Chapter 6

To Be A Lady


Moonbyul stifled a yawn as she walked out of her remaining class.  All she could think about was how cute Solar was when she was flustered. The way her eyes would crease, the pink tinge on her cheeks and that cute dolphin laugher caused a giant grin to form on her lips.

“I hope that smile is because of me,” a cool and confident voice said.

Moonbyul looked up and saw Mari walking toward her. “Oh Mari, hi. I was just thinking about something.”

“A crush?” Mari questioned the shorter girl.

“!” Moonbyul waved her hands in the air in surprised.

“No worries, I was joking,” Mari smirked. “So how has school been?”

They both walked next to each other. Not going in a particular place.

“I hate almost everything,” Moonbyul replied bluntly.

“I’m sure there has to be some exceptions.” The taller girl stared at Moonbyul anticipating a reply, a reply that said her.

“Yes there are.” Moonbyul stops in her tracks when she sees Solar leaning against a doorframe of a classroom, talking to another student. A giant smile graved Moonbyul’s lips.

Mari followed Moonbyul’s eyes and when they landed on Solar, her eyes narrowed into a glare. She placed her arm around Moonbyul’s shoulders and guided her in another direction. “Have you eaten yet?”

“No, I…” Moonbyul was cut off as Mari led her away.

“Let’s go.” Mari eyes hardened in anger as she did her best to it from showing in her voice.

Solar looked up for a moment and caught a glimpse of Mari and Moonbyul walking away together. She couldn’t help but noticed the arm wrapped around Moonbyul and a frown formed on her lips.

“Unnie, are you okay?”

Solar looked back at the classmate she was talking too and nodded. Her eyes couldn’t help but looked back at where Moonbyul once stood.

Moonbyul tensed up as she looked at her surroundings. They were in a private room in some kind of fancy restaurant. Ivory satin tablecloth surrounded their rectangular table and provided some brightness compared to the onyx colored walls. Moonbyul was way out of her element. She looked down at her plate of cubed snapper then back at Mari who was busy observing her.

“So, this place is different,” Moonbyul said as she awkwardly spooned the snapper into .

“My parents hold a year long reservation to this place because they know the chef.”

Moonbyul chewed slowly but swallowed had when she notice that Mari had continued to watch her. “Aren’t you going to eat?”

“I’m not interested in eating right now,” Mari replied as she swirled her glass of water.

Moonbyul placed her spoon down gently on her plate. “Is something wrong?”

“I’m not quite sure. Maybe you can help me?” Mari rubbed her thumb against her glass of water, wiping away the condensation that formed.

“Of course I’ll help if I can.” Moonbyul placed her fork down and stared at the taller girl.

“You like her don’t you?” Mari eyes locked onto Moonbyul’s like a detective interrogating a suspect.

Moonbyul’s eyes widened at the direct question. “Who?”

“Yong Sun.” Mari took a sip of water hoping it could cool down the rage she felt inside.

“Of course I like her. She’s my friend,” Moonbyul replied.

“More than a friend,” Mari countered.

“I don’t know...where you’re going…with this…” Moonbyul stumbled over her words as she tried to figure out what was happening. The small room they were in, suddenly appeared smaller.

“Do you really want to play that card with me?”

“I’m not doing anything.”

“The way you look at her is different than how a friend would look. Your eyes are so expressive Moon Byul Yi. You stare at Yong Sun like you’re in love.”

“Wow, that’s a funny observation.” Moonbyul let out an awkward laugh as she eyed the exit. “I don’t know why you think this.”

“Tell me its wrong then. Make me believe it,” Mari challenged.

“Of course it’s wrong. We’re also girls so we can’t like each other like that.” It sounded so wrong when those words came out of and it left her having a bitter taste in .”

“Like that matters. Love is love and you can’t stop it,” Mari replied with a shrug.

“Do you really believe that?” Moonbyul’s eyebrow rose in interest.

“Of course.” Mari took a sip of her water before she stared intently at Moonbyul. “Don’t tell me that you really believe in that conservative mindset? That would be too unfortunate if you do.”

“Why does it matter about what I think?” Moonbyul scoffed at the idea.  It’s not like her mother ever cared about what she thought. Be more feminine, wear more dresses. Why would you want to become a police officer? 

“Because I like you,” Mari said bluntly, her stare unwavering.

“Wa…wa…why?” Moonbyul stared at her in shock.

“Does there always have to be a reason why you like someone,” Mari said with a laughed.

“It’s important,” Moonbyul replied awkwardly.

“Some things can’t be described so simply. Sometimes you just feel things,” Mari explained.

“I don’t quite understand that,” Moonbyul asked in confusion. She has never felt that way before.

“Remember when I met you the first day?”

“Yes? You said we met before?”

