Chapter thirty-four

Hooligans Paradise.
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  After the Kims left with a promise to come over the next day and putting the cubs to bed, Sehun pushed his tired body to take a shower before crashing on their bed, in Kai's arms. Involuntary his mind was still occupied with all that happened tonight. Tomorrow the nation would be in uproar with the news of Big bang demise and would know who the crown prince of nation was. He already felt tomorrow was going to be a long day. A smile curved his face as he drifted off to sleep. Not long after, a person he had dearly missed appeared in his dreams. This wasn't the first time Sehun had dreamt about his grandpa, but this was the first he was able to hold the man and it felt real. In the past it had simply been sighting the man from afar, and no matter Sehun's desperate attempts he couldn't reach him. Suddenly being able to hold his grandpa, Sehun knew for certain the old man had deliberately pulled Sehun into this dream. "By Gods! I missed you." Sehun mumbled against Mr Lee's shoulder, the familiar scent making him emotional. His grandpa chuckled, tightening his hold a fraction. "Missed you too. Kiddo." They eventually broke the hug, and Sehun ran a hand down the man's face."If I didn't know better, I would have thought you're entirely a different person." The man before him was young, younger than how Sehun thought possible. He was more like a brother than a grandpa. "You look different yourself." "Of course I look different, I am a mated man. To the love of my life." Sehun couldn't help his smugness. "Ohoo someone's getting cocky." The man slapped a hand on Sehun's with a grin. "Congratulations dear. Really happy for ya." His eyes glanced at Sehun's belly briefly, with a small smile. "You're pregnant yet?" "What?" Sehun laughed. "I don't think I am." "Oh with that amount of papapa. I was thinking you'd be pregnant with another litter." Mr. Lee winked. "Oh my Gods." "You realized I was just a door away when it happened right?" Sehun covered his face in embarrassment. And Mr. Laughed heartily. "I will stop teasing you. Seriously, I forced my awareness out as soon it started." Sehun sighed, dropping his hand to look at his grandpa. "Really?' "Of course." He nodded. "So tell me how the cubs are– and how are you handling having in laws?" "Nothing escapes you is there?" Sehun laughed. "Nothing." The man grinned. "The cubs are doing well. And the in laws–" he let out a sigh, before telling Mr. Lee all there was to tell, even though he knew his grandpa was aware of most of it. It was nice to have him this close, and someone Sehun could share his worries with. "They adore you Sehun." Mr. Lee said, tucking a strand of hair out of Sehun's face, a reminder he needed a hair cut, but Kai seemed to like his hair long and Sehun was thinking of keeping it that way, just to make his mate happy. "They love their children and would go to any length for their happiness. You have nothing to worry about." Even though Heechul had proved–said that, It was still nice to hear it from his grandfather, that Sehun knew would never mislead him. "So rest assured my dear. All will work out as it should." Sehun smiled and nodded. "So when are you gonna wake?" "Soon." "How soon?" "Very soon." He made a gesture with a smile. "Just needed to master one more sword technic." "Speaking of weapons. The holy weapons are gone." He lowered his head in despair afraid to see the disappointment in Mr. Lee's face– knowing the man was probably glaring at him hard enough.Sehun was impressed it did not strike him dead. In the past every time Mr. Lee glared at him like that he was astonished he survived. "I know." "I am sorry. I wasn't capable enough." "No my dear. You're as capable as you appear. Don't ever think yourself incapable. I don't blame you. And stop slouching." At that Sehun lifted his head and subconsciously straighten his back. " You're not angry?" Mr. Lee shook his head."I am angry,  not at you but the fact that someone dared to use your trust to their advantage." Sehun blinked a couple of times."Perhaps you could tell me who it was?" His grandpa might know who the culprit was. "Later," his grandpa said. "I want to tell you something about the last piece of the weapon." Sehun hummed, yeah, there was still a part missing that Sehun hoped wouldn't fall into the wrong hands. "Actually it's inside the pack. It's been with you for the past five years without you knowing." "What?" Sehun's eyes widened. What was his grandpa talking about? "It's the dagger I gifted you." If possible his eyes would have fallen off their sockets. The dagger? The dagger had been with him for five years and he had no idea. Now that he came to think of it, the dagger had an ancient magic within it, that Sehun couldn't trace. Though he never would have thought it was the last missing piece. Because strangely it didn't affect him the way the other two weapons had. "That's because I used great amount of magic to suppress its energy. I had to burrow a little power from a God, but it still weakened me. Which was the reason I had to enter cultivation earlier than the supposed time." He said clearly having read Sehun's mind. "But why go to such length to seal Its energy?" Sehun wondered. His grandpa even involved a god to do that. It seemed fairly important. "An old friend, a seer asked me to. They told me they had a vision of the possibility of the flaming saber being taken. Though they weren't certain because they saw another scenario where it wasn't taken." Sehun could only nod absentmindedly, still unable to believe the dagger had been the one last piece of the spear of triumph. It was