Chapter 5

Hey Notice Me!

     "What the hell Yixing?!" Jongdae screamed as Chanyeol left. 

      "What?" Yixing asked.

      "You just made out with me!" Jongdae screamed

      "I'm sorry but what's going on?" Joonmyeon asked

      "None of your goddamn buisness." Yixing and Jongdae said in unison. Joonmyeon put his hands up in surrender.

      "Sorry that I asked." Joonmyeon said

      "If you guys want to make out, don't do it in my house." Sehun said coldly

      "Sorry about that Sehun. Yixing can I talk to you for a second?" Jongdae said

      "Oh god, please don't kiss again. At least go out into the yard!" Sehun slurred

      "We won't. We swear. Again sorry." Jongdae said pulling on Yixing's arm and dragging him out of the room.

     "Can you explain to me what the hell is wrong with you?" Jongdae said

     "Chanyeol likes you. I'm being a good friend and helping your dumb relationship." Yixing said

     "By kissing me?" Jongdae said

    "Yeah, you need to make him jealous so he realizes his feelings fo you. He seemed pretty jealous when he left." Yixing said

    "I just think he felt uncomfortable." Jongdae said

   "You are as oblivious as he is." Yixing said "But anyway, I think he'll wake up tomorrow thinking it was just a drunken kiss and there was no emotion or feelings behind it and live his life. But if we devise a plan to make it seem as if we are a couple, he'll get jealous for sure." Yixing said

   "You're an idiot, Zhang Yixing." Jongdae said

     "I am not. Trust me, I think this will work." Yixing said. Jongdae looked at Yixing thinking about it for a second. Finally he sighed and said "Okay."

  "Great! We start our plan on Monday." Yixing said


     Joonmyeon was walking home with Jongdae and was confused. He didn't know why Yixing kissed Jongdae when he knew that Jongdae liked Chanyeol. He was having a simple conversation with Kris, the handsome blond and suddenly he sees his best friend kissing his younger brother. Talk about awkward. Kris was really nice. He complimented his clothes and asked him about classes. It was nice. He blushed occasionally but over all, it was fun. They joked a little bit and Kris complained about history. Chanyeol came over and talked to them for a little bit. Then that happened and next thing you know Chanyeol leaves with Kris. 

   "I'm just wondering, are you and Yixing going out?" Joonmyeon asked

    "I don't know." Jongdae said 

   "Is that your honest answer?" Joonmyeon asked

   "Yes it is." Jongdae said 

   "Okay. Well, tell me if you are." Joonmyeon said 

   "I will." Jongdae said 

  They walked home and had a quiet night.

      In the morning Joonmyeon got a call from Sehun who was hungover. He was pleading Joonmyeon to help him clean because his head hurt, he couldn't remember what happened at the party, he was nauseous, and the sun burned. He said that he couldn't clean his house alone.

   "I told you so . How come you never listen to me?" Joonmyeon said 

   "I don't listen to you because I don't want to. Now shut up and help me clean." Sehun mumbled on the phone.

  "Okay,but you owe me." Joonmyeon said

  Joonmyeon walked over to Sehun's house and knocked on the door. He heard Sehun scream  "WHY ARE YOU SO GOD DAMN LOUD?! STOP KNOCKING ON THE DOOR!" Joonmyeon chuckled. Sehun opened the door and he looked awful. His hair was a mess, he had dark circles around his eyes, and his skin was pale. Plus he smelled really bad.

     "Well you look like ." Joonmyeon said bluntly.

    "Help me clean smartass." Sehun said.

Joonmyeon was almost done with helping Sehun clean (actually Sehun barley did anything) when Sehun looked at him.

   "What?" Joonmyeon said

   "I don't remember much from the party but I do remember Yixing kissing Jongdae...are they dating?" Sehun asked

   "Jongdae doesn't know. It's odd. Maybe he's just trying to get over Chanyeol. Why do you care?" Joonmyeon said

   "Just wondering." Sehun said. 



