Chapter 4

Someone You Used To Know

"We have known each other our whole lives and now we will go our separate ways. Some will remember and some will forget each other, but we will always have a part of each other inside us."



 There was a part of Mino that Taehyun always had and he felt as if it would never leave him. It haunted him and scarred him. His inner self-had grown to be more mature and he had always pictured himself on top of the world, where all the lights shine on what he had accomplished. Mino was somewhere inside of him, maybe it was Mino's perseverance and determination that made him want to be so much more. He didn't want to be like Mino, but somewhere along the line, it brushed along his pathway. Mino was a star and he wasn't. And maybe that was what made him really think. Some will forget the special memories and everything that made those memories come to life, but Taehyun knew that there was something that wasn't supposed to be just a distant memory waiting to be forgotten. 

They have known each other for a quite a long time, their differences were always present, and their love was too. Maybe, just maybe it was time to bring those differences alive. 




Taehyun and Jinwoo arrived at their hotel at approximately 10 after they went to eat dinner at probably the most expensive restaurant. Taehyun plopped down on the couch the first thing as Jinwoo walked into his room. 

"You seem like you never want to talk about it huh?" Jinwoo said, walking out of his room already changed with brows raised, leaning against the wall. 

Taehyun looked up, lifting his head to see Jinwoo clearly. "There's not even anything to say okay? He doesn't seem to really care about me."

"Oh come on, if he doesn't care then why would he make such a big fuss over you just being there?"

Taehyun snorted. "He wants me gone. I can tell by just by the way the guy acts around me."

Jinwoo sat down right next to his friend. "You came here to unite the friendship that once was broken right? Don't give up on something that once made such a big impact on you."

"Jin, look, maybe I was wrong. I thought that he would be the same. Like if he saw me, he would want to come and apologize for breaking a promise and give me a big hug. He hasn't done that so there go the assumptions. Mino has changed and there's nothing I can do about it."

"Well people do change, but that doesn't mean you can't change them again. Stop looking at the negative sides of everything."

 Taehyun looked up at Jinwoo, and for once, Taehyun didn't understand his friend. "What makes you think I could change him? I don't have the power to do anything. I wished I was stronger than this, I wished I could change him, but I can't because my mentally is what makes me afraid."

Jinwoo sighed and shook his head. "It's not that Tae. You are strong, you just don't think you are." Maybe Jinwoo was right. Just because he was afraid doesn't mean he doesn't have what it takes.

Someone once told him to let go of what used to be special because if it was special, it could always be loved from afar. Maybe that person wasn't really special and maybe Taehyun just thought he was. In the end, could he really believe Mino wasn't worth it?

Best friends come and go and maybe it was time to live up to the reality that they weren't meant to be. That they weren't meant to  be anything but strangers in the same city. 






The minute his eyes shot open, music played and curtains were open letting the light seep through. Taehyun rubbed his eyes and sat up, grabbing his phone from under his pillow to check the time because he had to forgot to set the alarm last night before falling asleep. It was 7:30 and work don't start till 9 o'clock. He laid in bed for a few minutes before jumping into the bathroom. After he washed up, he went out of his room and saw Jinwoo reading a book on the couch. It's not that Jinwoo never does that, he usually would read on days they don't have work. 

"Hey, why are you reading?"

Jinwoo paused and glanced up at his friend. "I just feel like reading today."

Nodding, Taehyun walked into the kitchen. "By the way, did you open my curtains today?"

"Yeah, I mean you love the morning shine anyway." 


Once they were out the hotel, Jinwoo had said he wanted to get coffee at near the building. 

They both ordered a Carmel latte and when they both walked out, Taehyun saw Mino walking in holding hands with the same girl he'd seen before. He sometimes wonder who she was. He took a quiet sip and walked out, forgetting that he ever saw him. Jinwoo gave him an 'I'm sorry' look and he didn't need to be reminded of how Mino internally broke his heart.


They walked into the room where Taehyun was supposed to have his photoshoots and the first thing that came to mind was how bright it was. It seemed a lot brighter than last time. There were more people here and he could see that this was going to be a long shoot. They put makeup on him and complimented him on how his skin was perfect just like the idols out there. It was really the first time someone said that he had great skin when he always  thought that his skin was imperfect. Afterward, he put on the first outfit of the shoot which was a black leather sweater, white shirt and ripped jeans. They styled his hair to one side.

