
A Girl's Grudge


Karina’s POV


Kai and I spend more and more time together as the week progresses. During that period of time Winter and her friends keep their distance from me. Kai seems more mellow these days. He doesn’t pick on people as much, nor does he start fights. He’s busy acting as my bodyguard in a way. Whenever Winter’s fans approach us, he tends to throw them a dirty look. Which in turn makes them back off. I appreciate all he has done for me so far. Right now I’m sitting in class waiting for the weekend to begin. 


“Alright, class!” The teacher got our attention. “Don’t forget to do your homework and stay out of trouble.”


The class and I acknowledged what he said and bowed when the bell rang. Everyone made their way home, I was walking to my house until I decided to break the routine. I wanted to go and see the park nearby. 


The sound of birds singing, the leaves rustling against the cement and children playing in the playground. I walked around the park and admired the scenery. I was enjoying the fresh air, until I heard a child start to cry rather loudly.


I looked around and tried to find where it was coming from. I looked towards the lonely child standing at the edge of the playground. I was making my way there until I saw someone else beat me to her. 


‘Winter?’ I took a step back out of surprise.


Winter kneeled down to eye level with the little girl crying. I was about to walk away, but I felt curious.


“What’s wrong?” She asked the small child.


The little girl hiccuped and pointed at the group of children watching them. 


“They won’t let me play with them.” 


Winter looked almost heartbroken to hear that. She quickly smiled to hide her previous emotions. She reached up and the girl’s hair gently.


“You don’t need to play with them when you have me.” Winter gave the little one an encouraging smile.


“Really?” The girl sniffled a bit and looked at Winter with hopeful eyes.


She stood to her feet and held out her hand for the little girl to take. The child eagerly took her hand and they left the playground to go play in the open field. I feel happy for the child that Winter managed to help her smile again. Now that they left, I’m standing there looking at the other children high fiving each other. Without thinking, I stormed over to that group of children in the playground. They froze when I stood in front of them looking at them with a disapproving expression.


“What do you want?” A little boy tried to look tough in front of his friends.


I scoffed. I looked around to make sure no people were around to hear me say what I had to say next.


“Do you know what Santa gives to little children who don’t let other children play with them?” I spoke through my teeth.


The whole group was frozen at the mention of Santa’s name. They waited for what I was about to say next.


“Nothing,” I said casually. “Because Santa doesn’t exist.” I added with a smile.


All of a sudden they burst into tears, much like that little girl they didn’t allow to play with them. I quickly fled the scene of the crime to avoid getting in trouble with anyone. 


‘Maybe that was a bit much.’ I thought.


But when I ran past the open field where Winter and the girl were playing tag, it felt good to know I avenged the little girl.


Winter’s POV


While playing tag with my new little friend, I thought I saw Karina running somewhere. It couldn’t be her though, mainly because she goes straight home after school. The little girl’s parents came to see her after 10 more minutes of tag. 


“Thank you for looking after our little girl, miss.” The mother thanked me with a grin.


I only bowed and waved goodbye to the little girl.


The father lifted the little girl up onto his shoulders and pretended to be a plane. I laughed a bit at their silliness. It was a welcomed sight after seeing her crying a while ago.


Speaking of crying, I heard a group of children crying. I went to see what was happening, I could see the parents were trying to calm them down. Saying Santa does exist and not to talk to strangers again.


Seeing that the parents were present, I decided to call it a day and go home. I had a good day, better than the day that I saw Karina last. During my time away from her, I feel grateful to know I have good support. Giselle and Ningning stay by my side and make sure my mind doesn’t drift towards Karina or her new friend Kai. I don’t feel alone and that makes me happy.


I got home later and went straight to my room. Running after a child sounds easy, but they’re full of a lot of energy that I don’t have. My head hit the pillow and I took a couple deep breaths before closing my eyes.


The weekend arrived and I’m currently in the library. I wanted to borrow a book out. I don’t know what book I should get though. I like to read comedy or other light hearted stories. Anything too deep and I’ll end up not finishing the story.


