Meeting Friends

The Uncool Kid



Sehun usually doesn’t like it when people pay for things but he’ll never say no to sweets. Kai must have known that. Because Sehun happily clings to the chocolate ice cream cone the jock had bought him as they walk around. 


“How about…” Kai hums. “I take you skiing?”


“How is that gonna prove anything?” Sehun asks with a laugh. 


“That I’m good at it?” He smiles sheepishly and it causes Sehun to shake his head. “Next? How about-”


“Kai, look,” Sehun puts a hand up to stop him. “You don’t...need all this stuff to prove you actually like me,” He points out. “Honestly, this is good. I wanted to get outta the house for a bit anyway.”


Kai nods as they briskly walk side by side, ignoring everyone else that passes them by. He’s usually spending his weekends with Baekhyun and Chanyeol; practicing soccer or just hanging around and acting like dumb teens. “I noticed you were kind of antsy and irritated; everything alright?”


“Honestly?” Sehun sighs. “I had a bit of a fight with Luhan,” He admits. “Kai, I have to know...did you tell anyone you asked me out?”


“No, not really; just Taemin,” Kai admits as he throws away his empty wrapper and napkin. “I figured you’d rather keep it on the down-low.”


He smiles a little. “Well, Luhan told pretty much everyone,” He sighs. “ mad at him and kinda snapped. Especially after some...s harassed Baek and me.”


“What’d they say?”


Sehun shrugs. “Oh, the usual,” He huffs and tosses his own wrapper. He’s too embarrassed to ask to return to that ice cream place. “I told you about how they said you asking me out was because of a bet. And then they decided to call Baekhyun’s mom a .”


Kai stops and looks at him with a surprised expression. “What?!”


“Yeah,  it was ing awesome,” He says sarcastically. “They even made him cry; it pissed me and...” He trails off. He sighs and rubs his head. “I’m...sorry. I shouldn’t talk like that around you.”


The jock shrugs. “Why? You’re just speaking your mind. And I’d be pretty pissed off too if someone said that about my friend,” He admits. “I don’t really give out -kickings but I know a guy who would if you’re interested.”


That made Sehun laugh. “Are you talking about Chen?”


“You know about him?”


“Who doesn’t? He kicked some dudes in the middle of class for -talking Xiumin,” He explains. “He got suspended and everything. I was in the back of the class when it happened.”


“So you saw everything.”


“Yeah. That guy had it coming if you ask me,” Sehun admits. “All the stuff he said about Xiumin…”


“Some people lied and said Chen just freaked out on the guy from nowhere,” Kai looks over. “You want any more ice cream?”


“No,” Sehun lies sheepishly. “If you want, maybe you could show me that fried chicken place?” He smiles when Kai’s eyes light up.


“Are you sure?”


“Sure,” Sehun laughs. “I offered, right?”


Kai perks up and nods enthusiastically. “The place is nearby!”  He says excitedly, like a child in a toy store. He grabs Sehun’s hand and eagerly pulls him across the street. “They have awesome milkshakes too! They give you a whole extra cup, so when you run out you can just refill it yourself. “  Sehun’s starting to get a strong sense that this guy loves his food. He doesn't know why but something pushes him to step closer and slowly grab onto his arm; hugging it as he leads the way. Kai continues to talk, either not seeming to mind or not noticing. It feels nice being so close to someone. He’s close with Baekhyun, true. But it’s different. He might not trust him completely but it’s hard. Especially when he can smell him so clearly this close. “Two, please,” Kai says to the waitress, as soon as they enter. Sehun looks around when they’re lead into a small, seemingly personal room. It’s big enough to have some moving room but it’s mostly a booth able to seat a few people. 


“Wow, they give people personal rooms?!” Sehun asks in astonishment.


“Well, no,” Kai laughs, suddenly looking sheepish. “Look, this is embarrassing...I come here a lot…”


Sehun slowly grins. “No,” He says in disbelief. “You come here so much, they-”


“Give me a personal booth,” He groans. “Listen, my parents helped too! It wasn’t just me!”


“It’s nice to see you, Jongin,” the waitress greets. “I’m sorry, I meant Kai!” She quickly bows after handing them the menus and leaving.


