Chapter sixteen

Hooligans Paradise.
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   Watching the familiar bear before them, Hoseok felt his head pounding vigorously and he had to place a hand on his temple because of how much it hurt. His heart hammered, threatening to escape his chest when the man shifted back to human form.

He knew who this person was– nah better said he was very familiar with this man. Ji chang wook was his ex boyfriend that had left him almost four years ago. What the hell was his ex doing here? The last he remembered Chang Wook was a government lawyer– a prosecutor, then how the hell did he end up as rogue pack leader? Hoseok's parents had been against their relationship, because obviously they wanted him to mate– marry a fellow mage– with money and power, not a bear shifter living an average life. But Hoseok was a fool in love and had been adamant on Chang Wook, thus his parents had no choice but agree. Though their compatibility rate didn't matter much since Hoseok wasn't a shifter, but it was still surprisingly high. Almost 80 percent, enabling them to form a special bond without mating. Hoseok didn't understand why Chang wook had left him, they were happy or at least he thought they were, because Hoseok was happy having Chang Wook in his life. They were so in love and planned to get married. But then suddenly Chang Wook was gone, without a word of goodbye, and no matter how Hoseok tried to find him he couldn't, like he had disappeared to the back of the earth, leaving Hoseok to pick up his broken heart and tried to mend it together. It was one of the reasons that drove him away from the life he had. And now the person he had ever loved– had a connection with was suddenly in front of him. It felt like a dream. His eyes was scanning his ex when it landed on a bear cub that stood next to Chang Wook – now the Alpha had bent over, carrying the cub into his arms, rubbing at its neck before encouraging the cub to shift back. The cub let out a whiny sound before it shifted with much difficulty. It was clear this was its first or second time changing form. Oh God! It was a boy. Seeing the kid, Hoseok couldn't help but take a step back. The boy was around three and from the way he proceeded to rub at Chang Wook's neck– his scent glands– it was obvious what type of a relationship the two had. This wasn't just a pack leader trying to soothe a kid member, this was father soothing his son. The realization made his knees to give out and he leaned heavily against the person behind him,– which happened to be Yoongi, thank God, not someone he wasn't familiar with. He didn't realize his action had caused the father/son pair to look at him. There was something about the boy that draw Hoseok in like a moth to fire. His head was about to split in two from how hard it was throbbing, to the point he didn't catch a thing of what Sehun was saying to Chang Wook. "Hey are you alright?" He heard Irene's voice. "My head" he managed out. "I've got you." And then her hand was on his temple, sending in soothing energy into his head. But instead of the desired affect, it only made things worse. Shaking his head from side to side, a fragment of memory he had no idea he had lived though flashed. It was him in a hospital bed, holding a baby, smiling at the babe, his fiance by his side – he was snapped of the memory by a distress call of his name. Lifting his head he was met with Chang Wook's worried face and the last thing he heard was Chang wook calling out his name once more before he lost consciousness. *** Chang wook had to pull every willpower he got not to collapse at the sight of Hoseok. From the looks of things, Hoseok did remember him, but not just their son. What had those people done? He had lived with the pain of loosing his beloved, of knowing Hoseok's parents didn't want them to be together, with the knowledge of Hoseok not wanting their son and willing to give him up for adoption without a care where he would end up in. Chang Wook could remember that day clearly at the hospital, he was so happy his son born and had went to pick up their wedding rings, hoping to surprise his boyfriend the moment he regain consciousness. But he didn't expect to hear Hoseok's parents taking about giving their grandchild up, because Hoseok didn't want the baby and the responsibility that came with it, of being a parent. What he didn't know was that, Hoseok's parents didn't want to tarnish their perfect reputation and made things up because they knew he was listening on them, hoping he would take the bait. And Chang wook did took the bait. Ridding them of the stain they didn't wish to have in their flawless family. A bastard grandchild. Chang Wook didn't believe his boyfriend would do something like that, he had wanted to ask why, why all of a sudden? Because as far as he was concerned Hoseok had never exhibited any