They told him to look natural but give off a unique fierce look. Taehyun looked at the camera and from then on, all he could remember was how nervous he was. 

 After he was done, he went back to see how the pictures turned out. The edits were great and they really liked how it turned out.

 "You're really good at this. You really suit this and you have that look in your eyes. People are going to fall in love with you."

Taehyun just slightly smiled and returned back to the makeup artist, waiting for the next shoot. Even though he might never admit it to anyone, he really liked this because he could show a different side of himself. 






As he was sitting his office, trying to find different ways to style one outfit and make it look effortless, he heard a slight knock over his shoulder. He turned his body to see Daesung peering in. Daesung gave a smile and walked in. 

"These are the new edits of the last shoot with Mino."

Hearing the name, Taehyun glanced out the edits and looked up. "When are we releasing it?"

"After you say that it's good. He's on the cover of Allure next month and we want to make sure that it's perfect." Daesung placed them down on his table. "Oh, and what's going on between you guys?"

Turning his eyes away from the edits, Taehyun looked up. "What's going on?"

"Taeyang mentioned something about you guys."

"About us? I don't even know Mino," he said through clenched teeth.

Taehyun sat down and stared at the edits before him. He noticed the way Mino would always look directly at the camera, something giving him a compelling yet sharp aura. He wondered if this was the reason why Mino was chosen for all those dramas and shoots, but there was no denying that. He promptly went through the pictures and suddenly stopped at the one he doesn't remember being taken when he was at the shoot. It was the only photo that Mino wasn't looking directly into the camera but looking into the left direction with something in his eyes that Taehyun couldn't comprehend. Was it acrimony? Annoyance? Something that made Taehyun's heart drop slightly. 






"They love you, Hyun. There were positive reviews and people are actually in love with you," Taeyang said once they were in his office. "Our company has always been one of the best and we choose who gets to endorses and models for us and I just want to say that you did great. Although you are just here to work, it wouldn't hurt to try something new right?" Taeyang had raved about his first shoot and so did everyone in the company and he had never expected so much attention. 

"I'm just a newbie really." 

"Yes. You could sign to be a model and you'd be great. I was a model myself before I started creating my own company."  

Taehyun's eyes shifted a bit to the right before standing up. "I don't want to be a model. That's not what I'm here for." And because of Mino.

Taeyang took a second to reply. "You don't have to. I'm just saying that you could make into the industry."

But I don't want that. I don't belong there.  "I don't think that's for me."



After few days, he became a hot topic. He was on the cover for the company's website and was shown on the last few pages of Nylon's magazine. His face was also shown in front of the building where people could see, with those fierce eyes and angel looking futures that had drawn hundreds of people to ask who it was. Jinwoo agreed that it was probably one of the most reckless decisions that he had ever made and to be looked at by everyone was something that had unsettled deep in the pit of his stomach. It was just a photoshoot and now it seemed he had become someone that other companies and entertainments had an eye for. 





It when Hoon had dropped the magazine in front of him when he was eating lunch and Mino didn't even want to look at it. 

"What's this for?"

Hoon shrugged. "Just open it and look at the last few pages."

"I really don't want to."

"I promise it's something that we both weren't aware of."

Mino finally opened and when he saw it, he looked at Hoon. "Is this what you want me to see?" He flipped through the other pages and something just made him close it. "I shouldn't be bothered about this Hoon. It's not really our business to know why he did a photoshoot." Something hitched his voice along with an unpleasant feeling.

"I know, but you can't just ignore him. He looks really good here."

Mino glanced at the paper before pushing it away, standing up.

"We need to focus on our movie," Hoon finally said after some time. There was something that Hoon understood about the way Mino would always avoid the topic of Taehyun when he was brought up. Hoon liked to think it was a sensitive topic. 

Now that there were a good amount of actors that was signed on to do the film, the director of the movie decided that they will start filming as soon as possible after the first script reading next week. Although they one more person to play a witness. The producers and the writers had helped them revise their plotline and create a better ending to which Mino was more than thankful for.

They met up with the director a few hours later to talk more about the film and the last actor they needed. The director wanted someone who wasn't an actor, someone that has an innocent feeling.

"There are a lot actors who have that feel. We could-"

The director cut Hoon off. "We don't need another actor. We need someone that fits your description of the witness. Those fierce eyes and sweet looking smile."

Mino looked at the director. "The witness I wrote about was just pure mindless writing. We just a needed to be someone who can give off that aura."

The director smiled at him. "I know, Mino"

When Mino left to meet up with Jieun, Hoon gave the director the magazine and flipped it to the last few pages.

"I think he would be perfect. I met him only once but I think he gives off that fierce and sweet personality."

The director looked up after flipping through the pages. "Who is he?"

Hoon smiled. There was no way he was gonna say no. "His name is Taehyun. He works for TYCo, but he is from the U.S."

"He is perfect."







"Taehyun, someone is looking for you. I think he wants offer you something important," Taeyang said, walking into the office.

Putting the papers aside, Taehyun's eyes turned to look at his CEO. "Another offer?"

"I think this one is something more."

Taehyun walked into the CEO's office and smiled at the man who was sitting on the couch.

"Hello. I am director Park Hong Soo."

Director? Taehyun nodded. "Hello, I am Nam Taehyun. Nice to meet you."

They all sat down.

"I saw the pictures that one of my actors showed me. I thought you were perfect for this role. I am offering you a minor part for a blockbuster movie."

Taehyun was shocked. A movie? Everything was moving way too fast and he didn't really like where this was going. Being in a movie was something he had always dreamed of and something he wanted to accomplish in his life. But it seemed as if it was way to hard to do. He glanced at Taeyang and he looked prideful for him. Taehyun smiled back and turned to look at the director. He had so many questions.

"What is the movie about?"

"Its a crime movie. You will be the center of the movie."

"Um, I want to ask something." He paused for a second. "Who are the leading actors?" This was something he was scared to ask.

The director smiled at him. "They are actor Song Mino and Lee SeungHoon. They wrote and produced the script."

Taehyun's heart just dropped.




a/n I'm back after a year and I'm so sorry about leaving you guys. I'm terrible, I know. I just lost my inspiration to write stories and I really want to be able to finish this story. It will be one of my goals for this year. I don't know if you guys will stay but I hope you will. AFF screwed up my format for the chapter, but I managed to finally get back and fix it. btww Sorry I was gone for long.







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angel_YGbaby #1
Chapter 5: NamSong ship is still sailing! Please, continue this story. The story is great and very interesting! I'll be waiting for your update. Fighting! \(☆o☆)/
thalitathth #2
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: i love your story. I wait fo your update. Please... ^^
Ty1998 #3
Chapter 4: Please updateㅠㅠㅠ
angel_YGbaby #4
Chapter 4: Author-nim! This is great! Please update soon!! Please!!
vykhactuyen #5
Chapter 4: Taehyun, I love you :-*
nuriko729 #6
Chapter 4: I am so happy that you have decided to continue with this story. This is such a interesting plot to abandon. It's been a long year but welcome back, and hope that you would stay for a while. Thank you.

About this chapter....I am torn between having Taehyun to give up on this friendship or give it another chance. What exactly did Taehyun do that Mino didn't want to have anything to do with him. Is he afraid that the media might dig up his past if he hang around Taehyun again or is he in love with his bf and afraid to admit it. No matter what I think Taehyun deserve an explanation from Mino for the way he treated him. I think Taehyun should accept that movie role just to irritate Mino some more (evil smirk). I am curious. Does Taehyun habor some feeling towards Mino?
mistyeast #7
Chapter 4: omg this update is LIFE T_T .. cant wait for next chapter.. omg taehyun as model is jjang... and soon to be actor :) thank you !!1
Chapter 4: what happen next authornim ? cant wait
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
kangtaehyun #10
Chapter 3: it was good story actually.. i love to have this more.. but i just wondering, author nim, i hope u still want to update this cause it was such along time since your last updated.. i hope this story not ended here.. please note in case you dont want to continued this story anymore. i just dont want to get disspoint for waiting too long!!