So what happened?


Hyosung prov

I opened my eyes and I squinted because of the sunlight. As I opened my eyes fully I realised that I was stiil alive, *oh great* I thought. I felt sore and my hands were red and so was my arms. I tried to see me back but it was no use my body wouldn't let me bend. After a few moments of trying I finally gave up and sluped back on the bed. The room I was in was really big a spacious and full of herbs and remides. I reconised one of the cures. It was for Thallium. The afican dream plant, named after the dream catchers that the native americans made. I saw cabonets with vials inside and posters with people I didn't reconise. My eyes wondered for a bit until I saw one with a mother, a farther and a baby, at the bottom there was a name. "Sky Cove age 2." nodded and tried to figure out what time it was. I could see out the window and the sun was out but it was also a pink sky so I guessed really early in the morning. The door was slightly open so I could hear mummurs in the next room. I stained my ears to try and see what I could hear.

"Krystal we should let her sleep, she's been through alot after all." A girl said and I heard footsteps as someone else was paceing. "We can't really, that window opens to the forest and allready one of their men have seen her, if it wasn't for the guys that killed him immediately then he could of speaded the word and we would have an army of fresh borns to go against and once they are inside they will tear this place to the ground until they find her, we have to move her soon before that happens." She explained to the other girl. "I know. I know but where, she's no safer here that anywhere else we could put her, like I have a friend in Korea that could take her but one that's too far away and two even if we get her there, there will still be fresh borns patrolling the streets and going through every house they'll her there and they'll find her here. We've got no option." As the girl finished talking she walked over into the space that I could see her, she had shocking blue her but but sounded very kind, she was right I'm not safe anywhere I go.

"We do have one option,"she said as she came to sit next to her, she had blonde hair and sounded like she knew what she was taliking about. "We board up all windows and make sure we use the basement door to get in and out and also make sure she dosen't get out without one of us with her." She told her friend. "What if we let Sky watch over her, he'll have something to do then?" She looked at her friend and I ducked back so she couldn't see my face and see that I was awake. "Are you insane? The boy can't even pick up a gun let along fire it. He needs to be trained first like..... say if he dosen't have powers, then he can still fight and know how to use a sword, throw a dagger or even just to through a spear for gods sake at the very least!" She argued as she stood up. I looked back at the girl who was still sitting stareing at her friend smiling sadly. " I don't know Jieun, we need to train him and ask her questions and in the space of time we've got we can't do everything at once." She paused and her friend slightly looked my way and made me flinch back and she started to walk towards the room. She opendd the door fully so she could see me. "Your awake now are you?" Jieun asked me gently.

"How much have you heard?" Krystal aksed me in the same tone. I responded, "From the part when you said that it would be dangerous to move me and not to move me." The girls came in, Jieun came to sit on my bed and Krystal shut the door and leant against it. Even though they kept me here to heal me I can't stay and I known it, unless they can help I need to leave. Krystal looked in my direction for a moment. "What do you need to do?" she asked me, I stared at her in complete shock. The last of the mind reeders were extinct how can she do it? And as if the answer to my question she said to me. "Not all mind readers are extinct, we are only in hiding so we are safe.... for now at least. She came over to sit on the chair next to me. "So....?" Jieun pressed. I snapped back to reality. "Oh..... the village a few miles away is under attack and I need to help them.Can I guess that you used to work for the N.C?" I asked, Jieun smiled at me, "Yes I used to, but Krystal and the others were born into it, they had no choice." Ok that makes sence if they were still with the N.C they would of taken me to Sudan straight after they found me.

"Sudan?" Krystal said confused, "Who's that?" She turned to Jieun. "Sudan is the head of the N.C he was the one who started up the organisation in the first place. He holds many powers, powers that are somethimes invisible to the eye. Not even we can see them, I've heard about them though but only one. One of his powers is to use agianst you, so say if he looked at you, lengends say that the body will rupture inside it's self and led you to a horrible death. How do you know Sudan?" She asked me, well there's an easy enough question. "He tortured me, abused me and basiclly wanted to kill me but didn't only because he wanted me to help him, yeah like I would help that murderer, souless creature like him, no afence." Krystal looked at me and grinned and also chukled a bit, "None taken."

"I remember Sudan when I was still working there. He was very interested in the stories about you on how you brought the dead back to the living and he would sometimes send out his troops in order to find you. That was one of the reasons I left in fact, because I knew what he would make me convince you to tell me about your powers and make you become one of us. To join the team and work for him." Jieun explained to me. Hang on..... I over heard one of the guards saying something about Jieun, that she was very good with potions and poisons. I put my right hand into my pocket that couldn't be seen and got out the poison that my host family gave to me. But what did they say?

Flash back ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Remember Hyosung this poison dosen't just kill and take life but used correctly....... it can heal." I held Sieran's hand as I watched him helplessly fade away. "Ok." I told him, a tear slid down my delicate face as the men were pouring in to take me down. "Please tell my son...........Sky that we loved him......... and we never stopped thinking about him." Sieran's voice scratching to get out his last breath, he wiped away the tear from my face. "I will I promise," I said to him trying to hold back the tears that were on the verdge of crying. He smiled sadly and he ushered me to come closer. "You are destined........ Hyosung." He whispered to me and he drew his last breath and clolapsed. I let out a cry that seemed to echo in the home and I cried on his chest begging him to wake up, to help me, to do anything. But he didn't, the men dragged me away from him as I was kicking and screaming his name.

