
Our Love Will Last Forever

Zelo's pov

It was around 7 pm when we all got to the basement. I was worn out and tired which was pretty weird. "Youngjae? Are you...?" Daehyun Hyung yelled out but we all stopped by the door after we heard noises that didn't belong to Youngjae. "What are you gonna do about it!? HUH?!" Then we heard a faint noise of someone who was in pain. Youngjae Hyung? It was hard to tell if it was actually him since the voice was pretty quiet. "You little piece of !! What..? You think you can make it? You think you are all that good? YOU AINT WORTH !" We heard someone yell really loud. Himchan Hyung ran inside and we all tried to stop him but we couldn't. "YA! WHAT THE ACTUAL ARE YOU DOING??!!" Himchan Hyung yelled. I've never heard him yell with that much anger within him. I got scared for a second, and appearantly it was obvious enough for Jongup Hyung to see that. "It's okay. Don't worry Zelo." He held my waist and whispered in my ear. I was calmed a bit but just until I heard another shout from Himchan Hyung. "GET OFF OF YOUNGJAE!" He yelled then grabbed the guy who was literaly on Youngjae Hyung punching him. Yongguk Hyung and Daehyun Hyung went to help kick some while Jongup was holding my trembling body. I was too scared to think. I've never heard anyone shout so loudly and angrily. Finally after what felt like hours the bad guys were gone. And I was feeling better... A bit...

Youngjae's pov (after the fight) ~btw I recommand you listen to one direction's irresistable while reading this~

"Youngjae are you ok?" Himchan asked softly but shakily examining my body to see look for the smallest scar. "What have they done to you?" He asked again. Himchan sounded so caring. While he was wiping the blood out of my face I notied Zelo sitting there like he's just gotten struck by lightening. I looked back at Himchan who had his face pretty close to mine now looking and scanning my face inch by inch. I looked at his concerned eyes and then down to his lips. They looked like they are so kissable. His hands on my skin... I can't get enough of him right now or ever. Why do I feel like this?  The way his hair is shaped... It's so perfect his black hair sticking up and sideways... HE is making my heart flutter. He was oh so carefully wiping the blood beside my lip and he was holding my chin very gently. "Youngjae are you ok?" I was snapped out of my fantasies when Daehyun spoke up with concern in his voice. "Uh... I.. I'm fine." I hated myself for stumbling... AISH I'm so awkward.... "Let's take you to the hospital." Himchan took my hand and pulled gently. "No, I'm fine. I don't need to go to the hospital." I pulled back. "Are you sure you're okay?" Himchan asked again with so much concern in his tone. "Yes I am sure. Don't worry Himchan." I smiled at him softly reassuring him that I am fine. "Zelo-ah, everything is fine now. Are you ok?" I asked Zelo since I noticed he was still pretty shocked about what happened earlier. "Oh ok Hyung. Yeah I'm fine how are you feeling?" He asked me. I got up and approached him and gave him a hug. "I'm feeling ok." I smiled at him. "But... Hyung, who were they? What did they want?" Jongup asked. "Um... Well you see... I signed up for this singing competition and they are my rivals. It's me against 5 of them. They call themselves SHINee." I told them about the rivals and the competition. "COOL! YOU GO YOUNGJAE HYUNG!!" Zelo shouted and everyone laughed. That kid is so bright and happy. "Do you guys wanna practice now?" I asked the guys. "Yeah!" They all said at the same time. 

I feel safe with these people! 


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Chapter 18: Ooooo can u finish the storyyyy
Chapter 5: Lovely story~