Chapter twenty-six

Hooligans Paradise.
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  Sehun had his mouth open as he stared at his sister, eyes blown wide as he took in her newly mating bite. He was happy and sad at the same time, he suddenly felt like a dad marrying off his daughter. Now that his sister was mated, she wouldn't need him to protect her anymore, she would have her mate, and Sehun wouldn't be able to see her, be with her all the time, because now she was a married woman and had a responsibility toward her mate. The whole ordeal took him off guard because Sehun wasn't even given the chance to make proper arrangements for the mating ceremony. Seulgi was suddenly in a rut, and Irene had offered to share it with her willingly. Sehun knew it was for the best, now with a mating bite, no one would dare to take her as a breeding machine or something like that. A mated Omega had that protection. Speaking of which– what made him, even more, conflicted was the fact that she was expecting. Seulgi had managed to knock her up within their one week of passionate lovemaking. But all that mattered was his sister's happiness. And she seemed happy if the way her hand wouldn't leave her stomach– when he told her about the new life growing inside her– and the never-ending smile were an indication to go by. Irene must gave sensed his conflicted emotions, as she to tug him into her arms. "I wanted this Sehun. I am happy. Really." Sehun hugged her back, smiling against her shoulder. "I know. I wouldn't have let you otherwise." He sighed. "Your happiness is all that matters. I am only sad for not giving you a proper mating ceremony." She laughed, shaking her head. "We can always have a wedding later. I will give you the chance to properly send me off." Sehun lightly smacked her. "You sounds as though you're leaving the pack." "Nah, we're not leaving. I've made it clear and Seulgi respects that. It was one of the reasons I was willing to mate." "Ai, now I feel much better. I am going to organize a grand wedding for you after the babe is born" He pulled back and went to touch her belly. It was barely a week old and wasn't showing yet, but as a shifter– cheetah, it wouldn't take a month before it became visible. Sehun couldn't wait to see his sister getting fat in the middle. And was already imagining how the cub would look like. Irene laughed at the dreamy look on his face. "Now tell me when do you plan on doing it with Kai? We're all holding our breaths waiting." At the mention of his boyfriend, Sehun blushed. "Not long." He said with a wave of his hand. "We're currently getting to know each other, and we'll be going on a date tomorrow, so after that. I am already feeling signs of my heat coming up. It won't be long." His sister's eyes brightened, and was about to speak but was interrupted by the sound of his phone. Sehun glanced at it and frowned slightly upon seeing Chanyeol's name. The Alpha wasn't on a mission, so why would he call if he had something to talk about instead of just coming to find him? He picked up the call anyway. He was a responsible leader and would never ignore a call from his pack members. "Hey Chan, what's up?" "Baekhyun has given birth to a baby boy." He said, sounding breathless as though unable to contain his excitement of having become a father. Sehun could relate to that. He could never forget the time he had his babes. "Wow Chanyeol congratulations, that's wonderful. Can we come to see him and the baby?" "Yes of course." "Where's the right now?" "In our rooms." Both Sehun and his sister were on their feet as they rushed to the second floor. A few of the members were there to congratulate the new parents. Yoongi, Taehyung, Kai, Hoseok, Jimin, Jungkook, Luhan, and Kris– that had a smile, with an unreadable look in his eyes. Jimin was holding the boy– his nephew– with a grin on his face. Everyone could tell he was genuinely happy for his brother. Beside Jimin was Beomgyu, looking at the newborn with gleaming eyes. Sehun hadn't seen the boy often, but from the looks of things, he was adjusting perfectly with his new pack. Automatically, his body carried him to where Kai was stood, watching with his arms crossed. A smile appeared on Kai's face at the sight of Sehun, and he extended a hand, which Sehun readily accepted, leaning against the Alpha comfortably. With Kai's arm coming to wrap around his waist, Sehun looked at where Chanyeol was sat. "Where's Baekhyun?" He asked because the omega wasn't in sight, but he could smell him nearby. "Sleeping." Chanyeol nodded at the closed door. "He's exhausted." Sehun hummed, he had spent hours sleeping after giving birth to his cubs. It was a way for shifters' bodies to heal themselves. "Can I?" He asked, gesturing at the newborn still in Jimin's arms. Chanyeol nodded with a smile. "Of course Sehun." Having gotten the approval, Sehun extended his arms and Jimin didn't let him wait for long, as he passed the baby over. The baby was small, but still bigger than his cubs when he had them. Of course, since this was a single baby, he would naturally be bigger, unlike triplets. As Sehun looked at the child, Kai poked his head to look as well. It seems he just got there and hadn't the chance to see the babe. "He's so cute," Kai said. "And small." Sehun laughed at that, "you should have seen the triplets when they were born. So tiny." A look of sadness briefly appeared on Kai's face, but it didn't escape Sehun's eyes. "I wish I was there to see them born. See you heavily pregnant with our cubs." A warmth spread through Sehun, his insides melting and his