Foggy Windows

The Uncool Kid


Sehun stares at his hands as he washes them, soap foaming in his palms. He doesn’t look up when the bathroom door notices; but he does as someone approaches him, slowly. He lets out a long sigh. “Can I help you with something or are you just going to stare?”


Kris crosses his arms and puts on a fake, charming smile. “So, you’re still mad about the party?”


“Mad? No. Disgusted? Yes.”


“Disgusted?” Kris frowns. “You should be flattered-”


“I’m going to stop you right there,” Sehun interrupts as he turns off the faucet. After drying his hands, he turns to face the jackass. “You need to get your ing head out of your own damn and realize that not everyone is here to worship your every move. And I’m not an idiot- I know you sent that dumb girl as a prank.”


“I guess you’re smarter than I thought.”


“I’m also more paranoid than you thought,” he scoffs. “I don’t know what kind of hold you think you have on some people but you can basically bye to it.”


“What?” Kris stands up straight. “What’re you talking about.”


“Nothing. See you, lover boy,” He says sarcastically before pushing past the basketball player and leaving the restroom. He’s not sure where all this confidence came from. When he notices Kai, who had been waiting nearby, he smiles at him; his boyfriend probably hadn’t seen Kris walk in, or he would have intervened. Ignoring the dirty look he gets from Kris, he grabs Kai’s and lets himself be dragged away. “Walk me to my class?”


“Obviously,” Kai laughs. “What kind of boyfriend would I be?”


“The kind you are now- a bad one,” Sehun jokes.


“Ouch! Fine, I’ll stop kissing you.”


“Good,” He scoffs as they stop by the classroom door. “They’re gross.” He has to hide his smile when he’s kissed and given a small wink. After saying their goodbyes, Sehun joins Baekhyun at their usual spot, in the back of the room. 


“There you are,” His friend greets him. “So what the heck was Luhan, Xiumin, and you working on so secretly?”


“My end of the year project,” He shrugs, pulling a USB from his pocket. “


“Right, so what’s yours about? Soccer?”


Sehun shakes his head. “, not really.”  He looks over as the teacher walks in. “’ll see.” Once in their spots, their teacher begins to speak; listing off names and whatever else he does to prepare. Sehun tries to ignore how sick and nervous he feels now. But, for some reason, as soon as he’s called up and he looks into Kris’ eyes, it all disappears. He confidently walks up to the front and plugs the small item in. Bowing in thanks when the teacher hands him the remote, he clears his throat before speaking. “So um, originally,” He begins. “I was going to do my report about soccer. But um...I found a more interesting subject; honesty and lies.”


“That’s nice, Sehun,” The teacher hums.


Sehun slowly nods before using the remote to click the next photo. Gasps erupt from among the students as a photo comes up and the boy turns to look at them all; the photo of Kris with that woman. “Oh, my god,” he laughs with fake nervousness. “I have NO idea how that got in there!” He looks at the remote, pushing random buttons, pretending to want to change it. Muttering from the others continues as another photo appears; more women, some from the cheerleading squad and others. More evidence of Kris’ cheating that he had gotten from Xiumin. “Oh, ! Sorry, guys.” He stops, however, as the next slide shows. “Oh...right, I forgot this was in here. Well, might as well that a closer look now that we’re here,” He hums before zooming in. “Oh, what’s this? Right, a receipt proving that Kris’ father has been paying off some people to keep his elite athlete status despite the lack of talent! Wow, fascinating!”


“W-what is the meaning of this?!” The teacher stands up quickly, obviously flustered as she looks at Kris. The man glares at Sehun, silent for a moment.


“This is kind of pathetic,” He scoffs. “You actually have to make fake evidence? It's simple, photoshop! I admit to cheating but…” He trails off, watching as Sehun pulls some papers from his back pocket. He stomps over to Kris, smacking it hard into the man's chest.


“Does that look photoshopped to you, jackass?!” Kris stares at the paper before glancing around; swallowing hard as the people staring at him. He looks nervous now. Sehun crosses his arms. “Cheating, bribing liars who don’t deserve anything they have...that’s all you are, Kris. Keep slandering Luhan and me and I’ll put up that recording of you blatantly trying to force yourself on me at the party. Like the huge fraud you are,” He turns around and hands the remote back to his teacher before walking back to his chair and sitting down. “That’s my report.”