“They know your real name?!” 


“Stop laughing!” Kai groans as he covers his face in embarrassment. Sehun tries hard to stop but it keeps coming up as uncontrollable giggles; even as he slides into the seat and looks over the beverages.


“I’m sorry!” Sehun bites his lip. “It’s just...really cute, I guess.”


Kai’s cheek redden. “C-cute?”


“Everyone at school considers you all mysterious and no one knows your real name,” He explains. “But then I come here and the people that serves you fried chicken knows it. Isn’t that a little funny?”


The jock sits opposite of him and smiles. “Well, yeah. I can see how that’d be ironic.”


“I swear I’m not laughing at you, Jongin,” Sehun reassures, more soft laughs coming out.


 Kai raises a brow at him. “Jongin?”


“Oh...Sorry, I didn’t mean…” He frowns. “I accidentally called you that...”


“No,” He clears his throat. “I don’t usually like it when people call me that.”


“I’m sorry.”


Kai goes quiet for a moment. “You could...if you want.”


“I could...what?”


The jock mumbles as he fiddles with his menu. “Call me Jongin,” He mutters. “But only when we’re alone...or with my friends.”


“Why?” He asks slowly


“I don’t know. It...sounds nice, coming from you.”


Sehun stares at him for a moment before smiling. “Alright...Jongin.” They give each other mutually shy smiles before the jock orders for the two of them.


“I hope you’re hungry,” Kai says. “I usually order a lot. But after this, I’ll bet you’ll never wanna eat anywhere else!”


“We’ll see,” Sehun shakes his head in amusement. “We’ll see.”


Sehun hops off as soon as Kai parks, pulling the helmet back off. “Thanks, Jongin; I appreciate the distraction. And, I’ll admit,” Sehun sighs. “That WAS pretty good.”


“I told you,” Kai says triumphantly. “Best fried chicken ever.”


“I guess their milkshakes are pretty awesome too.”


“The best,” Kai repeats. 


Sehun sighs as they stop by his motorcycle. “Thanks, Jongin,” He says. “I really...I had fun.”


“No problem,” The jock says as he grabs one of the helmets. He slowly smirks. “Does that mean I get a third date?”


The boy’s cheeks heat up as he fiddles with his hoodie. “Maybe,” He mutters. “B-but I don’t trust you a hundred percent yet.”


“Hey, that’s fine,” Kai says. “I’m happy enough that you’re giving me a chance.”


“Yeah, yeah,” He mutters. He acts like it’s a big deal but he did have fun. He seems to always have fun around him. And he’s not sure why but that surprises him. Kai isn’t anything he expected him to be so far. Sehun always saw the guy as a tough, athletic guy who can’t be bothered with anyone that’s not popular. But instead, he turns out to be kind of a dork who loves food. He wonders if those girls would still like him if they knew. He stops and furrows his brows when he looks at his house. “Can...I ask you something?”


“Sure,” The jock shrugs. 


“Does Kris have a motorcycle?”


“Nah, Kris is weird about them. He always lectures me about how it’s dangerous,” he chuckles. 


“Does anyone else in your group have a bike?”


“Uh...Xiumin does,” Kai answers. “Why are you asking?”


Sehun glances at one of the windows, narrowing his eyes when he sees Luhan looking out at them. He swallows hard and turns his back toward him. “Nothing,” He smiles tightly. “I’m just curious.”


Kai smiles as well now and nods as he hops off his own bike too. “Here, I’ll walk you again.”


“Thanks,” He mutters shyly, hugging his coat closer to his body. When they approach the door, Sehun turns to face Kai. He gasps and jumps when a gentle kiss is suddenly placed on his cheek.


He grins sheepishly when he steps back. “I uh...should probably warn you first, huh?”


Sehun stares at him for a moment before slowly smiling. “No,” He clears his throat. “No, it’s okay. I-I don’t mind…”


“Cool,” Kai laugh a little. “I’ll uh...see you at school tomorrow. Hey, I was thinking…”




“Do you...wanna meet my friends?” He asks, seeming anxious.


“Your...your friends?” 


“Yeah,” Kai stuffs his hands in his pockets. “They’re pretty eager to meet you.”


Sehun leans against the door as he twirls his hoodie string between his fingers. “I don’t see why…”


“Well, they see me hanging around you a lot. They’re pretty curious, you know? Especially Taemin.”


If Kai was going to reveal that all of this has been some huge joke, meeting his friends would be the time. All of them ready with cameras, laughing as he is humiliated. He swallows hard at that, his stomach drops, and he can feel himself getting more anxious. He doesn’t know why but something inside him says okay. 


“Okay?” Kai grins.


Sehun sighs and nods. “Yeah, okay.I-I’ll meet your friends.”


“Great!” He gives Sehun’s arm a gentle squeeze before heading toward his bike. “You can bring Baekhyun if you want!” He watches as the jock gives him a wink before his handsome face disappears under a helmet and he drives away. He lets out a long sigh as pushes inside and drag himself up the stairs. He knows this is it. He just knows it. He frowns when he passes his bedroom window, stopping to look out. Just as before, he watches as Luhan sneaks across the lawn and onto the back of a motorcycle. He frowns as he watches them drive off together. Who the hell is that and what is Luhan doing? He stares for a moment before deciding it’s not any of his business. He has more important things to worry about anyway. 


Sehun can’t help but glance over at Luhan every so often in the morning. From the moment he sees his stepbrother when he steps out of his own room and even when he spots him at school. He tries not to but he can’t help and think about it. Not many people at school have motorcycles. In fact, only two; Kai and Xiumin. Sehun stops and stares at the of the bikes. As he expected, the one Luhan got on is right beside Kai’s. It must belong to Xiumin. He bites his lip as he stares at it. He quickly shakes his head and hurries inside; he can’t get involved in this. It’s between Kris, Luhan, and probably Xiumin. He makes his way past the lockers and towards the large courtyard; where Kai texted him that his group of friends would be. “Sehun, hey!” Kai waves from nearby. He grins widely as he sits with his group of friends. He swallows hard. This is it. Time to get humiliated. 


Forcing himself to be confident, he pushes forward toward the group; trying to ignore his shaking legs. He fumbles his way over to the intimidating group of boys and smiles sheepishly. “Um...hello,” He mutters. 


“Hey, come on,” Kai laughs as he puts a hand on Sehun’s back and pulls him forward. “No need to be shy; let me introduce you to everyone.” He first points to a man sitting on a bench, now closing a book and setting it down. “That’s Suho,” The jock introduces, his friend giving a smile and a wave. “Chen, Xiumin, D.O,” He pauses and looks around. “Kris is usually here but I guess he’s not; you kinda met him anyway, right?”


“Kind of,” Sehun laughs a bit. “I mean, Luhan wants to bring him over for dinner during winter vacation.”


“That shouldn’t be awkward at all,” Suho chuckles as he stands. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Sehun. Kai told us a lot about you.”


“Really?” He asks skeptically, glancing around; looking for cameras. Looking for anyone laughing. But he doesn’t see anything. The only thing he sees is students going about their business and just chatting. 


“Oh yes,” D.O says. “Only good things, of course. He always talks about how sweet and funny you are.”


“I don’t know if being constantly distrustful of your date is sweet OR funny.”


“It’s really nice to meet you, Sehun,” Xiumin grins, leaning over and shaking his hand. “Luhan doesn’t talk about you much.”


Sehun forces a smile. “Why would he? Um, it’s nice to meet you guys too,” he mutters, letting Kai lead him over to one of the benches and sit beside him. He jumps a bit when Chen quickly approaches him; definitely one of the most intimidating of all the boys. After all, he did beat the out of some guys for saying bad things about his boyfriend. 


“Sehun, bro,” Chen pats his shoulder. “Did you hear about the party going on tonight?”


“Um…” Sehun furrows his brows. “Kind of. Kris is throwing it, right?” When the jock nods his head enthusiastically, the athlete shrugs. “I don’t know about that. I don’t parties.”


“Have you ever...BEEN to one?” Suho asks.


Sehun stares at him for a moment before shifting around uncomfortably. “I...never, I mean…”


Kai grins. “You never went to one before?”


“No, I have,” He sighs. “Once but I left early to study.”