brain seem to have melted as well because he grinned and blurted out. "We could always make more." Without thinking. Kai's eyes widen, then he smiled so brightly, his eyes disappearing into a crescent. "That would be great. I wanna make more babes with you." Sehun ducked his head blushing and from across the room, his brother groaned. "Stop flirting and do the deed already." Laughter erupted, causing Sehun to lower his head, even more, unable to look at his friends. "Yeah, we are desperate to see the leader's wedding," Jimin said. Sehun lifted his head to glare at his best friend, which Jimin only shrugged too, smiling even more. "That's what I've been–" Kris began but stopped when his phone vibrated. He made a pausing gesture at Sehun before looking down at his phone. Watching the frown on Kris' face Sehun passed the baby over to Irene's awaiting arms. He felt something was wrong, and sure enough, Kris cursed rising to his feet. "The ?" Chanyeol smacked Kris on the head, quickly reaching out to cover Beomgyu's ears but the other Alpha didn't bother with him, his eyes were fixated on his cell phone with strong killing intent. "What happened?" Sehun asked, already making his way over and the room was silent, everyone was watching Kris closely, waiting for the wolf to say something. Sehun didn't wait for his brother to speak as he snatched the phone to take a look for himself. His eyes narrowing at what he saw, Sehun let out humorless laughter, a wicked glint could be seen in his eyes. Looking at the images of the chief of police and Taeyang receiving an award along with a promotion for their great services to the public, Sehun eyes narrowed even more and another low laugh escaped him. It seemed he had let those people forget themselves for quite a while and were still living a comfortable life after everything they had done to him and many shifters alike. It wasn't that Sehun had forgotten or forgiven them, no, it was quite far from that. He had only allowed them to believe they had gotten Scot free for all their bad deeds. He was deliberately waiting for a moment like this. A moment where they would be high on top, enjoying their diabolic victories and that was when he would throw them to the ground without mercy. Just as they did him. It was finally time to visit old friends. Watching the wicked expression on Sehun's face, almost everyone in the room shuddered, that was a look they never wished to be on the receiving end of. Whoever had offended Sehun, would be in for it. Not many knew but Sehun hardly hold grudges, but when he did, he wouldn't let go until that person was a goner. Silently, they all lit a candle for whomever it was in their hearts. And the most amazing thing was, they were going to help Sehun achieve his goal. Sehun needed not to ask, they would readily jump into the fire with him. The leader had earned it. No one in the pack would say he had ever done Sehun a favor, it was the leader that did them all great favors. Thus they were happy, eager to do something for him in return, no matter how little or big it was. They were all curious as to what was happening, but no one dared to ask, only Irene, as she walked over to her brother, baby still in hands. "Oppa what is it?." Sehun lifted his head to look at his sister, a small smile on his handsome face. "Just thinking of the best way to mess up some unlucky fuc– people," he glanced briefly at Beomgyu that was blinking cutely at him, it brought a smile to his face. Sehun was going to hit them so hard that they would wish for a simple death, they would never, ever have the face to look up again. "Tell us more!" Yoongi said, crossing his arms over his chest. And Sehun did, he told them all that had happened. Though they knew a few things and could guess most of it, this was the first time Sehun was openly telling them– except Kris, Jungkook, and Irene– about his past. "Oh, they're so dead." Jimin clenched his hands, unhidden rage radiating off his body. "Just tell us what you need us to do." "We'll need Hoseok's help before making our move," Sehun said, handing Kris back his phone. "When do we make our move?" Kris asked, shoving his phone inside his pocket, just like Jimin Kris also couldn't hide his anger. The slight tremble of his body told Sehun how much his brother was holding back. "I have a date with Kai tomorrow, after that, I'll give someone a visit. By then Hoseok must have found all we needed for the mission." The date was important, it was a new step into his love life and Sehun didn't plan on giving it up for anything, that was what he would focus on now. As for the chief and Taeyang, they should wait longer. And before that, there was someone Sehun needed to visit. "Hoseok get to work will you?" Hoseok nodded, grabbing his tab as he asked Kris for information. The guy was effective and Sehun knew in no time, he would find what they needed. Turning to face Kai, Sehun realized the Alpha was staring at him but his eyes were somewhat unfocused as though his mind wasn't here. Just as he was about to ask what was wrong, his phone startled him. He inwardly groaned, pulling the device before connecting the call. It was Daniel. "Daniel." "Hey, Sehun. How's Irene doing? I heard what happened from Junmyeon today." "She's fine now." His eyes subconsciously went to his sister that was leaning over to look at what Hoseok was doing. A sigh left Daniel's mouth, he seemed relieved. "That's good. Take care of her." "Will do." Sehun smiled. "Have you seen the pics Junmyeon sent?" Daniel asked. Sehun hummed. "Seen it." "Are we gonna let them off