Chapter 3


Donghae was still looking at Eunhyuk, looking for any uncertainty or uneasiness, but there was none he was fine. The ghost wasn't doing anything to him, just latching itself. 'Well not yet doesn't mean it won't hurt him' Donghae thought.

"Um Donghae? Are you okay? You keep staring." Eunhyuk said, which made Donghae snap out of it. 

"Umm... Sorry I am just a little shocked to find a korean working here" Donghae lied. 

"Oh right! You see I asked one of my friends who has relations to this store for them to give me a spot." Eunhyuk explained.

"Ah okay, How long ago did you move here?" Donghae asked. Eunhyuk looked up and counted with his fingers, desperately figuring out the numbers. 'Cute' Donghae thought 'Wait WHAT? Never think that again Donghae okay?' 

"Well isn't he a mathematician." Kyuhyun said sarcastically. Donghae cleared his throat and Eunhyuk looked down.

"Oh sorry it's been around 13 months." He smiled. "I'm not very good at maths or any numbers for that manner, I'm quite a slow learner." He laughed.

"I can see that" Kyuhyun smirked, whilst donghae jabbed him. "Ohfff!" Kyuhyun grunted. "Fine I'll stop. Jeez" 

"That's a long time. You haven't picked up any Chinese?" Donghae grew curious.

"Not really only Ni hao and Wo ai ni ma" Donghae's eyes grew.

"Wow when you say slow learner you really mean slow." Donghae laughed, Eunhyuk held Donghae's shoulder.

"Hey I haven't meet a Korean in the Year and a month I've been here how about we go out for Hokkein Noodles sometime?" Eunhyuk asked. Donghae smiled. 'Perfect I can get close to him and found out what that thing is.' 

"Sure that be great!" Donghae said. 

"Can I have your number?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Wow straight forward much. He is so into you Hae Baby" Kyuhyun teased. 

"Yeah here" They exchanged numbers quickly and arranged a time and place to meet again, everything was set. However just before Donghae was about to walk away, a loud shriek filled his ears. "AAAHH" Donghae groaned, Kyuhyun noticing his struggle look forward to the ghost latching to Eunhyuk it's mouth and green eyes were open and staring straight at Donghae. Kyuhyun couldn't hear the sound it was making. Then he widened his eyes.

'It's targetting Hae. It feels threatened' Kyuhyun said. Eunhyuk held the boy in his arms whilst Donghae held his ears desperately trying to stop the shriek.

"Donghae are you okay? What's wrong? Do you need some help?" Eunhyuk questioned But Donghae couldn't hear the questions only the loud screaming, he began to shielded himself in Eunhyuk's chest. Kyuhyun however grabbed the ghosts neck and threw it to the corner of the store, the shrieking ceased in Donghae's ears. He looked up to find Eunhyuk looking down at him with worry in his eyes.

"Are you okay? You gave me quite a shock." Eunhyuk said, the proximity of their faces made Donghae blush and push Eunhyuk away by the chest but the latter wouldn't allow it. "Hey I won't hurt you just answer the question are you okay?" Donghae nodded.

"Yeah I guess I'm still a bit jet lagged that's all" Eunhyuk then let go of his tight embrace.

"Okay you should go and rest. Where are you staying?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Why?" Donghae questioned.

"Because I could help you there. Make sure you return safetly." Eunhyuk offered, Donghae shook his head.

"No, I'm fine I can make it back. Thank you for offering and caring though." Eunhyuk looked uncertain.

"Okay have a safe trip. I'll meet you in a couple days." Donghae nodded and they shook hands.

Just before Donghae was about to leave he saw the ghost return behind Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun appeared behind him.

"Come back" The ghost whispered to Donghae and he frowned. He turned around and walked out of the store the Bread and Noodles can wait.
"Thank you" He said to Kyuhyun once they returned to the dorm. 

"Your welcome Hae, but what was that? What happened to you?" Kyuhyun questioned holding Donghae's upper arms tightly.

"I don't know. There was just a loud shriek suddenly and it was coming from the ghost I know it was, but what was even more weird is that you couldn't hear it." Donghae looked really worried.

"I know. I think it was targeting you Hae it felt threatened by your prescence, you're getting stronger even I can feel it more evil ghosts are going to keep warning you to back away or threaten you. I do not want to see you get hurt." Donghae frowned. It was true though everything Kyuhyun had said made sense his powers or gift was getting stronger than before he was using it more and the practices made his powers more detectable and ghosts became threatened. He had to find an expert fast and someone to help him hone his power.

"But what that ghost said. Do you remember?" Donghae asked. Kyuhyun nodded.

"Yes I do. 'Come back' But what has to come back?" Kyuhyun asked. 

"I don't know but I think when we see Eun-" His sentence was cut short when 3 boys enter the dorm without knocking, they were in a laughing fit but stopped when they noticed Donghae staring at them awkwardly.

"H-Hello." Donghae stuttered then bowed. He was extremely nervous. Yunho looked him up and down and smirked.

"You must be Donghae." He smiled and walked over and wrapped his hand around Donghae's waist tightly. He tried to shrivel out of the strong grasp but failed. "If I knew you were going to be this hot I would have come alone." Yunho said. 

"E-excuse me?" Donghae stuttered. he was living with a .

"He's pretty y" A man said, at that remark Donghae widened his eyes whilst Kyuhyun frowned. Who were these guys?

"Sorry Donghae let me introduce my friends. That is Yoochun" He pointed to the man who made the "y" remark earlier "and that is Changmin" He pointed to the man that hadn't said a word yet.

"Well seeing your roommate is here now you won't be lonely so we are leaving to our dorm. Bye!" Changmin said pulling Yoochun out of the room and closing it. Yunho smiled and his grip on the youngers waist tightened, he turned his head and breathed in his scent.

Vanilla. Yunho thought. Delicious.

"Umm what are you doing?" Donghae questioned desperately trying to get away. Kyuhyun just watched and frowned.

"If he proceeds any further I am interferring" Kyuhyun said, and Donghae rapidly shock his head.

"Nothing just getting used to you scent. Were gonna be living together for a long time might as well get comfortable" He said and leaned down to his ear. "I hope we can get along well" He whispered in a husky voice and bit Donghae's earlobe to which the latter let out and unwanted moan. Kyuhyun got up and walked over about to interfere when Yunho let go and walked to the bathroom. Leaving Donghae there dumbstruck and Kyuhyun weirded out by his behaviour. 

"What the hell was that?" Kyuhyun scoffed. "He has some nerve" 

"Kyuhyun?" The shorted male called.

"Yeah Hae what's wrong?" 

"Watch me when I sleep please" Donghae said and walked to sit on his bed. Kyuhyun coul only laugh at this sentence.

"Hahaha Oh Hae you worry too much" He his cheek and brushed his hands through his hair.


Apoplogizes for not updating any quicked I've been a little busy. But yeah thank you for upvoting

And comments are cool. The box gets pretty hungry guys!


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shineeexogg #1
Chapter 6: Omg update soon pleaseee! I know you haven't updated in liak a year or so but still please continue!
Chounga #2
Chapter 6: I just love it! I love KyuHae. I know this story is an Eunhae xd. But I love Kyuhae e.e
and I love you xd
update soon ❤❤
kevin7 #3
Chapter 6: I love Your story update soon please
Chapter 5: this is getting more and more interesting.. i wanted to read more of it.. please update soon~~~ :D
moonlight_bat #5
Chapter 3: wow, a ert yunho, kekekek. and who's this ghost? don't say that it is junsu, omo o__O
thanks for updating anyway, can't wait for the next
Sounds really interesting! Can't wait to read it! xD
Ahhh.. I find your story interesting !
I can't wait for the next chapter :)!
That storeman is hyukjae? Or he's the ghost one ? aww.. i'm curious><