sign that could indicate he didn't want the baby. Chang Wook would have noticed something, because he was very observant especially when it involved the person he loved. It came out as a shock to him, unbelievable. Hearing that they were soon going to take the child before Hoseok regain consciousness, Chang Wook knew he had to act quick, now or things would take a bad turn. Thus he didn't get the chance to ask Hoseok why as he sneaked into the room and took his son away. He wasn't sure what his son would grow up to be, a mage or a shifter like himself, it was unknown at this moment. And he knew if his little boy turned out to be a shifter he wouldn't have it easy with his fosters. With one last glance at his beloved, he fled. And from there his life changed, hadn't been easy. For some reason, he was fired and no government or private organization would hire him. He didn't need to think much to know Hoseok's parents were trying to make things difficult for him, pushing him into a corner with no way out– which he didn't understand why they would go to such length now that he was no longer seeing their son. It was months later that he gathered the courage to confront Hoseok and ask why, but only to find out that Hoseok had ran away from home and no one knew where he was. The only choice Chang Wook had was to form a gang of his own, which all consisted of shifters that lived on the street or had their beautiful lives taken away from them, just like Wook's. They called themselves the expendables. Getting paid to commit crimes like beating up humans or mages or stealing things for anyone that was willing to pay a few bucks.It was his only way to keep his gang fed. Knowing he was on the cops list of most wanted thugs, Chang Wook had feared and acted when those people invaded his territory today. He had thought they were NIS coming to arrest them, which was why he put up a fight. But it seemed that wasn't the case. There was a man– the one with the oppressive aura– saying something to him, but Chang Wook's eyes were on Hoseok. His ex fiance that he hadn't seen for over three years, now stood in front of him. What surprised Chang Wook was the evident shock, confusion and distress emitting off Hoseok, which Chang Wook didn't know what to make of it. Was he truly confused, shocked and distressed? Did that mean he didn't know about their son's existence? If so then how was it possible? Unless– unless his memory had been tempered. Oh Yaguar, have mercy! He flared his nose and took in the Hoseok's scent wanting desperately to understand. And when he did, he almost couldn't hold it in. Hoseok's emotion wasn't staged, it was genuine, his ex had no idea they had a son together. He didn't hear all of what the man in front of him was saying, but he picked up some words. "–i know you're once a prosecutor that wanted to save the world, help people.' "–No body is gonna save the world. But we can make it look less ty. And I am the guy who can help you do that." "–Ever wonder if you could do the job you're put on earth to do?" "–Instead of wasting your life here why don't you join me take out some truly evil people?" "–Not that people the government tells you are evil, because base on your know, policies or, politics and bureaucracy or trade relations or any of that . No I am taking truly evil world-class motherfukers" "- there's too much unfinished business in this ed up world and our job is to do the work people or government can't or won't" "- once a cop, used my power to help people in bad situation, but I was labeled the bad guy, yet I didn't give up on the world, because the government don't help people in need, so I said the government am gonna do that myself." "–Want you to join my pack." Even without such speech, Chang Wook would join this pack for the sake of being close to his beloved. For their son to have both parents, to have a better life. An opportunity was here there was no need to continue living in this hole."Done." He said, eyes never leaving Hoseok. "I will join your pack. But I ain't living my people here." "Gang leader!" "Wook!" "Mr. Ji" "Hyung!" Several protest from his gang was heard. But Chang Wook had made up his mind, there was no going back. Rubbing at his son's back, he turned around to face his people. "I won't force anyone to join me if you don't want to. But this people are promising you a better life, a home, a pack. Something I could never give you. Look at these people, one look is enough to tell you they're well off." He made a general gesture. "I am asking you to think about your children, they could have a better life, a chance at education. Let's not be stubborn here. Yeah?" True he had been a leader, but not as a pack Alpha. He had told anyone that wanted to join, this wasn't a pack, and it might never be. Now that they could have the protection from a real pack, his gang must be foolish not to