
A Girl's Grudge


Karina’s POV


I arrived home with my parents sitting in the lounge watching the news. They’re so focussed on that boxy tv that they didn’t hear me come in. I’m in a good mood, so I dropped my bag to the ground to have the chance to give them a hug from behind. They tensed up for a moment before relaxing. Dad is the first one to speak.


“Oh hello Rina.” He reached and messed my hair up by ruffling it. “What’s with the hug?”


I giggled in response, mum spoke next.


“What’s with that grin, dear?” Mum tidied up my hair that Dad messed up previously. “Did something good happen?”


I shrugged before letting them go. I was about to talk to them, but I felt my phone vibrate indicating I had a message waiting for me.


“I have to go do something.” I felt happy that they already sent a message.


My parents smiled at me with soft eyes. I went upstairs to my bedroom and got comfortable on the bed before checking the message. I looked on the group chat and I can see there are already many messages waiting for me. I scrolled to the first message from this afternoon.




I scoffed at her gloating about her victory. I saw a notification that said: Giselle has left the chat.


I smirked to the screen and continued reading.


Ningning: Oi!


Ningning has added Giselle to the group chat.


Giselle: I don’t want to be here with her!


Winter: It’s okay though, Karina isn’t bad. 


I stopped and read that message again. I feel warm.


Giselle: Weren’t you the one who didn’t want her to be friends with Ningning??


I decided to let that slide and read on.


Ningning: WHAT?!


Winter: That was before.


Giselle: Before what?


Winter: That was before she defended me or more so helped me deal with Kai. She hurt his ego and I think we are close again or at least closer than a while ago.


Ningning: That senior bully messed with you??


Winter: He does that a lot, don’t worry about it too much. 


Ningning: That’s gonna be hard…


Winter: I’m fine, thanks to Karina.


Ningning: So…


Winter: Yes?


Ningning: Is it just me or has Giselle just left?


Giselle: I’m here. I was just thinking.


I see that I’m finally up to date with the messages. I’m drained after reading so many messages. I looked at the time and sighed. It’s getting late. I started typing on my phone once I finished reading.


Karina: Is the group chat always like this?


Ningning: YOU’RE HERE. Finally! What took you so long? We were waiting for ages.


My mouth twitched and I feel like she suddenly got the courage to be more bold through text.


Winter: To answer your question, no. It’s because you’re quite popular. <3


Ningning: I knew she was! See Giselle?


Giselle: Whatever you say Ningning, whatever you say.


I’m not used to texting more than one person at a time. Group chats really the life out of me. I am pleased that I got accepted into this group of theirs. Maybe I don’t have to be alone anymore.


We texted for a while, I managed to eat something on the way home so I didn’t need dinner. I said goodnight to everyone and let myself drift off into a deep sleep.


The next day arrived and it’s the weekend. I don’t really know what to do. I finished my projects for class ahead of time as usual, that left me with nothing to do. Suddenly I heard my phone ring. It’s through social media that she’s calling me from. I immediately feel my lips curve into a small smile.


“Hey, Winter.” I answered her.


“Morning Karina.” She replied.


I can hear mumbles on the other line just faintly. She must have put her hand over the speaker.


“Hello?” I asked when the muffled voices stopped.


“Sorry about that!” Winter returned. “I was just organizing something with Giselle and I.” I could hear her take a breath. “Would you like to come…?” 


I involuntarily scoffed. 


“Is she going to leave when I get there, like with the group chat?” I joked. “I don’t know, I don’t think she likes me very much.” I laughed.


“She just doesn’t know you very well.” She said. “She’s like that with everyone.” I could hear she was amused. “Please let her get to know you?” She asked in a small voice.


I’m on my way to the movies to see Winter and Giselle. I arrived there earlier and I can see they’re in the corner looking at the variety of movies available on the big screen. Giselle is focussed on the movies which leaves Winter to spot me first. Her blonde hair and pale skin made her stand out in the crowd. She smiled and waved.


“You made it.” She made her way over to me.


She reached out to me and out of habit - I stepped back. Her smile slowly disappeared.


“I’m sorry.” She smiled again, although it’s not the happiest one.


I should be apologizing. I wanted to, but then I heard a:


“Let’s watch this movie!” Giselle turned around and pointed at an option.


She hid her excitement when she saw me, I looked at the title after going to join them.


We will be watching a famous anime movie, it’s about a girl with a hearing impairment and a bully trying to find redemption apparently. 


‘I don’t think this is a good idea.’ I can’t help but feel my heartbeat pick up.


I looked at Winter to see her reaction and she’s surprised at first. In the end she nodded her head with enthusiasm. I looked to Giselle to see that she’s already staring at me from the corners of her eyes. I gave her a nod at her suggestion.


We paid for our tickets and took our seats in front of the big projection. I feel tense watching this movie. The first thing I noticed is that the main character was the bully, while the other child was the victim. 


I can’t stop myself from stealing a quick peek at Winter to see if she’s okay. She looked really focussed on the film. I looked back at the screen and saw that it’s just a movie. It’s just a movie. I tried to relax, but it was painful to watch bullying. Winter must have felt me shift uncomfortably in my seat. The next thing I know is that she leaned closer to me and whispered:


“It’s okay.” She said. “It’s just a movie.”


I tore my eyes away from the screen and looked at her. I saw her face was illuminated by the movie’s flashing lights. Winter was looking at me with a gentle expression. After I gave a slow nod, she offered to let me hold her hand. I frowned, which made her quickly retract her hand. Giselle was so happy with the movie though, I think she enjoyed it the most. She was sitting on the edge of her seat after all.


“That was awesome.” Giselle tried to play it cool when we were outside of the cinema. “What did you two think?”


I froze at the sudden question. She doesn’t seem to know about our past. Winter sensed my hesitation and answered:


“It was pretty good, we enjoyed it.”


I forced a smile and played along. Giselle tried to hide her smile, but it was obvious. It was dark outside and that signalled us to make our way home. I quickly said my goodbyes to them and left.


Later that night I found myself in deep thought.


I’m laying in bed and staring at the piece of paper that Winter wrote on for me.


“It’s in the past, but thank you for your apology Karina. Please finish up your apology for the incident then I’ll put in a good word for you, that way you don’t have to come to detention more. I know you don’t like it here”


I read the message over and over again. My guilt started to make an appearance. I feel like there is a heavy weight on my heart. 


“You were always so kind and I just hurt you in return…” My voice trembled.


I read her note again to reassure myself that everything is okay.


“It’s in the past, but thank you for your apology Karina.”


I shut my eyes tightly while clutching the note close to my heart.




It’s middle school and I’m on my way to the library to meet her. 


“Hey, Winter!” I shouted while skipping up to her. “What did you want to talk about?”


I saw her hesitating. She looked really nervous. I don’t know why though. We are the only ones in the library at the moment. It’s just me and her. So why would she look so nervous?


“Earth to Winter.” I waved a hand in front of her. 


She is biting her lower lip and isn’t standing as tall as she normally would. She finally looked up and at me with uncertainty. I started to sense that this might be serious.


“What is it?” I asked.


“Do you know what day… today is?” Her voice was quiet.


I thought for a moment and it hit me.


“Valentines day!” then another idea came along. “Wow, did someone confess to you?” I looked at her with excitement.


She rapidly shook her head and looked to the ground. I tilted my head in response. She her lips and took a breath.


“I...I like…” She wasn’t stuttered to hide a lie, she was doing it out of nervousness. “I like…”


A smile appeared on my lips when I realised that she was going to tell me who she liked. I start to try and guess.


‘Taemin?’ I thought. He always looked after her even though he’s a bit older.


‘Kim?’ He’s around our age and that could be possible.


“You.” She finished her sentence.


I stood there trying to process what I heard. I replayed what she said inside my head and my eyes widened.


“What…” was all I managed to say through my shock.


I saw her reach out to me and I stumbled back. 


“What did you just say?” I started to breathe heavier than before.


I feel cold sweats and my heartbeat is faint.


“I like you.” Winter said and she seemed sure of herself this time.


There was silence and she tried to move closer, but I started to back away from her. I was questioning everything she did for me.


The goodnight phone calls, sharing lunch with me, giving me hugs and when she would peck me on the cheek with her lips. I was questioning all of it.


“Get away from me!” I shouted when she tried to speak.


I saw Winter’s eyes well up with tears. She listened and ran away in tears. From that day forward, I made her life hell. Along with her friends who supported her.


I would hide her things or throw them out the window, just to watch her struggle to catch all those flying papers. I even said things I didn’t think were true. It was all to keep her away from me.


Flashback ended.


A phone call brought me back to reality. It was Winter. I hesitated and cleared my throat before answering.


“Hey, are you okay?” She quickly asked me full of worry.


I sat there in my bed. I stayed silent until I breathed shakily. I sniffed and realised I was crying. She heard me and said:


“Shh, it’s really okay, Karina.” Winter comforted me over the phone. “It was a long time ago.”


I nodded my head and tried to contain my sobs.


She just stayed on the line while I cried. She really is too kind for her own good. When I tried to apologize again, she shushed me and said to let out all my emotions when crying, but not to apologize. Eventually it was getting later and I found my tears had stopped.


“That’s better.” She said in a soft voice.


“Thank you…” I whispered into the speaker. “For everything.”


“Try to get some rest. Okay?” Her voice is nice to listen to.


We hung up and I feel better after finally facing some of my memories. I really hate the middle schooler that I used to be.

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I will reply to everyone as soon as I can. If I didn't get to you tonight, I'll definitely do it in the morning ✌✌


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Chapter 18: Loved it to the bits.. cant wait for comic. Best of luuuck.
Accs0485 #2
Chapter 9: Idk but I feel like Winter is kinda wrong for doing the same thing twice knowing that it was the thing that started their downfall especially when Karina's just starting to heal from her demons. But yeah Karina's bullying is so so out of line its just that you know from experience it was really hard bringing yourself up with no one. Anyways good writing author hehe. Labyu
sasagayyow #3
oh wow
chadchad #4
Chapter 3: damn winter you so whipped with her who shall not be named
chadchad #5
Chapter 2: damn such a hypocrite kinda school eww
chadchad #6
Chapter 1: ohhhhh sh!t gl winter hehe
chadchad #7
this is interesting i hope it aint angsty
sinb-fan-01 #8
Chapter 8: woah, this raelly good written
i like the winrina interact and drama
yoo_taengoo #9
Chapter 18: Thank you for making this story authornim it was really great hoping for more great stories in the future good luck authornim fighting!!!❤
Chapter 18: the ending 🥺🥺

keep it up and good luck authornim ✊