Chen scoffs. “Look, studying is important but so is having fun! Come to the party tonight,” He offers. “You can come as Kai’s date or something.”


Sehun blushes at that and glances at him. Kai nods in agreement. “Bring Baekhyun too, if you want.”


“I’ll invite him, I guess,” He says. “But I’m pretty sure he won’t want to go…”


“Oh? Does he hate parties?” D.O asks.


“I don’t know,” Sehun admits. “I guess I’ll ask…”


“That’s the spirit!” Xiumin giggles. “Kai can pick you up tonight, right?”


“Right,” Kai nods quickly; seemingly excited. “But no pressure, alright? If you don’t want to go, you don’t have to.”


Sehun glances around nervously. He doesn't go to parties because of his last experience. But maybe this time will be different. “Fine but the moment I get uncomfortable-”


“I’ll drive you home, no questions asked.”


Sehun stares at Kai before slowly nodding. “Alright but I’m holding you to that...”


“That’s fair.”


After glancing at the time, he sighs. “I have to go find Baekhyun for practice. It, nice meeting all of you,” he says.


Kai smiles. “Thanks, Sehun. See you later, alright?”


“Right,” He mutters, keeping a close eye on them as he walks off. He’s not sure if he trusts any of them. Especially not Kai. He’s too smooth. He’s too nice. Regardless, maybe this stupid party will help his reputation. He’ll go along with it. For now. 

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Chapter 19: This is, what, the seventh story I'm reading from you? In like two days, or three, maybe more, I mean, I'm on a sekai spree. I don't comment that often, but I truly enjoy your writings. This as well, thanks for sharing it~
Chapter 7: Okay I am reading your stories, but this time strting with a completed story. /Waiting for new chapters is hella hard for me/. I love this story a lot already!
I relate with Sehun a lot. Nearly 0 friends and others waiting for me to get some, but I am not that lucky girl to get Kai for my date ahahahahha. I felt sorry everytime Sehun was insecure about himself and feared people might make fun of him. He just doesn't deserve it.
Kai is such a sweetheart! Sehun deserves everything and more and thanks to Kai he is getting it! It makes me so happy everytime Kai makes Sehun happy and shows him a step on to live his life perfectly!
Luhan embarrassed himself so much when he asked about Kai dating Sehun. I love how Kai smacked his face with only words, but I think Luhan's jealousy is kind of ripping his soul. He seems to want attention from everyone. I don't really have a feeling like he would want to make Sehun's life miserable with not having any attention. It feelis like he has got his popularity by accident. However I can't say Luhan is cool. I still don't like how he pushed Sehun into a shadow!
It's fun how everyone thinks Kai is dating Sehun as a prank or a joke. If I were Kai I would get annoyed after the first comment like that, but Kai seems to deal with it pretty well. It shows that he is really honest and into dating!

Hope to see more completed stories, becuase this will be the only time I will start reading others (don't wanna push though). Your stories never disappoint, so I just can't stop reading! I will soon run out if I keep reading so fast ahahahha~
I loved My Last Hope, Inside The Dark, Cold Eyes and Red Sky (but where are updates?), so this one is slowly writing itself on the list :)
Take care author, you are doing a great work! Have a nice day (not just today, but also in future hehe)<3!
194 streak #3
Chapter 19: refreshing...was happy the focus leaned toward the positive aspects of "bullying" rather than concentrating on all the negativity! on to another of your stories!
Pxnellyxq #4
Chapter 11: omfg I love them talking
FoxRock #5
Your story is sooo cute, I love all the fluff ?
I loved the revenge on Kris ?
Chapter 18: Thank you for this amazing story!! It was so nice to read about Sehun and Kai together being so sweet and loving!! Luhan being a better person was such a plus too!! The revenge they pulled on jackass kris was just the cherry on top!! It was really sweet ending too with Sekai confessing their love and with their future together ❤
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 18: over? really????
nooooooooooooo ;_;
they were to cute and so y and smartass like
Chapter 18: Oh my goodness what a lovely story!!!! I'm glad Jongin was persistent and used them kicked puppy eyes to convince Sehun to give him a chance. Aaaah so lovely ♡
cycynyny #9
Chapter 18: Im so glad i found this lovely story, >_<