Chapter 5



Eunhyuk was cleaning the shelfs of the storage room, when one fell and shattered the glass jars inside. He sighed.
"It's happening again." He went over and started cleaning it up picking up the large glass bits and putting it in his hand. 
"Eunhyuk! What is all the noise back here?!" The manager yelled entering the store room. Eunhyuk bowed his head in shame.
"I'm sorry sir it just fell." He said.
"Fell?! Fell?! You are god damn lucky one of your friends has relations to Sungmin or else I would have fired you the day those fish tanks burst!" He scolded him.
"Yes sure don't worry I will clean this up and make it spotless." He bowed, the manager frowned.
"You damn right you will. Now get to it!!" He yelled and slammed the storage door. Eunhyuk winced at the noise and turned to his watch. 10:30am.
"Only 2 hours until I see Donghae! Can't wait" he spazzed and was suddenly pushed over landing on a large bit of glass sticking up. "OWW!! !" It had cut his hand deeply, it looked like it required stitches. 
Dark wind started brewing and Eunhyuk felt vulnerable. "God what do you want with me?! Leave me the hell alone!!" He yelled to no one, he knew the ghost was causing this. "I know you did something to Donghae, but why where you so quiet when he was here?! It's like you where threatened by him!" The wind stopped and immediately everything was silent, the storage door opened again only to find Changmin standing there.
"Eunhyuk! Oh my god what happened? Wait that doesn't matter lets get you to the hospital that needs stitches." Changmin said pulling his bloody hand along.
Eunhyuk was quickly stitched and bandaged up. Changmin was driving him to the dorms.
"I told the manager that you would have the day off." Changmin said. "Possibly tomorrow as well."
"You didn't have to do that" he said staring out the window.
"Yes I did. Its happening again isn't it?" Changmin wondered glancing over to Eunhyuk.
"Why? What die sit matter to you? You all think I and crazy." Eunhyuk spat. Changmin scoffed.
"You forget I major in Mythology Hyung." Eunhyuk sighed.
"Yes the wind, levitating objects, voices and things falling. Everything is happening again, I thought it would stop once I moved but I guess not." Changmin stopped the car near the university and they got out.
"Well you can stay at my dorms tonight. Just don't socialise with the university kids. Okay?" Changmin ordered.
"Okay. Okay." Eunhyuk rolled his eyes. "Oh but I have to go out for lunch. I'm meeting someone to eat." He said, Changmin whipped his head around.
"WHAT?! Eunhyuk you have been in Guangzhou for like 13 months and haven't meet anyone. What made you change your mind?" Changmin wondered.
"Well when he came in the supernatural things stopped they just ceased the heaviness I felt on my shoulders stopped. And then when I was in the storage room the things started again but when I mentioned his name and said that he felt threatened by him they stopped again. His presence was comforting for me and ugly for the g-ghost." Eunhyuk stuttered the last bit.
"He? What's his name?" Changmin asked, Eunhyuk smiled.
"Donghae, his name is Donghae" he said immediately. Changmin widened his eyes as they ventured up the stairs to his dorm.
"You mean Lee Donghae?" Changmin questioned. Eunhyuk widened his eyes.
"You know him?!" Changmin nodded rapidly. 
"Yeah he is roommates with Yunho, plus my neighbour and he is in the mythology class." Changmin said and Eunhyuk couldn't be happier. 
"This great. But I'm worried about Yunho I mean he's kind of...." Eunhyuk trailed off and Changmin nodded understanding what he meant.
I know it's only SMALL I just wanted to update because it's SUPER JUNIORS 3000th day since debut!! SO PROUD AND HAPPY FOR THEM!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!
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shineeexogg #1
Chapter 6: Omg update soon pleaseee! I know you haven't updated in liak a year or so but still please continue!
Chounga #2
Chapter 6: I just love it! I love KyuHae. I know this story is an Eunhae xd. But I love Kyuhae e.e
and I love you xd
update soon ❤❤
kevin7 #3
Chapter 6: I love Your story update soon please
Chapter 5: this is getting more and more interesting.. i wanted to read more of it.. please update soon~~~ :D
moonlight_bat #5
Chapter 3: wow, a ert yunho, kekekek. and who's this ghost? don't say that it is junsu, omo o__O
thanks for updating anyway, can't wait for the next
Sounds really interesting! Can't wait to read it! xD
Ahhh.. I find your story interesting !
I can't wait for the next chapter :)!
That storeman is hyukjae? Or he's the ghost one ? aww.. i'm curious><