Someone You Used To Know

Taehyun walked out to his car and got in. "You're right. I shouldn't have came."

"What happened. He made you cry? Again? That son of a-"

"Jinwoo, stop. He's changed. He's an actor now. When you're this acting industry, they can change you." Taehyun sighed as he pulled out his phone. "I just wanted to really see him, so I followed him to the bathroom. We talked. And yeah, I threw him my bracelet," Taehyun showed Jinwoo his empty wrist. 

"Taehyun, maybe you can try again. He's just maybe shocked from seeing you all these years, he wasn't thinking clearly," Jinwoo said. 

"I don't know. He said I was someone from the past. That's just hurtful," Taehyun pouted. "I mean, why would he say that. I think I'm going crazy."

"Maybe." Jinwoo said as he patted Taehyun's arm. Jinwoo was Taehyun's close friend, not best friend because he always thought Mino was still his best after all these years. Them and some of their workers are on a business trip to Korea. Taehyun is the co-owner of his fashion company and they were called to work with TYCo, a famous fashion company in Seoul. Jinwoo was shorter than Taehyun, but Jinwoo was a very capable of a lot of things.

 "He actually looks a lot more handsome than in the dramas and magazines. Why did he have to become so famous," Taehyun whined as he sat back into the seat.

Jinwoo sighed as he looked at his friend. He knew Taehyun was looking forward to seeing Mino all week ever since they landed in Korea. He let Taehyun pout in his seat as he the engine, getting ready to drive them to their shared hotel.




Mino couldn't stop thinking of Taehyun for days. He kept wondering why Taehyun was Korea and why he just showed up at his premiere, uninvited. Mino brushed his hair back as he watched Hoon finish his photo shoot and waited for his turn. He eyes wondered to every corner of the studio and then back to Hoon.

The make up artist walked up Mino and started fixing his hair and eyeliner, while Mino remained unmoved, sitting down. He couldn't get Taehyun out of his mind no matter how hard he tried.

"Mino, it's your turn," Hoon said, walking up to him. Mino nodded and took a deep breathe before walking into the set.

The camera man smiled at him and motioned him to come closer, posing. He made Mino look laid back and y. Mino put his hands in his pocket and tilted his head, looking straight at the camera.

After a few shoots, Hoon and Mino went out to grab lunch. Hoon could tell that his best friend was out of it but decided not to say anything until they got some food.

They arrived at the nearest restaurant and ordered kimchi spaghetti. Hoon led them to the farthest table on the right, so then fans won't acknowledge them and ruin their lunchtime.

"Dude, what's up? You've been a little off lately."

Mino sighed and brushed his hair back and Hoon knew he was frustrated. "It's nothing really."

"Just tell me."

Mino sighed and placed his elbow on the table. "Fine. Do you remember Taehyun?"

Hoon nodded his head. Mino told him about Taehyun, his childhood best friend. The one he left behind in the U.S. The one he promised to return to, the one he broke his promise to.

"I saw him... It totally freaked me," Mino said quietly, looking straight at Hoon.

Hoon didn't even know what to say. How was it even possible to see someone from his past? Or someone who lived a thousand miles from you?

"You saw him? What do you mean? Like a picture or-"

"I saw him yesterday at the premiere."

Hoon finally nodded, understanding where this was going. "Okay... And?"

"I hated it. He just popped out of nowhere and trust me, it was so scary."

"What's so scary about that?"

Mino shook his head irritatedly, "I haven't seen for 7 years Hoon. 7 years. It just totally freaked me out when I saw him. Who wouldn't be freaked out? I just wished I hadn't seen because he's been on my mind lately."

Biting his lips, Hoon leaned back on his chair. "What happened then?"

"I told him to leave me alone. I think that's the best for us."

"Mino, he just really wanted to see you. Please don't make it harder by pushing him away. Maybe you guys can reunite as friends again."

Mino shook his head. "Don't you get it? He's just someone from the past. And I really don't want to be friends with him."

Hoon made a funny face. "Why don't you want to be friends with someone you've been friends with before? But whatever man."

The food came a few minutes later and both of the actors started engrossing in eating. It was until a moments later, Hoon spotted fans taking pictures from outside the restaurant. He smiled at them and continued eating, trying not to look like a pig while eating.

After they finished eating, Mino drove Hoon to YG entertainment so he can help choreograph a new song for them.

"See ya man." And with that Hoon shut the door and walked into the YG building.

Mino sat there for a while until his phone rang. He relunctantly took it out, knowing it might his manager until he read the caller's name. It was his girlfriend. He smiled and swiped the green button.

"Hey, babe."

"Mino-ah, I'm at the mall with Suzy and her boyfriend and l want you to come. It's the one near my place."

Leaning back on his seat, he answered, "Sure but why?"

"I just really want you here and besides, they want to get to know you better since you're like very famous nowadays."

Mino nodded, even though he knew she couldn't see. "Ok. I'll be there."




"What?" he yelled from his temporary office.

Jinwoo poked his head in and held up the blue designer jacket so Taehyun can look at it. "Taehyun, I really need you to help with designing the jacket. I'm not even sure where to start, but it doesn't even look right. Taeyang told me it needed more designs."

Taehyun looked at jacket then at Jinwoo. "It does need more designs. You need to add more colors and we need to fix the collar, see?" Jinwoo looked at where Taehyun was pointing. "I'll get Daesung to fix it."

Walking into the modeling room, Taehyun spotted Daesung fixing the model's outfit. He walked up to him and patted his shoulder. "The jacket Jinwoo is designing has to be fixed."

Daesung looked at Taehyun for awhile until he remembered about the jacket. "Yes, I remember. He's designing it for the YG company. Uh, okay. Can you stay here and make sure the models are wearing the clothes correctly? It drives me nuts when they don't." And with that, Daesung left.

Daesung is the co-owner of his company whereas Taeyang is the owner. They have been working for other entertainments such as YG entertainment and JYP and they earn a whole bunch of money.

Taehyun looked at the girl models posing for camera and quickly looked away. He was never a big fan of girls. Or modeling in fact. He loved fashion but he never really wears his fashion icons. He wears what felt more comfortable. Would you wear a big hoodie or a designer jacket to keep you warm? Taehyun chooses the hoodie.

He made sure the models were wearing the clothes correctly when they had a change in outfits. Some of the models tried to flirt with him, but he just ignored it and tried smiling at them. A few minutes later, Taehyun got called to meet with Taeyang.

"Taehyun, I know you just started working with us, but I have to ask you a big favor. I know employees aren't exactly supposed to do this, but I already asked Dominic. He said he allows you to do it."

Dominic was the owner of Taehyun's company and he was the one who allows things to happen.

Taehyun shallowed. "Okay, so what's the favor?"

"For you to model for our brand. I know it's not what you would want to do, but since our company are working together, I want a fresh new face to model. You would be perfect and I already asked Seungri to model for you guys. It's a win win."

Taehyun looked at Taeyang for a while. Like before, Taehyun was not a big fan of modeling. "Maybe you can ask Jinwoo. I'm pretty sure he would want to model." Taeyang bit his lips and shook his head.

"Just think about it, okay?" Taeyang asked, giving him a sincere smile. Taehyun was pretty sure he'd been a model before when looking at the CEO's body. Trying not to make a fit, Taehyun just simply nodded before getting up and leaving the office.



Taehyun and Jinwoo decided to take a break after their shift, deciding to go to the mall. Jinwoo couldn't be happier, complaining about how Taeyang ordered the employees around like robots.

"It seems like all he wants is money and he orders us around like we're machines. I like Daesung though, he seems to have a more passion to him and he doesn't want money like Taeyang does."

Taehyun just rolled his eyes at his friend's blabbering. "Stop talking on them. Dominic would so skin you alive he ever found out you talk about their company." Jinwoo smacked Taehyun's arms.

"I'm not talking on them," Jinwoo gave Taehyun a look. "I'm just saying that Taeyang is a terrible CEO, but whatever. At least he made the company famous and big."

They both settled down and ordered ice-cream after Jinwoo claimed Korea has the best ice cream.

"You're right. This is like the best ice-cream I've ever tasted in my life." Jinwoo smiled at the way Taehyun said it.

"Korea's nice. We should go sightseeing before we leave," Jinwoo had offered.

Scooping up a huge chuck of ice-cream, Taehyun nodded. "Totally."

They talked more about Korea until Jinwoo decided to ruin the mood by pointing to the left. Taehyun looked at the left and his eyes narrowed. There stood Mino with his arms around a girl, laughing on about a joke that she probably told him. Taehyun's jaw tightened and looked away.

Quickly finishing up their ice-cream, they headed back to work and Jinwoo could see that his friend was still upset over Mino.




"What? You mean we can't do the movie? You know we've been working on it since forever." Mino felt like he could rip out his manager's brains out. They have been arguing about the movie gig ever since Mino and Hoon actually decided it was going to happen.

His manager flinched. "I know Mino. But you guys know it takes a lot of time into making this movie. The movie you're making involves a lot of action and thriller; it's actually very uncommon nowadays. I can't just drop everything and do this. You need to know that we're all busy."

Hoon decided to do the talking when he grabbed his best friend's shoulder, mentally telling him to calm down. "Kangin, just depend on us. We already planned this all out and we really want to do this movie. Believe in us."

Mino and Hoon knew Kangin won't even give in to them. Kangin was in fact very strict about their acting and when he found out about the new movie, he flipped, therefore Hoon had to calm him. They were surprised when Kangin smiled.

"I already booked the director for you. He, in fact, worked with Seung-Hyun for the movie 'Commitment' and he said he'll direct, but he needs to make his time available. And for you guys, you know you guys have classes for the term. I expect you guys to great."

Mino huffed and Hoon tried not to punch his best friend. Mino was a very smart student, yet he denies it.

"Classes doesn't start till August, we have plenty of time to get this movie started. I'll bring some actors and-"

"Mino," Kangin gave him a stare that made him shut his mouth. "I know you guys are very dedicated to this. I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks," Hoon said, slightly smiling at his manager. Ever since Mino and Hoon were young, they always had the same manager.

Kangin simply smiled at them a gave them their schedule for the following week. Mino cursed when he saw he had an interview to go to; interviews were not his thing.

"Oh and before I forget, Taeyang wants you guys to do a photo shoot so you guys can head over there now," Kangin said before going back to his computer.

Mino and Hoon always modeled for the TYCo fashion company so they weren't very surprised when Taeyang called them to model. Hoon always thought it was an honor to work with such a cool company.





They both walked into the fashion company and the lady at the table squealed. "Oh my god. You guys are here. Omg, omg, please come this way." Mino was still surprised when the lady would still squeal when she saw them.

Hoon looked at Mino and gave him the look. They both silently laughed.

They walked into the room where the photo shot will be at and the lady called Taeyang over.

"Sup guys. It's nice to see you guys again. How's it going with acting?" Taeyang asked, patting them.

"It's cool. Acting is cool," Hoon simply said, looking around.

"Alright. Okay, I need to call someone over. So wait a bit." Taeyang walked out the door and Mino sat down on the chair. They greeted the workers and Mino can see the way the girls smiled when Hoon flirted with them.

A few minutes later, Taeyang returned with a worker and both Hoon and Mino smiled, standing up. When they got closer, Mino's breath stopped and he couldn't tell if this was real or not.

"Hi guys. So this is Taehyun and he will have some outfits you guys will wear. He works for DomCo in America. Treat him nicely." Taeyang introduced the pale boy and Mino could feel his anger rising, unsure of why Taehyun was even here in the first place. Why did he have to be working with this company?

Taehyun looked right at him, just as surprised as he was.

Hoon just stared at Taehyun while Mino was sure he never wanted to see Taehyun after the little incident that happened not too long ago. Taehyun bit his lips. After a minute, Hoon broke the silence.

"Is this the Taehyun you were talking about?" Hoon asked suddenly to which Taeyang made a funny face at them. He did not understand the tension and the way Mino looked at Taehyun kinda scared him. Before he could even say a word, he saw Mino drag the pale boy out the door.

Once they were out, Mino looked at Taehyun closely and he was so sure the boy was avoiding his gaze. "Taehyun..."

Taehyun shook his head, losing the hold Mino had on him. "What do you want?" He spat.

Mino was taken aback. "I don't want anything. And why are you working here?" Mino asked, searching for Taehyun's eyes.

The moment they locked eyes, Taehyun couldn't look away. "I work here because my company wanted me to. I don't have a choice." Well, the first part was true.

Mino didn't know why he was angered to see Taehyun here. Seeing his best friend from years ago really irked his mood. He slowly shallowed his saliva, trying to calm down. "I don't know what is your problem, but I want you to go back to where you came from."

That was a low blow and Mino knew it himself. Taehyun looked at him with glassy eyes. "I don't know why you're such a jerk. I'm still your best friend."

Mino shook his head. "Not anymore."

Taehyun really wanted to cry when Mino said those words again, but he tried to remain calm. "Why do you keep saying that? What did I ever do to you?"

