Chapter three

Hooligans Paradise.
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  With trembling hands Sehun reached for his phone and searched for the video that caused such a fuss.  Looking at his pleasure stricken face as an unknown alpha pounded him, and knowing this had been seen by the world, made Sehun to double over and fell off the bed in shock.  Oh God! Just what kind of nightmare was this? He slapped himself hard on the face, hoping desperately to wake up from this horrible, terrible dream. But the sting on his face told him this was far from a dream, it was reality, his reality. Not being able to watch anymore, he threw his phone across the room, as though it was a bee that stung him. He had wanted to bury what had happened to him deep inside his mind and move on, to slowly get over it with the help of his brother. But suddenly the world was involved, had seen a part of him that he had never wanted them to see, he never intended to share that intimate part of himself. And now that it had happened, he had no way of dealing with it. Recalling through his hazy memories, that time when the lights were switched on must've been the moment the video was recorded. Ah what kind of mess was this? Now wishing he had listed to his brother's words, Sehun held his head with both hands, shaking, hoping everything would go away. It throbbed as though it was about to exploded and he screamed. Though he knew he couldn't escape it for long, but he shouldn't have watched the TV in first place, he wouldn't have known the world was ending, his world was ending.He would have had a few more moments of peace.  Lifting his eyes to look at the TV once again, Sehun still couldn't believe what he had just seen. Just last week he was a hero loved by many and a diligent law enforcement officer. But suddenly he had turned into the bad guy. How could this be? What had gone wrong? Just when he thought his life was good and would continue to be so in the future, it suddenly crashed into the deepest part of the ocean.  He had hoped one day to find a mate, settle down and make a family. But now what descent Alpha would want him? His dreams shattered before his eyes and there was nothing, absolutely nothing he could do. What kind of trick was fate playing on him? He hit his chest, hoping it would ease the pain, even a little bit. He felt even more pain as he watched his brother loosing control, fear and worry engulfed Sehun's mind. Whomever was behind this incident had achieved the outmost results they had hoped for. Sehun had been branded a criminal/, his brother's grief stricken action had shown the world how dangerous shifters were. Now people would see that shifters were nothing more but the animals they thought them to be. Those that hated them before would have something to justify their hatred on. Knowing that sitting here and crying wouldn't solve a damn it, Sehun slowly got up, pulled off the hospital gown and clumsily wore a pair a clothes his brother had brought for him. He needed to see his brother, to make sure he was okay and wouldn't do something stupid more than he had already done. At least knowing his brother was fine would give him a little peace of mind in his chaotic state. With that in mind, he made his way out. Luckily the hospital he was staying at wasn't known by the public, thus he was able to leave without hindrance. But as he walked, people began to recognize him, giving him looks. Those looks had once been with respect, but now they were tainted by overt disgust and a few with pity. He lowered his head not wanting to see more as he walked. He didn't know how long he had been walking, but suddenly his path was blocked. Sehun lifted his head to see a group of four malice looking men– humans. On of them had a photo in his hand, as they looked between Sehun's face and the photo. "It's him." One exclaimed. Sehun tried to avoid them by changing his course, but those people wouldn't have it as they would block him which ever way he chose to take. And finally he was led into an alley. Though it was daytime, but the place was deserted, not a soul could be seen. Knowing nothing good would come out of this, Sehun's body shivered."What do you want?" He suppressed his fear as he asked after a long moment of standing there in silence. Instead of responding, two of the men backed him off, until Sehun's back hit the wall. He knew it wouldn't be good to be trapped, thus he changed his position, now instead of being trapped against a wall he was stood in the middle of the alley, with men surrounding him from all angle. "Teaching a like you a lesson. I hate you kind, dirty animals. I am happy to rid the world of things like you." A split second later the air rushed out of his lungs when something solid struck him between his shoulder blades from behind. He stumbled forward, a blow to his thigh forcing him onto his hands and knees with a painful growl. Around him, three large humans in black ski masks and black gloves crowded him. Damn it, where had they come from?  Sehun moved, intent on pushing himself to his feet when someone kicked him in the stomach, leaving him once again winded. He landed roughly on his side, holding onto his bruised ribs and stomach, his teeth gritted as he breathed heavily through his nose. "You ing . I don't even know who the you're, but being a Shifter Is enough for me to do this." A man without a mask said. “ you,” Sehun spat out. Another kick confirmed mouthing off wasn’t appreciated.  They obviously didn’t know him. With a groan, Sehun leaned slightly to take in the sight of their neat attire. Maybe they did know him or were probably pretending not to. “Who sent you?” He didn’t need to know. What’s more, he didn’t care. All he needed was enough time to figure out who he was up against and make an escape. “The Human race,” one of them snarled. That voice sounded familiar. Sehun let out a laugh. What an . It hadn’t taken him long to piece things together after noticing the gang’s black dress slacks and shiny black shoes. Those people were cops, probably some amongst the many he had worked along side with and Sehun guessed they were in the same league as the chief of police, also involved with the bad guys. With a curse, he rolled forward to press his forehead against the ground.  