take this chance. Chang Wook believed he would join this pack, even if Hoseok wasn't part of it, as long as his son would get to live a good happy life. Seeing his determination, more and more people stepped forward to stand beside him. He knew most of them were joining because of their loyalty to him, while a few craved the taste of a better life. Only a half dozen were left standing on the other side, those stubborn to the core, that they were willing to suffer because of their pride. Chang Wook knew it would be useless to convince them, so he didn't try to as he turned around to face the man– Omega he believed was the leader. But just as he did, his eyes landed on Hoseok that now seemed to be in pain as he held onto his head, a lady– mage by side, helping him with what she could, but it didn't seem to be working. "Hoseok!" Chang Wook couldn't hold himself back anymore, as he called out alarmed. He wanted to rush over and hold him, soothe him, but he knew now wasn't the time. At that Hoseok lifted his head to look at him, it seemed their bond was still as strong even after so many years. "Hoseok!" He called again, stalking forward watching as his ex lost consciousness. "Oh no." "Do you know him?" A man with brown– golden hair that Hoseok was leaning against asked. Chang Wook nodded. "We had a history." He looked at the woman beside Hoseok. "What's happened to him?" "I am not sure but I think a part of his memory was erased– replaced, his mind implanted with a life he think he's lived. And for some reason that memory is in the process of unlocking itself." It was what Chang Wook had thought.The parents had Hoseok's memory tempered, thus he didn't remember having a son. "If you have something you need to take with you, now is the time to do that. We shouldn't waste time. And those few that chose not come with us, I advice you to leave this building as soon as possible. It isn't safe anymore." The pack leader said, then turned to the man holding Hoseok. "Take him back to the pack and have Seokjin take a look at him." *** With a muffled hearing, Hoseok blinked his eyes open. It took a while but eventually his senses returned and that was when he realized where he was. In the infirmary. His head still hurt, but with the pain came memory he couldn't believe was his. Images of him being heavily pregnant, planning a beautiful life with the love of his life and finally till the day he gave birth to his boy. Silent tears ran down the sides of his face as he recalled what his parents had done to him. He was right to leave them. Those people shouldn't be called his family. No true family would hate to see their son happy, to purposely snatch away that which made him happy was down right cruel. That's right, his parents pretended to be okay with the life he chose, with the man he chose while secretly plotting on how to destroy him. He believed in them, trusted them only to he stabbed in the back, and that hurt more than It was allowed to. They had used a forbidden technic to erase the most beautiful moment of his life. His memory stopped just before the time he became pregnant. They made him think, made him believe Chang Wook had left him, decided to take his son away and made him think he never had him . That was what his parents planted in his head. Thanks to Sehun, and Seokjin he was able to recover what he had lost. If not for Sehun he wouldn't be in the pack, he wouldn't be part of that mission and might miss the chance to meet his loved ones. And same if not for Seokjin using a special healing spell to restore that lost memory, even with Chang Wook and his son in his presence, he might not be able to understand what really happened. "Appa is awake." He heard a boy– his boy's voice and like magnet, Hoseok's eyes were drawn to the direction. A broken sob escaped him at the sight of his son sat on Chang Wook's lap, extending his tiny hands toward Hoseok. Chang Wook was smiling at him, his eyes bright with unhidden happiness in them. "Can you hold him? He's been worried, asking when you're gonna wake up." In response, another sob broke out of him as he reached out to his son, and not a second later his arms were full, and Hoseok was hugging his boy close to his chest. The boy whimpered, bringing his little hands to wrap around Hoseok's neck. This close, Hoseok cloud smell his own scent on the boy. The evident he was a part of him. "I am so sorry. Appa is so sorry." He kissed everywhere he could reach. The boy used a hand to wipe his tears the moment Hoseok sat up. "Don't cry Appa. I forgive you." "How?" He asked, looking at Chang Wook for answers. Already knowing what Hoseok meant without needing to ask more, Chang Wook began to speak. "I told him stories about you and showed him photos. Of when he was born.
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749 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot