Chapter 4

To Be A Lady

Solar woke up, a little disappointed that she did because she didn’t want to. It was the best sleep she had in a while. She rubs her eyes and looks around the room. Why am I not on my bed, she wondered. She looks down and sees that she is on top of Moonbyul and screams as she gets up.

“Ah, what is it!” Moonbyul awakens quickly, almost throwing Solar off the bed. She looks completely startled like a doe caught in headlights.

Solar chuckles as she watches Moonbyul’s reaction. “Nothing. It’s nothing.”

“Oh,” Moonbyul said quietly when she sees Solar sitting across from her.

“Sorry that I fell asleep on you,” Solar said.

“It’s ok, I know I’m irresistible,” Moonbyul said with a smirk.

“Yah, don’t be like that.” Solar smacked Moonbyul’s arm, as she tried to her best to contain a smile.

“Hey, that’s not very lady like,” Moonbyul protested as she rubbed her arm.

“I’ll show you lady like.”  Solar reached over and pulled Moonbyul toward her, locking her in a headlock.

Moonbyul gasped in surprise, wondering how the cute shorter girl could be so strong. “You know what?” She struggled in Solar’s grasp.

“What?” Solar asked as she loosened her hold on Moonbyul.

“I don’t mind this.” A silly grin appeared on the taller girl’s face.

Although Solar had Moonbyul in a headlock, Moonbyul’s head was resting on Solar’s chest.

“Aish!” Solar pushed Moonbyul off her. “You’re so greasy.”

“I’m greasy. You’re the one who fell asleep on me,” Moonbyul replied.

“Well…well I was tired.” Solar defended. She got up from Moonbyul’s bed and walked over to sit on her own.

“Sure, tired.” Moonbyul said sarcastically as she made air quotes with her fingers.

Solar glanced at her alarm clock on her night stand and then over to their bathroom. “I call the bathroom first!” She ran with lightning quick speed as Moonbyul stared at her, dumbstrucked.

“Hey! Not fair. I didn’t even get to shower yesterday because someone fell asleep on me,” Moonbyul protested.

“Too latel!” Solar screamed from the bathroom.

“Unbelievable.” Moonbyul laid back onto her bed with a sigh.


“Hello everyone, we have a new student. Please introduce yourself,” Madame Baek, the etiquette teacher said.

“Hello, I’m Moon Byul Yi. It’s nice to meet you all.” Moonbyil said as she gave a bow.

“Nice to meet you, Moon Byul Yi,” the whole class responded with their own bows.

Moonbyul recoiled in surprised.  This never happened before. Usually no one says anything to the new student.

“That was a decent introduction Byul Yi, but remember to be graceful,” Madame Baek stated . “Here follow my instructions.  “As you do your introductions, place one hand over your heart and then bow. Now try that again.”

Moonbyul did her best to hide her irritation and bit the side of her cheek to hold herself back. “Hello I’m Moon Byul Yi. It’s nice to meet you all.” She placed her right hand over her heart and bowed.

“Nice to meet you, Moon Byul Yi,” The whole class replied again with their own bows.

Gosh, that is creepy, Moonbyul  thought.

“Much better,” Madam Baek said as she lightly clapped her hands together. “Everyone give her a round of applause.”

Like machines the girls lightly clapped their hands together.

“Ok, you sit down,” Madame Baek said.

Moonbyul bowed slightly to her teacher and quickly went to sit at an empty table in the middle row.

 “We will continue to learn how to become a proper lady,” Madam Baek said once Moonbyul sat down in her seat.

Moonbyul grimaced at the teacher’s words as she tugged on her skirt. Madame Baek’s voice irritated her. It was like the teacher was straining her voice to high and soft.

“Remember when a lady introduces herself, she has to do it in the most delicate and graceful way.” She walked through the aisles of the classroom. “We are like flowers.”

“Kill me,” Moonbyul said to herself as she rolled her eyes.

“Did you say something, Byul Yi?” Madam Baek eyes lowered as she stared at Moonbyul with a disapproving look.

“Nothing, I was just clearing my throat,” Moonbyul replied awkwardly.

“Ah, clearing the throat. I see.  Why don’t you demonstrate it again for the class to see?”

Moonbyul bit the side of her cheek. “I’m fine thank you.”  What she really wanted to say was to curse at her, but that would only leave her in detention.

“Are you sure? It would be a great way for the class to learn what not to do.” Madame Baek replied with a tight smile.

“Yes, I’m sure,” Moonbyul said as she her hand tightened around her thigh.

“Ok, let’s move on.” Madame Baek turned her back and headed to the front of the room.

Moonbyul glared at the back of Madam Baek’s head.

Madame Baek spent the rest of the time lecturing and enjoying the sound of her own voice. All Moonbyul could do was pretend to pay attention and daydream about all the things she would be doing at her old school. Take naps at the back of the class and whispering to Minji about ways to skip class. Those thoughts were then transferred into what she could do to get kicked out of this school. As she did Solar’s face popped up in her mind.  The smile on her face widened as she thought about the adorable shorter girl.  She was so cute but then she could also be so violent.  Moonbyul stifled a laugh as she thought about this morning with Solar waking up in her arms. At first Moonbyul was shocked when the other girl fell asleep on her, but then again it somehow felt natural. Moonbyul’s face scrunched up in confusion.  What does that mean?

“Ok, remember to start chapter six in the manual.” Madam Baek’s voice disrupted Moonbyul from her thoughts.

It’s finally over, Moonbyul thought.

“Have a good day,” Madame Baek said with a slight bow.

“Have a good day as well, Madame Baek,” The whole class replied with their own bow.

Moonbyul  looked around in confusion before adding a bow. She was half a second too late and Madam Baek noticed it. The teacher shook her head slightly.

“You may all leave.”  Like some kind of stewardess. Madame Baek pointed to the direction of the door.

Moonbyul’s classmates all got out of their seats and filed out of the room in single order like something on an assembly line. Moonbyul tried to follow, but Madam Baek’s voice stopped her.

“Byul Yi, I know you’re new here, but try to catch up with rest.  Remember you’re a lady and you must act in a certain way.”

“Yes, Madame Baek,” Moonbyul bowed her head.  She wanted to say you mean acting like a subservient fool, but she held her tongue, Talking back to a teacher wouldn’t get her expelled.

“Good, you may leave,” Madam Baek answered.

“Good by, Madam Baek,” Moonbyul replied with a bow. She her heels and quickly walked out of the room. She muttered angrily to herself as she was walking to her next class. She felt someone’s hand slipped over her arm and she turned toward the person.

“How was class?” Solar asked with a giant smile.

“Awful,” Moonbyul replied.

“Oh no.” Solar’s smile quickly turned to a frown as she looked at the taller girl. “What happened?’

“Madam Baek embarrassed me in front of the whole class,” Moonbyul said bitterly.

“Ugh, I know she can be tough,” Solar said sadly. “Don’t worry about her. I’ll cheer you up later.” Solar held on to Moonbyul’s arm closely as they walked together.

For some reason this caused Moonbyul’s hear to speed up and she felt like she had to pull away. However her body refused to move.

“How are you going to cheer me up?” Moonbyul asked.

“It’s a secret,” Solar said with a smirk.

“Aww give me a hint please,” Moonbyul whined.

“When’s you’re next class?” Solar asked, changing the subject.

“Why, should I tell you? When you don’t even give me a hint?  Moonbyul pouted.

Solar couldn’t help but smile as she looked at the taller girl. She gently pulled Moonbyul down and whispered in her ear.  “Come to room 247, after class.” She then lets go of the taller girl and continued walking down the hall, leaving Moonbyul shocked.

Moonbyul stood in the middle of the hallway like a fool. She could feel her cheeks heat up as she saw Solar’s form disappearing in a crowd of students.


*Author's Note: Sorry for the very long update. I was having writer's block on this story and kind of lost interest in this story. I've been getting other ideas for MoonSun stories that I want to write but for now I will try to finish this one first.  Thanks to everyone that has been keeping up with this story. I really appreciate it!

































































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mmmnoob #1
Chapter 7: Wish you would come back ..
Chapter 7: just want them confessing already kekekee
cjmoo_ #3
Chapter 7: No drama pleaseeee Moonsun getting along fine!
Ahahah you just had to include the line from Start Love xD
cjmoo_ #4
Chapter 1: Just started reading this. Interesting start~~~
Chapter 7: moonsun's getting closer to being in love, yay! thanks for the update, author 8)
Jahulia #6
Chapter 7: aww
Chapter 7: Aww just runaway already! And marry in LA. Have 50 children. Live in Switzerland.
moonsuncouple123 #8
Chapter 7: i've waited for so long time..keep written author.