
The Uncool Kid


Sehun stares at the small plastic bag in his hands, clutching them hard. He takes a deep breath before pulling it open and glancing inside. Several things he bought lie inside, mocking him. He grabs the eyeliner pencil, cheap of course, and squints at it. What the hell is he even doing? He bites his lip and glances at himself in the mirror. His hands shake as he pops off the cap and holds the sharp end to his eye. He trembles as he draws, trying to not be nervous. When he finishes one eye, he sits back. He looks awful.  Nothing at all like Luhan’s perfect...whatever they’re called. He thinks it’s called a ‘wing’. He stares at the poorly drawn eyeliner and groans. He’s so stupid, he LOOKS stupid. He quickly grabs the stupid make-up removers and quickly rubs off his work. He slams the pencil down and stands up quickly. He can’t do this and there’s no way in hell he’d ever ask Luhan. It’s not like Baekhyun knows his way around make-up either. He stops and frowns. What is he doing? Why does he even need make-up? Isn’t his plain face good enough?


Sighing, he tosses everything back into the plastic back and throws it to the side. If there’s any time for him to be humiliated, a party is the perfect place to do it. Sehun’s out of his element and has no way to get home. Should he even be going? He sighs when there’s a notification on his phone. Reaching over, he blinks after he turns it on to look at the message. As if on cue, he smiles at his screen.


Kai: hey sehun :)


Kai: look, i just wanna thank you for agreeing to come. I know how you are about all this...but i promise you’ll have fun.


Sehun: Well, either way, someone is gonna have fun.


Kai: i get that you’re nervous and you’re still suspicious but try, okay? :)


Sehun takes a deep breath.


Sehun: Okay. I’m trusting you for now.


Kai: good! I’ll pick you up in a few minutes! ;)


Shaking his head, he pockets his phone and stands up again. Baekhyun is just going to meet him at the party after Sehun insisted that he’d be fine with Kai. He doesn’t a hundred percent believe that but he can try. He stares at himself in the mirror. He glances down and pulls at his striped sweater. He frowns and quickly pulls it off, tossing it to the side. “Oh sure, Sehun,” he mutters to himself. “Make yourself look stupid as hell. You’ll definitely WON’T get made fun of for this shirt.” What would he normally wear? He looks around and furrows his brows. He supposes he can’t go wrong with just his tight jeans, converse, and a black fitting shirt, right. He’s not even sure what people wear to parties. What if Kai comes all in leather or something and Sehun just shows up in jeans?


Sehun doesn’t have time to rethink or change when he can hear a motorcycle outside. He waits for a moment, closing his eyes when someone knocks on the door seconds later and his mother answers. He opens them back up when he’s called downstairs.  He ignores the mirror when he passes it, grabbing his jacket before he heads out. He’s unsurprised to see Luhan leave his bedroom all dressed up with his make-up. He jumps a little when he sees Sehun and smiles. “O-oh, hey. Going on a date?”


“No,” Sehun mutters. “I’m going to Kris’ party.”


Luhan stares at him oddly. “You’re...going to a party? Kris’?”


“Is that a problem?”


“What? N-no, of course not…”


“Don’t worry, “Sehun scoffs. “I won’t embarrass you or whatever.”  Without another word, he walks away from his brother and hurries down the stairs. He wonders who is going to pick Luhan up for the party? Kris or Xiumin? The thought makes him sick. After seeing how Chen and Kris are with their boyfriends, he hates the idea that they might be cheating. Should he say something? He let out a soft sigh of relief, pleased to see Kai dressed in nice, casual clothing. Still, there’s an obvious attractiveness in the way the jock wears his tight white shirt. He swallows hard, glancing down at the man’s stomach; he can see the outlines of soft abs. 

“Sehun,” Kai smiles. “You're actually dressed,” He jokes. “ I figured I’d have to drag you out and dress you up myself.”


Sehun blushes at the thought. Kai pulling him out of his bed with an attractive force and slowly pulling up his pants. Up his legs and- He clears his throat and shakes his head. “N-no, not need,” He laughs nervously, rubbing his cheeks. “I-I said I’d go, right?”


“Right,” Kai chuckles, coughing a bit when Luhan comes down as well now. “Shall we?”


“Actually,” Luhan speaks up. “Can to you, Kai? Alone?”


“Why? Two dates aren’t enough for you?” Sehun mutters, looking away when his whispering catches his brother’s attention. Kai furrows his brows but slowly nod, following Luhan outside. Biting his lip, Sehun waits until the door is closed to press his ear against it.


“Alright, what did you want?” Kai asks.


“Why are you suddenly interested in Sehun?”




“All of a just asked him out and keep hanging out with him,” Luhan says. “What’re you really after?”


Kai sighs. “Why the hell is everyone so surprised? Can I not like someone?”


“You can, you just like him for the wrong reasons.”


Sehun furrows his brows at that. “Oh yeah? And why do I like him?”


Luhan sighs. “I’ve seen this before,” he starts. “People act interested in Sehun but when it turns out he’s not close to me and they can’t get to me-”


“I’m going to stop you right there,” Kai interrupts. “What does this have to do with you? You actually think I’m using Sehun just to get close to YOU?”


“Why else would-”


“Because he’s cute,” the jock sighs. “He’s cute, smart, talented...but paranoid.”




“I’m busting my damn trying to prove to him that me liking him isn’t a huge joke! People hurt him so much that when someone asks him out or show interest, he automatically just assumes it’s just…” He sighs. “Luhan, I’m going to say this as many times as it takes you to understand; I don’t like you. I’m interested in Sehun for him, not to get close to you or anyone else,” He goes on. “I LIKE him, not you. Not everyone wants you.”




Sehun tries to hide his smile, but he can’t help it. He bites his lip and quickly steps away when he hears someone starting to walk. When Kai walks in, it’s obvious he’s upset but forcing a smile. “Ready to head out?” Feeling better about all of this, Sehun quickly nods, accepting when the man keeps the door open for him. He glances at Luhan as they walk by, noticing the confusion in his eyes. It kind of pisses Sehun. God forbid someone chooses him over the Prince of the school. 


Sehun timidly holds onto Kai’s arm after they park and hop off the bike, but the jock lets go and wraps an arm around the boy’s shoulder. He leads him toward the house, loud music playing from the open doors. “Don’t worry if anyone bothers you, okay? Just ignore them and have fun,” he says. “And you don’t have to drink if you don’t want to.”


“Do you? I mean do you drink?”


“Nah,” Kai chuckles. “I have to drive you home, remember?”




“I don’t drink anyways, in general,” He admits. “I’m being good and waiting until I’m of age. People tried to pressure me, obviously. But you just gotta say no.”


Sehun smiles at him as they walk up the drive wand into the door. Right away, he can see all of Kai’s friends dancing and having fun; beers in one or two of their hands but not everyone. Suho, Xiuin, and D.O seem to not be drinking. He feels more relaxed when he sees Baekhyun looking down at his phone screen; He’s always been more comfortable at parties than Sehun anyway. As if knowing what he wants, Kai brings him over to his best friend. “Good to see you made it, Baekhyun,” he greets. “I”m sure it puts Sehun more at ease.”


“Hey dude,” Baekhyun grins, putting his phone back in his tight pants. “Holy crap! You aactually got him to come!”


“I told you I would,” The jock laughs. He glances over. “Do you guys want something to drink?”


“Oh, I already got myself a beer.”


“Baekhyun!” Sehun gasps.


“What?” His friend laughs. “Not my first beer, you know.”


“Is….is there soda?”


“You bet,” Kai gives Sehun at pat on the back before letting go of him and heading for the kitchen. Sehun stares after him, rubbing his arm nervously. 


“You really like him, huh?”


“What?” Sehun raises a brow at his friend.


“Kai,” Baekhyun smiles. “You seem to really like him. Like, you seem less tense now.”


“Well,” He sighs. “I’m not saying I'm gonna a hundred percent trust him but…”


“Did something happen?”


Sehun stands by his friend, linking arms with him. “When Kai came to pick me up...Luhan asked Kai to talk to him in private.”




“Yeah,” He shrugs. “Luhan asked Kai why he was suddenly into me. THEN, my lovely brother told Kai that he assumed he’s only trying to date me to get to HIM.”


“What?!” Baekhyun frowns, both looking over when Luhan enters the front door. He completely changes as soon as he’s greeted; a new mask on. “Okay, so he thinks Kai wants to date him and he’s using you to get to him?” When Sehun nods, he scoffs. “Someone has their damn head stuck up their own .”


“Tell me about it!” Sehun laughs. “He acts as if Kai wanting to date me is the weirdest thing ever...s-so…” He blushes and looks down. “I decided I want to...try.”




“I’m not going to let Luhan and his stupid friends bother me,” He admits. “I want to try with Kai, I want to...try to trust him and enjoy myself.”


Baekhyun grins, “That’s my boy!” He practically hoots. “Get some, boy!”


“Stop,” He grumbles, trying to stop his heart from beating too fast when Kai rejoins them. He shivers a bit as their hands touch when a sprite is handed to him. Warm, soft hands accidentally touch his. “T-thanks.”


“I’m glad to see that you’re starting to relax,” Kai notes. Sehun smiles but it slowly begins to fade when he sees some girls from their school glaring at him. He shifts around uncomfortably and looks averts his gaze. When the jock seems to notice, he sighs and moves to block Sehun’s view; or maybe to block their view of Sehun. “Hey, forget them,” He says. “They’re just dumb chicks. Tell me if they bother you, got it?”


“Got it…”


“Now, let’s have fun,” the jock laughs. “Stay here, okay? I should probably say hey to my friends.”


Sehun nods, watching as he heads over to his group of friends. He sighs and looks at Baekhyun, watching as his friend continues to text. “Are you nervous?”


“Nah, parties don’t make me-”


‘I meant Chanyeol,” He laughs. “He’s coming back really soon, right?”


“Yeahh…” Baekhyun pockets his phone. “I have to goo.”


“What? Why?!”


“Well,” His friend smiles sheepishly. “Chanyeol’s coming back sooner than I thought! Isn’t that great?” He sighs. “He’s coming back tomorrow morning, so I have to go prepare.”


“You’re leaving?”




“No,” Sehun grins. “This is a good thing! I’m really glad he’s coming back so early, really! I have Kai and his friends, okay? Go ahead.”


Baekhyun sighs and kisses Sehun’s cheek. “Still coming to breakfast with us?”




“Please bring Kai?”


Sehun frowns at that. “Why?”


“No reason!”




“I want to get the Chanyeol approval stamp on him!” His friend admits. “Come on, it’ll be fun!”


“Okay, okay,” Sehun laughs. “Just get going and text me the times.”


“You’re the best!” He gives his friend a tight hug before quickly heading out. He sighs and looks over at the girls. When Kai seems to go near them, to hang out with his own friends, their fake masks return. They laugh and one of them grabs his arm, saying it’s such a coincidence that he’s here. He doesn’t look amused, saying he always comes to these parties and to please let him go. Sehun scoffs as he finished off his soda and sets it down; at least he said please. He sighs as he makes his way through the house and finds the kitchen easily. It’s kind of weird that there’s barely anyone in here. And as soon as Sehun enters the room, a couple seems to giggle and stumble out into another room; leaving him alone to explore. Which is fine for him. It’s not like he wants to hang out with drunk morons. He hums as he looks for something to drink, wondering where Kai had even gotten those sodas. He must at least be familiar with the place. Maybe Kris and he are closer than he thought?


“Hey, what’re you doing here?”


Sehun jumps a bit at the sudden voice, turning his head. He sighs when it’s just one of Luhan’s stupid male fans. “Looking for something to drink,” He mutters before turning back. He grabs a can from the fridge, mentally hitting himself for not trying there first. 


“You know, Luhan and you might not be related…” The guy begins. Sehun frowns when he turns to find himself face to face with this freak. “But uh...up close, you’re just as attractive…”


Sehun can already smell the booze on his breath. “You’re too close, back up,” He furrows his brows at the drunk student when he takes a step closer.


“Why should I? I’ve seen you look at me at school; you want me this close, right?”


Sehun tries to step back but grimaces a bit when his back presses against the counter. “Back up!” He puts his hand put to the man’s chest, trying to push him away. But he’s strong, not budging from his spot. Of course, he’s strong, he’s a damn football player. “Back off!” He starts to panic a bit more when the man presses into him, pushing him further into the edge of the corner. 


“Come on, don’t be like that,” He slurs. “A ing tease, just like your brother. Going around in those tight jeans, just like Lu,” he groans. “But I think I like you better in that tight uniform you always wear.”


Sehun closes his eyes tightly, his back starting to ache where the sharp edge starts to dig deeper in. He wants to gag when he feels lips on his neck; disgusting and wet. “Stop it!” He keeps pushing but the guy hovering over him doesn’t barge. He opens his mouth to scream but that’s when he feels the man suddenly pull back. Not pull back, he's roughly yanked away and slamming roughly into a wall. 


“Stop means stop, jackass!” Sehun watches in awe as Kai stands over a disoriented drunk. “Seriously! Leave the damn party or I’ll bloody my knuckles on your face!” He stares at Kai in awe, at the effect he seems to have on the man. He scrambles to his feet and quickly runs out of the room. Once he has his composure back, Sehun grabs a towel and quickly wipes his neck off; trying to not throw up. From both anxiety and disgust. He flinches when the jock approaches him. “...I’m sorry.”


“I don’t see why, “Sehun mutters, rubbing his lower back. “You didn’t do anything.”


“I invited you here and yet-”


“Thank you, Jongin,” he interrupts. “I’m not sure what I’d do if you hadn’t…”


“I understand if you wanna go.”


Sehun finally looks at Kai, the jock not meeting his gaze. He looks disheartened and maybe disappointed. He swallows hard, his heart aching at the sight. “H-hey, let’s just go back and enjoy the party, okay?”


The jock looks up at him in surprise. “Really?”


Feeling embarrassed and stupid about what just happened, he crosses his arms. “You have to promise me that won’t happen again!” He quickly says. “And...and that you’ll protect me if it does…” He can’t believe what he’s saying. He should be running out of here but the look on Kai’s face stopped him.


“I promise!” Kai nods enthusiastically. “And I’ll protect you, alright? Stay close to me.”


Sehun blushes and grabs his soda, heading for the door. “W-whatever…”



Tsundere!Sehun and Protective!Kai <3

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Chapter 19: This is, what, the seventh story I'm reading from you? In like two days, or three, maybe more, I mean, I'm on a sekai spree. I don't comment that often, but I truly enjoy your writings. This as well, thanks for sharing it~
Chapter 7: Okay I am reading your stories, but this time strting with a completed story. /Waiting for new chapters is hella hard for me/. I love this story a lot already!
I relate with Sehun a lot. Nearly 0 friends and others waiting for me to get some, but I am not that lucky girl to get Kai for my date ahahahahha. I felt sorry everytime Sehun was insecure about himself and feared people might make fun of him. He just doesn't deserve it.
Kai is such a sweetheart! Sehun deserves everything and more and thanks to Kai he is getting it! It makes me so happy everytime Kai makes Sehun happy and shows him a step on to live his life perfectly!
Luhan embarrassed himself so much when he asked about Kai dating Sehun. I love how Kai smacked his face with only words, but I think Luhan's jealousy is kind of ripping his soul. He seems to want attention from everyone. I don't really have a feeling like he would want to make Sehun's life miserable with not having any attention. It feelis like he has got his popularity by accident. However I can't say Luhan is cool. I still don't like how he pushed Sehun into a shadow!
It's fun how everyone thinks Kai is dating Sehun as a prank or a joke. If I were Kai I would get annoyed after the first comment like that, but Kai seems to deal with it pretty well. It shows that he is really honest and into dating!

Hope to see more completed stories, becuase this will be the only time I will start reading others (don't wanna push though). Your stories never disappoint, so I just can't stop reading! I will soon run out if I keep reading so fast ahahahha~
I loved My Last Hope, Inside The Dark, Cold Eyes and Red Sky (but where are updates?), so this one is slowly writing itself on the list :)
Take care author, you are doing a great work! Have a nice day (not just today, but also in future hehe)<3!
195 streak #3
Chapter 19: refreshing...was happy the focus leaned toward the positive aspects of "bullying" rather than concentrating on all the negativity! on to another of your stories!
Pxnellyxq #4
Chapter 11: omfg I love them talking
FoxRock #5
Your story is sooo cute, I love all the fluff ?
I loved the revenge on Kris ?
Chapter 18: Thank you for this amazing story!! It was so nice to read about Sehun and Kai together being so sweet and loving!! Luhan being a better person was such a plus too!! The revenge they pulled on jackass kris was just the cherry on top!! It was really sweet ending too with Sekai confessing their love and with their future together ❤
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 18: over? really????
nooooooooooooo ;_;
they were to cute and so y and smartass like
Chapter 18: Oh my goodness what a lovely story!!!! I'm glad Jongin was persistent and used them kicked puppy eyes to convince Sehun to give him a chance. Aaaah so lovely ♡
cycynyny #9
Chapter 18: Im so glad i found this lovely story, >_<