
The Alliance.
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Jungkook watched with what he knew was a fond smile on his face, as Jimin fed their son some mashed food. He still couldn't believe even after those months that this was real, he was a father to his son, and a fiance to the love of his life. Love. The word used to be something alien to him, he never thought he would one day find himself being in love with someone that wasn't Sehun. He had harbored feelings for– had a crush on his prince– emperor for many years and now Jungkook was really glad he never made a move on Sehun, now that it had come to pass, the only man in his heart was Park Jimin and Jungkook was certain he would be the only one to occupy his heart forever. His relationship with Jimin had started as something physical and he only realized what he felt for his bedfellow after leaving Enchancia and spend those months without him. Jimin had given him the best gift he never knew was possible. Jungkook had long made a decision to keep away from the matters of the heart after he realized he had lost Sehun to someone else. He had promised himself to only be a knight and live up to his name, but that was before Jimin found a way to sneak into his heart. Now, living under one roof, with their son and soon to be wed, it was everything he had ever wanted. His smile widened the moment his son crawled out of Jimin's lap and headed towards him. Stretching both hands, Jungkook picked up a giggling Scott and placed him on his thigh, he kissed his son's check before glancing at Jimin. His breath got caught in his throat at the sight of his fiance bending over to clean the mess Scott had made, nicely presenting that mouthwatering backside to Jungkook. He continued to stare without so much as blinking, his mind playing several bedroom scenarios, until Jimin brought him out of his reverie. "Stop with those dirty thoughts Kook, while holding our son." Jimin scolded, turning to give him a fierce look. Damn! For a moment Jungkook had forgotten his fiance was telepathic. Not that Jungkook have anything to hide from his husband to-be, but it could be alarming at times. "I told you Scott is a telepath as well, he's just to little to understand most of our thoughts and respond to them." Jimin continued, standing and walking into the kitchen. "But when he grows, you'll have to keep those thoughts deeply." He could hear Jimin's smile. And Jungkook found himself smiling as well. "Yes love. I'll keep that in mind." He glanced at his son and the baby was staring intensely at him for a moment and then Scott burst into a series of giggles. "What's amusing you little man?" In response, Scott brought a chubby hand and slapped his father's crotch. "By the angel!" Jungkook's eyes widened.  "Oh Hecate!" Jimin laughed from the kitchen. "Why did he do that?" Jungkook asked, looking at his son warily. "You thought of your– you know." Jungkook understood that Jimin avoided saying his . "And he let you know he knows where it's located."  "Oh no, does he know what those thoughts actually–" "No, luckily he doesn't." Jimin said and Jungkook let out a sigh of relief. "I told you he doesn't understand most of our thoughts but he's a smart kid, all telepaths are. He only picked up on the C, because he knows he has it as well and uses it to pee." "Alright, that's good." Jungkook finally allowed himself to relax and he grinned at his son.  "I am visiting Joo-hyun later in the day." Jimin said, walking back into the living room as he took his seat next to them. "Oh, something important?" Jimin nodded. "Remember the spell I casted on her and Seulgi?" He asked and Jungkook hummed. "I think Joo-hyun is pregnant. She sent me a missive yesterday, saying she's been feeling strange lately and she needs me to check if it's what she thought." "Really?" Jungkook couldn't contain his happiness. He knew how much Joo-hyun wanted to have a child of her own and being married to a woman might make it impossible but in Enchancia, a woman could impregnate another woman and a few months back Jimin had given them some herbs and casted a spell with the help of Blink. "I am sure Joo-hyun must be really happy if it turns out she's with child." "She'll be." Jimin agreed with a smile. "I thought she'll end up making her wife pregnant, not the other way around. But well she has more Yin energy while Seulgi has more Yang, that explains it." He laughed and Jungkook joined him. "She's hell of a tough one." He leaned over, resting his head on Jungkook's shoulder with a sigh.  Jungkook didn't need to be a telepath to Know something was bordering his fiance. "Hey!" He called softly, adjusting Scott, that had now started to doze off. "What's wrong?" He almost panicked, a part of him telling him Jimin was having a second thought about their fastly approaching wedding. "No Jungkook, I am not and would never have a second thought about our wedding. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. You know that." Jimin lifted his head off Jungkook's shoulder to look him in the eye. "I am just thinking about my brother." "Chanyeol? Has something happen to him?" "No" Jimin shook his head. "Nothing has happen to him. I saw him in the Court yesterday and he was devastated." He rubbed his temple, another sigh escaping him. "When I told him about our wedding a couple of months ago, he was really happy and I read his mind, I saw how he wished we could get married on the same day, like to have a double wedding." "We can do that love, you know I won't have a problem." "That's not it, when I read his thoughts yesterday out of habit, I realized why he was sad." Jimin paused for a moment. "He had proposed to Baekhyun but Baekhyun said no." "No? I thought Baekhyun like him too?"
