4.The day out (part 3)

Only you

"Are we riding on that? I mean, together?" you asked. Luhan gave you a sad but cute look, "Don't you like it?" he replied. You seriously couldn't stand his cuteness anymore, "Aww... Don't be pouty... I like it but it's just, I think it's just happening too fast; pecking, hugging and pretending to be couples... I have known you for a week only. It's just weird. Don't you think so?" you asked, eagerly wanting an answer. Luhan blushed, finding it hard to look you in the eye. "I will tell you why i am doing all this at the end of the day..." He said. You nodded, hopping on the bicycle. Luhan went on front.

You both were still riding at night when you needed the toilet urgently. "Luhan, is there any toilets nearby? I really, really need it!" you urged. Luhan knew the park like the back of his hand. He stopped at the toilet and you rushed inside. After you were done, you came out looking relaxed when suddenly, some teenager boys came and started touching you. "Ahhh! Don't touch me, you bit-" Before you could finish, Luhan popped up and stared at the boys. It was creepy... You just stepped back and let Luhan do his business. "Don't touch my girlfriend, you bloody bastards!" He shouted. You were shocked,'What the hell did he just say?' You thought. He started beating the out of the boys. Luhan abruptly grabbed your hand and pulled you while he started running. The other boys chased you around. Fortunately, Luhan found a safe, hiding place but you accidently tripped over a rock and injured your knee. You could't believe what was happening so you fainted. "Wake up, wake up! Please open your eyes!" Luhan shouted, patting your face.

Then everything went black...


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