Chapter 3

Hey Notice Me!

When Jongdae got home he flopped on to his bed and grabbed his phone. He began to think about Chanyeol telling him to text him. 

  "Should I play hard to get? Nah....this is for Joomyeon, not me." Jongdae thought as he put Chanyeol's number in his contacts and rapidly texted him.

   Jongdae: 'What's up?' Less then five seconds later Chanyeol texted him.

  Chanyeol: 'Who's this? You're not a e are you?! Or a government agent?' Jongdae looked at the text and quickly changed Chanyeol's name on his phone then texted back.

Jongdae: 'No, it's Kim Jongdae. We're suppose to try to hook my brother up with your friend.' Five seconds later his phone beeped.

Dumbyeol: 'Ohhhhhh......sorry' 

Jongdae: 'Why would I be a government agent? lol.' 

Dumbyeol: idk, just thinking outside the box. so starting OPERATION: KRISMYEON in 3, 2......

Jongdae: 1? 

Dumbyeol:' It's started! Ok brainstorm time.......I've got nothing.'

Jongdae: 'Same'

 Dumbyeol: 'Man, it's easier to actually talk about it then text.'

Jongdae: 'Well my brother's home, so I can't talk about it while he's home.'

Dumbyeol: 'Maybe we could talk about it at this nice cafe a couple of blocks from school. It's a hipster cafe but it has some good scones' 

Jongdae: 'Oh Minseok hyung works there. I've been there before. Seems nice, what time?"

Dumbyeol: 'Meet me there in....30 minutes'


    Jongdae changed into a blue and black plaid shirt and black skinny jeans. He fixed his hair and made sure he looked acceptional. 

  "How do I look?" Jongdae said walking into Joonmyeon's room.

   "Presentable. Why? Where are you going?" Joonmyeon said 

 "Chanyeol invited me to get coffee at that coffee shop that Minseok hyung works at." Jongdae said

"And you said he wasn't your boyfriend." Joonmyeon said

  "He's not! He's a friend-" 

   "Who you never talk to. There's no other reason for him inviting you to get coffee besides the fact that you two are a weird awkward couple." Joonmyeon said 

   "Listen I'm not going to have this conversation with you right now. I have twenty minutes to run to the cafe. Goodbye." Jongdae said 

   "Have fun with your boyfriend!" Joonmyeon said

 "HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" Jongdae scremed from across the hall and he could here his brother cackling in his room.

  He ran pretty fast to the cafe. Once he got there he realized he was there ten minutes early. He spotted Minseok making a cappicino for some girl that was batting her eyelashes at him and twirling her hair. Minseok showed no intrest what so ever. He looked like he hated his job and Jongdae felt sorry for him. He walked up to him and smiled. 

  "Hi hyung." Jongdae said waving to him. 

  "Hey Jongdae, what are you doing here?" Minseok asked 

   "Waiting for someone." Jongdae said 

   "Is this someone tall, has a deep voice, and big ears?" Minseok said with a smirk 

   "How did you know?" Jongdae asked 

   "Your brother texted me about a minute before you walked in." Minseok said 

   "I'm going to kill Joonmyeon. But it's not a date. We're discussing a secret project." Jongdae said

  "Yeah sure." Minseok said. The girl he was making a cappicino for gave Jongdae the death glare and began to go back to one sided flirting with Minseok. "What a ." he thought. Suddenly he troll senses were tingling and he  had an evil grin plastered on his face.

  "So Minseok, how's your boyfriend, Luhan." Jongdae said "You still mad at him for calling Sehun cute?" The girl's eyes widened and she looked at him like he betrayed her.

  "No, not anymore. He gave me flowers and a really mushy speech, so I forgave him. Half of it was because he was being a sweetheart the other half was because I just wanted him to shut up." Minseok said

  "You have a boyfriend?!" the girl said sounding annoyed

  "Yeah, you have a problem with that? Even if I was straight I wouldn't go out with you. You are way too desperate. Girl, get a bucket of ice cream, watch some Forrest Gump, and get over yourself." Minseok said "And by the way, my friend over here is gay too. Also your cappicino is ready."

  The girl snatched her cappicino and paid Minseok without a tip.

  "Imagine her twitter post tonight about me." He began to mimick the girl "The cute barista I was hitting on is gay. He's so mean too. Well I'm too fabulous for any guy right now." Minseok rolled his eyes and Jongdae laughed.

   "Hey." A deep voice said from behind. Minseok gave him the smug grin and said "Oh, who's this boy behind you?"

   "Hyung shut up." Jongdae said

   "Oh I'm Chanyeol." Chanyeol said

  "I'm Minseok, Jongdae and Joonmyeon's friend. Jongdae's told me so much about you." Minseok said. "Are you two dating?" 

   "No, we're not for the last time hyung" Jongdae said 

    "Nuh uh. Let me here it from Happy Virus over here." Minseok said and Jongdae was turning bright red. Chanyeol laughed.

   "No we're not a couple. We are planning something together. But Jongdae's very nice." Chanyeol said

  "Huh, looks like you were telling the truth, Dae. You should probably tell Joonmyeon that too." Minseok said 

 "Minseok shut up!" Jongdae said. He was really embarrased and was blushing a lot. 