clearly for the best that he didn't know, or the person responsible for stealing the other two weapons might have taken it as well. And that would have been a disaster. Thinking of who the culprit might be, Sehun looked at his grandpa. "About the culprit." His grandpa made a face as though he was hoping Sehun wouldn't bring it up which only perked Sehun's curiosity. "Do you really want to know?" The man asked, and there was a pained look on him. Does he? "Yes." He nodded firmly. He needed to know who the person was, no matter how disappointed he was going to be. Which he knew was a must. Because he trusted his pack members and it was definitely one of them. "It pains me greatly to know it will hurt my precious child– some people aren't just to be trusted" He let out a sigh and Sehun waited with bated breath for the name to be revealed. "It's Seulgi. She's working for Samael. Her being at that apartment wasn't a coincidence. It was all planned." "What?" Sehun exclaimed, searching his grandpa's eyes to see if the man was joking but the look on his face told Sehun it was far from that. He was telling the truth. Sehun never for once had thought her the culprit. For all he knew, the lady had only been to his rooms when Irene was taken and then she seemed lost to even notice the lay out– or was it just pretence? Most importantly she never even glanced at the location his secret room was. He had kept her at arms length, since the moment she joined the pack. It was only after mating his sister that Sehun warmed up a little to her, thinking her loyalty now lies with Irene. Oh God, Irene. Sehun felt despair in her stead, the betrayal of one's mate was the most painful. How was Irene going to take it? Devastated would be putting it mildly. Irene would be heartbroken. What was he supposed to do when the alpha was bonded to his sister– his sister that was now with child, Seulgi's child. "But I used my ultra command on her before bringing her into the pack." Sehun pulled himself out thoughts to say. It didn't make sense how she was able to answer effectively under the influence of his command. "I believe she was telling the truth at that time." "I don't understand." "I am not sure, but Samael must have erased her memories and planted the ones that would let her get into the pack without any suspicion. Because It's clear the bastard knew you'll take precautions." "But if that's the case then how did she remember what she was supposed to do?" "Probably he must've unlocked her memories when Zazel was captured. Or when she– you met in that mansion. The question is, why would she help him? She's no necromancer and had no connection with demons, shifters don't work with demons. What does he have against her to make her betray her mate. Her every instinct? Or what did he do to gain such loyalty?" "Is she even truly Irene's fated mate or was it also something part of his plan?" Sehun scowled. "She is her mate. I bet it was something they didn't see coming." Mr. Lee nodded. "Jungkook would have said something if he had noticed any abnormalities in their bond." Sehun felt pain at the mentioned of Jungkook. Who he had wrongly accused.  One of his most loyal friends, just because said friend was part demon, not knowing the real er was Seulgi. "It's not your fault. Jungkook understood." Mr. Lee said. "He never holds grudges. I assure you." Sehun let out a sigh. "Shouldn't Irene be able to see through her mind since they're bonded?" "Basically, she should be able to, but unfortunately Samael is a powerful being, with great magical properties. He wouldn't allow anyone or anything to stop him from achieving his goal. I don't know how he does it, but I can bet my life on the line that he had blocked that particular thought in Seulgi, preventing Irene to see his plans. He does things with calculations and that's what disturbs me the most. A powerful and smart demon is something even as powerful as I am, is afraid of." Sehun shuddered. If a powerful shifter mage like his grandpa was scared of Samael, then how was Sehun going to defeat him? "What do I do? Irene she's–" He asked, grasping his grandpa's hand. "It's yours to decide. You're the leader of the pack." Sehun was truly lost, because there was no scenario where his sister wouldn't end up hurt. And he hated it, hated to know there was nothing he could do to stop it. "Seulgi is the least of our worries. Though." The man suddenly said. Sehun snapped his tears filled eyes at his grandpa. "What do you mean?" "The war is coming Sehun and it's gonna be nasty. I need you cool headed and prepared. The war Dae'in had seen." "War?" Fear gripped him, fear for his cubs. His family, at the thought of said vision. "Yes, the demons are going to invade the surface. Some more powerful than you could ever imagine. So you can't fight it alone. You'll need all the help you could get." "Help?" Sehun only seemed capable of parroting. "Yes I don't mean this world– universe. Because your pack, and every mage and shifter can't help win it. You saw it. Everyone died." Sehun shuddered. "I don't understand. Universes? How do I even travel to another universe?" It wasn't making much sense. Nothing seemed to. "The dagger– you should know it's the strongest of its brethren. Just like the flaming saber, it also has the ability to open portals to places– different universes to be precise." He said. "You must know, there are others like you– other Sehuns. And you need them." "Other Sehuns? Like a me in other dimensions?" He knew scientist talked of something like that, but he had thought it bull. "You are correct. And it will be easier to convince yourselves than any other person." The look on the man's face convinced