Someone You Used To Know

"Your friends keep bullying me! Tell them to stop!" tears already made its way down Mino's face as he yelled at Taehyun. Taehyun knew his best friend hated being bullied, but he wasn't there to stop them.

"I'm sorry Mino! I'm sorry I couldn't be there to stop them. Please stop crying. Please, I promise from now on I will always be by your side," Taehyun said as he tried to comfort Mino. 

Mino walked away from Taehyun as he tried to touch him and grabbed his bag from his desk. Taehyun's friends always bully him when Taehyun wasn't around, but when he was around, they would act all nice and sweet to him, but Taehyun knew they hated Mino. 

"Mino, you know that I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I promise I'll be a better friend, just don't be mad at me," Taehyun was desperate for forgiveness from Mino. He made so many bad choices with Mino, like leaving him behind, ignoring him, and even forgetting about him at times. He knew he screwed up. Mino was just someone who doesn't forgive easily.  They've been friends for so long, Taehyun just hoped he would let this slip by again, but he was so wrong. 

"You said that last time. Don't make promises you can't keep," Mino said as he pushed him out of the way so he could get out.

"UGHH," Taehyun yelled as he kicked one of the desks. Yes, he has broken a few promises with his best friend, but he never meant for it to happen. He was just a terrible friend towards Mino. He told his friends several times to stop bullying Mino, but they never listened. He just didn't know what to do. He couldn't always be with Mino because they had different classes. Mino just didn't understand. Mino was in all the advanced and honors classes whereas Taehyun was just in regular classes.  They were in sixth grade now, the first year of middle school, the year where Taehyun became more popular, the year where Mino gained more bullies because he was overweight, a nerd, and a teacher's pet. Sometimes Taehyun pitied Mino. 



Mino was so upset that he slammed the door on his way in his house. 

"Mino, what's wrong?" His mother asked him as she tried to give him a welcome back home hug.

Mino shook his head because he didn't want a hug. "Mom, it's really nothing. Just a bunch of guys that are getting on my nerves," Mino said as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed apple juice. 

"Care to talk about it?" His mother asked because she knew Mino would eventually spill it out sooner or later.

Mino kept silent as he sipped his apple juice and avoided his mother's pleading eyes. After a two minutes, he was done with his juice, he threw it into the trashcan and grabbed another juice. When he finally looked at his mother, he gave in. His mother can be really creepy with her pleading, she can stare at you for hours until you give in. 

"Taehyun's friends. Again. Only this time they didn't throw things at me, they threw names instead," Mino said pulling things from his backpack. He still remembered all those harsh words they said to him. He really hoped he could forget about it, but it was just some things people couldn't ever forget. 

"Again? I thought I told them to stop bullying you! Fine, I will come by tomorrow-"

"Mom, you don't need to. You've done so much for me. I think I should handle it myself. Thank you though." Mino had failed to handle things by himself if Taehyun wasn't there. Taehyun was his life saver, but he knew his mother would understand. He shuddered when he remembered them calling him Mama's boy and teasing him. He really hated it. He pulled out his English and math scores and showed it his mother. 

"I'm not surprised honey. You always get A's. But I will surely keep this English paper because I remembered you worked extra hard on it last week," and with that his mother took his A+ paper and left, but seconds later, she came back. "Oh yeah, I forgot. Your dad is home today. He wants to talk to you."

Mino nodded as his mother left. He father was never usually home, he was always at work. He grabbed his bag and put it up in his room. He changed out his school uniform into a blue t-shirt and black shorts. He was nervous when he had talks with his father because those talks are always serious. His father was a businessman. A very famous one too. He slowly walked into his father's office. 

"Hey, dad. Um, mom said you wanted to talk?" He asked, but found out his father was on the phone. His father turned around and nodded his son to sit down.

"Yeah, of course, I understand. Yeah, I'll let him read the script. Thank you, bye." His father shut his phone off and turned to his son.

"Hey son, how was school?" His father asked as he patted him on the head. 

"Good," he said through clenched teeth. Not forgetting the fight with his best friend. 

