Variety Show Love....

Variety Show Love....

Variety Show Love....


"So hee, what about you. Do you like men who have their hair up or down?"

"Me?" you pointed to yourself. "I like men who have their fringes up" You tried to imitate it with your hand to show an example "Like how L has it in their song 'The Chaser' mv."

Just then L stood up from his seat and walked off the set.

"L-sshi where are you going?"

"Yah! L where are you going?"

"Yah! L!!"


"Noona, you don't mind redoing my hair the way So hee likes it right." He told the stylist, loud enough for the mics to pick it up.

The Mc's went and dragged him back to his seat as Woohyun out an arm around L's shoulder. Dongwoo and Hoya pretended to be the stylist and fixed his hair, causing more laughter on the set.


-Back to the Q and A.-

"Woaahh. I'm really impressed by So hee-sshi vocals." Woohyun complimented "Being the main vocalist of INFINITE, I got chills listening to her cover." He clapped "She has a really strong and amazing voice."

You bowed to Woohyun "Kamsamida Woohyun-sshi."


"Will thats a wrap for this weeks Show. This here again is Girls Town and INFINITE."

"Stay tune for next weeks guest.Until then ANNYEONG..."


"And.......Cut!" The director yelled as the camera men turned off their rolling camera's.

Everyone was telling thank you, you worked hard, or just chatting before everyone left for their schedule.

After all the kpop groups said their good byes, you and your group took your leave. Just when your guys where about to exit the door L came running over and tapped your shoulder.


"So hee, we'll be waiting in the car~" they giggled and ran off. You just ignored them and turned back to L.

"Mind if we get a a picture to-together?" L awkwardly rubbed his neck.

"Yea..... sure its fine.."

He pulled out his phone and clicked on the picture button, you scooted closer to him so you both would fit in the camera.


"Ah- L-sshi can I get one too?" You were about to pull out your phone.

"I can just send it to you." He said while focusing on the picture "Whats your number." 

He looked up in shocked after he realized what he had just said. "I-I mean- so I can send the picture to you......."

You chuckled at him for being so awkward "Its (insert number)" You paused while waiting for him to type it in to his phone.

"I'll send it to you. Kamsamida So hee-sshi." He bowed.

You bowed back. "I'll be expecting a picture from you~" You told him and followed your members out the door.



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infinityxkmsl_ #1
Chapter 5: update soon author-nim ^^ hehhehhee
Nisa90 #2
Chapter 5: Please update
Chapter 4: THE FEELS~
Chapter 5: this is so great!
Nisa90 #5
Chapter 5: Awww.....I love this story. It's so cute. Keep up the good work author-nim
Chapter 4: maybe he wants to make the finger up.. ?
Chapter 3: WHAT HAPPEN!!!???????
Chapter 2: Update soon!!! Can 't wait XD
Chapter 2: jfwecsjavd1aV<CJ!!! LOVE IT!! L IS SUCH CUTIE!
Chapter 1: GAH!!!! updated soon!!!