It’s quiet in the library, even walking from one place to another can seem a bit too loud. I was walking towards the teen fiction section to spot Karina stroll past this section. I batted my eyes to see if I actually saw her. I ended up going around the corner to check if I saw correctly.


I ended up seeing her side profile as she leaned against the windowsill. She looks beautiful as usual. I wanted to talk to her, but from what I could remember, she doesn’t want to. Left with no choice, I turned around only to come face to face with Kai.


I stumbled back a bit, Kai chuckled which got Karina’s attention. 


“Winter?” Her voice made me stop in my tracks. 


Her voice wasn’t harsh, she seemed genuinely surprised. I didn’t dare turn around to face her. Instead I was trying to get past Kai, but he was having fun getting in my way.


“Let her go, Kai.” Karina came closer and pulled him towards her.


My path wasn’t blocked anymore, but I had a question.


“What are you two doing here?” I tried to sound casual.


They both raised their eyebrows and exchanged looks. Kai held up his study books while Karina was wearing her school bag.


“Oh. You’re studying.” I stated the obvious, feeling relieved for some reason. I didn’t move though, this was the closest I had been to them without being treated with hostility. “Remember to take breaks.” I forced a smile on my face.


I turned to leave and went back to the teen fiction section. I finally found a book that looked interesting after 10 minutes of reading the book summaries. I was minding my own business until I heard: Don’t Kai.


I looked around and Kai approached me, followed by Karina. Kai looked friendly, but Karina looked a bit annoyed. Kai beamed a smile and waved at me, which made me frown.


“Can you help me with my homework?” Kai asked with big eyes. “Karina’s a mean teacher.”


Karina scoffed and elbowed him in the ribs. I held in my amusement, that really is Karina.


“See!” He pointed at her with an accusing finger.


‘Why would I help him?’ I couldn’t stop thinking that.


But in the end I nodded my head, I wanted to be closer to Karina, even if it were only for a short time. Kai bowed a thanks and we headed to the table where his study gear was. He sat down and let me sit in between him and Karina. My heart beat picked up being close to her. As I explained the theory behind some subjects, I felt Karina watching me. While Kai was scribbling down notes, I stole a glance of Karina. Only to see she was already staring at me with her arms crossed.


‘Is she mad?’ I couldn’t help but think.


The time went by and Kai’s homework was nearly up to date. 


“Good work.” I was surprised with Kai’s ability to catch up on weeks worth of school work.


Karina rolled her eyes and mumbled: Good work.


I saw Kai raise his hand in the air, waiting for a high five. I glanced at Karina who narrowed her eyes on me. I quickly gave him a high five and grabbed my book to get ready to leave.


“Thanks vice pres!” Kai thanked me with a thumbs up. 


To some bystander, he doesn’t look like someone who enjoys chaos. Karina on the other hand glared at me with bad intentions.


“See you around.” Karina smiled a bit too nicely. 


I realised after waving enthusiastically that it was a fake smile. I mentally face palmed myself.

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I will reply to everyone as soon as I can. If I didn't get to you tonight, I'll definitely do it in the morning ✌✌


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Chapter 18: Loved it to the bits.. cant wait for comic. Best of luuuck.
Accs0485 #2
Chapter 9: Idk but I feel like Winter is kinda wrong for doing the same thing twice knowing that it was the thing that started their downfall especially when Karina's just starting to heal from her demons. But yeah Karina's bullying is so so out of line its just that you know from experience it was really hard bringing yourself up with no one. Anyways good writing author hehe. Labyu
sasagayyow #3
oh wow
chadchad #4
Chapter 3: damn winter you so whipped with her who shall not be named
chadchad #5
Chapter 2: damn such a hypocrite kinda school eww
chadchad #6
Chapter 1: ohhhhh sh!t gl winter hehe
chadchad #7
this is interesting i hope it aint angsty
sinb-fan-01 #8
Chapter 8: woah, this raelly good written
i like the winrina interact and drama
yoo_taengoo #9
Chapter 18: Thank you for making this story authornim it was really great hoping for more great stories in the future good luck authornim fighting!!!❤
Chapter 18: the ending 🥺🥺

keep it up and good luck authornim ✊