The men held me kneelling to the ground and they injected something into me and I started to feel drowsy and weak. The men let go of me and I was on all fours trying to stay awake as I heard the men saying something I felt something in my hand and opened it slowly and saw a little vial with purple liquid inside. I looked back at Sieran's clold dead body. Everything was blury. "Help, please," I whisperd before cloplasing to hit ground feeling the empty space they had left inside of me and the darkness seeping in to greet me.

End of flash back~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hyosung....... Hyosung, are you okay?" it was Krystal's voice, I snapped back into reality and looked up to see Jieun and Krystal's faces. By the look on Krystal's face she knew everything as if she saw what I just saw. "Yeah, I'm okay." I lied, that memory had scared me for life, how can I be okay. "Jieun, can I talk to you for a minuet?" Krystal asked. "Yeah, sure Hyosung stay here. Your safe now, I promise you that no one will hurt you. Okay?" Jieun said to me kindly as she smiled at me. Jieun and Krystal walked into the other room next door and closed the door behind them. And I couldn't hear anything. I leant back in the bed. Trying not to let my tears spur out into crying of the memory.

Krystal's Pro;

As Jieun closed the door I spinned around and looked at her serisouly. "Jieun she knows Sieran!" I practically shouted at her. "Really, how. Is he still alive?" She asked me excitedly. I sighed giving her the sign that he wasn't. "He and Caroline were her host family, but their death, it seemed so real. How could he of been alive after the brutal masacre. Unless......" I thought for a moment. "Unless he used a reflection of him and Caroline." We both said in unison. But how? He didn't realise that they was there until they got to them. Plus the only stone to create a reflection was in Laban's hold. Wait. That day, wasn't it Sieran's friend that told me this would happen, it had something to do with Laban's men. One of them was....... working against her. I gasped at the thought and grabbed both of Jieuns arms. "The trater, the one that used to be friends with Sieran. He wasn't playing us. He was playing her. Knowing that as soon as Sieran hated him we would automatically hate him aswell so we wouldn't suppect him working behind the scenes with Sieran so we would believe that Sieran was dead..." I explained to her. "So we wouldn't be tourtured or killed into getting out his real location! Your a genius Krytal!"

We both smiled and opened the door to where Hyosung was.

Hyosung's prov;

The door opened and I raised my arm from my face to see them. Both of them were smiling at me. "What?" I asked them. "We're going to train you. So you can A defend yourself and B use your powers that you don't even know you have. This was part of Sieran's plan. He told us a day like this would come, we just didn't know when. So from now on we are going to teach you I will teach you fighting and Jieun will teach you about potions and poisons and you can work out how the vial you have, has healing properties.And also about your powers, what they have and what they can do." Krystal explained to me. "Wait a minuet, Sieran never mentioned either of you, why should I go along with it?" I told them. Jieun came to my side and sat down on the bed. "Because he was the one who built the reveluation up in the first place. And I believe you had something you wanted to tell his son yeah?" Jieun asked me. "Well yeah, his name is Sky do you know him?"

Jieun and Krystal looked at each other for a minuet and Krystal nooded. "It's better if we don't tell you if we know him or not because he's safer where he is now without you knowing than where he would be if we did tell you." Krystal explained. I was a bit confused but convinsed. "All right where do I start?" I asked. "Next thing tommoro morning. We have another newbe and we need to make him aware of your presense. So in the mean time just stay in this basement so no one knows where you are. And there are a few potion and poison books to look at if you want to, knock yourself out." Krystal told me. They looked at me for a moment and smiled and walked out the room. I sighed and stood up and walked around the room. Well I've got some spare time on my hands might aswell make the most of it. I thought as I picked up the first potions book and started to read.





Author's note;

Hey guys it's kpoplover35, sooory about the really late update, I was trying to get my other story, The Choice up and running and you guys should check it out.

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Chapter 7: They huged haha Im curious what will be with Hyosung now? o___o
ichiru #2
Chapter 7: finally..i’m waiting for seem too long for the update...anyway,thanks for your update...i like the progress of this story..n please update soon...hwaiting...!!!
Chapter 7: Hmm...........
Chapter 6: Ooooh they met eeeeeek
ichiru #5
Chapter 5: yeah..just want to know when sky n hyosung will meet...and what is the meaning that sieran said to hyosung that “you are destined” that mean hyosung and sky(zico) are destined together..??please update soon..i’m really love reading your story..its really something....
Chapter 5: very interesting cant wait till zico and hyosung meet
ichiru #7
It seems interesting....
by the way,who is the main character..?? is it hyosung and zico...???
Chapter 4: This chapter is really interesting keep updating I really want to read the next chappie
Update soon
Chapter 4: Keep Update authornim :)