An uncomfortable silence floods the classroom, everyone glancing at each other, seeming unsure what to do. Sehun just looks out the window. “Wow...uhh…” Baekhyun whispers. “Holy ?”


“L...Let’s just move on, everyone,” The teacher stutters, quickly pulling the USB out and turning it off. Sehun smiles a little, feeling pretty good about it. Even if it might have consequences later.


“Hey, how did your report go?” Kai asks, sitting down with his lunch. Sehun keeps his food away, not feeling hungry today. He sits between his boyfriend’s legs, holding the man’s bag for him.


“It was...eventful,” he admits, nodding to Baekhyun. “Kris might be really pissed off at me.”


“Pissed?! I'm surprised Kris hasn’t come over to beat your !” His friend scoffs. “Sehun dedicated his report to revealing how he’s been cheating AND paying people off to keep his spot on the team!”


Kai raises his brows. “He what?”


“Have you ever seen him play?” Baekhyun asks and Kai has to think about it.


“Not really. He kind of just hangs around during practice but we figured he didn’t need the practice; like us.”


“Everyone needs practice,” Sehun scoffs and plays with Kai’s keychain. “Even professionals. He’s just an idiot.” he nods when Luhan shyly approaches them, motioning for his brother to sit. 


“Sehun,” Luhan sighs. He, still, looks very tired. With his lack of make-up and jewelry. “I heard you exposed Kris.”


“Sure did,” Sehun confirms casually.




“The pictures Xiumin took and the receipt Chen found for me.”


“Of course Chen found it,” Baekhyun laughs. “Shady as , dude.”


“He’s going to upload that recording for me,” he says, glancing at Luhan briefly. “You’d be madder if you read what he posted about us online.”


Luhan gasps and grabs his phone. “I-I haven’t been on social media for a few days- what did he say?” he looks down at his screen and probably begins to scroll. He stops midway through. “I cheated on him?! With Minseok?!” He shrieks. “You’re sleeping with the couch to keep Kai’s place in the team?! What the hell?!”


“Which is ironic, as a ,” Sehun scoffs. 


“But you said if Kris doesn’t stop, you’ll post the recording,” Baekhyun speaks up. “And yet you’re having Chen upload it anyway?”


“To as many sites as he can, which is a lot for him.”




“Because he’s an and a prick and I hate him.” They all look over when Kris is led through the courtyard by a teacher, the couch, and the principal; the man glaring at Sehun dangerously. “He's probably going to kick my later.” 


“Naaah, I’ll protect you,” Kai announces as he wraps his arms around Sehun’s neck and hugs him closer. It causes those damn butterflies to flutter inside him and make him subconsciously smile widely. 


“Lu, you’re practicing, right?” He asks, looking at the boy’s hands. He smiles when he sees some bruises. 


“I have, actually,” He says. “It’s helping me with my...anger. Um...are we still going shopping this weekend?”


“Yeah, of course,” Sehun smiles again. 


Kai raises a brow. “What? You two are going shopping?”


“Sure am!” Luhan says proudly as he stands. “I’ll see you guys later.”


Sehun watches his brother walk off, greeting Suho and the others as he leaves. He smiles a little and leans back against the jock behind him. “You two get along now, huh?” Kai asks.


Sehun shrugs. “Yeah, better than I expected. He’s kind of cool when he’s not dolled up and followed by fanboys and girls,” he says. “Plus, it works. He likes shopping, and I don’t. So if I need clothes, he’s more than happy to help. And who knew Luhan has a good punching arm!”


Baekhyun laughs at that and shakes his head. “I have to go call Chanyeol before class starts. See you, love birds.”


Kai gives him a nod, while Sehun just lazily waves. He feels content here. Warm with the sun hitting him. He lets out a sigh and closes his eyes. “Let’s go somewhere after school,” the jock whispers. “Maybe...the beach?”


“The beach?” He smiles when he remembers their last visit to the shore. “I don’t know. I might have an important date with an -kicking.”


“Aww, come on,” He laughs, pulling him closer. “Stand him up.”


Sehun laughs as well. “Yeah, okay. Let’s go then.”


The calm, rushing waves soothe Sehun, helping relieve him of the stress from earlier in the day. They had been trouble makers and ended up ditching last period; just in case Kris was waiting. Sehun has no idea what’s going to happen to him or his father but he doesn’t care anymore. Kai sits beside him closely, their legs clumsily but comfortably overlapping one another. Their hands intertwined together, rubbing each other's fingers. “I still can’t believe all of this started the way it did,” Kai finally speaks up.