"Good to hear. So son, have you ever thought about acting?" His father asked as he handed a script to his son.

Mino was shocked. "Acting? You mean acting as in movies? Or on television?"

His father smiled, "Yeah. I think acting would be good for you. It could give you so many opportunities. Here," his father opened up the script, "since you're only twelve, I got you a supporting character in this Korean movie, "Love Hurts". You'll be playing the twelve-year-old son of the main character. You think you could give it a try?" His father asked.

Mino knew his dad always wanted him to act, but he wasn't so sure. He never actually thought about acting. But he knew he had to try it. "Sure dad. Since you always wanted me to act. I guess I could try," Mino gave his dad a sweet smile. 

"Thank you, son. This means a lot to me. Make sure to read the script okay? And just so you know, we'll be leaving in 2 days, okay? I know it's sudden, but I really want to enroll you in the Korean Acting Industry too. Classes start really soon. So pack up your stuff. I'll tell your mom about this." His father kissed his forehead. 

"Wait, dad. Are we leaving? To Korea? Will we be living there too?" Mino asked a little too quickly. He was actually happy about the idea of living in Korea. He could start a new life there. But he was really shocked when it was so sudden. 

"Yeah. Your mom and I decided we want to raise you in Korea instead of in America. There are more acting opportunities too since we're Korean. You'll like it there. I promise you." With that, his father left him and went into the kitchen. 



"You're leaving me? No! You can't leave me!" Taehyun yelled as he held onto Mino's arm. 

Mino walked into the empty kitchen. Pretty much all of their stuff was already packed up and put in the moving truck. The kitchen seemed so dull.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you." He finally decided to tell his best friend the news on the last day. He was afraid that Taehyun would throw a tantrum in his almost empty house. He spent pretty much most of yesterday practicing on how he would break the news to his best friend. He knew he would miss Taehyun a lot, but he also wanted to escape this life and start a new life in Korea. Maybe even recreate himself as he grew up.

Taehyun couldn't believe his best friend just said that. "Mino, you know this would effect me. You can't leave me. Please. You're my best friend," Taehyun was almost sobbing. Mino was so heartbroken to see his friend cry for the first time. Throughout all the years, he's know Taehyun, he never cried. Taehyun was a strong person, but seeing him cry right now startled him. 

Mino reached out to embrace Taehyun. "Taehyunnie, I promise we'll meet again. My dad really wants me to take this opportunity. I'll visit. I'm only doing one movie, I'll come back. I promise. Don't cry," Mino said as he hugged Taehyun and wiped the tears away.  He wasn't so sure about the promise, but he just wanted Taehyun to stop crying. 

"Mino, I..I'm really sorry for being a terrible friend all these years. I don't know what I'll do without you. Just...please stay," Taehyun sobbed on Mino's shoulder. 

"I...canot stay. I promised my parents. I even got everything packed. Please understand. I'll come back for you Taehyun. I promise. We've been through rough times together, I don't want to leave you, but I've made my choice," Mino cried as he hugged onto Taehyun tighter. Mino really didn't want to leave Taehyun. But he knew he'll regret it if he didn't leave. Mino didn't like America, he had so many bad memories here. Mino hated being bullied for being overweight, he hated being called Mama's boy, he hated being called names, he hated being bullied. But he hated leaving Taehyun the most. He knew Taehyun could do so much in America, he wanted to start his own business. Taehyun loved America. He said he would never leave America because it was his home and his life. He was born and raised here, everything he wanted was here. Mino knew Taehyun would never take up the offer to leave America. 

Taehyun released Mino as soon as Mino's father showed up. 

"Hey Mino, everything's packed up. Now it's time to leave," Mino's father said.