   "I might spit in your coffee just for that." Minseok said "Okay there's a table over there where you guys can talk about your 'secret project'." 

Chanyeol sat down with Jongdae at a small seat near the window. As Chanyeol was about to speak, Jongdae's phone rang. It was Sehun. 

    "What's up Sehun........yeah.............okay seems cool.................really are you sure.............your parents are going to kill you...............what do you mean they won't find out....................He is?...........okay I'll go..........bring anybody I want?........okay awesome.............sure...........see you then....okay bye. That was Sehun."

  "Who's Sehun?" Chanyeol asked 

  "One of my friends. His parents are going out of town on Friday so on Saturday him and Jongin, another one of my friends, are throwing a party. My brother's friend Yixing is bringing liquor and music. He has really good taste when it comes to being a D.J. but anyway I can bring someone with me. I know Joonmyeon's invited as well because Kyungsoo's Jongin's boyfriend and Jongin would let Kyungsoo invite anyone he wanted. But almost every one I know is invited. You want to be my plus one?" Jongdae said the second he said that he turned red and he thought he could here Minseok laughing his off at the barista stand. He coughed and said " don't want to that's okay.....uhhhh........I totally know." Minseok was laughing louder. Dammit. 

   "Actually that's a great idea. I could bring Kris with me and you did say Joonmyeon was coming so the party could be a great place to get things started with them." Chanyeol said

  "Oh....that sounds great." Jongdae said still slightly pink.

  "Here's your dumb black coffee Jongdae." Minseok said

  "I didn't even order." Jongdae said 

 "I know. I just know you and you like black coffee." Minseok said.

"I hope you didn't spit in my coffee you prick." Jongdae said

 "I didn't but call me a prick again and I might." Minseok said

 "I hate you." Jongdae said

  "Love you more." Minseok said with a grin on his face. Chanyeol was laughing at this whole thing.

"Are you guys dating or something?" Chanyeol asked

 "NO. He's best friends with my brother and he's good friends with me. He has a boyfriend." Jongdae said

"Oh okay. Well the party's our plan now. If that doesn't go well then we meet back up here to discuss our next plan." Chanyeol said "What time is the party on Saturday."

  "Eight o' clock until everybody passes out." Jongdae said

 "Alright I'll pick you up at eight thirty Saturday." Chanyeol said. 

Chanyeol walked out of the cafe and Minseok looked at him with a grin "Seems nice." 

 "This would've been nicer if you weren't trying to embarrass me. "

Jongdae came home and he saw Joonmyeon there on the couch in eating dinner.

   "How was your date?" Joonmyeon said

  "It wasn't a date but I did ask him to come to Sehun's party with me." Jongdae said

"There you go. My little brother finally got guts." Joonmyeon said 

"Shut up." Jongdae said 

   There were only three days until the party so Jongdae had to plan everything out in a matter of three days because it just wasn't a simple date with Chanyeol, he wanted his brother to finally not feel lonley. 

   "So much to think about. So little time." Jongdae said to himself.

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Hillo~. I'll be doing a lot of oneshots just so I get better and better so if you like chankai, chenyeol, chanhun, and chanlay check out a few of my oneshots.


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2441 streak #1
Chapter 7: OH NOOOOOOO
please nooooooo it's all going wrong for Jongdae!
authornim why'd you leave us hanging like this???
wish there was more!
2441 streak #2
Chapter 6: ofc tutoring session is a codename for flirting session! HAHAHAHAHAHA bombs were thrown there huh! and everything's smooth sailing

Jongdae tho!!! Yeol??? you okay??? that's a quick end to operation KrisMyeon? what's happening?
2441 streak #3
Chapter 5: ughhhhh Yixing! i don't think this is helping Jongdae at all! if anything, it's just disheartening him it seems!

why'd he have to meddle like this? i was looking forward to how awks the two will be and how the teasing from Jongdae's group of friends would affect their relationship... Yixing just set back everything UGHHHHHHHHHHHH

Kris and Jun tutoring sessions tho! at least one ship is positively sailing!!!
2441 streak #4
Chapter 4: the way Chanyeol stared at Jongdae makes me think that he also likes Jongdae??? nd how he reacted to Yixing's staged act??? SPEAK UP THEN! JONGDAE HAS JUST BEEN WAITING MAN!!!
2441 streak #5
how much more dense can Chanyeol be??? he's really that clueless??? WTF
if this is all just a ploy to get close to Jongdae I'd be in awe
2441 streak #6

LMAO at Kris playing it cool as if he couldn't recognize Jun tho, coz really, the guy has been his crush all the while! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
i bet it was his own idea to go to Jongdae's group as an excuse to talk to Jun!!!

this is really so fun! HAHA
2441 streak #7
javlatua #8
Chapter 7: ahhh what is jongdae going to do i'm so anxious pls update soon
Chenchenlay #9
Chapter 7: So When do you plan to make Jongdae fix this problem authornim ?
Chapter 7: Yixing is one of a genious omg. Love this. Please update soon~