
The Alliance.
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Glancing at both ends and making sure the corridor was empty, Joo-hyun pulled the hood of her cloak over her head as she made her way out of the Royal wing and headed for the knights quarters. She lifted her body off the ground with a little magic, in order not to make any sound. It was one of those times she allowed herself to use her magic, with no one's eyes there to judge her. Arriving at Seulgi's room, Joo-hyun slowly lowered her feet to the floor and gave the door a few knocks before twisting the handle. She was being dragged into the room and a pair of lips met hers in an instant. She smiled and brought a hand to cradle Seulgi's head as she return the kiss with much passion. She'd been doing this for quite a while now, Joo-hyun would sneak into her lovers room at night to have some time alone and would leave before the first light. It was the best they could come up with. With Sehun being away and the focus of the court had her, the princess had to be careful on the things she did and when to meet her lover. Joo-hyun still couldn't believe the two of them were together, she could remember, a few weeks back when she mustered the courage to confess her feelings and was surprised at same time glad when Seulgi told her she felt the same way but was too scared and reluctant to approach the princess. It had been hard, learning to keep away from each other during the day and sometimes not even every night they got to be together but eventually they learned to make it work with the little time they had. The one person that knew about their secret relationship was Yifan. He was the only brother she had left in absence of Sehun and when she told him, Yifan like expected had been supportive of their relationship and he was the one that came up with a way for Joo-hyun to meet Seulgi during the night, when everyone else was asleep. He had promised to stay in the princess's bed every time she wished to go be with her lover, in case someone came in only to find the bed empty. They both knew it would be scandalous for the princess to not be seen in her bedchambers at night. They kissed until they're both out of breath and Seulgi slightly pulled away to rest her forehead against Joo-hyun's. She wrapped her arms around the princess' middle, dropping a kiss to her forehead that was full of adoration and love. "I missed you" she breathed out, nosing her way along Joo-hyun's jaw. "I missed you too." Joo-hyun said pulling her in for another breathtaking kiss. "I came to tell you something." She whispered against Seulgi's lips. Nodding, Seulgi gave her a smile and gently pushed her to sit on the bed before she straddled her, settling comfortably in her lap."Is everything alright my love?" She asked, using a hand to affectionately run it through Joo-hyun's hair. Joo-hyun lowered her head and Seulgi place a hand on her chin to make her look up."What is it?" Seulgi asked again. Resting a hand on Seulgi's arm, Joo-hyun gently caressed the visible runes on her skin.
"I received a missive from Sehun." "By the Angel! What happened this time?" "Nothing yet, but if I don't do anything soon, I think something bad is going to happen to him. I am taking a journey secretly to Enchancia." "I am coming with you. I cannot afford to let you go to Enchancia on your own." Seulgi instantly said and Joo-hyun wasn't surprise. She had expected her lover to say something like that. With what she knew was a fond smile on her face, Joo-hyun shook her head as she continued to Seulgi's arm. "Yifan is coming with me– I do not wish to attract attention. Father is not well, mother is managing the court for now, the nobles are going crazy. We need Sehun, I have to bring him home." Seulgi watched her for a long moment as though analysing what was on her mind before she spoke. "Don't you think what we need is a queen?" She said. Joo-hyun knitted her brows. "I do not understand. We already have a queen."  "You, we need you Joo-hyun. This Kingdom needs you." "No" Joo-hyun shook her head firmly. "You know I do not wish to have the throne for myself. It is Sehun's birthright– this is wrong." "Sometimes what we think is wrong can turn out to be the right thing. You're strong, the strongest woman I've ever seen and you'll make a wonderful queen–" Joo-hyun slowly pushed Seulgi off her lap as she stood up and began pacing the room. "Seulgi we've talked about this– I cannot do this to Sehun." "This isn't about your brother, this is about the nation– someone needs to stand up and take the reins" Joo-hyun stopped and furiously turned to face Seulgi."And that someone isn't me, it shouldn't be me, it should be my brother. I cannot let him rot in that hell, you have no idea how much he'd suffer in the hands of our enemy. I am going to Enchancia and bring him home. This is my promise." She continued to pace for a moment before turning to face Seulgi once again." How could you even be like this?" She asked and Seulgi furrowed her brows. "Like what?" "You're Sehun's knight, you should be loyal to him not try to dethrone him. He is your friend, he had been since you both were babies." "You think I do not care about Sehun? I love him as a brother. He's a man I will die defending. This isn't about loyalty Joo-hyun. I am sorry if you think I am doing this for some sort of inferior motives. I only wanted you to be queen because I know you can do it, you can stop this craziness the nobles are into.  