Chapter 6


Heechul was sitting behind his desk with Kyuhyun and Donghae, looking at him. He was frowning inspecting Donghae's features. 
"You look nothing like your parents. You look a lot like your Grandfather though." Kyuhyun scoffed at his statement.

"Please we don't want to hear you talk about this. We want answers." He demanded,  and Donghae nodded anxiously. 

"Look I am sure you want answers, and just like I said I will answer every single one. But I must warn you I don't know everything, I have no idea why we can see Kyuhyun. He's a different case, one I have no knowledge or control over. However," He turned to look directly at Donghae's eyes. "You attacked me previously and you did it unwillingly that tells me you cannot control your powers. I will teach you, from how you pushed me I can tell you are extremely powerful." Donghae was surprised.

"I am extremely powerful?" He questioned his own confidence. 

"Ghosts can smell it. Good and bad ones, and they can feel threatened. Right Kyuhyun?" He turned his head to Kyuhyun raising an eyebrow. Donghae wipped his head to Kyuhyun, who was immediately surprised at the attack from Heechul who was glaring at him and Donghae was looking at him in wonder.

"You knew?" He questioned with his puppy eyes. Kyuhyun leaned over to touch his Dongsaengs hands and held them firmly, Heechul frowned.

 'How can he touch him, how can they interact together? There is no way that- No I am jumping to conclusions here. It can't be.' Heechul thought.

"I wasn't certain but yes I could smell your power and it was so strong sometimes Donghae that I got afraid and felt threatened by you, but then I remebered that it was you. Your pure heart made me change my mind and attitude. Your power may be extremely powerful but your heart is even more powerful, the goodness, pureness and innocence overpowers it." Donghae smiled at his words and hugged his hyung. Heechul frowned deeper.

 'They touch again. This time Donghae did it. So what is going on here, why can they touch each other?' He thought. Once they stopped hugging they turned to Heechul.

"Well then, what is your first question?" He asked.

"You already answered it for me. I wanted to know if you could help me control my powers and you said you would. But I have another can you help me mask my smell?" He asked and Heechul nodded. 

"Donghae you know why your grandmother ended up taking care of you and where your parents went don't you?" Donghae looked up, this subject was always avioded by his grandmother, she never wanted to talk about it. "No one must know about us, if they do your scent will be traced and they will come for you." That line from his grandmother kept resonating in his head over and over. Who was she talking about the ghosts or other things?

"No I don't Grandma always avoided that subject." Heechul nodded, he has a right to know then or he will forever be in danger.

"Your parents they killed your Grandfather they were orginally trying to kill you, your grandparents just wouldn't allow it. You see your mother never inherited the gift of sight it skipped her generation and when your grandmother found out none of her children had inherited it she had hope that her grandchildren would and you were the only one. The only grandchild, and you luckily had the gift. Your grandmother and grandfather had to hide their whole life from sight seekers, they kill our kind. The sight seekers had succeeded in killing off all the noble families. Your family is not noble however your family was on the list of those with the gift of sight, but because you were not born at the time your name was not recorded. I'm not sure about now though and that is what worries me." Donghae frowned trying to process everything.

"But that doesn't explain why my parents tried to kill me." Kyuhyun was angry.

"Why would parents try to kill their own child?" He said aloud.

"Ah I will answer that. Your Mother was in love with a man she met him secretly and they fell in love so very deeply. But what she didn't know was that he was a Sight Seeker undercover it was his job to make her fall in love with him so he could infiltrate the family and kill off the rest of them. But he accidently fell in love with her, it was never his intention. He brainwashed her into thinking her family were evil and needed to be killed off, she like all those who fall so deeply in love believed him." Kyuhyun coughed.

"Wait a minute, didn't he suspect that she had the gift of sight?" Kyuhyun asked.

"I'm glad you asked that, he was certain she had it, but when he found out she didn't he was thrilled. His parents would approve of their love, but that was the thing they didn't. They had strong terms either he turned her into a Sight Seeker or he killed her. So-"

"He made her a Sight Seeker" Donghae finished, Heechul nodded. "Where do I fit in then?" 

"After your mother became a Sight Seeker they made love and from that you were born. They wanted you to become a Sight Seeker and waited until you were 3 years old then visited your grandparents place. The plan was to kill them infront of your eyes so you would understand what to do to those with the Gift of Sight. Your grandmother and grandfather treated you like a prince, but when you pointed at the ghost in the backyard your parents became scared however your grandparents were thrilled, just when our kind was becoming extincted you became the shrine of hope." Heechul looked at Donghae's eyes only to see pain, so much pain and confusion.

"I was a shrine of hope?" He asked pointing to himself.

"You are the Shrine of Hope for our kind but you are also the Doom for the Sight Seekers. That was what scared your parents. You were the son of a Sight Seeker and grandson of Sighters." 

"That is what your kind is called? Sighters?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Yes we are Sighters. Once you had pointed at the ghost your Grandfather extinguished it with his powers, you were so young as well. Most Sighters don't point out ghosts until they are 6 years old. It only proved how much more powerful you were. Your parents watched the whole thing, they knew they had to kill their own son now. Your blood Donghae you need to understand that you have both Sight Seekers blood and Sighters blood running through your veins. That has never happened before. Donghae YOU are the very first mixed blood." Donghae widened his eyes. So he is that important in the world?

