
The Alliance.
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  That night, Sehun couldn't sleep, he walked to his sister's Chambers– tommorow he would be leaving and it might take a very long time before he see her again. He truly loved his sister more than anything in the world. Despite their relationship—Sehun being the first born, the late Queen's son and the heir to the throne while Joo-hyun was the daughter of a concubine, they'd become fast friends at young age and had remained close, despite all of the current Queen's attempts to separate them. Sehun knew he was fortunate, knew they were fortunate, but Joo-hyun tended to assume all siblings had the same relationship they did, and never could seem to understand that wasn't the case. He found her sitting on the bed and her face lit up the moment she saw him.Sehun moved closer and wordlessly pulled her in his arms. He nuzzled her neck, breathing in the familiar scent of his sister and family, because he wasn't sure how much longer he would have it. He would be leaving in the morning. While he had known it was coming, he desperately didn't want to leave his family right now, leaving behind the comforting company of his father and sister when he was getting married to someone he barely knew. Yifan would be escorting with him, but that was a small comfort at the moment. "I love you big brother" she said holding him closer. He swallowed past the lump in his throat a couple of times before he could speak. "Love you, too." The two stayed like that, not speaking, just holding each other. "I'll miss you, greatly," Sehun admitted. Joo-hyun squeezed him harder. "And i'll miss you." Her voice wavered slightly as she spoke. "So will mother, even if she'll never admit it." Sehun had a hard time believing that, but her words didn't stutter. Joo-hyun, at least, didn't think she was lying. He'd take the comfort, right now. Sehun sighed and stepped away, "Well, I am going to go sleep now. I'll see you in the morning." Joo-hyun gave a jerky nod and watched her brother leave, feeling even more inexplicably alone when he went back to his bed Chambers.
The morning after the banquet, Sehun met with his knights in the throne room.He had awoken anxiously early, his nerves alight with restless energy. “Big brother, do stop pacing. You are quite ruining the mood.” Sehun glared at Joo-hyun, who was carelessly lounging on her mother’s throne. “I’m glad one of us is feeling content, Irene." he muttered. She looked like a queen already in her deep green and gold velvet dress; adorned with gemstone necklace and rings. If anyone were to dare a closer look, they would notice that the golden bands around Joo-hyun's arms were not in fact bracelets, but a coiled metal whip. It had been a gift from one of Joo-hyun's secret suitors; a fairy from the mysterious fairy court who had dared venture from his land to offer his gift to his very pleased princess. Fairies had ancient magic and spiritual gifts that allowed to craft such magnificent gifts. Joo-hyun whip was a dainty weapon that could easily be concealed as a bracelet or arm cuff; but Sehun had seen it, and his sister, in action. Away from the castle, and away from the watchful eyes of guards and nobles, Joo-hyun had learned to treat her whip as an extension of her body. She could cut into rock and flesh alike. He had seen her fought in the battlefield, how graceful she was with her weapon. She looked down at her fingernails, bored. “I am perfectly content. As should you be. Our parents will send you to an enemy territory to get married. It’s not a funeral announcement, Sehun.” Standing a few feet away, and leaning casually against the table, Yifan nodded in agreement. “Though I hate to admit it, Joo-hyun is right. And whatever happens, you have us.” The Prince's emblem – a red and golden crown and arrow outline – shone back on Yifan's tunic, and for a rare moment, Sehun felt proud to be the prince. Yifan smiled and clapped an arm around Sehun's shoulder. “Whatever trouble you get into, brother, you can bet by the Angel that we will be right beside you if need be to help get you out of there.” Sehun returned the gesture, nodding to his friend before turning to glance around at the others. Around the table stood four men and three women who Sehun would die defending. His knights. His family. Not by blood, but by something stronger; by choice and friendship. They were all dressed in the his colours – reds and golds – but they wore simple tunics and overcoats with light chainmail; not the heavily armed, fearsome armour that the Royal Guard wore. Sehun's knights were all selected for their hearts, not their ages or genders or time spent holding a sword.  