.

"EVERYONE!!!!" He screamed "Your going to be meeting Girls Town! Get up will you!!" Just then L came running to the door half awake.

"Girls-GirlsTown?!" He said shockingly. "Really! You not lying?!" 

Their manager shook his head "Obviously Not!" He said in annoyance.

"Don't worry hyung, I'll wake them up." L said and skipped happily to the bathroom

"Like I haven't been saying Girls Town for the last hour. *sigh~*" 

After finishing L went to bother the other members until they woke up.


-On their way to the studio-

"So hyung if Girls Town is going to be there that means.......So hee is going to be there too?!" L asked.

"No, didn't you hear, So hee has a music video shoot with 2pm, so she can't make it today." Woohyun said. while playing with his phone.

"No~, I thought they were all-" Dongwoo was interrupted when Woohyun looked at him to shut up.

"Really?" L said in a sad tone. "I thought I was finally getting to see her in person." He lowered his head. "Will then....I guess wake up me up when we get there." He leaned his head against the window.


"Annyeonghasayo Everyone. This week on Bouquet we are back with new guests." Shin young announced to the camera.

Boom nodded. "Nehh, and today we have our usual guests. 2AM's Seulong and~ Jokwon. The girl group. Miss A with Min and Suzy!" Boom said as the audience cheered in the back. "And many more participants that are not important." Boom let out a little laugh as the other people glared at him, such as Park Myungsoo, Simon D., Yoo Jea Seok, Kang Ho Dong, and many more.

"Now introducing our guests.~" 

" Girls~ Girls~ Girls~ Girls Town~!!!" Boom and Shin young yelled turning around pointing to the door for your groups appearance.

" Ahhhh~ Girls Town!!" The audience yelled as your group went on the filming set. Your song started and you all got into position to perform your latest comeback.

"Neh one of our guest today our is Girls Town!" The Mc's announced.

"Annyeonghasayo! We are Girls Town~" You all said together and bowed.

"What are all your positions in the group?"

" Neh, I'm the leader and rapper. Jina imida."

" Annyeonghasayo. I'm the sub vocal and main rapper, Heesun imida."

" Lead dancer and sub vocal. Junghee imida."

" Annyeonghasayo. Sub vocal. Sunjung imida."

" I'm the vocalist. Minji imida."

" Neh~ Annyeonghasayo. I'm the visual, Main vocalist, and maknae. So hee imida." You finished the groups introduction and went to take your seats.

"And our next guest are......"

" Infinite~ Infinite~ Infinite~ INFINITE~!!!"

"Woooo~ Ahhhhh~ Infinite!~" Infinite screamed as they came out. And again their latest comeback 'Man In Love' played as they started dancing.

"Annyeonghasayo.We are INFINITE imida~" They bowed.

"Annyeonghasayo Infinites leader, Sunggyu imida."

"Main rapper. Dongwoo imida."

"Main vocalist. Woohyun imida."

"Infinite's dancing machine. Hoya imida."

"Sub vocal. Sungyeol imida."

"Infinite's visual and main sub vocalist, L imida.

" Annyeonghasayo, Infinites' Maknae, Sunjong imida." Sunjong finished as they went and took their seats.

You saw L looking over at your group as they walked by, you couldn't help but do the same.

"Now that the guests have been introduced." Shin young turned to face Boom.

" We'll be right back."

"Don't change the Channel~"


Commercial Break......



Heyyyyy First chapter huh. How is it?

I know its really boring but thats only because this is the first chapter. I promise you tomorrows chapter will be 99.9% better. :P

Will stay tuned for the next chapter.

 Comment on how you think of my chapter. Don't forget o Subscribe, and Vote.....

Thanks for reading. :D

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infinityxkmsl_ #1
Chapter 5: update soon author-nim ^^ hehhehhee
Nisa90 #2
Chapter 5: Please update
Chapter 4: THE FEELS~
Chapter 5: this is so great!
Nisa90 #5
Chapter 5: Awww.....I love this story. It's so cute. Keep up the good work author-nim
Chapter 4: maybe he wants to make the finger up.. ?
Chapter 3: WHAT HAPPEN!!!???????
Chapter 2: Update soon!!! Can 't wait XD
Chapter 2: jfwecsjavd1aV<CJ!!! LOVE IT!! L IS SUCH CUTIE!
Chapter 1: GAH!!!! updated soon!!!