The next day at school Jongdae sat with his friends at his lunch table and was actually contributing to the coversation and laughing. Suddenly Chanyeol walked up to him.

    "Hey Jongdae! I need to talk to you about our  project." Chanyeol said. There was an awkward silence for about a minute. Suddenly, Baekhyun and Tao burst out into hysterical laughter and Sehun was smiling. Chanyeol had a confused look on his face. 

   "Sure why not." Jongdae said. Chanyeol pulled him out of the cafeteria and smiled.

    "The party was a step forward in our plan." Chanyeol said as if he didn't see Jongdae and Yixing kiss that night. Jongdae knew he wasn't jealous. "But our plan is not totally done. We should discuss it more maybe at-"

    "Hey babe." A familiar voice said walking down the hall. Chanyeol was interrupted by Yixing who back hugged Jongdae and kissed him on the cheek. Jongdae forced a smile. He appreciates all of Yixing's help, but he doesn't love all the PDA that is involved in Yixing's plan. But he holds on to the arms that are around his waist, just to make it seem more real.

   "Hey Yixing." Jongdae said "What are you doing?"

  "What does it look like? I'm hugging my boyfriend." Yixing said. Jongdae's eyes widened at the word 'boyfriend' but he doesn't question it. Yixing may not always seem like he knows what he's doing, but he always has a plan and plans it out well. Chanyeol's eyes widen for a split second but then he has a lopsided grin on his face and looked fine.

   "Well I just came by to say hi. See you around Dae Dae. Nice seeing you again Chanyeol." Yixing said. He pecked Jongdae on the lips and left. Suddenly Jongdae's phone vibrated.

     Yixing: 'My plan is working just the way I want it to. Trust me on this.' 

   "Sorry about that. Anyway what were you saying?" Jongdae said

  "Uh nothing. Just text me if you have an idea about what we're going to do next." Chanyeol said "You and Yixing hyung make a good couple." he said

   "Uh...thanks. I like him a lot." Jongdae said.

   "I've heard that he's kind of an air-head though." Chanyeol mumbled. Jongdae laughed.

   "He can be sometimes....but he can be smart when he wants to be." Jongdae said

   "Well I have to get back to the cafeteria, see you later." Chanyeol said 

   "Okay see you later." Jongdae said. After Chanyeol left Jongdae pulled out his phone and texted Yixing back.

   Jongdae: 'I hope you actually know what you're doing'   


     Joonmyeon walked into his history class to see Kris there early sitting in a desk. He noticed Joonmyeon, smiled and waved. Joonmyeon fought back a blush and waved back. Kris gestured him to sit next to him so Joonmyeon walked over to the seat right next to him. 

   "Hey, how's it going?" Joonmyeon said

   "Good. I had a slight headache yesterday, but I'm fine today." Kris said

  "I knew you would be hungover the next day. Jongdae, Minseok, Chanyeol, and I were probably the only sober ones there." Joonmyeon said. Kris chuckled.

   "Probably." Kris said

   "This is so boring. I feel like I'm obligated to make small talk." Joonmyeon said after about a minute if awkward silence. 

   "Don't feel that way. Talk about whatever you want to talk about." Kris said "We're not strangers." Joonmyeon blushed. 

   "Uh...okay. I'm not sure if my brother is dating Yixing." Joonmyeon said

    "Wait, is Yixing the junior who hangs out with you, dances, and made out with your brother at the party?" Kris said


  "They probably are." Kris said "I saw him with Jongdae and Chanyeol when I went to get something from my locker." 

   "He said he would tell me." Joonmyeon said 

   "Well if I were him I wouldn't want my older brother knowing that I was dating his best friend." Kris said

   "You're probably right." Joonmyeon said

The class started and the teacher was giving back tests from the previous day. Joonmyeon got an A, like usual. Kris got his test back and sighed. 

