Chapter 7

To Be A Lady

Moonbyul and Solar walked side by side as they enjoyed the evening out together. It was such a beautiful night strolling by the Han River.

“Wah, that was so spicy,” Solar said as she took a of her ice cream cone.

“I can still feel the heat burning my mouth,” Moonbyul replied.

“It was good though,” the shorter girl added.

“Do you know what would have been better?” Moonbyul asked with a smirk.

“What?” Solar stopped in her tracks and turned toward the taller girl.

Moonbyul snatched Solar’s ice cream cone out of her hands and ran away.

“Yah! Moon Byul Yi!” Solar ran after the giggling girl. “Give me back my ice cream!”

“Learn to share,” Moonbyul called out as she took a bite of ice cream. Firm arms wrapped around her waist as Moonbyul’s eyes winded at the sudden contact. She almost choked on her ice cream.

“Give it back,” Solar whined.

Moonbyul felt momentarily stunned and she didn’t know if heart was beating rapidly because she ran or if it was because of Solar. All she wanted was for her heart to stop beating like that. She would beg for her heart to stop.

“Ha, got it!” Solar grabbed her ice cream cone from the stunned Moonbyul and released her hold on the taller girl.

Moonbyul’s hand crept toward her heart as she slowly tapped her chest. “Why is this thing malfunctioning? Please be normal. I’m begging you,” She whispered to herself.

“Yah, why did you take such a big bite out of my ice cream,” Solar pouted as she shoved Moonbyul.

“I…I…my mouth was burning,” Moonbyul countered.

“Then why didn’t you buy some at the ice cream shop,” Solar asked.

“Because I was full,” Moonbyul replied with a shrug,

“You owe me another one,” Solar said as she went back to eating her ice cream cone.

“What?” Moobyul mouth dropped at Solar’s order. “No, I don’t.”

“Yes, you do since you took mine,” Solar responded as she kept walking,

“But you took it back.” Moonbyul followed the shorter girl as they continued their stroll.

“You ate half of it,” Solar said.

“Wow, listen to this girl,” Moonbyul scoffed. “Don’t exaggerate.”

“Still a lot,” Solar replied with another pout.

This caused a huge grin to appear on Moonbyul’s lips. “Ah, so cute.” She reached over and pinched Solar’s cheek.

“Yah!” Solar blushed at the words and she turned away from the taller girl. “Don’t say things like that.”

“Kim Yong Sun, is the cutest, most adorable girl in the world,” Moonbyul teased.

“Yah, you….” Solar laughed at Moonbyul’s words

Moonbyul let out a laugh as well as she listened to Solar’s signature high pitch laughter

“Don’t say things like that.” The shorter girl smacked the taller girl in the arm.

“You’re so violent. How can you be considered lady like,” Moonbyul joked as she rubbed her arm.

“Do you want to die?” Solar raised her hand again.

“So pretty,” Moonbyul responded as she tapped the bottom of Solar’s chin.

“Ah…” A rose tint appeared on the shorter girl’s cheeks as she was left speechless. “It’s a beautiful night.”

“It is. I love coming here,” Moonbyul said. “Especially at night.”

“Me too. I just like walking here and clearing my thoughts,” Solar added.

“Something on your mind?” Moonbyul stopped and stared at the shorter girl.

Solar walked toward the fence and leaned against it while looking out into the river.

Moonbyul followed her as they both stared into the waters. Their reflections staring back at them.

“A lot has been on my mind lately,” Solar said. “Sometimes it makes me nervous and scared.”

“I’m all ears,” Moonbyul replied.

Solar turns and face Moonbyul, a look of appreciation on her face. After a few silent moments, she speaks. “Do you worry about the future?”

“Sometimes, like I think about what I want to do in life,” Moonbyul answered. “But then I decide that I don’t want to get too ahead of myself.”

“I wish I could stop myself from doing that,” Solar said sadly.

“What have you been thinking about that?” Moonbyul puts a reassuring hand on Solar’s shoulder.

“Sometimes I feel there is a struggle between who I want to be and what my parents want from me,” Solar said reluctantly.

“What do you mean?”

“My father runs a shoe company and growing up I had this idea that I would one day work at the company,” Solar said reluctantly.

“Something changed?” Moonbyul questioned.

