
The Uncool Kid



The rest of winter break is mostly uneventful. Filled with small dates, beach walks, Sehun and Baekhyun completely beating Kai and Chanyeol at soccer; and then, like losers, having to pay for that night's dinner.  Late-night movies, store runs, daring each other to jump into the ocean even though it’s cold out. And more important, Kai and Sehun stay up even later to have long conversations. 


Something feels like it changed since returning from break, though. Or it’s more like something during break changed and now going to school feels different. Because he's no longer nervous being seen with Kai or even that group of friends; even when people stare as they hold hands.


“So, did you four enjoy the beach paradise?” Suho asks when they all approach during lunch. 


“It was awesome,” Baekhyun beams and sits on a bench. “Really, thanks a lot for letting us use it.”




“And we washed everything,” Kai puts in, laughing at his friend. “Scrubbed clean to reach Kim Junmyeon’s impossible expectations.”


“Thank you,” Suho scoffs.


“Hey, uh,” Sehun furrows his brows. “Where’s Luhan?”


Kris just shrugs as he eats his lunch and he can see a small glare from Xiumin. The boy shakes his head and stands. “I’m going to look for him. Soccer practice after class, Baek?”


“Duh,” His friend snorts.


Sehun smiles shyly when Kai kisses him goodbye. He tries to ignore the stares he gets as he makes his way from the courtyard and to the back of the school. When not seeing his step-brother, he stops when he goes to turn. He squints and sighs when he notices him on the top of the hill; sitting against a tree. He stares up at the boy for a moment before slowly walks up and towards him. When he gets close enough, he notices his step-brother picking at some grass, not wearing his usual make-up and accessories. He, once again, looks like he had been crying. Neither of them says anything for a few minutes after Sehun sits down beside him. More soft crying from the older boy fills the silence. 


“Did you break up?” Sehun asks in a whisper. Luhan shakes his head. He lets out a sigh and slowly nods. Neither of them moves when the bell rings. ”Hey, wanna ditch?”


Luhan raises a brow, finally turning to look at Sehun. “What? YOU wanna ditch?”


Sehun shrugs and stands, wiping off his uniform. “You said you wanted to talk. Let’s go, I know a good place to eat.”


“I’m not hungry,” His step-brother mumbles as he gets to his feet. 


He begins to lead Luhan down the slope. “Well, I am.”


“Sehun, it’s nice to see you!” The waitress greets cheerfully. “Will Jongin be joining you today?”


Sehun smiles. “No, not right now. This is my step-brother, Luhan.”


“Hello,” Luhan mutters. He looks confused as the woman brings them to the usual booth, the one Jongin and he goes to all the time. “ Jongin?”


Sehun shrugs as he slides into his usual spot, Luhan sitting opposite him. “I have a question, Luhan, why is popularity so important to you?”


“Why isn't it more important to you?”


“It was,” Sehun admits. “The usual, please? I’ll just bring Jongin some later.” The waitress smiles again and takes their menus. 


“So, why aren’t you trying harder to know, MORE popular.”


“It’s kind of hard when you live in the shadow of someone,” he huffs. “It’s hard when I’ll only ever be known around the dumb school as ‘Luhan’s brother’.”


Luhan looks nervous and seems to shift around uncomfortably. “W-well, you’re part of our group now…”


“I’ve heard the rumors already, okay? Now everyone either calls me ‘Luhan’s brother’ or ‘Kai’s boy toy’. I don’t want to be popular if those are my only options.”


“’d rather be known as a loser who plays soccer and dates some popular dude?”


Sehun purses his lips. “Yup. It helps that Kai is really hot.”


“Wow,” His step-brother coughs. “You uh you seriously don’t mind?”


Taking a deep breath, he sets his drink down. He thought about it a lot, actually. After his first kiss with Kai, and all of the others to follow. “You know what? No. I don’t care and you shouldn't either. If you didn’t care, then you would have broken up with Kris over what’s he’s doing to you,” He goes on. “Did you know, when I asked where you were, Kris just shrugged? He didn't even OFFER to look!” Luhan opens his mouth to say something but he closes it a moment later. “Kris acts like he’s a nice guy but he’s not,” he pauses. “Also, you look better without all that makeup.”


“What?” He wants to laugh at Luhan’s hungry expression as the chicken is placed in front of them. He smirks and slowly pushes a plate toward him.


“I said you look better without your dumb makeup, now eat.”


“W-with my hands? That’s kind of messy…”


“Well, it’s a good thing it’s only us in here. Your so-called loving boyfriend isn’t here to judge you.”


“You really have a low opinion of my friends, don’t you?”


Sehun shakes his head. “Only the ones that cheat on you and go around acting like they’re decent human beings. Not to mention your friends, not Suho and the others, just cling to you for your popularity.”


“Suho and the others?”


“Yeah, you know; Suho, Xiumin, those guys,” he replies, watching Luhan shyly accept when offered some spices and napkins. “Those are good friends, Luhan. Those followers of yours are not.”


Luhan stares at him oddly for a moment. “And you know so much about real friends?”


“Yes, actually,” Sehun huffs. “I do. Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Might not be a lot of friends but...they’re real and loyal. And I know they’d tell me if Kai were cheating on me.” He squints at his brother’s small smirk. “I know what I mean!”


“But, one knows that Kris is cheating on me except Minseok, Kai, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and you.”


Sehun gives him a pointed look. “Really? You’re telling me that Kris, THE most popular guy in school, was able to make-out with some in a car ON. CAMPUS.” His step-brother wrinkles his nose; as if he didn’t really think about it. “The others would say something.” When Luhan just shrugs, Sehun sighs in frustration. “You’re not going to break up with him, are you?”


“I...I don’t know,” Luhan whispers and picks at his food.


Sehun glares at him. “Seriously? What do you need? MORE proof he’s cheating?”


“Honesty? Yes! Like...catching him in action or something,” the silver-hair boy admits.


Sehun purses his lips, leaning back in his booth. “I guess we could follow him. Or you could, I don’t know, talk to Kris about it. If he denies it THEN you follow him.”


“What do you know about relationships?”


“Okay,” Sehun waves a waitress down. “Have fun with your cheating boyfriend- hello, can I get a one-pound bucket of fried chicken to go?”


“You mean for Jongin?” The woman giggles and nods before setting down the check. 


“ leaving?” Luhan asks and Sehun nods.


“It’s almost the next period and I care a little about my grades,” He says as he sets some money down. “Look, if you want help with this dumb Kris thing, I guess talk to me at school tomorrow. Enjoy your food. He bows to the woman after taking his food and leaving the shop. He sighs as he checks his phone. 


Kai: where are you?


Kai: oh wow did you ditch? without me? :P


Sehun smiles and shakes his head.


Sehun: i got you some chicken so shh also we’re gonna help luhan with this kris problem


Sehun: expose him or something


Kai: sounds like someone is starting to care


Sehun: i care for no one


Kai: fine i’ll stop kissing you ;)


Sehun blushes, shoving his phone back in his pocket. He glances back into the shop, watching as Luhan sits alone awkwardly. What’s with him? Why won’t he just dumb the loser? He bites his lower lip for a moment before turning back and starting to jog back. If his idiot step-brother won’t see Kris, he’ll have to help.  Somehow.


“This is WRONG.”


“I know.”


“Should I just go and punch him?” Sehun stares, watching Kris wrap his arm around Luhan’s shoulder.


“Oh my god, yes! I would pay so much money to see that!” Baekhyun gasps. 


“No, think of your good grade,” Chanyeol puts in. “And reputation.”


“What reputation? Oh, you mean the reputation of being a loser?” the boy scoffs. “Look, I told Luhan if he wanted my help, I’d be at school. It’s lunchtime and nothing.”


Kai shrugs. “If he wants to stay with a cheating bastard, let him. As far as I’m concerned, this isn’t our problem, Sehun.”


Sehun watches the doomed couple for another moment before shaking his head in disagreement. “No, this,” he mumbles and stands. He gently pushes Kai’s head when he tries to stand. “I’ll be back.” He’s a little nervous as he approaches Luhan’s group of friends but not as nervous as he would have a few months ago. 


“Oh look, it’s Kai’s pity date!” A girl snorts.


“Shut the up,” Sehun snaps, causing the group to go quiet and stare at him; including Luhan. “Luhan, we need to talk.”


“Why should he go anywhere with you?” Another person asks.


“Was I talking to you?!” Luhan sighs and glances up at Kris, who just smiles and nods. Sehun quickly leads him away and somewhere isolated, making sure no one is nearby. “What the hell are you doing?!”


“I WAS hanging out with my friends-”


“No, with Kris,” He interrupts. “Are you crazy?!”


Luhan groans and crosses his arms. “Sehun-”


“No! He’s cheating on you,” he says, lowering his voice. “Do you not care?”


“I…” he rubs his face and looks away. “It’s hard for me to wrap my head around.” They both look when Kris comes around the corner, a look of confusion.


“Babe? Are you ok?”


Sehun glares at him. “Do you mind?”


“Sehun.” Luhan groans. “I’m fine, Kris I’ll catch up with you ok?”


Kris shrugs. “Aright,” he doesn’t seem all too concerned before he turns and walks off. 


Sehun rolls his eyes. “Oh, look at me- I’m a big, tall who thinks I’m sooo hot, I can annnnybody I want,” He mocks. He notices the small smile on his step-brother’s face. 


“Okay,” He groans. “Okay, look- I have an idea. Kris is throwing another party this weekend- j-just come and we’ll think of a plan then. For now, I’m just…i'm just trying to get through the day.”


Sehun stares at him for a moment before shaking his head. “Yeah, alright. I’m sorry.”


Luhan smiles. “Me too, Sehun. I um...I was always hoping we’d get along but not like this.”


“Well, next time come to me without running eyeliner and with a soccer ball,” He points out, causing his step-brother to laugh. The boy smiles too now, leading his step-brother back to his group of friends. They look confused by their brief closeness before Sehun separates and returns to his spot between Kai’s legs; his arms once again wrapping around the boy’s shoulders. 


“So how’d it go?” Kai asks.


“Party, this weekend. Luhan wants to set up a trap for Kris.”


“Oooh! A sting operation!” Baekhyun grins. “Sehun, will you be dressing up?!”


“No,” Sehun scoffs. “I have no idea how to even apply make-up.”


“Yeah but uh…” Kai purses his lips, glancing over at Luhan. “But I know someone who does…”


“You’ve got to be kidding me…”


sad little prince

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Chapter 19: This is, what, the seventh story I'm reading from you? In like two days, or three, maybe more, I mean, I'm on a sekai spree. I don't comment that often, but I truly enjoy your writings. This as well, thanks for sharing it~
Chapter 7: Okay I am reading your stories, but this time strting with a completed story. /Waiting for new chapters is hella hard for me/. I love this story a lot already!
I relate with Sehun a lot. Nearly 0 friends and others waiting for me to get some, but I am not that lucky girl to get Kai for my date ahahahahha. I felt sorry everytime Sehun was insecure about himself and feared people might make fun of him. He just doesn't deserve it.
Kai is such a sweetheart! Sehun deserves everything and more and thanks to Kai he is getting it! It makes me so happy everytime Kai makes Sehun happy and shows him a step on to live his life perfectly!
Luhan embarrassed himself so much when he asked about Kai dating Sehun. I love how Kai smacked his face with only words, but I think Luhan's jealousy is kind of ripping his soul. He seems to want attention from everyone. I don't really have a feeling like he would want to make Sehun's life miserable with not having any attention. It feelis like he has got his popularity by accident. However I can't say Luhan is cool. I still don't like how he pushed Sehun into a shadow!
It's fun how everyone thinks Kai is dating Sehun as a prank or a joke. If I were Kai I would get annoyed after the first comment like that, but Kai seems to deal with it pretty well. It shows that he is really honest and into dating!

Hope to see more completed stories, becuase this will be the only time I will start reading others (don't wanna push though). Your stories never disappoint, so I just can't stop reading! I will soon run out if I keep reading so fast ahahahha~
I loved My Last Hope, Inside The Dark, Cold Eyes and Red Sky (but where are updates?), so this one is slowly writing itself on the list :)
Take care author, you are doing a great work! Have a nice day (not just today, but also in future hehe)<3!
189 streak #3
Chapter 19: refreshing...was happy the focus leaned toward the positive aspects of "bullying" rather than concentrating on all the negativity! on to another of your stories!
Pxnellyxq #4
Chapter 11: omfg I love them talking
FoxRock #5
Your story is sooo cute, I love all the fluff ?
I loved the revenge on Kris ?
Chapter 18: Thank you for this amazing story!! It was so nice to read about Sehun and Kai together being so sweet and loving!! Luhan being a better person was such a plus too!! The revenge they pulled on jackass kris was just the cherry on top!! It was really sweet ending too with Sekai confessing their love and with their future together ❤
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 18: over? really????
nooooooooooooo ;_;
they were to cute and so y and smartass like
Chapter 18: Oh my goodness what a lovely story!!!! I'm glad Jongin was persistent and used them kicked puppy eyes to convince Sehun to give him a chance. Aaaah so lovely ♡
cycynyny #9
Chapter 18: Im so glad i found this lovely story, >_<