   "Another F." he said "I'm going to flunk this class." he said 

   "I could tutor you. I have an A in this class." Joonmyeon said he blushed and said "Is that okay with you?" 

   "That would actually be nice. Thanks." Kris said

  "Mr. Kim and Mr. Wu will you please stop talking before I throw you out of my class." the teacher said coldly.

   "Sorry sir." they said together.



    As the last bell rang, Jongdae was greeted by Chanyeol. 

    "Hey Jongdae, is it cool if I walk home with you today? Kris is staying afterschool with some tutor and I don't like walking home alone." Chanyeol said

    "Uhh I-" 

   "Jongdae, I was looking for you." Yixing said. He grabbed Jongdae's hand. "I wanted to walk you home today."

   "I was going to walk home with Chanyeol, Luhan, Joonmyeon, and Minseok but you can come along." Jongdae said. Jongdae swore for a split second Chanyeol's face fell. Jongdae's phone rang. He answered it. 

    "Hey are?....why?.....oh I see..........yeah good luck........okay.....bye. Joonmyeon's not walking home with us because he has to tutor somebody and I think we all know who that somebody is." Jongdae said. Chanyeol laughed and Yixing looked confused for a second but then laughed. 

     As they walked home Minseok and Luhan were talking about their day and upcoming school events, while Yixing and Jongdae chased each other around, joked, and laughed. Chanyeol was somewhat silent throughtout the walk home. Yixing linked Jongdae's arm with his and began to laugh. 

    "Chanyeol, are you okay?" Jongdae asked. Chanyeol looked up and smiled.

    "Yeah I'm just fine." Chanyeol said

  Jongdae gave him a perplexed expression and then shrugged as he walked home with his friends.

   A/N: So what do you think of this chapter? I know it might not be amazing but it'll do. I've got some good ideas about the next chapter so just wait! Love ya'!

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Hillo~. I'll be doing a lot of oneshots just so I get better and better so if you like chankai, chenyeol, chanhun, and chanlay check out a few of my oneshots.


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2441 streak #1
Chapter 7: OH NOOOOOOO
please nooooooo it's all going wrong for Jongdae!
authornim why'd you leave us hanging like this???
wish there was more!
2441 streak #2
Chapter 6: ofc tutoring session is a codename for flirting session! HAHAHAHAHAHA bombs were thrown there huh! and everything's smooth sailing

Jongdae tho!!! Yeol??? you okay??? that's a quick end to operation KrisMyeon? what's happening?
2441 streak #3
Chapter 5: ughhhhh Yixing! i don't think this is helping Jongdae at all! if anything, it's just disheartening him it seems!

why'd he have to meddle like this? i was looking forward to how awks the two will be and how the teasing from Jongdae's group of friends would affect their relationship... Yixing just set back everything UGHHHHHHHHHHHH

Kris and Jun tutoring sessions tho! at least one ship is positively sailing!!!
2441 streak #4
Chapter 4: the way Chanyeol stared at Jongdae makes me think that he also likes Jongdae??? nd how he reacted to Yixing's staged act??? SPEAK UP THEN! JONGDAE HAS JUST BEEN WAITING MAN!!!
2441 streak #5
how much more dense can Chanyeol be??? he's really that clueless??? WTF
if this is all just a ploy to get close to Jongdae I'd be in awe
2441 streak #6

LMAO at Kris playing it cool as if he couldn't recognize Jun tho, coz really, the guy has been his crush all the while! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
i bet it was his own idea to go to Jongdae's group as an excuse to talk to Jun!!!

this is really so fun! HAHA
2441 streak #7
javlatua #8
Chapter 7: ahhh what is jongdae going to do i'm so anxious pls update soon
Chenchenlay #9
Chapter 7: So When do you plan to make Jongdae fix this problem authornim ?
Chapter 7: Yixing is one of a genious omg. Love this. Please update soon~