Chapter 4



It was the first day of University and whilst Donghae slept Kyuhyun kept an extremely careful eye on Yunho. The man had woken up to watch Donghae sleep for at least an hour, but feel into a slumber again, not before mumbling under his breath.  
"Beautiful, he is an angel from heaven" Kyuhyun widened his eyes. 
"No one is taking him away from me so back away Yunho" He scowled.
The shower was running and Donghae was washing himself, with his favourite body wash. Blueberry.
"I love the smell of Blueberry Body wash"
Kyuhyun said as he handed Donghae his towel sitting atop the bathroom bench. 
"Me too!" Kyuhyun has always been by Donghae's side since he was 6 so naturally he ventured to the shower and bath with him as he got older Kyuhyun just waited and Donghae didn't mind Kyuhyun being in the bathroom with him. In fact when he was a really young kid Kyuhyun would wash his back and hair for him and in his teen years Kyuhyun washed his back now and then for hygiene purposes.
"Ya! Donghae who are you talking too?" Yunho yelled from the other side of the door. Donghae gasped.
"Uh no one hyung don't worry!" Donghae yelled back. 
"Okay fine! Hurry your fine up man we are gonna be late and you don't know where the mythology centre is so me being the nice and kind person I am I will show you" Yunho smirked, Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. 
"Hahaha! I have to admit he is pretty sly" Kyuhyun laughed and Donghae whipped his head around then brought his hand up to whack Kyuhyun and he did but Kyuhyun vanished once the hand hit him. 
"Kyuhyun? Where did you go?" Donghae asked out loud. "That's never happened before." He mumbled and got dressed.
Then stepped out of the bathroom meeting Yunho's figure leaning againist the wall. 
"I'm starting to think you are crazy, because you keep talking to yourself. Come on fine " Yunho said and opened the door for Donghae who grabbed his bag on the way out.
As they were waking Yunho pointed out places and dorms. Explaining where he needed to go and possibly stay away from. Donghae was listening but was getting worried as Kyuhyun had not appeared since the bathroom incident. 
"Never enter the Chinese dorms." Yunho warned.
"Why?" Donghae frowned.
"I'm afraid you might get , molested or something worse. They love small, cute, plumped Korean boys. Which fits your description perfectly" Yunho laughed and Donghae was petrified. 
"Okay here we are!" Yunho said standing infront of a building that was labelled in chinese.
"Mythology and Ancient History" Donghae smiled in awe.
"Wow it's amazing." Donghae commented.
"Not as amazing as my major I have to admit" Yunho scowled slipping his hand around Donghae's waist squeezing it.
"Ahh!" Donghae yelped. He only wished Kyuhyun was here.
"Oh I'm sorry did I hurt you? Well you can't help me your Blueberry wash and fine is too alluring." Yunho whispered in his ear, then kissed his cheek and left. 
"Hey!" Donghae yelled but the man had already been 20 metres away.
"I actually want to smash his " Kyuhyun said behind Donghae.
"Oh my god! What happened to you?!" Donghae yelled, Kyuhyun took his eyes away from Yunho's retreating figure to the puppy eyes of the boy.
"I don't know one moment you were going to smack my head but as soon as you did my spirit was zapped all the way back to Guangzhou Airport." 
"That's weird." 
"I don't think it is. I think you did it Hae you didn't know but your power somehow zapped or shifted me away. Your growing stronger we need to find help soon very soon" Kyuhyun explained and Donghae nodded walking into the building.
The building was pretty empty and there was really nobody to ask as to where his classroom was. Then he saw someone familiar. 
"Changmin!" Donghae called. Changmin looked up from his folder he was reading and smiled.
"Ah! Donghae. Are you lost?" He asked kindly.
"Yes. Where is the Mythology room?" Changmin frowned.
"Well there are a lot of Mythology rooms depends which one you where situated in. Can I see your table please?" He asked. Donghae handed him his table, he examined it carefully.
"Ah you're with someone many people dreed being with actually." He laughed.
"Kim Heechul. People say he's a bit loney and in way too deep into his research he actually believe there are people with telekinesis powers and that people can see ghosts." he laughed, Donghae just laughed nervously.
"If only you knew Changmin" Kyuhyun said under his breath. "That you are looking right at one"
"Are you a teacher here or something?" Donghae asked. 
"Me? No I am just an assistant helper also studying. It is because I cannot afford the fees that I do this, let's just say my side of the family is a bit poor unlike my Uncles and cousins side. RICH, RICH they are" Changmin laughed along with Donghae.
Donghae followed the tall mans instructions and headed towards his classroom to find it empty.
"Well this is kind of depressing." Kyuhyun said.
"Oh shut up. If it is just us then that's good." Donghae and Kyuhyuyn began to look around the room and admire the artifacts and statues.
"Can you two please sit down so we can begin we only have a small class of people this year." Heechul walked into the classroom with his glasses on. Donghae and Kyuhyun looked at each other.
"Two?" Donghae questioned. 
"He can see me?" Kyuhyun asked.
"Well of course I can see you!" Heechul yelled. "I am getting agitated sit down please. So I can do the roll" He said frustration lacing his voice.
"Okay Lee Donghae" He read out.
"Here! But professor can you see him?" Donghae asked pointing to Kyuhyun.
"Yes I can but there is only one person on the roll. So why is he in this class?"
Donghae noticed that the professor hadn't even glanced at Donghae since he entered the classroom.
"Sir can you please look at me?" He asked. Heechul looked up slowly and was taken aback when he saw Donghae. Almost like he had seen an angel.
"Oh my god! It's you! I found you" He said and ran and took Donghae's head between his hands. "Your one of them, possibly the only one alive right now. I didn't know I thought they died, the last one that lived to date was Lee Mary-Anne" Heechul said inspecting Donghae's face and body.
"That was his Grandma's name" Kyuhyun said and Heechul turned to him.
"What? She was your grandmother? And you who are you? You're a good ghost why can he and I see you?" Heechul questioned.
"Why do you have so many questions to ask me? I am the person who has 1000,0000 questions that I want you to answer! Since my grandmother couldn't because she died." Donghae said pushing Heechul by the chest and he flew across the room.
"Donghae!?" Kyuhyun yelled. "What is wrong with you today!?" He yelled again running to Heechul. Donghae was petrfied. He did that? What was wrong with him?
"Your power is not supressed, it has not been practiced with. You are powerful though I can feel it. Donghae I will answer all your questions, every single one."
"You might want to hurry up then, because he has a Hokkein Noodles date with Eunhyuk." Kyuhyun teased which made the boy blush.
NO EUNHAE SO SORRY!!!! Next chapter is eunhae and answers!! 
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shineeexogg #1
Chapter 6: Omg update soon pleaseee! I know you haven't updated in liak a year or so but still please continue!
Chounga #2
Chapter 6: I just love it! I love KyuHae. I know this story is an Eunhae xd. But I love Kyuhae e.e
and I love you xd
update soon ❤❤
kevin7 #3
Chapter 6: I love Your story update soon please
Chapter 5: this is getting more and more interesting.. i wanted to read more of it.. please update soon~~~ :D
moonlight_bat #5
Chapter 3: wow, a ert yunho, kekekek. and who's this ghost? don't say that it is junsu, omo o__O
thanks for updating anyway, can't wait for the next
Sounds really interesting! Can't wait to read it! xD
Ahhh.. I find your story interesting !
I can't wait for the next chapter :)!
That storeman is hyukjae? Or he's the ghost one ? aww.. i'm curious><