The only surprising part of this whole encounter was the fact it hadn’t come sooner– Detective Taeyang was the one that spoke. At least they weren’t going to kill him? Probably just make him bleed a little. “Well, I got the message, so you can all go home now. You did your duty.” He received a blow to the arm with a shiny steel baton; most likely the same object they’d used to hit him in the back. Man, he was going to be sore tomorrow. "I–" Sehun began but a slap to his face shut him off. He allowed it, allowed them to, not because he couldn't fight them but because he didn't want to. There was no use in fighting such people that had made their minds on a certain thing. Nothing Sehun would do make a difference. They dragged him to his feet, one holding on to each of his arms as a third came to stand before him. Sehun closed his eyes and braced himself, his mind chastising him for being such a coward. The punch landed square across his jaw, snapping his head to one side and splitting his lip. That hurt. He ran a tongue over his teeth to make sure nothing was loose. Nope, nothing there but the tangy taste of his own blood. Lost for a moment, he didn't know what happened next, he only felt a familiar pain on his neck and he realized too late, he was injected with something. "Oh God, not again." He mumbled before he fell face first, losing his consciousness. ****
In a different realm, a man in golden robes stood in front of a mirror. It was no ordinary mirror, but one that could allow him to see through the mortal realm. He frowned deeply upon seeing the scene, his blood boiling with rage that he was trying his hardest not to let get the best of him.  How dare them? Those lowly mortals, treating Sehun that way? He was anxious and really wanted to interfere, but he clenched his hands as he tried to suppress that urge. He knew it was against the rules– not that he really give a damn about those rules– It was simply because he did not wish to cause trouble for his beloved husband. When he saw the boy getting hit again, he almost could not control himself as he hastily stood up. But just as he was about to do the one thing he was trying not to, a strong arm came to wrap around his waist from behind. Knowing there was only one immortal in the whole of the realm that was allowed to touch him freely, he let out a sigh and closed his eyes when a kiss landed on the side of his neck. "Calm down my love." His husband whispered, hand tightening around him.  "I am trying." He said in his defense, a pout on his beautiful face. A chuckle came from behind him, deep and the sound was lovely, causing a shiver down his spine. "I know my love. But do not forget, we are forbidden to interfere with their affairs." "But he's not anyone, he's–" he bit his lips, body trembling slightly. There was something– a secret he had kept about the boy he hadn't told his husband and he didn't think it was yet the time to say it.  "If you cannot hold yourself back now Yaguar, how could you in the future?" Hearing that, Yaguar spun around and pinned his husband with a look. "What are you talking about? You told me this–" he pointed at the mirror. "Will only make him stronger." "And I did not lie. It would surely pave the way for him to becoming strong. But do not forget, the more powerful one is the more trouble comes one's way." "What will happen in the future?" Yaguar asked desperately, he hated this feeling of powerlessness, of being at someone else's mercy. "I am not certain yet, the fates would not let me take more look." "Then how did you–" "I pulled in a favor. You know who." Yaguar nodded, eyes flickering to the mirror once again and it only caused his heart to ache even more, thus he looked away and decided to keep his gaze on his husband. "Do you think he will make it through?" He asked in a low voice. His husband, leaned to drop a kiss to his temple. "He would not be alone for long. And he is stronger than he thinks. We should not give him the benefits of the doubts." Another sigh escaped him, he closed his eyes one more time, allowing himself to bask in the warmth the God before him provided. "I believe in you, and in him."


This time when he woke up, he was expecting to see himself in a room, writhing on a bed or something like that but unexpectedly he was laying on an earthy ground, the sun shining unforgivingly on his face, surrounded by bushes. His mouth was gagged, it seemed those people had carried away from city. Away from civilization.  "He's awake." One of the men said– definitely not Taeyang. "Now we could kill you and enjoy watching the life slipped away from your eyes." And then something had hit his head, almost making him to blackout again. "Yeah feel that? Boss will be thrilled when he learn that you're dead." What?” Sehun wheezed, when a baseball bat collided with his arm. What's with those people and baseball bat? Hadn't they beaten him enough? He let out a sharp cry, the pain in his side almost as bad as the one in his head. His face throbbed from where it had rubbed against a rock when he’d hit it the first time. He felt sick, and he knew the only reason he hadn’t thrown up was because his stomach was empty. He’d promised Kris he’d fight back, but it was hard to do so . He was so tired of getting beat up. There was no point in asking more questions. These guys/cops had been paid to hurt him. Most clearly didn’t know him personally. Sehun tried to move despite his bruised and battered body, but he didn’t get anywhere, a boot clamping down on his back and slamming him back into the ground. Sehun gasped as his lungs struggled to take in air. And then he was being hauled off the ground, two men holding him on both sides, as two more stood in front of him. He was barely able to open his swollen beaten eyes. "What do you really want with me? Who sent you?" He asked. They laughed, hard and loud, the sound
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748 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot