Chapter 5

Someone You Used To Know

"If you agree to do the movie, please contact me." The director gave him his business card and smiled at him before Taeyang walked him out of the building. 

Sighing, Taehyun looked at the script that had been handed to him during the meeting. He swiftly flipped over the first few pages and read the lines, trying to understand this character. Mr. Park had told him that the character was someone with a sweet smile, but had a fierce yet strong personality. The character's name was Woo-Jin and his goal was to get the culprit arrested and he'll do anything to do what's right. Taehyun flipped to the front, reading the plot. 


Two detectives, Dong-Ho and Joon-Hwan, from different companies, join forces to solve a missing crime story from 10 years ago...




"Are you planning on doing the film?" 

Taehyun stopped for a second before looking back to see Taeyang standing by the door. Taeyang walked and sat down across from him. 

"You know that this is probably a one-time thing, right?"

"I only have two weeks here," Taehyun replied, closing the script. "I plan on heading back to the US."

"Do you think you will get an offer like this in the US?"

"Taeyang, look, this was never something I wanted to do. Acting? I have never even acted and you put me in front of the camera and now everyone wants to see me. Ever since I was young, my dream was to create my own name for myself as a CEO and be a businessman."

Taeyang sighed. "I know that you want to be a businessman. That's what you came here for."

Taehyun nodded. "It's my dream and I'm not familiar with this... entertainment world." He dragged out the words.

"Just because you aren't doesn't mean you have to be afraid."

Biting his lips, Taehyun slowly closed up the script. "I just don't want this."

 "I can clearly see through you and know that it has something to do with Mino. Just because he's going to be in this movie doesn't mean you can't. Don't let him get to you. He's only an actor, but you can be too." 

Taehyun shook his head. "What does this have to do with Mino?"

"I know you and Mino have something. You are my employee and I don't want to assume anything, but if you tell me, I can help you."

Taehyun stood up. "Look, Mino has nothing to do with this. I'm just not going to do the movie because I have to go back home." He walked out.



It was true. Mino was the center of his life and he didn't want to follow him into the entertainment industry. It was Mino who wanted to go that path and he didn't. Becoming a businessman was his dream and goal, not to follow in Mino's path. 

As the night was coming nearer, he decided to go out by himself for a drink and maybe something to eat. He had told Jin-woo that he needed to clear his head. As he stepped his foot out of the bus, he walked into a small shop and ordered a small bowl of Malgeunguk and a cup of water. As he was eating, he swore that someone was watching him.    

He looked around to his right when he saw a few people looking at him and taking pictures. He was confused at first as to why they were taking pictures but understood that his face was everywhere on magazines. He went back to eating and after a while, someone came up to him. 

"Are you this model?" 

He looked up to see a short thin girl, with hair the color of ash brown. She flipped her magazine and showed him his pictures. 

"Oh my god, are you are him, aren't you?" She smiled at him and he found that it was hard to say no. A few other girls came up to him and asked to take a picture. He reluctantly accepted their offers and afterwards, when he left, he saw someone that looked oddly and soon realized that it was Mino's friend. He turned to walk the other way, knowing that his pictures were still being taken. He really didn't know why they kept taking pictures because he really wasn't a star. 


Hoon came up to him and he could see that he came with his bodyguards or at least he thinks that's what they are. Taehyun glanced behind them and saw that there were fangirls coming closer to them. Some of them yelled out Hoon's name and a few tried to get closer to them but Hoon grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the way and into a run. Taehyun didn't know what was happening, but the screams have seemed to disappear within a minute of the run. They both stepped into a small alleyway, the little breeze slightly making Taehyun's face flush.

"They'll go crazy Taehyun. They'll follow you."

Taehyun looked around and could see that there were no crazy fans. "They're crazy for you."

"This is what I get for being one of the top actors. Look, are you okay?"

Taehyun nodded. "Yeah. Where did you come from?"

"I was just planning on buying take out in the restaurant, but then I saw you walking out. I didn't know that the girls would already be hopping onto you."

"They just asked me for pictures."

Hoon looked at him for awhile before stepping out into the street. "Are you going home?"

Taehyun nodded, following him out onto the street. Hoon motioned him to follow to his car. 

"Let me take you home. There's so many of them you know. You need to be safe."

"It's fine. I can get home."

"I insist. Don't look at me as just Mino's friend. Even if you and he don't have a great relationship, don't push me out too. I'll be your friend and I want to help you and Mino get back on track. Don't you want that?"

Taehyun was taken aback. "Help us? It's him you need to watch out for. I didn't even do anything."

"What do you expect when someone just reappears in your life? He doesn't hate you. I bet you with my life that he missed you too." 

