
The Alliance.
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Kai still didn't understand what was going on. He had woken up to an empty bed and Kai had panicked for a moment until he searched and felt Sehun's heartbeat somewhere in the castle. Kai wasn't a heavy sleeper and he wasn't sure how he missed Sehun leaving their bedchambers but that didn't matter because Sehun was safe. All his instincts had awaken the moment Kai saw Sehun, his husband was shaking slightly and all Kai wanted to do was wrap him up in an embrace and sooth him. Sehun's right hand was very hot, and Kai felt as if he had been burned when he touched him, but his left was surprisingly cold. All those seemed to be little details compared to what his brother was saying. "Junmyeon!" Kai growled threateningly as he stared at his brother with disbelief, his body was shaking with rage. How dare he accused Sehun of treachery? "How dare you say such a thing?" He moved to stand in front of Sehun as a shield, hands fisted and he was certain his features were shifting, he could feel his inner wolf raging to come out and tear Junmyeon to shreds. "Why? I was only looking out for my niece, you do not have to go all feral on me brother." Junmyeon said, adjusting his posture to appear intimidating, which only made Kai to scoff. "He should explain how all the guards were missing while he got here and how he killed the man" "I did not–" Sehun started and Kai quickly turned to face him, shaking his head. "You don't have to explain anything to him." He said before turning to face his brother once again. "I never said it was a man." Sehun said. "How do you explain it prince Junmyeon?" Junmyeon startled and took a few steps backwards the action seemed to be subconscious. Kai didn't missed the way his brother's heartbeat quickened.
"Oh Sehun!" Junmyeon warned. "What are you implying? That I knew of who attacked my niece?" Sehun shrugged. "I didn't say you did, but I do want to know how you knew it was a man because I never mentioned it." "Are you accusing me?" "If you could accuse me, i do not see why I couldn't accuse you as well." "Listen Sehun, Soojung is my family. I would never–" "You listen to me prince Junmyeon," Sehun cut off firmly, authority laced with each word. "I will not stand and watch you accuse me of something such as harming Soojung. In case you didn't notice, she's also my family, I love her and I would do anything to keep her safe. Anything." Oh goodness! Kai felt like pulling Sehun down and kiss the hell out of him. He didn't realize he's been staring and smiling at his husband until Yoongi nudged him and Kai looked up to his brother in law grinning at him. "Your man is ing hot like "  "Very well," Junmyeon spoke again and Kai snapped his head to look at him. "Please do tell us how you managed to defeat the enemy without magic or weapon" "Your highness if I may" Chanyeol started but Junmyeon cut him off. "No you may not" "Yes you may" Kai said, staring menacingly at his brother. "I did" Chanyeol suddenly spoke and he shared a look with Sehun that told Kai there was something he was missing. "I used my ability, as you can see" he pointed at the pile of ash. "Prince Sehun was fighting him off when I got here so as it was expected of me, i helped." "He's right, uncle Sehun saved me, the bad man would've taken me with him if uncle Sehun wasn't here." Soojung said, wrapping her little arms around her mother's. Sooyeon. Junmyeon gazed at Sehun from head to toe. "Then how come I do not see any bruise on him?" "He's a good fighter" Chanyeol said again. "He didn't allow the man to touch him." "I did not give you permission to speak knight." "But I gave him" Kai said and Junmyeon glared at him. "You still didn't answer my husband's question." "Kai–" "Just answer him brother!." Kai cut him off, crossing his arms defiantly over his chest. Junmyeon looked like he wasn't going to answer but after a moment he let out an air of frustration."It was a good guess." He finally said with a shrug. Kai opened his mouth to speak but the king beat him to it. "Enough." Heechul said looking at Kai. "Take you consort and go back to your chambers. And tomorrow I need a full report on this event, I want you, your knight and Jongdae to investigate and capture whoever is behind this." With that he turned around and left. The queen lingered for a while before trailing after her husband. "Sehun let's go." Kai said. Sehun nodded, "Just a moment" he strode to where Soojung was wrapped protectively inside her mother's embrace. He reached and the girl's head and Soojung lifted her face to look at him. "Are going to be okay sweetie?" He asked and the girl pulled away from Sooyeon and threw herself into Sehun's arms who readily caught her. Kai watched with a fond smile as Soojung nuzzled into Sehun's neck, she pulled back and kissed his cheek. "I am fine. Mommas are here now." she said pointing at her two mothers.  The sight gave Kai a feeling he had never once thought about. How would Sehun looked holding their child like that? Kai was sure his husband would make a good father, and he would really love to see the day Sehun would have his child. "All right, I will leave your mommas to it." Sehun kissed her forehead. "Goodnight Soojung!" "Goodnight uncle Sehun!" Kai was still lost in his daydreams that he didn't see Sehun walking towards him until the Ildan placed a hand on top of his shoulder. He looked up and Sehun was looking at him questionably."What?" Kai said a bit defensive. "You have a never ending smile on my face, please do share with me the source of your amusement."  