"Yeah, dad. I know. C'mon Taehyun, let's talk outside," He said as he pulled Taehyun outside onto the porch. He looked at the moving truck, packed with all their items and then back to Taehyun. "Taehyun, please forgive me for leaving you. I know you would be upset. I'm sorry for telling you on the day I'm leaving. But I'll be back. Don't forget me." Mino hugged Taehyun and took one last look at him. Taehyun was small and short, he was pale and fragile, but underneath all that, Taehyun was capable of anything. They both made eye contact and Mino knew those eyes are the ones he'll never forget. Mino kissed his forehead, "See you soon, Taehyun," and with that he ran down the porch and jumped into his car. 

"Yeah, see you soon Mino", he cried as he waved goodbye to Mino. Taehyun cried so much that day, he never wanted Mino to leave him. He was so shocked when Mino spilled the news, he almost had a heart attack. He didn't believe it, he didn't believe his first and only best friend left. Once he got home, he looked down at his bracelet, the one Mino made for him. He also made Mino the exact same bracelet, it was promised to each other, to never let each other go. Taehyun broke that promise, he had to let him go. He couldn't live without Mino, but he knew he had to try. He also knew Mino wouldn't keep his promise either. Promises are meant to be broken. 



Seven Years Later


"Mino, wake up! Your girlfriend is here!" 

"What girlfriend? Oh . What's she doing here?" Mino instantly rolled off his bed as soon he heard his girlfriend was here. 

"I don't know. Doesn't she always come here? Oh and today's our drama premiere," Mino's best friend, Seunghoon, said. Everyone calls him Hoon, though. Hoon has been best friends with Mino ever since they met in the movie "Love Hurts" where they both portrayed sons of the two leading actors and instantly became best friends. They even attended the same school until college. Hoon was pretty handsome, tall, and laid back. A lot of girls would swoon over him if they saw him anywhere. Hoon was also an actor but is the main choreographer for one of the biggest entertainment, YG Entertainment. 

Mino grabbed some clothes and ran into the bathroom to change. Yesterday, they both had a sleepover so they could plan their upcoming movie, where they both will play the main lead. 

After he got changed and sprayed his hair, he ran downstairs. He hated when his girlfriend would show up at his house, unexpected. His girlfriend, Ji-Eun, was a famous singer. She was known as IU when she's doing promotions. He found her talking with his parents. He lived in a Mansion, he is a famous actor, but he was also very clumsy.  When he walking towards them, he tripped, on literally nothing. 

They all turned around and laughed. "Hey, Mino! Are you okay?" Ji-Eun ran up and hugged him. 

"I'm good actually." He hugged her and kissed her cheek. 

"Great. So your premiere is in a 2 hours. I'm so excited! C'mon, get changed. And you have to treat me to breakfast. You promised," Ji-Yun said with a smile. 

Mino nodded and looked at his clothes. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" He pointed to his leather jacket and black jeans. 

She shook her head. "This is a premiere. Not a photo shoot. Suit and tie please," His girlfriend pushed him up the stairs.  She turned back to Mino's parents and smiled. "He's still so cute."

Once he was up the stairs, he saw Hoon with his laptop. "Dude, what are you doing?" he asked as he picked out his suit and tie and went into the bathroom, but left the door open so he could hear Hoon talk. 

"Checking on who will be at the premiere. This is pretty exciting." Hoon scrolled down the list, " So umm......Suzy, Lee Minho, Kim Woo Bin, Song Joong Ki, Kim Tae Hee, umm so much more. Even group bands are coming like 4minute, Super Junior-"

"Ok, I got it. This is going to make me more nervous. Wait, Woo-bin? Oh god. I love him, man. I met him at the Heirs premiere, but I didn't even get to talk to him", Mino said as he returned from the bathroom, all dressed up, once again. "Are you coming or not?" He asked as he looked at Hoon, still in pj's. 

"Yeah man. It's in two hours. I could make it," Hoon said as he grabbed his phone to text someone. "Besides, I'm only a supporting character, so who cares," he said as he scrolled down the list. "There some other people coming. I don't know who they are, though."

Mino shook his head. "Whatever Hoon. Ji-Yun and I are getting breakfast first. Do want you anything?" Mino asked him as he grabbed his wallet and phone from his bed. Hoon just looked up at Mino and his suit.

"Mino, I don't think you know how to wear a suit. Make Ji-Eun fix it for you kay? And no. I'm getting breakfast with Seungyoon. He finally finished filming his music video."

Mino just looked at his outfit, "Dude, I look fine. My suit looks fine." He walked to the desk to put on his watch and earrings. "Yeah, can't wait to see his video. He said it was gonna be good." When he was done dressing, he looked back at Hoon, "How do I look? Handsome right?"

Hoon scoffed as he checked his friend. "Just fix your tie and you'll be done." But he didn't say his friend looks handsome because he does. Mino had lost a lot of weights and even has muscles that were easily seen.

Mino nodded, "Well see ya."

"Enjoy your in date, Mino," Hoon yelled as Mino walked out. 



Mino and his girlfriend finally arrived at his premiere two hours later. He was late but hoped it was okay. He was always late to his events. They were late because Ji-Eun had to pick up some things at her house and buy gifts. Gifts? Mino had no idea who those are for. 

"You nervous?"


"Come on."

Mino nodded as he was led to the red carpet. Mino was known as the Korean Bad Boy in the acting industry. He always takes on roles which he will play the criminal or delinquent. Mino was used to being called a bad boy, which he can be at times. He's been acting in movies for the past seven years, he didn't know what he would do without acting. Throughout the years, there were several scandals about him, since he was of the most famous actors around. He was handsome, sweet, and reckless.

"Hey Mino, I have to meet up with Suzy okay?" Ji-Eun said as she finished walking. "Make sure to have fun and remember to your speech." She kissed him and left him. Just like that. He sighed.  

He walked into the room and there were so many people. He knew most of them, pretty much all of them were invited into the premiere and some weren't. They were all chatting and waiting for the speeches to start. He looked up at the stage, already set up for the actors. He smiled as he saw the rest of cast and patted Hoon.

"Hoon, you're early," Mino said as he smoothed out his hair. Hoon snorted. 

"Aren't I always early?" Hoon said as he flicked his friend's head.  "You're late. C'mon, I know you're nervous, but everyone is counting on you. Now go up and smile," Hoon pushed him up the stage. Mino tried to smack him, but he knew he was being watched. He was actually more nervous than he thought. He was shaking, he was sweating. He knew he had done this many times before, but he couldn't stop from feeling agitated. 

"Song Mino!" He heard them all yell his name as he entered the stage. Pictures and photographs were taken of him as he did poses and smiled. The rest of the cast members joined him minutes later. He sat on the chairs as the applaud muted down. They gave him the mic and that was when he became more nervous. He looked around, hoping to find his parents.

"Annyeong everyone. I'm Song Mino and I play the main lead in this drama called "Endless Love." I play Yong Sang, the man that have escaped prison to find his true love. I hope you would all enjoy this drama and continue to watch it. I had so much fun working with everybody here and it's been a great opportunity. I hope you all will support me for many years to come", Mino said. He bowed and sat down. He looked around and smiled, but he failed to see the eyes of someone that he used to be close with.



After he was done with the speeches and the questionnaires, Mino went to the bathroom to wash up. He fixed his suit and tie and hair. He looked into the mirror to see his reflection. He smoothed out his hair. He was handsome, he had killer a smile, but at times he didn't want to show it. Mino was a confident guy, he had a muscular figure and a strong appearance. Nothing could bring down his self-esteem. When he was finished, he walked towards the door but stopped when he heard a voice that brought shivers down his back.

"Song Mino. It's good to see you."

Mino panicked as he turned around. He looked everywhere until he found him, leaning against the wall. It's like the world stopped spinning. His heart was beating a thousand times per second. But he remained calm. He couldn't look away, he was so shocked and appalled to see him. Taehyun looked a little creepy, with his black hoodie and white skinny jeans. That is not what you wear to premieres, Mino thought. He looked up to see his hair, parted equally on each side. He still looked pale and feminine, exactly as he remembered. 

Mino snapped, "What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here." 

Taehyun knew Mino was referring to the premiere and not the bathroom. "Mino, I'm your best friend. I can come to your events if I want," Taehyun said with a slight smile.

Mino was aghast, he couldn't believe Taehyun was here, saying those words. Mino knew he broke those promises with him, but he had too. He knew he couldn't come back to America, it'll only remind him of the past. He wanted to forget the past, but he couldn't forget Taehyun.

"Mino. Look at you. You changed so much. Your hair, your skin tone, your style. You lost so much weight. I missed you," Taehyun took a stepped closer when he said the last sentence. 

Mino instantly stepped back. His phone vibrated, his head turned dizzy. He wanted out. He took out his phone and checked his messages and calls. 3 calls from Ji-Eun and 2 texts from Hoon. He looked back at Taehyun, "I was your best friend 7 years ago. People change Taehyun." Taehyun looked down with a frown but managed to keep still.

"Mino, I'm not lying. I really did miss you. Your were like a piece of me. I couldn't forget you no matter how much I try." Taehyun stepped closer and touched his arm. "Mino, I never forgot about you." If Mino was honest, he did feel the same, but he would never admit it. Taehyun was just someone you couldn't forget. 

Mino pushed him away, "You shouldn't be here! Leave! You're someone from the past." He looked back at Taehyun as he heard noises from outside. 

Taehyun nodded as he scrolled up his sleeves and ripped his bracelet off, tears already forming. "This meant a lot to me. But it's no use anymore. Keep it." He threw the bracelet at Mino's face, "You're just someone I used to know," with that, he walked out the bathroom. 

Mino was stunned, he was dumbfounded. He wanted to yell at Taehyun to never come back, but he stopped when he saw the bracelet. He bent down to pick up the bracelet, he had the exact same one, the one Taehyun made for him. He never had the gut to burn the bracelet, he couldn't burn something that meant so much to him. It was like a part of him. If he burned it, he'll burn himself. The bracelets meant so much to the both of them. 





Reedited chapter! Btw I made up the movie names. 

I finally figured out what I really wanted to write about.

Sorry about the long wait. 

Just a lot of you guys expect a lot from this chapter, but I'm sorry if it didn't turn out the way you want it to.

I'm still working on my writing skills. 

I'll eventually get better. Thank you for reading! This means a lot to me and I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long. I actually had this chapter written long ago, but I never had the gut to publish it.  Please comment and subscribe! THANKS!












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angel_YGbaby #1
Chapter 5: NamSong ship is still sailing! Please, continue this story. The story is great and very interesting! I'll be waiting for your update. Fighting! \(☆o☆)/
thalitathth #2
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: i love your story. I wait fo your update. Please... ^^
Ty1998 #3
Chapter 4: Please updateㅠㅠㅠ
angel_YGbaby #4
Chapter 4: Author-nim! This is great! Please update soon!! Please!!
vykhactuyen #5
Chapter 4: Taehyun, I love you :-*
nuriko729 #6
Chapter 4: I am so happy that you have decided to continue with this story. This is such a interesting plot to abandon. It's been a long year but welcome back, and hope that you would stay for a while. Thank you.

About this chapter....I am torn between having Taehyun to give up on this friendship or give it another chance. What exactly did Taehyun do that Mino didn't want to have anything to do with him. Is he afraid that the media might dig up his past if he hang around Taehyun again or is he in love with his bf and afraid to admit it. No matter what I think Taehyun deserve an explanation from Mino for the way he treated him. I think Taehyun should accept that movie role just to irritate Mino some more (evil smirk). I am curious. Does Taehyun habor some feeling towards Mino?
mistyeast #7
Chapter 4: omg this update is LIFE T_T .. cant wait for next chapter.. omg taehyun as model is jjang... and soon to be actor :) thank you !!1
Chapter 4: what happen next authornim ? cant wait
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
kangtaehyun #10
Chapter 3: it was good story actually.. i love to have this more.. but i just wondering, author nim, i hope u still want to update this cause it was such along time since your last updated.. i hope this story not ended here.. please note in case you dont want to continued this story anymore. i just dont want to get disspoint for waiting too long!!