Taehyun clearly doubt it. "I don't know. There are just some people that are meant to be forgotten."

The taller guy shook his head. "And there are just some people who can't be forgotten. So what do you say?"

He accepted Hoon's offer to be driven home by his manager. 




Taehyun finally told Jin-woo about his movie offer the next day. 

"So are you going to do it?" Jin-woo asked, quickly typing something on his computer. They were in their office doing something for the magazine and Taehyun was editing pictures. 

"I don't know anything about acting."

Glancing up at his friend, Jin-woo sighed. "You know that you're lucky. This is a great opportunity for you to be famous. There are so many people out there who want to be famous."

"So you want me to do it?"

Jinwoo nodded. "Yeah."

Taehyun shook his head. "The thing is Jinwoo, I don't want to do it because of Mino. He clearly doesn't want me in his life anymore."

"Tae." Jinwoo stared right at him. "You're always about Mino this, Mino that. He's just a person just like everyone out there. You can't let him take away your happiness. I know the whole reason why we're here in the first place was because of him, but don't you think that it's time to just forget him?"

"You want me to forget about him?"

"What I mean was that don't let him get in the way of what you want."

There was a knock on the door. They both looked up to see Daesung at the door. "Meeting in 30."





After the meeting, Taeyang told Taehyun to stay back. 

"So have you thought about it?" 

Taehyun shook his head. "I just know that acting isn't my thing. I don't want to do something that I at."

"Why do you think so? Just because it's your first time acting doesn't mean you can't try. This will probably change your life, Tae. Just just about it."

When Taehyun walked out, he saw Jinwoo standing near the door. 

"Did you hear anything? 

Jinwoon just smiled. "Listen to him. This is your chance. You'll be famous and one day, you will be on the same level as Mino."

Taehyun just shook his head and walked away. 











The chubbier boy looked behind him to see his friend running towards him. 

"Are you leaving already?"

Mino nodded. He was never the talkative type and he only talked when he was asked. 

"Then let's go home together. I have something to show you."

"What do you want to show me?" 

"Something that I made. Come and see."

Once they were back at Taehyun's house, they went into his room and Taehyun grabbed a bracelet from his table. 

"I made this for you. It's like a friendship bracelet."

Mino just stared at it. "You really made this?"

The younger boy nodded. "Yup. Here, put it on." Taehyun grabbed his hand and put the bracelet on. He smiled at him. "It fits."

"Are you going to wear one too?"

"Yeah, but you have to make me one. I'll teach you."

"Okay." They spent the day making the bracelet. Mino liked the fact the could have something he could keep forever. 







A/n - hi guys!!! MIA with this story I know. ever since Taehyun left Winner, a part of me felt so sad since he is my bias. A part of me knew that this story may take forever to finish, but I just want to be able to have something for Namsong. Namsong is technically over, but we still ship them. I want to thank you all of you guys for supporting this story and waiting for me. Until then, let's wish winner the best and Taehyun on their path in life. 


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angel_YGbaby #1
Chapter 5: NamSong ship is still sailing! Please, continue this story. The story is great and very interesting! I'll be waiting for your update. Fighting! \(☆o☆)/
thalitathth #2
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: i love your story. I wait fo your update. Please... ^^
Ty1998 #3
Chapter 4: Please updateㅠㅠㅠ
angel_YGbaby #4
Chapter 4: Author-nim! This is great! Please update soon!! Please!!
vykhactuyen #5
Chapter 4: Taehyun, I love you :-*
nuriko729 #6
Chapter 4: I am so happy that you have decided to continue with this story. This is such a interesting plot to abandon. It's been a long year but welcome back, and hope that you would stay for a while. Thank you.

About this chapter....I am torn between having Taehyun to give up on this friendship or give it another chance. What exactly did Taehyun do that Mino didn't want to have anything to do with him. Is he afraid that the media might dig up his past if he hang around Taehyun again or is he in love with his bf and afraid to admit it. No matter what I think Taehyun deserve an explanation from Mino for the way he treated him. I think Taehyun should accept that movie role just to irritate Mino some more (evil smirk). I am curious. Does Taehyun habor some feeling towards Mino?
mistyeast #7
Chapter 4: omg this update is LIFE T_T .. cant wait for next chapter.. omg taehyun as model is jjang... and soon to be actor :) thank you !!1
Chapter 4: what happen next authornim ? cant wait
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
kangtaehyun #10
Chapter 3: it was good story actually.. i love to have this more.. but i just wondering, author nim, i hope u still want to update this cause it was such along time since your last updated.. i hope this story not ended here.. please note in case you dont want to continued this story anymore. i just dont want to get disspoint for waiting too long!!