Sehun it was genuine. "Do they have abilities?" "Most do. It's up to you to decide if the other yous' abilities would be of use." Sehun allowed himself to absorb the info. "I don't even know how to use the dagger to open a portal to another dimension." "It will come to you naturally when you're ready to do so. The good thing is: even with the lack of energy, the dagger had recognized you as it's master. It will listen to your command." He said. "It's better to start practicing soon, the sooner you get the helpers to your side the better." "Is there a way– anything to avoid the war?" Mr. Lee shook his head with a sad smile. "Unfortunately. No" Sehun took a sharp intake before releasing it slowly."Will you be there when the war starts?" "Yes. Of course. Like I said you'll need all the help you can get." Hearing that, Sehun had the sinking realization that the war wasn't far behind. He didn't even know where to begin, so much on his plate already. "I have faith in your abilities." His grandpa told him. "Shouldn't the gods help? I mean they have the ability, they're the ones that banished them to the underworld in the first place." Mr. Lee hummed."The gods will help only when the fallen are involved. And which you know are sealed away in the depth of the earth." "But Samael had the weapons." It was a painful reminder, but the reality nonetheless. "It won't be enough to get them out. Those ritualistic murders happening, it was all with the intent to break the seals keeping the fallen– but they're far from completing the rituals–." He lowered his head, a shudder rocking his body and Sehun knew he wouldn't like what he hear next. "That's why they wanted Dae'in. With his powers, they can achieve their goal." Sehun felt his heart stopped for a moment. "They want him dead?" His voice was barely a whisper. "No, they're not getting their hands on my family. I will die before I let that happen. More reason to leave cultivation sooner." For some reason Sehun found a bit of comfort in those words. But not the part where his grandpa mentioned about dying. He wouldn't have it. Sehun would search every damn universe to prevent harm from befalling on his loved ones. And now he understood why his grandpa said, Seulgi was the least of their problem. Sehun lifted his head when a hand came to brush through his hair. Opening his mouth to speak, Sehun blinked when he heard a distant call of his name and realized the scenery was shaking. "Time to wake up dear." His grandpa said. Sehun closed his eyes, shook his head. They weren't done yet, there's still a lot he needed to ask, but the motion was abruptly cut off when he blinked his eyes open. He was no longer in the dream world, but back laying in his bed. He blinked a few times to adjust his vision, his head was a little fuzzy. From the brightness, Sehun could tell it was already morning. It seemed he spent quite some time in the dream world, even though it felt like minutes. "Sehun!" A hand was shaking him, and Sehun snapped his head to see Irene's tears stricken face looming over him. That had him jerking upright, his heart hammering. "Irene?" He reached out and she instantly threw herself into his arms, sobbing loudly. "What's happening?" He held her tight. "Seulgi, she's gone." His sister choked out after some time. "Gone?" Sehun darted his eyes around the room and noticed Kris was there. Beside him Kai had a frown on his face. She nodded, pulling back to wipe her face before placing a piece of paper in his hands. "I woke up and found that on the bedsides. Her belongings had all disappeared." Sehun lowered his head to read the note. I am sorry. I can't stay more than I already have. I love you. Irene. Take care of our child. May you find love where it is well deserved. Was what the note said. Yeah he agreed with one thing, Seulgi didn't deserve his sister. Sehun was going to make her pay the next time they meet. He didn't know whether to be relieved or not, now that Seulgi had taken it upon herself to leave on her own. Maybe he didn't have to tell Irene the truth, that would save her a lot of heartache. No, a part of him said. Irene deserved the truth, no matter how much it would hurt. Sehun took a deep breath, pulling his sister into his arms. "I am sorry Irene. Can you feel her through your bond?" Irene shook her head. "I can't." Sehun wasn't surprised. If Seulgi wanted to hide, that was the best way to ensure she wasn't found. The bond between them would enable Irene to find her. And he knew she wasn't foolish to do that. She must've blocked it. Patting Irene's back, Sehun said with much reluctance. " Seulgi's working Samael." Irene jerked away, looking at him as though he had lost his mind. "I am sorry. I just had a conversation with grandpa." The look on his sister's face was something he never wished to see in his long shifter life. It full of anguish, betrayed and panic. She began shaking her head back and forth in denial. "No, no it isn't true." She let out scream that pierced through Sehun's heart, before she suddenly stilled and Sehun knew what was coming. He was on his feet, holding her before she hit the floor. With a heavy heart, Sehun gently laid his sister on the bed, her face before turning to face his brother and mate. "She really did it?" Kris asked, balling his hands. Sehun nodded. "Grandpa told me– he told me a lot of things." He sighed, a hand going to rub at his temple, before telling them all he had discussed with his grandpa. Kai's body jerked when Sehun mentioned about Dae'in being part of the ritual. "No, by Gods. I will like to see them try.
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748 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot