Variety Show Love....

Variety Show Love....

Variety Show Love....


"Ready...... CUE!!"

Your back was facing L with your arms across your chest, you were suppose to act as the mad girlfriend because you caught L texting a girl.

"Jagiya~" L laughed at the unusual feeling but soon got serious. "Jagiya~..........Yeobo~" He called and scooted closer to your back. you continued to ignore him.


Girls Town, INFINITE, 2AM, Miss A, Mc's and the audience was SHOCKED........

You could feel butterflies in your stomach when L wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and rested his head on your shoulder. You were basically squealing inside but tried to act as normal as you could.

"She's totally enjoying it!" Jina yelled causing more laughter in the crowed.

"Yeobo don't be mad. Mmm. She's just a friend."

"Yea right. What is there for you and Suzy unnie to talk about huh." You were seriously going to need to apologize to Suzy after this. Seeing how shocked she was.

"Suzy is nothing compared to you. I hope have you in my heart." He quickly pecked your cheek  and ran away leaving you speechless same as the audience.

The Infinite boys were chasing him around the stage, beating him up for his doing. You fanned yourself as you went back to sit with your group. They helped cool you down.

As the studio had finally calmed down the Mc's continued "So hee-sshi what made you use Suzy as your rival?"

"ahahah. Aniya, Suzy's not my rival. It's just I remembered that they had a recording on Invincible Youth"

"Ahh, that right." 

"Yea they had the recording together and that popped into my head at the moment. But I want to apologize to Suzy sunbae." You bowed to Suzy.

"Gwenchana, it kind of surprised me, but its okay."

"L-sshi you did some quite shocking actions. Do you mind explaining."

"L has actually wanted to do that" Woohyun corrected himself "Not exactly to So hee, but I bet he enjoyed it" He wiggled his eyebrows to the camera. "But L has said the whenever he does have a girlfriend and she gets mad at him for any reason he'll kiss her. Not on the cheeks but the Lips." Woohyun pointed to his lips.

"Ahhh- so that was just a teaser of what he'll actually do." The crowed laughed at the Mc's joke. "What makes you think a kiss will fix the problem L-sshi?"

"Will isn't that how people do it now and days" L chuckled. "I just want to try it when I do get a girlfriend though.."

"Ohhh and when will that be~?"

"Ummm." L rubbed his neck shyly. "If So hee-sshi agrees to it then right now actually." L laughed at his terrible joke and hid.

You blushed at his statement, wanting to say yes to his question just stayed silent.

"Woah L and So hee please don't create a scandal on this show please. ahaha."

"L actually call's himself the 'irresistible lips' back at the dorm..."


-Special Stage Performance-

"First we have INFINITE!!!"

(Watch the video please)

"Woahhh~ Such great dance and team work!"The audience clapped for them as they went to their seats.


Next we have~ Girls Town!!!"

(Pick who ever you want to be out of those four. and please watch the video)

"Their dance was Fantastic. Very powerful~"


"And the two solo stage! First we haveee~


The music started. Jokwon couldn't hold himself back from dancing with Sungjong. Soon enough Min joined them both.

They ended the dance with Jokwons famous kkab dance.


"And our last stage!

Girls Town..........So Hee!!!!"


The camera's roamed around as you singed and soon landed on L and Woohyun. L looked amazed by your singing and Woohyun was sitting there holding on to his throat, trying to do the long note you did at the end of the song. he was amazed by your strong voice.

"WOOOOO~AHHHHH~!" They cheered as the song ended 

"Woah~ No wonder she's the main vocalist!" The Mc's were moved. "Now. Question and Answer about your special stages."


"There's this segment of the show?"

"I thought it ended after the  special stages?"

Everyone was shocked about this segment of the show. "Yorobun. Quiet down please. You know we've got to record at least one episode worth of broadcast. So the Writer's include this segment in." Shin young confirmed with the writer. Everyone nodded.

"First question: What did you guys think of Infinite's performance stage?"

2AM Response: "Pfft! I could've done Sungjong's part." Jokwon flipped his hair to the side.

"Ah. Their dance was really good. I was actually quite shocked" Seulong said "But they can't beat our 'Dirty Eyed Girl' Dance" 

Everyone burst into laughter as a little of the clip was played on screen. (

Miss A Response: "Their dance was nice."

Girls Town Response: 

You burst out laughing, the Mc's looked at you weirdly, same with your group. You tried hiding but couldn't.

"So hee-sshi is something wrong?"

"Aniyo, it's just I didn't know about the Question and Answer segment of the show, so the whole time they were performing I was focused on L." You laughed again trying to hide behind your members back.

"Ahh~ You really are a fan of L's."

"Ah!" Jina suddenly yelled " L-sshi did you notice our maknae, So hee waved her hair today." She asked looking over at L.

"Why, does wavy hair mean something?" Boom asked.

"L-sshi likes girls with long wavy hair." Dongwoo told him.

L chuckled before answering " Ah. Neh I did notice it. It matches her well." He paused "So hee-sshi you don't have to be embarrassed, I was actually focused on you when you guys were performing also." He chuckled, Infinite started beating him up again for being so cheesy 

"ahahahahah, Boom-ah I don't think this show is 'Bouquet' anymore but more like a dating show for L and So hee-sshi." Shinyoung laughed along with everyone else.

"So hee, what about you. Do you like men with their hair up or down?"

"Me?" You pointed to yourself. "I like men with their fringes up" You tried to imitate it with your hand to show an example. "Like how L has it in their song 'The Chaser' mv."

Just then L stood up from his seat and walked off the set.

"L-sshi where are you going?"

"Yah! L where are you going?"

"Yah! L!!"

Commercial break.


Hello. I just want to say this first before any one get mad. CREDITS GOES TO ALL THE RIGHTFUL OWNER'S OF THE VIDEOS IN THIS CHAPTER. I do not own any thing.

I now my story is really lacking but thank you to you all who can bear with it.

Will hope you enjoyed.

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infinityxkmsl_ #1
Chapter 5: update soon author-nim ^^ hehhehhee
Nisa90 #2
Chapter 5: Please update
Chapter 4: THE FEELS~
Chapter 5: this is so great!
Nisa90 #5
Chapter 5: Awww.....I love this story. It's so cute. Keep up the good work author-nim
Chapter 4: maybe he wants to make the finger up.. ?
Chapter 3: WHAT HAPPEN!!!???????
Chapter 2: Update soon!!! Can 't wait XD
Chapter 2: jfwecsjavd1aV<CJ!!! LOVE IT!! L IS SUCH CUTIE!
Chapter 1: GAH!!!! updated soon!!!