Chapter 1

To Be A Lady

"Moon Byul Yi, welcome to Hong Dae Ri," A woman said ethusiatically. 

"Thanks. Who are you?" Moonbyul asked.

"I am Miss Choi. I am your resident den mother," Miss Choi said. "I am in charge of this dorm."

"Great," Moonbyul replied sarcastically.

Miss Choi looked Moonbyul up and down, a displeased reaction on her face. "Where is your uniform?"

"I didn't feel like wearing it. I prefer pants instead of skirts. It's more comfortable," Moonbyul explained. She looked down at her black button up shirt and blue jeans.

"Oh, no," Miss Choi said as she shook her head. "A Dae Ri girl loves wearing skirts, so you must too. Skirts and dresses embodies the feminine nature."

Moonbyul gave Miss Choi the side eye. "You can't be serious?"

"Of course I am." Miss Choi said, offended by Moonbyul's question.

"Can you just show me to my room please," Moonbyul said as she tried to contain her annoyance.

"Yes, follow me." She her heels and walked down the hall.

"Someone kill me," Moonbyul grumbled as she followed Miss Choi down the hall.

"Ok, room 309," Miss Choi stated as she handed Moonbyul her keys.

"Thanks," Moonbyul said, She waited for Miss Choi to move out of her way but the den mother just stood there staring at her. "Do you need anything else?"

"Just make sure you wear appropriate clothes while you are here." Miss Choi said with a smile before she turned and walked away.

Moonbyul bit the side of her cheek and quickly unlocked her door.  Once she was inside, she threw her duffle bag onto the empty twin bed in front of her. she then slammed the door shut. "I can't beleive I am here, in this stupid school with its judgemental den mothers."

"It's not too bad," a voice said.

Moonbyul moved back in shock and hit the back of her head on the door. "Ow!" She grabbed the back of her head.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" A girl with long brown hair ran toward Moonbyul, a worried expression on her face.

Moonbyul stared at the girl and was taken back by how beautiful the girl was. "Yeah, i'm ok. You just surprised me that all.""

"Sorry about that," the girl said with a sheepish smile.

"No, it's fine." Moonbyul said as she stared at the shorter girl, a small smile formed on her lips and she didn;t know why.

"i'm Kim Yong Sun," the girl said as she extended her hand.

"I'm Moon Byul Yi, but I prefer to be called Moonbyul," Moonbyul said as she  shook Yong Sun's hand.

"My friends call me Solar. Feel free to call me that too," Yong Sun said with a smile.

"Ok," Moonbyul said as another smile formed on her lips. She didn't know why, she felt like smiling. She hated smiling because her parents always told her it was unattractive. Solar's smile just made her want to smile. 

Solar just stared at Moonbyul while Moonbyul stared at her with a silly grin on her face. Thr grin dissapeared on her face when she realized that she was still holding on to Solar's hand and she immediatedly let go. "Sorry, I.. didn't..mean.. to hold your ...hand." Moonbyul stumbled as she backed away from Solar.

"It's ok," Solar laughed. "You're cute."

"Oh, thanks." Moonbyul turned away from Solar in order to hide blushing cheeks. "Umm, so where are you from?"

"I'm from Seoul. What about you?" Solar asked as she leaned forward, trying to look at Moonbyul's face.

"I'm from Bucheon," Moonbyul stated as she finally turned to look at Solar.

"Ah, Bucheon," Solar said.

"Uh huh, " Moonbyul said as she stared at her bed.

"Oh, sorry am I blocking you way?" Solar turned to look at where Moonbyul was looking.

"No, it's fine."

Solar moved aside so that Moonbyul could reach her bed. "I know that there is a lot of rules here, but it really isn't that bad." Solar said as she watched Moonbyul unpack.

Moonbyul turned and looked Solar up and down before looking her in the eyes. "It's easy for you to say that because your the perfect Dae Ri girl." She pointed at Solar's baby blue sweater and puffy black skirt.

Solar looked down at her own clothes before looking at Moonbyul. "I wouldn't say I'm the perfect Dae Ri girl."

"My mother sent me here so that I can be a proper lady. Which means a lady who loves wearing skirts, dresses and high heels. They don't say what is on their mind,"

"No, those are misconceptions," Solar said.

"Miss Choi just told me to wear proper clothes here and by proper she meant a skirt," Moonbyul said bitterly.

"Yes, there are some people who have old fashion ideas but not everyone is like that," Solar explained. "Uniforms are mandatory during school hours, but afterwards we can dress comfortably."

"That's not too bad," Moonbyul said.

"Don't worry, I won't let you have a bad expereince here. I promise." Solar placed her hand on Moonbyul's shoulder and offer her a reassuring smile.

"I hold you to that promise," Moonbyul said as another smile formed on her lips.

"As long as your smiling I will," Solar replied.

Moonbyul bit her lip to keep from smiling. She could feel the heat rising to her cheek.

"Do you want to have lunch with me and my friends?" Solar asked as she glanced  over at the clock on the wall.

Normally Moonbyul didn't like the idea of eating with strangers becuase it took her a while to become accustomed to them. So far she was glad that her roommate was friendly and engaging. She didn't want to intrude on Solar's lunch with her friends. "Umm..I don't think so. I should unpack first."

"Come on it will be fun," Solar said as she grabbed Moonbyul's hand and pulled her towards the door.

"But..." Moonbyul felt her heart skip a beat and she stared at her hand in Solar's.

"I'll help you unpack later." Solar said with a grin as Moonbyul allowed Solar to lead her out of the room.













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mmmnoob #1
Chapter 7: Wish you would come back ..
Chapter 7: just want them confessing already kekekee
cjmoo_ #3
Chapter 7: No drama pleaseeee Moonsun getting along fine!
Ahahah you just had to include the line from Start Love xD
cjmoo_ #4
Chapter 1: Just started reading this. Interesting start~~~
Chapter 7: moonsun's getting closer to being in love, yay! thanks for the update, author 8)
Jahulia #6
Chapter 7: aww
Chapter 7: Aww just runaway already! And marry in LA. Have 50 children. Live in Switzerland.
moonsuncouple123 #8
Chapter 7: i've waited for so long time..keep written author.