“What do you mean?”


“I mean,” The jock chuckles. “I had to work hard to convince you that liking you wasn’t a joke. And yet here we are, one this beach. Not to mention...Luhan. He’s not wearing makeup or jewelry anymore. He completely refurbished his room, and he’s even into boxing now.”


“Do you think he imagines Kris’ face?” Sehun jokes, erupting laughter from his boyfriend.


“Probably, why shouldn’t he? I would too, to be honest,” he shrugs. “Hey, I might go punching a bag later.”


“Can I watch?” Sehun grins. “You’re going to do it shirtless, right?”


Kai raises a brow, “Excuse me, when did you get so ?”


“I’ve always been kind of , to be honest. I just never had a boyfriend to show it to,” he shrugs, staring off into the ocean. He glances at Kai, briefly smirking when he catches his eye. “Until now.” He seriously wants a photo of the jock’s expression. 




Sehun hums as he pulls his leg and hands back before swiftly straddling Kai’s lap and grabbing his shoulders. He raises an eyebrow briefly at the pink glow now on the jock’s cheeks. “What?” he looks around. “No one is here and they won’t be until...hmm, maybe two hours,” he says. “Everyone either in class, at work…”


“W-well, I-”


“Figured I’m shy?”


“Honestly, yes.”


“I’m not,” Sehun says. He bites his lip and shrugs. “Hey, I’ll get off if you’re uncomfortable.” he jumps a little when hands grab his hips. 


“No, y-you’’re fine, right here.”




Kai blushes, biting his inner lip as he seems to think. “Do you...are you…” He clears his throat. “Are you a…”


“A ?” Sehun asks, sighing when his boyfriend nods. “No, sadly. I was a dumb and had with a boy I thought I liked. It turns out it was a huge ing prank,” He pauses. “Come to think of it… Baekhyun thinks I’m a .”




“You’ve never, though, right?”


“Yes…” Kai mumbles, looking sheepish. Sehun bites his lip and looks around.


“Do you...want to go somewhere else?” He asks in a whisper. “Or?”


The jock laughs nervously. “What...about my car?”


Sehun stares at his car for a moment before nodding and quickly getting up. “We should stop by my house first.” He grins as he grabs Kai’s hand, pulling and practically dragging him through the sand; getting a bit giddy. He’s not sure where this all came from all of a sudden but he knows he wants to. Kai laughs as they practically stumble into his backseat, slamming the door shut behind them. The boy pulls the jock on top of him, letting him hover above. When Kai leans down to kiss him, Sehun puts a hand up. “Wait!”


“What? What’s wrong?”


“ have anything we can use know, lubrication.”


“Lubrication? For what?”


“Wow…” Sehun snorts. “So, you know, it won’t hurt as bad…”


“Um…” Kai coughs and sits up, looking around. He reaches into his glove box, searching around for something, anything. The boy laughs a little as he pulls out a bottle of aloe vera. 


“That’ll work. But, why do you keep aloe vera in your car?”


“As an athlete, I'm out in the sun a lot, so I get a lot of sunburns.”


Sehun just smiles, grabbing the jar and setting it on the car floor. He then grabs the back of Kai’s neck and pulls him into a hard kiss. The other seems momentarily surprised but quickly becomes more focused on their kissing; fast, passionate, and in all honesty, so much messier than the rest of them. Kai seems to quickly catch on. Using his free hand to quickly Sehun’s uniform shirt and push up into it; feeling his smooth, pale skin. He groans against his lips when his hips are pressed into. When they separate, the boy laughs breathlessly. “ you know what to do?”


“I don’t know -instinct? I uhh...I’m winging it.”


“Keep...Keep doing that,” He gasps, grabbing the collar of his uniform and pulling him close again. He eagerly begins to unbuckle Kai’s pants as they kiss more feverishly this time. 


“Do you want...the ac on?”


“No,” Sehun huffs. 


“But um...won’t it get too warm and...sweaty?”


Sehun a brow. “I kind of have...a thing for sweaty guys.”




“Hey, stop kink-shaming, and make out with me.”