Sehun is not here but you are." "Do you know why father is still breathing?" Joo-hyun asked but she didn't wait for Seulgi to respond as she continued. "Because he is waiting for Sehun to come make things right–" "What if Sehun can't?" "What do you mean can't?" "What if he can't get out of Enchancia, what if you going to rescue him is a suicide mission? Do you wish to let Ilda without a potential ruler?" "No, no" she shook her head once again. "It isn't, i have plans to get Sehun out– he had asked us to come save him before the spring festival and I am not leaving him there."  Seulgi ran her fingers through her hair and let out a deep breath. "Alright" she nodded. "If this is what you really want to do" "It is" "Then I will stand by you. Always." Seulgi said those words meeting Joo-hyun's eyes. And the princess knew she meant what she said. Letting out a deep breath of her own, Joo-hyun moved closer to her lover and pulled her into her arms. "Thank you" she buried her face into the crook of Seulgi's neck. "I do not want to argue anymore." She whispered. "I want something else."  "Tell me what you want my love. And it's yours." "You" Joo-hyun breathed out. "Then have me" Seulgi said pulling slightly only to kiss the princess once again. A smile curved on Joo-hyun's lips, her mind already swirling around all the naughty things she planned to do with her lover. By the Angel, she loved this woman to the moon and back. "I am going to marry you someday." The words left before she could stop them. The look Seulgi gave her however made a shiver ran down her spine. "Then I will wait patiently for that day to come."
Sehun leaned his head against Blink's as he cupped her face with his palms, the hot air she breathed out against his face was oddly comforting. She was bigger, now her head was so much bigger than Sehun's and even taller than him when laying down and stretched her tail. She was a least the size of a horse. She rumbled happily and nuzzled his palms, her scales now harder than they've been. There was no way they could keep her in the palace without someone seeing her with how big she'd grown. It was difficult the first couple of weeks that Sehun spent without Blink's presence in their bed chambers but now Sehun had grown accustomed to the feeling and was happy to come see her each day other than having her around constantly and putting her at risk. Kai was the one that found this cave, it was big but not as big as the one Arkan lived in, but it would be enough for her to move freely even when she become as big as her father. And the location wasn't very much far from the capital, but far enough for Blink to be safe. And to make sure she stayed safe, Kai and Jimin had put a protection spell around the cave and its premises. Closing his eyes, Sehun took a deep breath as his mind wandered back to that smile Junmyeon had given him and it made a cold shiver ran down his spine. Whatever the prince was planning wasn't good and for once Sehun wished he had special ability like Jimin's, so he could be able to see through Junmyeon's head.  A hand on his back made him look down to see Kai standing behind him. He looked smaller standing next to Blink and Sehun found himself smiling at how cute the dwarf was. "Why are you smiling?" Kai asked and he too smiled, despite not knowing what amazed Sehun. "Nothing" he quickly said, it wasn't something he could say to Kai. Not yet or probably never. "You should uhm hurry, the Mins will arrive any moment and I don't want to miss it even though I hated being around them, Yoongi reminds me of that day" Sehun needed not to ask to know what day Kai meant. "You really think Yoongi did it?" "No" Kai shook his head and took a step closer, placing his hand on Blink's leg and started petting her. "I know he didn't, Yoongi is a good man and I am sure he was falsely accused. But seeing him, it's, it's–" he trailed off and Sehun nodded. "I understand!" Kai took a deep breath and Blink turned her head towards him, she looked at him for a moment then shook her body and flapped her wings. "She's going to fly" Sehun told him. Kai took a step back just as Blink took flight. They both watched as she flew around the cave, occasionally breathing out fire. Sehun looked down to see his husband grinning widely at the sight and he found himself smiling secretly. They spent a few more minutes for Sehun to feed his dragon and made sure she was soundly asleep before they left and headed back to the capital.