Yifan was the only knight Sehun had grown up with, he became Sehun's sworn brother at the age of seven, when Yifan lost his family in war. And since then they had become inseparable. Best of friends and brothers. He had trained alongside all of them from teenage years, save for Yuri and Wendy. He smiled at the two women standing side by side. The pair had made themselves known in a nearby village after capturing a group of men who had terrorised Ilda for an entire winter; stealing crops, slaughtering animals and spilling water supplies. They had wished for the people to turn against the crown, but Yuri and Wendy had apprehended the group with their self-taught traps and hand-to-hand combat. They were light on their feet, and lethal with their daggers and throwing axes. He had invited them to train with his other knights and not long after they were a part of their strange, mismatched family of lords, ladies and villagers. Of course, the queen had objected strongly to the women. In fact, even Lady Seulgi, who was well-liked and respected by his parents, was a disappointing choice to the queen. “No women should wield a sword. Let alone throw one in a battle," the queen had said coldly one day. Sehun had stood his ground. “My knights are loyal to me. I do not care if they were born a lord or thief, man or woman, they are worthy.” It was the one defiance he had ever made to his stepmother. So far. He watched as Seulgi sharpened her sword, the metallic ringing sound pleasant to his ears. Her expression was solemn, but her eyes were calm. Seulgi was as fierce a warrior as she was a sharp-tongued tutor. She was an intelligent woman, teaching the young daughters of lords and ladies who lived in the castle. The other three knights who made up Sehun's group were Sir Jungkook, Sir Zitao –  and his close companion – Sir Luhan. Sir Jungkook was a quiet but loyal young man, and was the only knight who had been chosen by both Sehun and his parents. He was also one of Sehun's closest friends. Zitao and Luhan were the foster sons of a fairy merchants, and they had saved Sehun's life when even his personal guards had not. When they were teenagers, Joo-hyun and Sehun had snuck out to explore one of the many colourful markets that travelled the land. They had raced around, enjoying the buzz of the merchants crying out and selling and trading food, cotton, furs and jewels. Then, a few horses had been spooked at the sounds, and hurtled through the crowds. Sehun had been oblivious to the danger, and found himself thrown to the ground by a bluish purple haired boy. His arms had sprawled out in the dirt road, but the boy soon picked him up and brushed careful hands over him. A second boy, with dark, slightly wavy, hair, softly beckoned to the horses. To everyone’s surprise, including Sehun and Joo-hyun's, the creatures calmed down under the boy’s touch. The dark haired boy had walked over to the bluish purple haired. Standing side by side, they were contrasts; one gentle and soft, the other all sharp grins and raised brows. But Sehun felt certain they shared a brotherhood. They had saved his life, and as they walked him back to the castle that day, Sehun found himself extending his friendship, and an offer to be at his side. The bluish purple haired boy, Luhan, had nodded enthusiastically. Though the dark haired boy, Zitao, looked uncertain, Sehun knew with certainty that he would follow the other to oblivion. They were both excellent learners, quick and agile thanks to a lifetime of travelling from village to village with their merchant stalls. Though Zitao favoured the sword, Luhan found a liking for fighting staffs as well as the longbow, much to Sehun's delight. Sehun himself enjoyed the feel of an arrow-filled leather quiver slung over his shoulder. He was well taught to handle most weapons, but nothing could satisfy the prince like a bow and arrow. Luhan had also revealed his musical talents, and with his viol skills, he led the court musicians frequently. This had pleased the queen for at least one of Sehun's chosen knights had proven worthy. Looking round the table, at his knights, Sehun had never once questioned their loyalty. They were all worthy friends and warriors, and he felt guilty that he'll have to leave them and might properly never see them again. And then King Donghae and Queen Mi-young entered the throne room. He quickly coughed to alert his sister. Joo-hyun hastily descended from the throne, putting a respectable distance between herself and her mother’s seat.She looked at Sehun with gratitude and mouthed, ‘thank you’. As his father and Mi-young settled onto their thrones, Sehun walked over to the centre and kneeled before them. His heartbeat pounded loudly, but he kept his gaze low, in respect. Around the room, he could feel his knights mirror his stance and drop to their knees. Even Joo-hyun curtsied elegantly. A few court member
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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
749 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!