“My parents didn’t really have expectations for me to work in the company. They mainly expect me to marry someone from a good family, especially a family that has a company that could benefit my father, “Solar said bitterly.

“You’re life is planned out then,” Moonbyul said as her eyes softens. She saw the slump in Solar’s shoulders and at that moment she wanted to pull the shorter girl into a hug.

Solar nodded her head, her eyes deeply immersed in the water.

“Want to run away,” Moonbyul suggested

“What?” Solar eyes Moonbyul in confusion.

“We can run away from all of this. Run away from the expectations,” Moonbyul said animatedly.

“And do what,” Solar said in disbelief.

“Anything we want,” Moonbyul answered with determination.

Solar stares deeply into Moonbyul’s eyes, contemplating her decision. After a while, she lets out a laugh.

“What?” Moonbyul stares at the shorter girl in confusion.

“You’re crazy Moon Byul Yi,” Solar said through her laughter.

“Sometimes we need a little crazy,” Moonbyul said.

“You’re a funny girl,” Solar replied with a smirk.

If you’re ever forced into an engagement, don’t say I never offered you a chance to run away,” Moonbyul said.

I don’t think I would be able to run away if I did,” Solar said.

“Then I will come and rescue you,” Moonbyul said with a grin.

What are you? My knight?” A playful smirk graced Solar’s lips as she stared at Moonbyul with amusement.

“Yes and you’ll be my princess,” Moonbyul said with a smirk,”

“Ay so greasy,” Solar shouted, but she couldn’t help but giggle.

“What’s so funny, my princess?” Moonbyul grabbed Solar into a hug.

“Why are you so greasy,” Solar said through her laughter as she tried to push Moonbyul away.

Moonbyul’s heart felt at ease as she stared at Solar’s laughing form. Her cute cheeks were tinge with pink and her eyes shined brightly. “Because I know you like it.”

“No. I hate it. It makes me cringe,” Solar replied as she eased herself into Moonbyul’s arms.

“Whatever you say princess,” Moonbyul whispered.

was a beautiful night. The lights at Yanghwa bridged shined brightly against the dark waters of the Han River. A cool breeze gently blew by and at this moment Moonbyul felt the most content. Moonbyul held Solar against her chest as they both enjoyed the warmth that the other provided.

Solar felt safe and protected in Moonbyul’s arms. The sound of the taller girl’s heartbeat was so rhythmic that it sounded like a lullaby to her ears. She could lay her head contently on the taller girl’s chest and fall asleep. She wished time would slow down so that she could enjoy this moment as long as she wanted. She didn’t want to think about her parents or what they expected from her. She just wanted to enjoy this sweet moment.

There was nothing more that Moonbyul could have wanted in this moment. Moonbyul stared down at Solar who now had her eyes shut, but a huge smile formed on her lips. A smile appeared on Moonbyul’s lips as she watched shorter girl. Moonbyul knew nothing about love, but at this moment she felt something she has never felt before: a happiness that she couldn’t describe when she was with Solar. All she knew that when Solar was feeling sad. She wanted to make her laugh and smile. When Solar was feeling cold, she wanted to wrap the shorter girl in her arms and keep her warm. When Solar was feeling tired, Moonbyul wanted to be the one to give her energy and most of all; Moonbyul wanted to do all she can to protect Solar.

“Maybe this is what love is,” Moonbyul whispered to herself.


A/N: Sorry for the long update. Honestly I got caught up with life and just became too lazy. I'm going to try and be more consistant now. I know this chapte is short, but I like the end of it too much. I didn't want to add anything else to it. A big thanks to all those who have subscribed and commented. I know it has been so long, but thank you all for staying with the story.

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mmmnoob #1
Chapter 7: Wish you would come back ..
Chapter 7: just want them confessing already kekekee
cjmoo_ #3
Chapter 7: No drama pleaseeee Moonsun getting along fine!
Ahahah you just had to include the line from Start Love xD
cjmoo_ #4
Chapter 1: Just started reading this. Interesting start~~~
Chapter 7: moonsun's getting closer to being in love, yay! thanks for the update, author 8)
Jahulia #6
Chapter 7: aww
Chapter 7: Aww just runaway already! And marry in LA. Have 50 children. Live in Switzerland.
moonsuncouple123 #8
Chapter 7: i've waited for so long time..keep written author.