Chapter 6

Hey Notice Me!

        Jongdae finally got home from walking home with friends, Luhan and Minseok, somewhat friend and crush, Chanyeol, and fake boyfriend and friend, Yixing. Joonmyeon was still tutoring Kris, so he had the house to himself. He made himself a sandwich, flopped onto the couch and the television. As soon as his favorite show came on, his phone rang. He answered.


     "HE HATES ME!!!" a sobbing Baekhyun screamed into the phone. Jongdae flinched at his friend's loudness.

    "Whoa, whoa, whoa! What happened and who hates you?" Jongdae asked

    "TAO!!" Baekhyun yelled

     "Dude stop screaming."


    "Why does he hate you?" Jongdae questioned calmly

   "W-we were on the bus and we were talking about how wasted we were at Sehun's party."

  "Yeah you guys were really drunk." Jongdae said 

   "DON'T INTERRUPT ME!!!" Baekhyun sobbed "Anyway we were talking about how drunk we were and he brought up how I called him adorable. I laughed and said 'Yeah right sure I did. Huang Zitao? More like Huang ao."

    Jongdae stiffled a laugh.

   "IT'S NOT FUNNY!!!!" Baekhyun screamed "Back to what I was saying, he gave me a hurt look and moved next to Sehun on the bus. He ignored me the rest of the bus ride home. I'm telling you, HE HATES ME!!" Baekhyun began to cry again and Jongdae rolled his eyes.

    "Baek, chill. Tao probably doesn't hate you and if he does...who the cares?"

    "I care. I think I might like Tao." Baekhyun said. Jongdae laughed

   "I'm serious." Baekhyun said blankly. Jongdae stopped laughing

   "Oh...well this is awkward." Jongdae said

   "You're an ." 

   "But I'm also your best friend, so how about I do something nice?" Jongdae said

   "Like what?" 

   "How about I come over your place for the night and we watch movies, binge eat, and complain about the men in our lives like the teenage girls we are." Jongdae said

   "What do you have to complain about? You have Zhang Yixing as your boyfriend." Baekhyun said

   "It's a little more complicated than you think." Jongdae said


   "Kris, are you listening?"Joonmyeon asked while snapping his fingers in front of Kris' face.

  "Huh, what?" Kris said as he shook his head back to reality.

   "Were you even listening to a word I said about the lesson?" Joonmyeon asked


  "You're lucky you're honest." Joonmyeon said rolling his eyes "But seriously, I've been teaching you for a hour and a half now and you didn't get one word of it?"

   "Nope not one word of history." Kris said 

  "Ugh...I've really wasted my time trying to teach you, haven't I?" Joonmyeon said

   "Pretty much but at least you got to spend time with me." Kris said. Joonmyeon laughed.

   "You're going to fail, you know that right?" Joonmyeon said

   "Yep, I'm quite aware." Kris said

   "What I want to know is what goes through your brain in history? Because it sure as hell isn't history." Joonmyeon said

   "Basketball, friends, events," Kris said. Joonmyeon blushed profusley.

   "W-what about me?" Joonmyeon asked shyly still beet red.

   "Oh, nothing much. How smart you are;how much you care for your little brother; cute your smile is." Kris said. Joonmyeon went from red to maroon.

  "Oh-oh..uhhh...thanks...I h-have nice eyes." Joonmyeon said. Kris smiled

  "This is some awkward flirting going on."Kris said. Joonmyeon laughed awkwardly

   " back to work!" Joonmyeon said frantically trying to change the subject. Kris groaned in protest.

   "I'm seriously never going to get it." Kris said

   "Here I'll help." Joonmyeon said as he scooted his chair clsoer to Kris and started to point out important facts and events.

   "You know the more you talk about history, the more I'm going to think about your cute smile." Kris said

   "Alright enough with the smooth flirting, Prince Charming. Because last time I checked you needed help so I'm helping you. This is not the place or time to start expertally flirting with me. So study." Joonmyeon said pushing the books closer to Kris.

   " charms are working." Kris asked. Joonmyeon turned pink.

    "Shut up."


  "Wait, wait, Yixing's not your boyfriend?" Baekhyun asked Jongdae while taking a scoop of ice cream out of the bucket that they were sharing. Jongdae went over Baekhyun's and told him everything.

   "Yeah. Yixing devised some insane plan to make Chanyeol jealous and we're pretending to be some type of couple. It doesn't seem to be working though." Jongdae said "It's weird, I know but-"

   "No it's not weird, maybe on the lines of bat insane.... but not weird. It's actually quite brilliant. Perfect plan for making someone realize their true feelings. You should've asked me to do that instead of Yixing. I could've made Tao jealous." Baekhyun said. The horror movie they were watching was not relavent anymore apperently.

   "Okay, first of all, I didn't know Yixing would make this crazy plan. He thought of it himself and didn't tell me. Second of all, no copycats. And third of all, I wouldn't be fake boyfriends with you bcause a. you're my best friend and b. ewww." Jongdae said. Baekhyun shoved him playfully.

   'You're a ." Baekhyun said

  "As are you." Jongdae said smiling

  "That's why we're best friends." Baekhyun said slinging his arm around Jongdae. "Now shut up. This movie's finally getting good. I'm betting this blond is going to die."


  "Jongdae? You home?" Joonmyeon yelled as he opened the door to his house. He closed the door and walked into the kitchen to see a note on the fridge.


                         Baek's having a love crisis and as his friend I'm obligated to go over there and cheer him up.

                         So I'm spending the night over his place.

                         Cook your own damn food.


        Joonmyeon didn't know how to cook so he just sighed and decided to order take out. He the TV and was trying to have a relaxing little brother free night. He tried to focus on the show that was on but all he could think about was Kris, Kris and more Kris. How Kris played basketball. How Kris hated history. How Kris was friends with Chanyeol. How Kris liked his smile. Kris was everywhere in every section of his brain. Weird.


       Around midnight, Jongdae and Baekhyun were watching a romance movie, eating popcorn when Jongdae's phone buzzed.

        Dumbyeol: Listen, Kris and your bro seem 2 b hitting it off. You don't need me anymore. u can delete my number if you want.  C u around school.

        Jongdae got a lump in his throat. He actually thought Chanyeol was his friend. He thought that Chanyeol liked him. He thought that Chanyeol would want to stay his friend even after Joonmyeon and Kris hit it off. Well he was wrong. Chanyeol did seem off during the walk home. Maybe that was the reason why. He never really liked Jongdae. 

       "What's wrong, Dae?" Baekhyun asked with concern. Jongdae showed him the phone. Baekhyun frowned.

    "He didnt  even say that you guys were friends?" Baekhyun asked

     "No." Jongdae whispered "He was just helping a friend. He never liked me. And to think, I thought we had at least something." Jongdae began to cry and Baekhyun hugged him tight.

     "Dude, he's an and is not worth your time anymore." Baekhyun said. Jongdae nodded into Baekhyun's shirt. Even though Baekhyun could be an at times, he always made up for it by being a good friend when Jongdae needed him. Jongdae let go of Baekhyun and texted Yixing.

     Jongdae: Chanyeol doesn't want to hang out with me anymore. You were wrong. We can stop now.
     Jongdae feel asleep on the couch with Baekhyun a little later. While they were sleeping Jongdae's phone made a small buzz and lit up.

     Yixing: Not yet



A/N: I'm sorry about the late update....I'll make a faster update next time but yeah...hope you like it and also I lied I was planning on making another fic. (I said I wouldn't make another's me we're talking about here.) Anyway, tonight, the first chapter of 'Angelic' will be up. It is a Chanlay not Chenlay, Chanlay fic (*cough* with maybe some Chenyeol *cough*) that I have been working hard on. And don't you dare start reading the first chapter without reading the forward. It's only three hundred words. Tell me what you think. Love ya'!

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Hillo~. I'll be doing a lot of oneshots just so I get better and better so if you like chankai, chenyeol, chanhun, and chanlay check out a few of my oneshots.


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2441 streak #1
Chapter 7: OH NOOOOOOO
please nooooooo it's all going wrong for Jongdae!
authornim why'd you leave us hanging like this???
wish there was more!
2441 streak #2
Chapter 6: ofc tutoring session is a codename for flirting session! HAHAHAHAHAHA bombs were thrown there huh! and everything's smooth sailing

Jongdae tho!!! Yeol??? you okay??? that's a quick end to operation KrisMyeon? what's happening?
2441 streak #3
Chapter 5: ughhhhh Yixing! i don't think this is helping Jongdae at all! if anything, it's just disheartening him it seems!

why'd he have to meddle like this? i was looking forward to how awks the two will be and how the teasing from Jongdae's group of friends would affect their relationship... Yixing just set back everything UGHHHHHHHHHHHH

Kris and Jun tutoring sessions tho! at least one ship is positively sailing!!!
2441 streak #4
Chapter 4: the way Chanyeol stared at Jongdae makes me think that he also likes Jongdae??? nd how he reacted to Yixing's staged act??? SPEAK UP THEN! JONGDAE HAS JUST BEEN WAITING MAN!!!
2441 streak #5
how much more dense can Chanyeol be??? he's really that clueless??? WTF
if this is all just a ploy to get close to Jongdae I'd be in awe
2441 streak #6

LMAO at Kris playing it cool as if he couldn't recognize Jun tho, coz really, the guy has been his crush all the while! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
i bet it was his own idea to go to Jongdae's group as an excuse to talk to Jun!!!

this is really so fun! HAHA
2441 streak #7
javlatua #8
Chapter 7: ahhh what is jongdae going to do i'm so anxious pls update soon
Chenchenlay #9
Chapter 7: So When do you plan to make Jongdae fix this problem authornim ?
Chapter 7: Yixing is one of a genious omg. Love this. Please update soon~