Mino raised his eyebrows, stepping forward until he was at least an inch or two from Taehyun's face. "What did you do? You came here, that's what you did. I was perfectly fine without you, but now you're here when you shouldn't be here."

Taehyun shook his head, tears already forming. "You're not the same." Mino was not the same person from seven years ago and it was hard for Taehyun to believe it. "I really missed you."

"Well, I didn't. I'm sorry Taehyun, but I'm not the same little boy you used to know. People change. You don't know me anymore." And with that he walked into the room.

Taehyun didn't know why, but his heart was already breaking. But it was true, he really didn't know Mino anymore. Where was the cute little boy who would never hurt him? Where was his best friend?



Taeyang explained to Mino that they were working with Taehyun's company because they wanted to learn more about different brands and clothing.

"His company makes the best outfits for professionals and it's very sophisticated. For us, it's just hip hop and swag clothing; we need something new. We were so thrilled with they agreed to work with us. Taehyun is a very sophisticated person and we are so happy to be working with him." Taeyang when he finished explaining. "You should go talk to him."

Mino looked at Taehyun and he felt a little uneasy. He hated the fact that Taehyun was working here and he wanted him back in the U.S. He realized that the pale boy was wearing black tight jeans with a gray sweater with the word 'swaggerz' printed on it in bright white. He thought it was cute. Taehyun was helping Hoon with his outfit and Mino decided to look away, not liking the fact that Hoon was actually talking to him.

He couldn't really comprehend what was happening when it was his turn to do the photo shoot. Taehyun helped him choose his outfit without saying anything and Mino couldn't say the boy didn't have great taste in fashion. During the whole photo shoot, they had not shared a word and Mino felt a little guilty for what he said back then. He just watched Taehyun talk with Taeyang and Hoon, understanding that no matter what he said, he can't take his words back.

But one thing was for sure, they didn't even know each other anymore.


"It's really amazing when two strangers become the best of friends,

but it's really sad when the best of friends become two strangers."


"He was nice. I would befriend him." Hoon had said when they reached his car. "Taehyun is not bad."

Mino scoffed. "Of course."

"I'm serious, I feel like you guys need catching up to do."

"No thank you, man. I'm good." Mino said.

The taller of the two decided he didn't really want to make a big fuss. "Whatever. I just kinda thought things would change the second time around. I don't get why you seem so upset about him showing up out of nowhere; it's not like he will do anything to you. He probably just wants to reunite with you. Give him a chance."

The words 'give him a chance' echoed in his head for what seemed like forever until he learned that he still wouldn't give in.

He really hoped he wouldn't have to see Taehyun anymore.



Sorry it took like six months to update. SORRY! Enjoy this chapter! Not sure when next update will be, but it will not take as long as this one. :)

Comments are welcome! <3





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angel_YGbaby #1
Chapter 5: NamSong ship is still sailing! Please, continue this story. The story is great and very interesting! I'll be waiting for your update. Fighting! \(☆o☆)/
thalitathth #2
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: i love your story. I wait fo your update. Please... ^^
Ty1998 #3
Chapter 4: Please updateㅠㅠㅠ
angel_YGbaby #4
Chapter 4: Author-nim! This is great! Please update soon!! Please!!
vykhactuyen #5
Chapter 4: Taehyun, I love you :-*
nuriko729 #6
Chapter 4: I am so happy that you have decided to continue with this story. This is such a interesting plot to abandon. It's been a long year but welcome back, and hope that you would stay for a while. Thank you.

About this chapter....I am torn between having Taehyun to give up on this friendship or give it another chance. What exactly did Taehyun do that Mino didn't want to have anything to do with him. Is he afraid that the media might dig up his past if he hang around Taehyun again or is he in love with his bf and afraid to admit it. No matter what I think Taehyun deserve an explanation from Mino for the way he treated him. I think Taehyun should accept that movie role just to irritate Mino some more (evil smirk). I am curious. Does Taehyun habor some feeling towards Mino?
mistyeast #7
Chapter 4: omg this update is LIFE T_T .. cant wait for next chapter.. omg taehyun as model is jjang... and soon to be actor :) thank you !!1
Chapter 4: what happen next authornim ? cant wait
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
kangtaehyun #10
Chapter 3: it was good story actually.. i love to have this more.. but i just wondering, author nim, i hope u still want to update this cause it was such along time since your last updated.. i hope this story not ended here.. please note in case you dont want to continued this story anymore. i just dont want to get disspoint for waiting too long!!