Jungkook had seen the way the red head had looked at Chanyeol on several occasions and he knew and was familiar with that look. "He does like my brother and I saw it in his eyes even though I couldn't read his thoughts. And I know it wasn't because my brother looks like his late husband but I don't know why he refused and it's driving me crazy to see my brother being sad." Jungkook nodded, he understood how Jimin must be feeling, even though he himself didn't have a sibling by blood but he have a lot of people that he considered his brothers and sisters. Like his fellow knights and Jungkook knew he would be sad if something like this were to happen to one of them.  "Is there nothing we could do to help them get together?" "No, we cannot do anything, I've seen it when I read Chanyeol's palms, they'll end up together but the question is when?" Jimin pinched the bridge of his nose.  "I am certain it won't take long." Something told him, he said those words not just to make his husband to-be feel better but it was the truth. Jimin must have felt it or sensed the sincerity in his words because he smiled and leaned to place a kiss on his lips. "I believe you." He whispered against Jungkook's lips. *****
Baekhyun was stood, glancing at the snow coating the ground, his hands holding the railings tightly. His mind was blank, choosing to keep everything out of his mind at the moment because it was all too much to take in. Letting out a sigh, he turned slightly when he felt his daughter coming to stand beside him. "Papa!"she called and Baekhyun hummed. "Are you okay?" A hand came to rest atop his. He smiled in spite of himself. "I will be." "What happened?" She asked. "Chanyeol asked me to marry him." He told her. "Yes!" The girl exclaimed. "No," "Yes" "No," "Why papa? He loves you and I know he must be heartbroken." "Poor thing, he'll recover."Baekhyun said in a voice that sounded even strange to his owns ears. He knew how much Chanyeol love him, the Enchancian had wore his feelings on his sleeves for Baekhyun to see, but he have his own reasons for rejecting Chanyeol. "Why are you being like this?" Bong-Cha let out in exasperation and she looked older than her age. Chewing on his lower lip, Baekhyun look up to the sky. "I can't do this." "Why not? I thought you like him too?" "I do like him Bong-Cha." And it was the truth, he surely have feelings for Chanyeol and he knew it wasn't because the man was his late husband's look alike but because Chanyeol had his own unique way in capturing Baekhyun's heart. "Then what's the problem?" This time her voice was soft albeit a bit confused. "I don't want Chanyeol to think I am agreeing to be with him just because he looks like your late father." "Oh" understanding showed on Bong-Cha's face. "I get how it is." She inched closer and took ahold of his hands.  "You do, don't you?"  She nodded. "Yes, but that doesn't mean I am going to let it be because I can assure you Chanyeol doesn't think so." "How can you tell?" He cast her a glance. "Remember the first day i had my first vision?" She asked, of course he remembered. "I haven't told you what i saw exactly." Her grip on his hands tightened. "The truth is, my first vision was about you two– you were married and happy. I was in it too, we all seemed to be happy as a family." A wide smile curved her lips. "I had a baby brother." She looked up at him, her eyes shining as she continued to tell her father about her vision. Baekhyun continued to stare at his daughter, unable to form words, his daughter had seen their future and he knew how accurate her visions could be, she had told them what would happen to Apollo but unfortunately they're too late to prevent it. Now he knew the goddesses wanted him to be happy once again and from this moment Baekhyun promised himself to do just that. He had worried unnecessarily, thinking Chanyeol wouldn't understand his actual feelings. Hearing his daughter, all those seemed irrelevant. "Okay" he took a deep breath, nodding at her. "I will say yes. Thank you for telling me about this." He pulled a hand free to caress her face. He wasn't even mad that she never told him until now, all that matters he knew something good was about to happen in his life. A wide smile appeared on her face. "Glad to hear you say that." She lifted his hand to her lips, kissing it softly before she continued. "Want to know what else I saw?" She asked and he instantly nodded. "I know who my future wife is." "You do?" He searched her face for any sign of mischief but all he saw was genuineness. "Yes, she's also Enchancian and uncle Sehun's niece." "Sehun's niece?" Baekhyun wondered, titling his head in thought. "Yes, princess Soo-Jung. I am going to marry the little princess in 12 years to come." "Goddesses above!" He felt like his heart was about to escape his ribcage. "This is wonderful news. I am so happy for you." He pulled his girl closer and kissed her forehead. "Though she doesn't know." "Of course she doesn't, she's just a kid." "I am already getting impatient, I want us to grow fast." Bong-Cha pouted. "I can't wait to make her mine." "Ohh" Baekhyun cooed. "You'll baby girl. But you have to be patient. Okay?" "Okay," she nodded. "And we're going to have two kids." Baekhyun's eyes lit up at the daughter of his future grandchildren. He opened his mouth and was about to speak but stopped when he heard footsteps. They both looked to the door and moments later, Chanyeol walked in. "Ah Bong-Cha, there you are, been looking all over for you." He said seemingly oblivious to Baekhyun being present as well. "Epona needs help–" he began only to stop when his eyes landed on Baekhyun. "Sorry i didn't realize you were here. I can see Bong-Cha later." He made for the exit in hurry and Baekhyun quickly pulled away from his daughter to stop him. "Wait Chanyeol." He called and the man paused, turning slightly to face him. Suddenly nervous, he glanced at his daughter and Bong-Cha gave him a firm nod.  "I uhm want to talk to you about something."He said averting his gaze from his daughter. "Oh" Chanyeol made a sound. "I am listening." "Alright. I will leave you two now." Bong-Cha had that wide grin on her face once again. "I will see you later Dada." She walked to the exit and Chanyeol ruffled her hair as she passed with a fond look on his face. They stood there fidgeting with their clothes awkwardly for a while until Baekhyun cleared his throat and began. "Chanyeol about the proposal–" "It's okay Baek, I am fine." The tall man quickly cut off.  "You sure you're fine?" A mechanic nod was the respons
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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
748 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!