Chapter 10

Blue Moon
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"I'm telling you the truth, so please listen!"


The grey wolf did not like him. Why should he? He did not even know who the black wolf was.


"If I'm dead, how come I'm standing here talking to you?!"


The wolf before him sighed.


"Look, Alpha Kim. You had died during the Ring of Fire, or did you not remember that?"


The Ring of Fire... Ugh! Why did his head hurt like hell!? Images were flashing in his mind. The smoke that shut them out of the sun's reach... The hell fire that roared in every direction... The blood and bodies that painted the once beautiful valley into a living nightmare... The dagger that pierced through his chest... The tremendous pain from the wounds all over his bleeding body... The cries of his love ones and the emptiness that came to shatter his last memory... 


The wolf opened his eyes. The tears were uncontrollably streaming down his cheeks. He could felt his legs trembled and growing weak. They were there. And they had to watch him die.


"Min-Minsoek... Jongin....."


"They both died not longer after. In fact, everybody there died - except..."


The black wolf's voice trailed off, but he did not give a damn. They died!? How...? Why...? Who killed them!? The electric current surrounding his body grew bright and stronger like his anger. The other wolf took a few steps back.


"The Ring of Fire ended more than a millennium ago with no win or loss, both side perished. This wolf is your incarnation, a vessel to bring forth your memories and power from your previous life. You are now called Chen and those three wolves are your pack mates with the blonde one as the Alpha."


"Ugh! This is too much! How come I'm the only one alive when I'm supposed to be dead?!"


The wolf smiled.


"Oh, you're not the only one. Take a look to your left."


Jongdae looked left and saw a brown wolf, laying down unconscious. He approached the unconscious wolf and examine his appearance carefully. He really looked like someone, but who?


"I believe he's the incarnation of your brother, Jongin."


The grey was shocked. Shocked at the fact that he did not realize it. He was Jongin! Jongdae dropped to the ground, tears never stopped. He was not a shame to be in tears because these were the tears of joy. He could not describe how he felt right now.


"He'll wake up after a day or two, but let me remind you that his memory is buried along with his power. Do not try to get him to remember or the consequences will be serve."


Jongdae nodded. For his brother, he would be patient and wait. Wait for the time when they can race up the mountain again. But Minsoek... That was right! If Jongin was here that meant Minsoek could be here, too.


"What about Minsoek?! Where is he?!"


He growled at the black wolf who kept his calm expression.


"Calm down. He's not here, but he's somewhere out there. If you do me a favor then I'll tell you how to get to him."


The grey wolf growled. So he wanted him to do something in exchange for Minsoek's information? He was planning this right from the start. However, he would literally do anything to get to his brother, even if it meant having to die again.


"What do you want?"


The black wolf smiled.


"Simple. Your pack mates and I are going to Mount Evergreen to find someone and we're going to need a lift."


Unbelievable! Did he know what he was saying?!


"You've got to be kidding me! Don't tell me you're looking for him!?"


The black wolf nodded.


"Anyway, I heard you know someone who can get the job done, let's say... a three days round trip."


Jongdae paused at looked at the black wolf as if he was insane. Three days!? Mount Evergreen was thousands of miles away from this climate zone! Who on earth could make it back

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ILoveKDramas1 #1
Chapter 27: Noooo so many Alpha Kim's..... maybe is all of them!!!?
i_luv_sweets #2
Chapter 27: Will we have a Kris past chapter next.
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 27: Can't wait for more :3
Chapter 26: things were getting exciting...please update authorssi!!

Pink_Pearl129 #5
Chapter 26: OMO Alpha Kim which one?!?! T^T. Can't wait for the Baekyeol reunion Whaa~ wonder what will happen ^^
Chapter 26: Alpha Kim?!~ Minseok or Junmyeon?!??! ah still worry for Chanyeol and Luhan... >~<
Thanks for the update ^^
Chapter 26: Wonder which Kim is alpha Kim! ^^ can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 25: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!
Chapter 25: Gosh! Stop being pathetic, my lovely Channie.. He's searching for you, too.. >__________<
Pink_Pearl129 #10
Chapter 25: omomomo yeollie.. T-T I can't wait for some Baekyeol action *-*