still?" The beta sounded annoyed but was trying not to let Sehun feel it. Sehun understood his friend, Daniel had asked him several times why he didn't deal with those ers, when he had the power and resources to do just that. Sehun would always respond with 'not the time yet'. "No not this time," Sehun said, his head lowered. Daniel laughed softly. "ing finally." Sehun could feel the smile and his lifted spirit. "So What are you going to do?" "Give them a taste of their own medicine." He said, without much elaboration. But Daniel seemed to understand what he meant, "there's no better way than that." He agreed. "When do plan on making a move? Taeyang had been parading around the station, smugly showing off his new status as the chief. I want to slap his face so hard." "Don't worry he won't last long," Sehun promised. "Good. Tell me what do you need me to do?" "Get me the list of everyone involved with the chief." Sehun wasn't certain if Daniel could pull this off, because he was asking the beta to snoop Taeyang's phone. With what Daniel would find, it would be easier for Hoseok to do his job. They would have a list and wouldn't need to dig deeper. "I can do it. But you know he's probably using a burner phone for that kind of dealings." "Yes but he'll have to keep records of things, you know how they easily turn their backs on one another. He wouldn't be stupid, to only use a burner phone." Daniel hummed. "Your right. I will make sure to get all I could, no matter what." He vowed and Sehun knew he meant it. "Just give me a day, I will bring the info over tomorrow." "Thanks, Daniel. I know I am asking a lot from you." "What are you saying? We're friends. Friends help each other Sehun. I've been wanting to do this– help you, for a long time. I haven't forgotten what they did to you." "Alright. But you have to make sure he doesn't notice a thing. I don't want them alerted." Daniel chuckled. "Don't worry I already have a plan in mind." "And be careful." "I will. Promise." Daniel said. "Now that it's settled. Tell me how are the kids doing?" The beta had always been fond of the triplets and would call just to check on them. It was even a surprise he hadn't asked about them the moment Sehun answered the call. "Less naughty." Daniel laughed once again. "That's good, and how's their dad?" Just like he never hid things from his friend, Daniel also knew about Kai's matter. At that Sehun lifted his head to where Kai was, the Alpha was still watching him but now his focus was back."We'll be going on a date tomorrow." He smiled and Kai smiled back at him. "That's great news. I am so happy for you guys." The excitement in his tone made Sehun smile some more. "Have you made reservations?" "No, I was planning on walking down the park– eating street food." "Are you kidding me?" "I am serious." His friend laughed. "That won't do. This is your first real date Sehun. How about this? I will make a reservation for you two at a nice restaurant. You can have a good romantic dinner." "I don't want to trouble you." It wasn't that Sehun didn't hadn't thought of something like that, it was just that, he didn't want to expose himself and the pack since he would have to give some information while making reservations. "No trouble at all Sehun. I am happy to do this. Besides, it will be under my name, no harm done." Since Daniel had offered, there was no reason for Sehun to reject, moreover he wanted to give Kai the best experience, after all, he was the one that asked him out on a date. Thus he agreed. "Alright." "Perfect. I will send the info after I booked it." "Uhm can you make it lunch?" "Of course Sehun." They talked some more, before hanging up the phone. Before Sehun had a chance to breathe, he received a call from Junmyeon that needed his attention. He wanted to talk to Kai and ask what was wrong with the Alpha. But now it seemed he could only push it back to another time. Glancing at his friends, Sehun said. "We've got work to do." Chanyeol was the first to rise but Sehun shook his head. "Not you Hyung. I can't take you along when your baby's just born." He jerked his head at the closed door. "Besides, Baekhyun needs you by his side." *** "So what's the mission?" Jennie asked, as the car stopped, his team didn't ask questions until now, they blindly followed Sehun, which showed how much trust they had in him "Penthouse extraction." Sehun began. "We're gonna break out a person– let's just call them valor– from their 60th- floor prison." Junmyeon didn't tell him the name of the person, thus Sehun came up with a code name." it's a simple snatch and grabs minus the word simply because it's not." "Snatch?" "Snatch and grab? Aren't they the same thing?" Jungkook said. Sehun rolled his eyes. "They're. Listen, guys, the next buildings over we'll use the sky cranes." He pointed at the said location while he looked at Jimin. "One as sniper's nest for yours truly. And one as a crossover building to building for Taehyung." "Why not just use magic?" Jimin wondered. "We can't, this is a mission to test ourselves. Show me all that training you've gone through– and the expensive machines I had installed hasn't been a waste of time and money." Sehun said, seeing the confused looks on their faces he decided to explain. "Junmyeon had warned me, that place probably is a military research center, it has a lot of traps for magic users and shifters, thus the safe way is to avoid both the above." He waited and made sure they understood before he sai
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749 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot