
My lover, my brother?!

The next morning, you woke up with Kris shaking you lightly. You lazily made your way to the bathroom and did the necessities and went downstairs to have your breakfast. 

"This is your second year right?" Kris asked.

You ate your pancake and nodded your head slightly.

"Okay, be fast if you want me to send you to school. Shinyoung." Kris said.

Shinyoung was your korean name even though it sounded nothing compared to your chinese name. You simply hated it. You ate your breakfast quickly and changed into a striped dress ending around mid-way of you thigh. You put on light make-up, a pair of purple contact lens and carried your school bag as you wear your purple flats to match it with your dress and contacts.

"You done?" Kris shouted just incase you were upstairs but he stopped when he saw you wearing your flats.

"There you are, beautiful." 

"Oppa, let's go I'm done~" You sang and you two made your way to Kris' car.

Both of you entered the car and drove off.

The car entered the school gates and you see everyone staring, as usual. Because your car was a very expensive one and nobody in your school could afford it since it was just a regular neighbourhood school. 

"Shinyoung is here!"

"Omo! Shinyoung!"

"Shinyoung can I sit with you during break?"

That was all you could hear as you exited the car. You just smiled and walked away. You didn't like attention, but some people just have to notice you that you received unwanted attention. You went to the office to grab your schedule and saw that first period was biology. No subjects were your favourite. You were kinda known as the ice princess of the school, seniors were afraid of you, you looked pretty but your eyes have this stare that can bore holes in people's back. Lifeless eyes, they say. You didn't care, luckily you have a friend you can trust the most, Kim Haerin. You were sweet to your friends but not to strangers.


"Hey Shinyoung!" Haerin greeted.

"Hey~" You smiled.

"What's your first period?"

"Biology." You replied plainly.

"Aww. Mine is Literature, you know how boring it is." She said and pouted.

You laughed and looked at your schedule. Literature is second period. WHY?! 

"Oh, Literature is your second period!" Haerin said and laughed.

"But second period is waaayyyy better than first!" You protested.

Haerin just grumbled some words and you two stopped infront of the lab.

"Guess I'll see you later~" Haerin said and waved goodbye.

You waved back and walk into the lab. You scanned the lab and saw an awfully familiar group that hanged out everytime but only half of them were there.


Suho, Lay, Sehun, Luhan and XiuMin are here..  You thought as you tried to remember their names.




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hi! i've decided to not update this story anymore, thank you for the support! <3


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Chapter 8: Heyhey! Nice story!!
Chapter 4: Omg! I already love ur story!! Update soon!