**** Looking down at himself, Jimin placed a hand on his rapidly growing belly. He couldn't still believe he was pregnant, if not for the now slightly showing bump. He couldn't believe he fell in love with a man that might never see him as something more other than a bedfellow. What had gotten into him? Jimin was no even before he had spent the nights with Jungkook, he had had his fair share of lovers but none had seemed important for Jimin to carry their child. And Jimin never slept with someone more than once. Why was Jungkook different? He was usually careful not to let any of them taint his insides with unwanted seeds, but when it came to Jungkook, Jimin didn't know who he was anymore. The Ildan knight had a away of bringing things out in him that Jimin never knew he had. He had allowed Jungkook to him and get him pregnant the very first time they had . He had allowed Jungkook to come back for more and Jimin had willingly offered himself even when had read Jungkook's thought and knew that the Ildan was in love with his prince not Jimin.  Now he would have to raise the child as his alone, and might probably never tell Jungkook about the baby. Jungkook might not want that with Jimin, because family wasn't a joke that one could have from a casual . Jungkook might not want that with Jimin and Jimin wouldn't hold it against him. The poor man had gone against his custom by bedding with Jimin. It was Jimin's choice to keep the baby not Jungkook's and he have to live with his decision. A knock on his door brought him out his thoughts, and it startled him. Sighing, Jimin stood up and went to get the door. His brother Chanyeol gave him a look that said he knew what Jimin was up to, the moment he opened the door. Jimin looked past Chanyeol, waiting for his friend to appear and Chanyeol groaned. "I came alone, it's not like I don't visit without Kai." True, Chanyeol did visit him on his own from time to time not only when he accompanied Kai, but seeing him alone still felt odd. "Where is he?" He demanded moving aside to make room for his brother to enter. "Gone to see Blink with his consort and Jennie." Nodding, Jimin closed the door before walking back inside the sitting room, hand placed protectively on his belly and the act didn't go unnoticed by his brother. Chanyeol quirked an eyebrow, eyes lingering on Jimin's belly for a moment before he spoke. "Still haven't told him?" Taking a seat, Jimin placed a pillow on his back to feel comfortable. "Yes, i haven't even told Kai yet." Chanyeol hummed. "When are you planning on telling him?" "Him who? Kai or Jungkook?" "I know you can't keep it much longer from Kai, I was asking about Jungkook" "I don't think I am going to tell him, he–" he trailed off, bottom lip trapped between his teeth. "He doesn't love me Chan and might probably not want the baby." " him for not wanting the baby, he impregnated you, he will have to take responsibility." Shaking his head, Jimin ran a hand through his silver locks. "I let him, I let him come inside me when it was something I haven't done before. It's not his fault... I could have terminated the pregnancy the moment i found out about it but I didn't. I made my decision so I am going to have to live with it." Chanyeol sighed softly, he took a hold of Jimin's spare hand. "Are you sure you want to keep it from him? I mean I know this is knew to him, getting a man pregnant wasn't something he thought was possible. But it has happened, the child is growing, you have to tell him one way or the other." Chanyeol squeezed his hand gently. "How do you intend to hide it when he comes for–" he cleared his throat and Jimim almost cooed at how cute his brother was with a faint blush tainting his cheeks. "More?" "He is not my husband nor hold any right over me, he does not have the right to take me whenever he feels like." "What if you wanted it too?" "I won't." "I've learned that pregnant people tend to get , what if –" "I will find a way to satisfy my needs. But I am not letting him touch me while I am pregnant." "You words not
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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
740 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!