Kai laughs and shakes his head. He allows his pants to be pushed down, doing the same to the boy below him. He tries not to seem too eager and he’s not sure why he is. But the way Kai kisses his neck, jaw, side of his lips, makes him giddy, warm. Excited. So excited, his pants become a little tighter before they’re slid off his long legs. And when he glances down, he can tell his partner is too. Sehun slips his hand into Kai’s shorts and grips him; causing the man to let out a small gasp. He grins into this kiss as he slowly and sensually him. He watches the look of pleasure wash over Kai’s face as he moans, his gorgeous, plump lips parted; his hair already tousled and his cheeks flushed. The look alone is enough for him to speed up but he forces himself to stop. Pulling his hand out, he waits for Kai to remove his bottoms. Sehun lifts his hips eagerly and strips them off. Biting his lip, he spreads his legs. 


Kai stares at him for a moment before glancing down. Swallowing hard, he nods and sits back. He grabs the jar of Aloe Vera, dipping into the gel; scoping some on his index finger. When he looks unsure, Sehun gently touches his other hand and gives him a smile and a nod. The boy grabs Kai’s hoodie, bundling it up to use as a pillow. He shuts his eyes when a cold finger presses into him; hesitantly and unsure. But when Sehun gently moans and pushes down onto them, it becomes more confident. He gradually begins to go faster and faster, slowly turning him into a groaning, whimpering mess. What gets him is when a second finger is added. ing, pushing. As if that wasn’t enough, Kai uses his other hand to grip him tightly and begins to him quickly. It’s messy but god, it makes his toes curl tightly. 


“J-Jongin, I-If you keep this up, I...I’ll…” The next words out of his lips are jumbled nonsense before he lets out a practically loud scream, bucking his hips up as intense heat and pleasure overwhelm him. Substance sticks to his flat stomach and his legs shake. He raises his head, staring up at Kai with half-lidded eyes. He slowly grins and lets out a sigh. “, Jongin.”


Kai laughs weakly as he slowly pulls his fingers out and cleans them off with some wipes. He pushes his sweaty hair back. “God, that…”


“If you can do that..with your hands,” Sehun pants. “What the hell can you do...w-with…”


“Let’s...find out,” Kai hums before leaning down and kissing him again. He feels a little light heated from this heat and the way he’s being kissed. He roams around Kai with his hand’s feeling his abs and tan skin. When he feels himself being pressed into, he grabs his boyfriend’s shoulders tightly and lets out a shaky breath. It hurts. Of course, it does. He grabs onto Kai’s forearms tightly, cringing and biting his lip hard. But to his surprise, it disappears so much faster than his first time. And when ing begins, his breathing gets much heavier. His foot accident kicks the roof when his boyfriend pushes his hips forward, pushing all the way in. 


“O-ohh,” He whimpers and grabs the roof handle. His head falls back when Kai grips the boy’s legs, pushing them up further. It’s hard to believe this man is actually a . Especially when he starts to slam and into him. He swears he sees stars. Eager to feel him more, Sehun wraps his arms around his waist and pulls himself closer; erupting moans from his partner. 


“God, Sehun,” He pants. Both glance over when Sehun’s phone rings. He groans, putting a hand to stop him. 


“J-Jongin, it’s...It’s my mom. I HAVE to answer it…”


Kai just shrugs, motioning for him to do so. Sehun leans over, catching his breath before he speaks. “H-hello?”


“Hello, Sehun. Are...are you okay?” His mother asks. “You sound out of breath and tired.”


“I...I’m just,” He slaps his hand over his mouth to muffle a moan when Kai begins to again. He glares up at the man. “J-just tired and...I don't feel too- oh god!”


“S-sehun? What is it?”


“Nothing!” He grabs onto the driver seat headrest tightly as Kai continuously slams into him. “I...I had to leave early, school,” He breaths. “F-feeling...feeling... I’m feeling really warm.”


“Oh, honey! Where are you? Are you resting?”


“Ohhhh,” He groans. “N-no, mom. I’m...I’m fine. I’m just resting in Kai’”


“Good, good,” His mother sighs. “I’ll let you rest then, dear.”


“O-okay,” He whispers. “B-bye,” After hanging up the phone, he grunts. “Jongin, what the hell?!”