Was Sehun teasing him? Kai thought so and he felt his cheeks heating up. "Nothing," he said and quickly turned around to leave the room. He didn't have to turn to know that Sehun was trailing after him. "Kai is everything alright?" Jimin asked and Kai startled, jerking his head around to see his best friend standing in front of Kai's chambers. "Jimin what are you doing here?" "Chanyeol sent me a fire message, saying something happened in the palace." He said, hands going to wrap around his stomach. His friend had been doing that lately and Kai had also noticed something else, Jimin's scent had changed into something more sweeter if Kai didn't know better he would say his friend was pregnant. "I do not really know much, Sehun was there with Chanyeol before I got there." Jimin's eyes darted toward Sehun. "Are you alright?" He asked and Sehun nodded. "Jimin you should go home, I will update you tomorrow before the festival" "Festival?" Sehun asked beside him. "Yes, it is spring festival" "Oh" Sehun said with a nod, lowering his head to inspect his hands. "I'll see you tomorrow. There's somethings I want you to know." Jimin said as he made gesture with his hand and a portal appeared. He glanced at Kai, then Sehun before wordlessly stepping into the portal.  Kai glanced at his husband, Sehun was still staring at his hands and he had a solemn expression on his face and that did something to Kai's heart. He hated seeing Sehun like this. Slowly, Kai moved closer and took a hold of Sehun's right hand, it wasn't as hot as it had been moments ago, but a bit warmer than normal. Sehun didn't look at him and he silently followed when Kai began to pull him into their chambers. Kai only let Sehun go when they reached the bed, he sat down and patted the space beside him. Sehun only hesitated for moment before he did as requested. Kai watched as his husband let out a series of deep breaths as though everything that happened earlier was just crashing down on him. He watched and didn't say a word nor urge Sehun to speak, he waited for his husband to feel comfortable enough to talk about what had happened– fortunately Kai didn't have to wait much longer. "It looked dead" Sehun said, taking a shaky breath. "The man– I am not sure if I should called him that because he didn't look like a living person, his skin was grey, his eyes red but not the same red as yours. Everything about the man was wrong, the way he spoke, the smell, the magic and his appearance. Like– like he just crawled out of his grave." As he spoke, his hands shook and Kai absentmindedly reached to gently Sehun's arm. What Sehun said made fear settled in Kai's gut, If he remembered correctly Jimin's father had once told him about revenants and what his husband just described seemed utterly like one. Revenants were people brought from the dead by black magic, they are bond to a master who controlled them. This meant bad news, trouble for everyone. This was beyond any wars Kai had fought,  What could a revenant possibly want with Soojung? Why would its master ordered it to take the little princess? Revenants were hard to kill, then how did Chanyeol– "Kai there's something I should tell you" Sehun brought him out of his thoughts. "I- i don't know how it happened but I think I have magic– powers. It wasn't Chanyeol who killed it, it was me– the man was hurting Soojung and me and then I stretched my hands and fire– fire, I mean ice– no fire and ice. Fire from my right hand and ice from my left. I was so stunned and I– and i–" Sehun was rambling, not making much sense and Kai had to replay his words inside his head for them to make sense. When he gazed at his husband, Sehun was hyperventilating, his body trembling, the right side that Kai was sitting close to was boiling hot and Kai had to move away quickly before he got burned. "Sehun!" He called moving to his left side, Kai took his hand only to release it because it was freezing cold, the small contact seemed enough to givi him frostbite. ", Sehun you need to relax." Kai said, jumping to his feet, torn between wanting to hold Sehun and calling for help. Sehun's head snapped up to look at him. His deep hazel eyes have changed to grey– mismatched, the left was grey while the right was red. "I am sorry I don't know how to stop it, it's just talking about– about–" flames were already forming at the tip of his right hand. "The man that– revenant that–" and ice was also forming at were Sehun had placed his hand on the bed. "No do not talk about it, it's okay. Calm down" Kai raised both hands. "Breath with me, okay?" He made sure Sehun was looking straight at him before he took a deep intake and he watched as Sehun did the same. "Good" he exhaled and Sehun did the same. "perfect" Kai did it again, carefully watching as Sehun mirrored his actions until his husband was breathing evenly again. The flames had wilted, but the other part of the bed was still frozen. Ice, that was better than fire, Kai could handle that but he couldn't handle Sehun setting the room on fire– worse the whole palace, because if Sehun's ability was able to kill a revenant then Kai was certain his husband's powers weren't ordinary. Sehun must be truly powerful– his husband did have powers. How was that possible? Why was Sehun's powers only showing now? Or had his husband had them all along and hid it from Kai? That was unlikely because how Sehun reacted wasn't how someone who had known about their abilities would react. Sehun was genuine he didn't know about his powers himself until now. Maybe he inherited them form his mother since they're both still unsure about her origin. They have to find a way for Sehun to control his powers, no one should know about his newly found abilities, no one especially Junmyeon. Kai have to protect his husband at all cost.
When he was certain it was safe to touch Sehun again, Kai tentatively reached and held Sehun left hand. The ice better than fire. He thought to himself. "Hey" he said softly. "It's alright, I am here. I won't let anything happen to you" Kai promised and he meant it. Sehun blinked at him and Kai realized his eyes had changed back to how they were. Tears had coated his cheeks and Kai reached to wipe them off. "We have to keep your powers hidden and to do that we have to find a way for you to control them." Sehun only nodded and Kai sat back on the bed. "I don't know if I can control my powers." "I think you don't have to, i know someone trust worthy who can help." "Who?" "
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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
749 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!