“There’s something about you that pulls me toward you,” Mari replied.

“Oh.” Moonbyul was at a loss for words.  Of course there have been girls who confessed to her, but she always took it as a joke.  This time it didn’t seem like a joke.

“I don’t need any confirmation from you now.  I just wanted you to know my feelings,” Mari stated.  “I hope you consider them.”

Moonbyul nodded her head in agreement; still unsure on how she would respond.


Moonbyul walked in a daze as she headed back to her dorm. She was unsure if she should accept Mari feelings and if she didn’t. How would she turn her down?

“Don’t you look more like a lady now,” A voice cut in.

Moonbyul turned around and saw Miss Choi beaming at her like a proud mother. “Thank you,” Moonbyul said reluctantly.

“I hope you had a good first day.” Miss Choi said as she walked over toward Moonbyul and examined her uniform more closely, nodding her head in approval.

“It was alright,” Moonbyul replied. She glanced around, looking for a way to escape.

“Good, I hope you fully integrate yourself with the ideals of Hong Dae Ri.”  Miss Choi grinned at her like a Cheshire cat.

“Yes, I will go practice right now.” Moonbyul gave a quick bow before turning on her heel and distancing herself from the den mother. When she got to her room, she quickly slammed the door behind her. How did the day turn like this?  She glanced at Solar’s bed a little relieved that it was empty, but when she turned to her own.  She saw the shorter girl sleeping peacefully in her bed.  A grin appeared on her lips and she sneaked over to the shorter girl. She leaned closely against the shorter girl’s ear.

“Wake up sleeping beauty,” Moonbyul whispered.

Solar stirred for a few moments, but did not wake.

Moonbyul leaned back as she stared at the sleeping girl in confusion. She didn’t wake when she slammed the door and now she still didn’t wake up when she whispered in her ear. She must be a heavy sleeper. What to do? Moonbyul stared at Solar’s sleeping form. She shorter girl was curled up on the bed. Her long brown hair lay effortless against her pale face.  She was beautiful.  Moonbyul let out a sigh. Did she like her roommate? She barely knew her, but then she has become so comfortable around her in such a short time.  Moonbyul thought fondly of how Solar introduced her to her friends and performed a song for her to make her feel better at the school. She loved how kind the shorter girl was.  When she gazed at the sleeping girl, Moonbyul felt the need to protect her. Suddenly she remembered her conversation with Mari.

Does there always have to be a reason why you like someone,” Mari laughed.

“It’s important,” Moonbyul replied awkwardly.

“Some things can’t be described so simply. Sometimes you just feel things,” Mari explained.


Was this the type of feelings she was talking about? She liked Solar more than a friend. No, no.  no. Not true. She was just confused because of what Mari said. She was thinking into this too much. It couldn’t be. She just met the girl. Of course she would like her roommate because she was kind and helpful to her. Who wouldn’t like someone like that? Moonbyul ran her hands through her hair in frustration.  She was thinking too much.  She turned her attention back on waking up the sleeping girl. She leaned in closer and started to poke at her.

“Hey, wake up,” Moonbyul called out.

The sleeping girl still did not wake.

“Oh come on.” Moonbyul folded her arms against her chest as watched Solar. She leaned in and whispered in her ear again.

“Wake up sleeping beauty.”

Solar stirred a bit in her sleep and a frustrated Moonbyul decided to blow air into her ear causing the sleeping girl jump up in surprise, knocking Moonbyul down. Moonbyul fell on to the bed and landed on Solar.

“You scared me!” Solar stared up in surprise as Moonbyul stared down at her.

“Why does it seem like we always ended up this way,” Moonbyul said with a smirk.

“Ah, get off me.” Solar blushed as she shoved Moonbyul away who giggled in delight.

“You’re the bed stealer,” Moonbyul accused. “I was just trying to wake you up.”

Solar looked away.  “I must have been too tired that I fell asleep on your bed by mistake.”

“Sure.” Moonbyul said playfully.

“Of course I did. Why would I want to sleep on your bed,” Solar said defensively.

“You were waiting for me.”

Solar’s eyes widened as she looked at Moonbyul. It was true that she was waiting for Moonbyul. She was curious to learn why she was hanging out with Mari again. “Why would I do that?”

“Because you like me.” Moonbyul teased.

“I..I.. ,” Solar was left a babbling mess as she giggled uncontrollably.

“Calm girl.” Moonbyul smile broadens as she watched Solar. She rubbed Solar’s back as she tried to get the girl to stop her giggling fit.

“You’re my friend, of course I like you,” Solar responded as she tried to stop her giggling fit.

The smile faded from Moonbyul’s lips when she heard the word, you’re my friend, of course I like you. She didn’t know why but she felt hurt by it.   “Yah, why are you on my bed?”

“I must have been too tired and fell asleep by accident,” Solar suggested. “Why were you with Mari?” Her eyes widened at her blunt words and she quickly covered with her hand.

Moonbyul stared at Solar in shock. “How did you know I was hanging out with Mari?”

“I…I…I saw you two walking together and when you didn’t come back to the room, I assumed you were with her,” Solar stated.

“Oh yeah we went out to eat.”

“Oh,” Solar said disappointedly as she looked away from Moonbyul.

“What’s wrong?”  Moonbyul grabbed Solar by the shoulders and turned the shorter girl toward her.

“I didn’t know if you ate yet, so I decided to wait for you,” Solar whispered.

A giant grin spread over Moonbyul’s lips and she wrapped her arms around the shorter girl. “You’re so cute!”

“Yah, you scared me again,” Solar shouted as Moonbyul held her in her arms.

“Cutie Solar, “ Moonnyul added.

“It’s not a big deal,” Solar replied.

“Let’s go get some food now,” Moonbyul said.

“Didn’t you already eat?” Solar tried to get out of Moonbyul’s arms but the younger girl held her tightly.

“I didn’t really eat much. We went to a fancy restaurant and the food was very tiny,” Moonbyul replied.

“Okay, leggo!” Solar tried tugged at Moonbyul’s arms who reluctantly released her.

“It’s a date,” Moonbyul teased.

“Yah, don’t say things like that.” Solar slapped the taller girl’s arm.

“Why what’s wrong with that,” Moonbyul asked innocently catching Solar off guard.

“I…well…because.”  Solar sat dumbstruck by Moonbyul’s question.

“Because?” Moonbyul elbowed Solar arm, prodding her to answer.

“It infers….” Solar was too embarrassed to say what she wanted to say and quickly avoided Moonbyul’s intense stare.

“Go on,” Moonbyul continued.

“Yah, just don’t say weird things like that,” Solar snapped as she smacked Moonbyul on the arm.

“Aren’t you the violent type,” Moonbyul teased. “Are you sure you’re a proper lady?”

Solar grabbed a pillow and started to smack Moonbyul with it as the taller girl held her arms up to defend the attacks.

“I’m sorry,” Moonbyul laughed.

“You better be,” Solar said as she swung the pillow at her roommate.

Moonbyul blocked the hit and quickly wrapped her arms around Solar and brought her down on the bed.  Solar dropped the pillow in shock as she stared into Moonbyul’s eyes.  For a moment they stared at each other in silence until they realized that they were in an awkward position. Both girls immediately separated from each other.

“We should go,” Solar said breaking the silence.

“Uh, yeah.” Moonbyul got up quickly and moved toward the door.

Solar walked over to her desk and grabbed her purse.

Moonbyul opened the door for Solar as they walked out together.

“Do you like spicy food?” Solar glanced at Moonbyul.

“I love it,” Moonbyul replied.

“Good. I know this place that has really good deukbokki and sundae,” Solar said.

“I love those types of foods,” Moonbyul said enthusiastically.  She looked at Solar with a mixture of amusement and shock. “I can’t believe you like them.”

“Why<” Solar questioned, mildly offended by the statement.

“You don’t seem to be the type to like those foods, especially sundae,” Moonbyul replied carefully.

“It fits my taste that’s all that matters,” Solar said.

“You’re the best, Kim Yong Sun.” Moonbyul gave Solar two thumbs up.

“Stop saying that,” Solar said in embarrassment. She could feel her cheeks heat up.

“It’s true though. You’re full of surprises,” Moonbyul said as she wrapped her arm around the shorter girl. “You’re actually Kim Yong Shin.”

“Yah, stop being greasy.” Solar giggled at the statement as they walked down the hall together.


*Author's Note:  Sorry for the late update again. I take time away and I forget where I want to go with the story. I feel so apologetic for always updating this so late. Thank you so much to the ones that have stuck with the story. I appreciate you all so much.  I don't have enough time to write since I work seven days a week now. For this chapter I wrote a little bit each time I had a break.

















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mmmnoob #1
Chapter 7: Wish you would come back ..
Chapter 7: just want them confessing already kekekee
cjmoo_ #3
Chapter 7: No drama pleaseeee Moonsun getting along fine!
Ahahah you just had to include the line from Start Love xD
cjmoo_ #4
Chapter 1: Just started reading this. Interesting start~~~
Chapter 7: moonsun's getting closer to being in love, yay! thanks for the update, author 8)
Jahulia #6
Chapter 7: aww
Chapter 7: Aww just runaway already! And marry in LA. Have 50 children. Live in Switzerland.
moonsuncouple123 #8
Chapter 7: i've waited for so long time..keep written author.