 "Anyway continuing your parents lashed out on your grandparents. Although your grandparents were not stupid they knew your mother had converted to a Sight Seeker and that your father was one too so they were prepared but not as prepared as your mum and dad. They didn't allow them to touch you and in that fierce battle your grandfather died, your grandmother called for help from other Sighters, one of them was me. We locked them up. They had a court hearing and your grandmother tried to sentence them to life but the judge couldn't do it, they only got 16 years. Before they were thrown in jail they promised to find you and kill you in the cruelest way possible, they kept talking about the ways to kidnap and kill you everyday in their cell. It was disgusting to hear two parents talk about their only child in such a way it made the guards and myself sick." Heechul took a deep breath and slopped back.

"Is that all?" Donghae asked, hurt resonating in his eyes. 

"Yes for now. I think you have a date." Heechul winked. "As for your training you are to come here everyday at 4pm to practice your powers." He instructed, Donghae nodded and bowed. He left quickly he had a date after all and Donghae knew he had some more questions to ask his date.




Eunhyuk was waiting in the restaurant for Donghae, he was a bit nervous considering he found out only a couple hours ago that Donghae attends his cousins University and knew him as well! What are the odds of that? He smiled to himself as he saw Donghae enter the restaurant looking for someone. 

"Donghae over here!" Eunhyuk yelled with his hands in the air in order to get the youngers attention. Donghae saw it and smiled he approached the table, not before shaking Eunhyuk's hand of course. He noticed the older had it bandaged up, it looked serious.

"Hey what happened to your hand? It wasn't there yesterday." Donghae asked curiously. Kyuhyun who was sitting beside Donghae also anticipated the answer. 

"Oh right I was in storage room and this gust of wind blew things out of control in the room and naturally things fell such as glass bottles and jars. Once the wind died down I was pushed over by something and cut my hand on the glass protruding up from the floor. It was really weird because all doors and windows had been shut and no one was in the room so there was no way there could be wind or someone pushing me over." Eunhyuk ranted out, then realised what he said and hid his face.

"I bet I do" Donghae mumbled under his breath whilst glaring at the ghost behind Eunhyuk.

"Did you say something?" He asked propping his head back up, Donghae flashed a cute smile.

"Nop. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Eunhyuk sighed heavily.

"You must think I'm crazy. Wouldn't be the first time, someone thought that of me." 

"No I don't. Why should I? You are kind, handsome and very humorous." Eunhyuk widened his eyes in surprise.

"I'm handsome?"He asked teasingly, Donghae blushed.

"I mean you are -ummm -well you see" He laughed and held the youngers hand.

"You're really cute Donghae~" The boy blushed at Eunhyuk's action. Then Donghae thought back to his previous sentence.

"Did you say other people thought you were crazy? Was there a reason to this?" Donghae asked still holding hands.

"Yeah, but please promise me you won't judge." Eunhyuk pleaded. Donghae nodded. "People thought I was insane not crazy I had 5 counsellors and all of them wanted to admit me to a Asylum. People judged me so much because they thought I was crazy I was always talking to them about the strange things that happened around me such as floating objects, things pushing me and just strange happenings. It was actually the reason I left Seoul, but the things kept happening here, I thought that if I left maybe, just maybe they would stop but never did." Eunhyuk sighed. "There you have it my confession!" He smiled. 

"Eunhyuk you probably have never heard this from anyone, but I believe you." Donghae said,  Eunhyuk was shocked.

"You do?!" He yelled, getting shushes and glares from tables close by.

"Yes. I have a question though, do you have any relative or anyone who may have died recently?" Eunhyuk frowned and thought about it for a moment.

"Well my older cousin, but that was 6 years ago way before this weird stuff happened." Donghae frowned.

"Then who is he?" Kyuhyun asked, and Donghae shrugged.

"What was that for?" 


"You shrugged" Eunhyuk said. 

"Oh! I had a bit of a jolt." He huffed nervously. "Before this happened what events happened in your life that may have had a impact on your life or anothers." 

"I had a Kidney transplant." Eunhyuk said, Donghae thought for a while then it clicked the blood sepping through his hospital gown must have come from the incision made on his back. "But the doctors informed me the man lived." Eunhyuk added. "I don't see what this has to do with anything."

"Eunhyuk those Doctors lied, the man died and he thinks it's your fault for his death. On top of that he wants his kidney back."



OKAY!! Little bit  rushed if you have any questions feel free to ask, because I bet you do!!

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shineeexogg #1
Chapter 6: Omg update soon pleaseee! I know you haven't updated in liak a year or so but still please continue!
Chounga #2
Chapter 6: I just love it! I love KyuHae. I know this story is an Eunhae xd. But I love Kyuhae e.e
and I love you xd
update soon ❤❤
kevin7 #3
Chapter 6: I love Your story update soon please
Chapter 5: this is getting more and more interesting.. i wanted to read more of it.. please update soon~~~ :D
moonlight_bat #5
Chapter 3: wow, a ert yunho, kekekek. and who's this ghost? don't say that it is junsu, omo o__O
thanks for updating anyway, can't wait for the next
Sounds really interesting! Can't wait to read it! xD
Ahhh.. I find your story interesting !
I can't wait for the next chapter :)!
That storeman is hyukjae? Or he's the ghost one ? aww.. i'm curious><