“Sorry, I just...couldn't help myself,” He murmurs, leaning down and once against connecting their lips. Sehun moans into it at the sudden movements, pushing their bodies to pick up where they left off; faster and harder than before. Their tongues explore each other, sloppy, heavy, and hungry. Sehun hasn’t ever felt like this before. The way his heart beats fast and his stomach gets tingly. Kai pulses inside of him, growing hotter by the minute. The windows fog up and their skin is coated with a thin layer of sweat, causing their hair to stick. Jongin, I...I can’t, I can’t-”


“I know,” Kai pants against him, slowly the boy’s lower lip. He wraps his arms and legs tightly around his lover, feeling all of him clench. He’s pulled into Kai’s lap, seeming to have an easier time pumping into him now. He grabs both of the handles, using it to help bounce him rapidly. With a final particularly angled, hard , Kai curses as he erupts and releases inside him. “F-!” He stutters, gripping pale thighs tightly. His legs clench around his boyfriend, both shivering, shaking, and tremble as they both ride out their newfound pleasures.


When they do finally calm down, Sehun slowly pulls himself out and falls to the side, ignoring when his head hits the window slightly. He laughs breathlessly. “Oh...oh my god. Holy , Jongin.”


“You uh...took the words right outta my mouth,” he chuckles. “That was…”


“ing perfect,” Sehun admits. “My first time...was NOT like that.”


“Well...That...WAS my first time,” Kai shrugs.


Sehun shakes his head. “First time and you’re that awesome,” He snorts. “Imagine you when you get more experience.”


“Yeah?” He smirks, gently kissing his cheek. “You’ll help me with that?”


“Duh,” He huffs and begins to look for his underwear and pants. He plays soccer and sometimes jogs. But he has never been this worn out.


So I wrote a scene. Will I ever get good at them you ask? Well...

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Chapter 19: This is, what, the seventh story I'm reading from you? In like two days, or three, maybe more, I mean, I'm on a sekai spree. I don't comment that often, but I truly enjoy your writings. This as well, thanks for sharing it~
Chapter 7: Okay I am reading your stories, but this time strting with a completed story. /Waiting for new chapters is hella hard for me/. I love this story a lot already!
I relate with Sehun a lot. Nearly 0 friends and others waiting for me to get some, but I am not that lucky girl to get Kai for my date ahahahahha. I felt sorry everytime Sehun was insecure about himself and feared people might make fun of him. He just doesn't deserve it.
Kai is such a sweetheart! Sehun deserves everything and more and thanks to Kai he is getting it! It makes me so happy everytime Kai makes Sehun happy and shows him a step on to live his life perfectly!
Luhan embarrassed himself so much when he asked about Kai dating Sehun. I love how Kai smacked his face with only words, but I think Luhan's jealousy is kind of ripping his soul. He seems to want attention from everyone. I don't really have a feeling like he would want to make Sehun's life miserable with not having any attention. It feelis like he has got his popularity by accident. However I can't say Luhan is cool. I still don't like how he pushed Sehun into a shadow!
It's fun how everyone thinks Kai is dating Sehun as a prank or a joke. If I were Kai I would get annoyed after the first comment like that, but Kai seems to deal with it pretty well. It shows that he is really honest and into dating!

Hope to see more completed stories, becuase this will be the only time I will start reading others (don't wanna push though). Your stories never disappoint, so I just can't stop reading! I will soon run out if I keep reading so fast ahahahha~
I loved My Last Hope, Inside The Dark, Cold Eyes and Red Sky (but where are updates?), so this one is slowly writing itself on the list :)
Take care author, you are doing a great work! Have a nice day (not just today, but also in future hehe)<3!
189 streak #3
Chapter 19: refreshing...was happy the focus leaned toward the positive aspects of "bullying" rather than concentrating on all the negativity! on to another of your stories!
Pxnellyxq #4
Chapter 11: omfg I love them talking
FoxRock #5
Your story is sooo cute, I love all the fluff ?
I loved the revenge on Kris ?
Chapter 18: Thank you for this amazing story!! It was so nice to read about Sehun and Kai together being so sweet and loving!! Luhan being a better person was such a plus too!! The revenge they pulled on jackass kris was just the cherry on top!! It was really sweet ending too with Sekai confessing their love and with their future together ❤
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 18: over? really????
nooooooooooooo ;_;
they were to cute and so y and smartass like
Chapter 18: Oh my goodness what a lovely story!!!! I'm glad Jongin was persistent and used them kicked puppy eyes to convince Sehun to give him a chance. Aaaah so lovely ♡
cycynyny #9
Chapter 18: Im so glad i found this lovely story, >_<